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McKeel, Daniel Royce. Systematics, Biostratigraphy, and Paleooceanography of Tertiary Planktonic Foraminiferal Assemblages, Oregon Coast Range In Geology. Vol. Master. Geology Master. Santa Cruz, California: University of California, 1972.
Silver, Eli Alfred. Structure of the Continental Margin off Northern California, North of the Gorda Escarpment In Oceanography. Vol. Ph.D. San Diego, California: University of California, 1969.
Herron, John Emanuel. Stratigraphy of the Miocene Agate Beach Formation in Lincoln County, Oregon In Geology. Vol. Master. Geology Master. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State College, 1953.
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Goodwin, Clinton John. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation of the Yaquina Formation, Lincoln County, Oregon In Geology. Vol. Master. Geology Master. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University, 1973.
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Samuels, Stephan Richard. Spatial Patterns and Cultural Processes in Three Northwest Coast Longhouse Floor Middens from Ozette In Anthropology. Vol. Ph.D. Pullman, Washington: Washington State University, 1983.
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Harper, Herbert Ewing. Preliminary Report on the Geology of the Molalla Quadrangle, Oregon In Geology. Vol. Master. Geology Master. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State College, 1946.
Turner, Donald Lloyd. Potassium Argon Dates Concerning the Tertiary Foraminiferal Time Scale and San Andreas Fault Displacement In Geology. Vol. Ph.D. Geology Ph.D. Berkeley, California: University of California, 1960.
Koch, Allan James. Petrology of the "Hoh Formation" of Tertiary Age in the Vicinity of the Raft River, Western Washington. Vol. Master. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington, 1968.
Pearl, James E.. Petrology of Tertiary Sedimentary Rocks in the Northwesternmost Part of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington In Geology. Vol. Master. Geology Master. San Jose, California: San Jose State University, 1977.
Stewart, Richard John. Petrology, Metamorphism, and Structural Relations of Graywacke in the Western Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Vol. Ph.D. Stanford, California: Stanford University, 1969.
Pisciotto, Kenneth Anthony. A Petrographic Study of the Lyre Formation and Equivalent Strata Along the Northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington In Geology. Vol. Master. Geology Master. Stanford, California: Stanford University, 1972.
Moyer, Ronald D.. Paleomagnetism of the Tertiary Rocks of the Northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington, and its Tectonic Implications In Geology. Vol. Master. Geology Master. Bellingham, Washington: Western Washington University, 1985.
Wells, Ray E.. Paleomagnetism and Tectonics of the Crescent Formation and Overlying Sedimentary Rocks, Southwest Washington Coast Range In Geology. Vol. Ph.D. Geology Ph.D. Santa Cruz, California: University of California, 1982.
Wells, Ray Edward. Paleomagnetism and Geology of Eocene Volcanic Rocks in Southwest Washington: Constraints on Mechanisms of Rotation and their Regional Tectonic Significance In Earth Science. Vol. Ph.D. Santa Cruz, California: University of California, 1982.
Simpson, Robert Whitten. Paleomagnetic Evidence for Tectonic Rotation of the Oregon Coast Range In Geophysics. Vol. Ph.D. Geophysics Ph.D. Stanford, California: Stanford University, 1977.
Parker, Michael J.. Oligocene and Miocene Geology of the Tillamook Embayment, Tillamook County, Northwestern Oregon In Geology. Vol. Master. Geology Master. Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University, 1987.
Raleigh, Robert Eugene, Jr.. Nannofossil Dating of Cordilleran Suspect Terranes of Southwestern Oregon In Geological Sciences. Vol. Master. Geological Sciences Master. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University, 1984.
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