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, F
, F
A, Sprombergm J.
A.T. Kearney Inc. Centaur Division
Aagesen, A M
Aagesen, Alisha M.
Aalto, K R
Abbey, C. A.
Abbot, D. H.
Abbott, P L
Abe, O
Abel, C E
Abell, J
Abelson, Philip H
Abernathy, K.
Abeyta, Carlos Jr.
Able, K. W.
Abookire, A. A.
Abott, P
Abou Najm, M R
Abrams, M. D.
Abu Dagga, Y
Acha, M
Acha, E. M.
Achaval, F
Achterberg, Eric P
Achterman, G.
Ackakaya, H R
Acker, Steven A.
Ackerman, Richard
Ackman, R. G.
Acuna, E
Acuna, J. L.
Adachi, T.
Adam, P.
Adam, Michael D.
Adams, G. D.
Adams, Michael J
Adams, Kramer A
Adams, Josh
Adams, J
Adams, D. L.
Adams, J. N.
Adams, T.
Adams, P B
Adams, Peter B
Adams, John
Adams, S. M.
Adams, N
Adams, Pete (eds.)
Adams, Heather E
Adams, Pete
Adams, E. E.
Adams, Jeff
Adams, Roger M.
Adamson, David
Adamus, Paul R
Addicott, W O
Addicott, Warren O
Adkins, Jessica Y
Adkisson, Kelsey
Administration, National Oceanic an
Adopt a Beach
Advisory Committee to the State Land Board
Afremova, R A
Agar, S M
Agency, United States. En
Agency, Walt Nelson. Un
Agency, United States Env
Agency, Walt Nelson Uni
Agiovlasitis, S
Agnew, D C
Agostini, V N
Agostini, V. N.
Agresti, Alan
Agricultural Experiment Station
Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State Agricultural College
Agriculture, Oregon. State Dept.
Aguayo, A.
Aguayo, Eduardo
Aguilar, A.
Aguilar-Mendez, M J
Aguirre, Emiliano
Ahgeak, E F
Ahlers, Brian L.
Ahmad, Raisuddin
Ahmadi, Farshad
Aikawa, T
Aikens, Melvin C
Ailstock, M. S.
Ailstock, Stephen
Ainley, D. G.
Ainley, David G
Ainsworth, Justin
Ainsworth, C
Ainsworth, Justin C.
Aizenshtat, Zeev
Akmajian, Adrianne
Akpalu, W.
Aksornsri, Weeraporn
Al-Hinty, H. M.
Al-Jufaily, Saud M.
Al-Thobaiti, S. A.
Alam, S
Alama-Bermejo, G.
Alarcón, D.
Alaska, University of
Alaska), Hatchery Policy Gro
Alayan, K E
Alayan, Kathryn E
Albers, John P
Albert, T. F.
Albertani, R.
Albertson, Giselle Renee
Albertson, Renee
Albertson, Renee
Albrecht, B
Albrecht, Julia N.
Alcaraz, Arturo
Alcock, F J
Alderman, R.
Aldous, Allison
Aldrich, L T
Aldridge, David C.
Aleaziz, Farzad
Alexander, Alana M.
Alexander, Alana
Alexander, Julie D.
Alexander, M
Alexander, H.
Alexander, Lewis M
Alexander, J. D.
Alexander, V.
Alexander, Corrinne
Alexander, J
Alexandrova, W A
Alger, Christopher
Algermissen, S T
Alheit, J.
Alin, S R
Allan, J
Allan, Jonathan C
Allan, Jonathan
Allan, J. A.
Allard, C. K.
Alleau, Yvan
Alleau, Y
Allee, Brian J
Allen, Niel R
Allen, Clarence R
Allen, Mary E.
Allen, C R
Allen, Sean
Allen, John Eliot
Allen, R
Allen, S. K.
Allen, R. M.
Allen, J E
Allen, A. N.
Allen, H. E.
Allen, J.
Allen, Ginny
Allendorf, F. W.
Allison, Gary W.
Allison, Ira S
Allison, T. C.
Allman, R. J.
Allwardt, Alan
Allyn, A. J.
Almasi, K. N.
Almasi, Kama N
Almgren, Alvin A
Almonacid-Merino, Sergio Felipe
Alpha, Tau R
Alpha, T R
Alpha, Tau Rho
Alspach, George Samuel
Alspach, George Samuel
Alvarez, S.
Alvarez, Leonardo
Amador-Caballero, M.
Amand, St. P
Amandi, Antonio
Amata, Lara
Amatya, Devendra M.
Amberg, H R
Ambrose, Richard
Ambrose, W. G.
Ambrose, R. F.
Ambusaidi, Hilal Saud
Amend, Mark
Amend, D. F.
Amend, Donald F
American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Pacific Section
American Fisheries Society
American Fisheries Society.
American Fisheries Society. Oregon Chapter
American Fisheries Society. Oregon Chapter. Estuary Conservation and Development Committee
American Geological Institute,
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Civil Engineers. Coasts Oceans Ports and Rivers Institute
American Society of Civil Engineers. Ports and Harbors Technical Committee
Ames, K
Ames, Kelly L.
Ames, Robert T.
Ammann, A. J.
Ammann, A
Amogan, Harold P.
Amrein, Y. U. L.
Amspoker, Michael C
Amundsen, P. A.
An, Haejung
An, H. C.
Anadu, D. I.
Andelman, S
Anders, D E
Andersen, Heidi
Andersen, Christian P
Andersen, C P
Andersen, Helle B
Anderson, E. C.
Anderson, Brian
Anderson, Scott
Anderson, J. J.
Anderson, Dave
Anderson, Laura
Anderson, Dylan
Anderson, James Allen
Anderson, D. J.
Anderson, T. W.
Anderson, J. L.
Anderson, M. O.
Anderson, J O
Anderson, R. C.
Anderson, E. D.
Anderson, E M
Anderson, Robert S
Anderson, Scott W
Anderson, Jim
Anderson, P.
Anderson, Chauncey W.
Anderson, D. W.
Anderson, Dylan L.
Anderson, J. D.
Anderson, S. S.
Anderson, Kristen
Anderson, M
Anderson, C. M.
Anderson, R E
Anderson, Franz E
Anderson, David M
Anderson, Chauncey W
Anderson, S. P.
Anderson, D M
Anderson, C.
Anderson, James A
Anderson, J.
Anderson, Brady
Anderson, John W
Anderson, B
Andersson, A. J.
Ando, Masataka
Andrade, M. A.
Andrade, Jessica F.
Andreasen, Gordon E
Andres, B A
Andrew, Michael E
Andrews, M.
Andrews, Rupert Earle
Andrews, James E
Andrews, Kim
Andrews, K.
Andrews, K. S.
Andrews, O.
Andrews, James L
Andrews, R. D.
Andrews, J. E.
Andrews, A. G.
Andrews, A. H.
Anetai, Y.
Angel, Tiah
Angelis, Marie A
Angelis, Marie Agatha
Anggraeni, D.
Anghera, S
Anglin, Ron
Anker-Nilssen, T
Anketell, J M
Ankley, G. T.
Ankley, Gerald T
Anlauf, Kara Janaye.
Anlauf, Kara Janaye
Anlauf-Dunn, Kara
Anlauf‐Dunn, Kara J.
Ansfield, Valentine Joseph
Ansorge, I. J.
Antevs, Ernst
Anthony, J. A.
Anthony, E Y
Anthony, R. G.
Anthony, James
Anthony, Lowell H.
Anthropology, Portland State University. Department
Antia, David D J
Antolos, M.
Antona, M.
Antonova, N.
Antonovich, A
Antrim, L. D.
Antunes, P M
Anulacion, B
Anulacion, Bernadita F
Anulacion, Bernadita
Anulacion, B. F.
Aoki, M
Appelgate, Bruce
Appleby, Christina A.
Applegate, David
Appy, Ralph
Appy, Marcus
Arabas, K B
Arakawa, Cindy K.
Arakawa, Hiroaki
Aramaki, T
Arana, P. M.
Arbuckle, Scarlett
Archer, Pamela Emily
Archer, S. D.
Archer, Eric
Archer, F I
Arculus, R. J.
Arculus, R.
Arden, W. R.
Ardren, William R
Ardren, W R
Ardren, William R.
Arendt, M. D.
Ares, Adrian
Argaiz, Alvaro
Arismendi, I.
Arismendi, Ivan
Arkley, Rodney J
Arkoosh, M R
Arkoosh, Mary
Arkoosh, Mary R
Arlen, L
Armentrout, John M
Armentrout, J M
Armstrong, W
Armstrong, J.
Armstrong, J. D.
Armstrong, Augustus K
Armstrong, A. E.
Armstrong, A K
Armstrong, David A
Armstrong, Emma Maria
Armstrong, Janet L
Armstrong, Richard Lee
Armstrong, J E
Arnberger, Arne
Arndt, Madison
Arnold, Gary
Arnold, Ralph
Arnold, Forest D
Arnold, Linsey
Arnorsson, S
Arnould, J. P. Y.
Arnulf, A. F.
Aroner, L C
Aronson, J
Aronstein, D
Arrcas, Diego
Arroyo, Jose Francisco
Art, Cleveland Museum of
Arthur, J M
Arthur, R.
Asaro, F
Asche, F.
Aseltine-Neilson, D.
Ash, S H
Ashe, Evan
Ashley, G H
Askren, David
Asquith, Andrew C
Associates, R N R K
Associates, Erichsen and
Associates, Heritage Research
Associates, Philip Williams &
Association, Coos Watershed
Association, Oregon Coastal Zone Management
Asson, Danielle
Asudeh, Isa
Atchison, M E
Ateljevich, E.
Athaillah, Zatil Afrah
Athaillah, Zatil A.
Atkins, Glenn J.
Atkins, Glenn J
Atkinson, S
Atwater, Tanya
Atwater, Brian F
Au, Whitlow W. L.
Au, David Wah Kwai
Au, W. W. L.
Aubin-Horth, N
Aubry, Marie-Pierre
Augustin, N.
Augustsson, T
Auld, H. L.
Ault, J. S.
Ault, W U
Ault, Wayne U
Ausmus, Standley L
Auster, P. J.
Austin, J D
Austin, Susan V.
Austin, B.
Auth, Toby D
Auyong, Jan
Avent, Sean
Averitt, Paul
Aydin, Atilla
Aydin, K
Ayeni, Timothy Olusegun
Ayers, Robert J
Ayon, P.
Azadbakht, Mohsen
Azevedo, Steve
B., DuRoss. Christophe
Babb, I.
Babbit, J. K.
Babcock, Scott R
Babcock, R S
Babeu, L
Babtista, A. M.
Bachelet, Dominique
Bacher, S
Bachman, R T
Bachman, Steven B
Bachman, Steven B
Bachman, Richard T
Bachmann, L
Bacho, John P
Back, N
Backus, D. H.
Bacon, Cathy G.
Badzinski, Erik
Bagchi, Debasis
Bagchi, Manashi
Bahls, Loren L.
Bahner, R. C.
Bahr, F.
Baier, C. T.
Baigun, Claudio R
Baigún, Claudio Rafael Mariano.
Baigun, Claudio R M
Baik, M. Y.
Bailey, Edgar H
Bailey, G S
Bailey, D K
Bailey, E H
Bailey, Robert J
Bailey, Helen
Bailey, H.
Bailey, Robert J.
Bailey, Robert J
Bailey, Eric D.
Bailey, A
Bailey, K. M.
Bailey, Vernon
Bailey, R O
Bailey, Robert
Bailey, John D.
Bailie, D.
Bailleul, F.
Baillie, Michael W
Baily, Vernon
Bair, Russell
Bair, Russell T.
Baird, Troy A.
Baird, D. J.
Baird, Robert A
Baird, R. W.
Baker, Nevé
Baker, Patrick
Baker, Charles D
Baker, E. T.
Baker, Scott
Baker, Carol Dianne
Baker, Elaine K
Baker, Cindy
Baker, Jr.
Baker, C. S.
Baker, Scott and 17 oth
Baker, Joan P
Baker, J P
Baker, E. T.
Baki, Pete
Balazs, G H
Balazs, Emery I
Balazs, G.
Balcazar, N. E.
Balcomb, K. C.
Baldwin, Ewart M
Baldwin, Rebecca E. B.
Baldwin, J R
Baldwin, E M
Baldwin, Rebecca
Baldwin, Ewart Merlin
Baldwin, Rebecca E.
Baldwin, R. F.
Baldwin, R. E.
Baldwin, Jeff
Baldwin, R.
Bales, William E
Bali, John Merton
Ball, D.
Ball, L. A.
Ball, Becky A
Ball, David
Ballachey, B. E.
Balladares, R
Ballance, Peter F
Ballance, L T
Ballard, R
Ballerini, T
Ballestra, S
Balocki, James B.
Balogh, G. R.
Balsley, James R
Balstad, T
Baltz, K
Balzer, W
Bamunawala, Janaka
Banas, N S
Banas, Neil S
Bancroft, Morgan P
Bancroft, Hubert Howe
Bane, J M
Bangs, Brian L
Banks, M. A.
Banks, A. S.
Banks, E R
Banks, Michael A
Banks, A S
Banner, C. R.
Banning, L H
Bannister, C
Bannister, S. C.
Bannister, J
Baptista, A. M.
Baptista, Antonio M
Baptista, A
Bara, John P
Barange, Manuael
Barao, T
Barbat, W F
Barber, J S
Barbour, R. J.
Barcelo, C
Barcelo, Caren
Barclay, R. M. R.
Barclay, A. H.
Bard, F. X.
Bard, D.
Bardgett, R
Barfod, Dan N.
Barger, Christopher
Bargmann, G. G.
Barker, David L.
Barksdale, Julian D
Barlow, J
Barnard, Patrick L.
Barnard, A.H.
Barnard, W D
Barnard, William D
Barnas, K.
Barnas, K. A.
Barner, Debra (Debra Carol) C
Barner, M
Barner, Debra
Barner, Debra C
Barnes, Melanie Ames Weed
Barnes, Calvin G
Barnes, Melanie A W
Barnes, M A
Barnes, P W
Barnes, David W.
Barnes, C. D.
Barnes, Melanie A
Barnes, Ivan
Barnes, I
Barnes, James R
Barnes, Debra C.
Barnes & Associates Inc.
Barnett, Elson T
Barnett, L. A. K.
Barney, Bryan Thomas
Barnhart, B.
Baron, Heather M
Baron, H.
Baross, J. A.
Barr, Y.
Barr, D.
Barr, Sandra M
Barragan-Barrera, D. C.
Barre, L.
Barreiro, B A
Barrett, Fred
Barrett, D L
Barrett, R. T.
Barrett, J
Barrett-O'Leary, M.
Barrick, Robert C
Barrick, R. C.
Barrie, J V
Barrios-Garrido, H
Barron, M. G.
Barron, John A
Barros, N. B.
Barros-Valazquez, J
Barrow, C
Barrows, R.
Barrows, F T
Barry, J
Barss, William H
Bartel, Marvin I
Bartens, J
Barth, J. A.
Barth, Tom F W
Barthel, Celeste
Barthel, C.
Barthel, K. G.
Bartholomew, J. L.
Bartholomew, Jerri L.
Bartleson, Bert
Bartlett, D.
Bartlett, Bruce Robert
Bartley, Devin
Barton, Colleen A
Barton, Michael G
Barton, Alan
Barton, A
Bartow, Alan J
Bartz, Krista K
Basar, E.
Bascom, W N
Basilio, A. J.
Bass, Ann E
Bassett, Zasha
Bassham, Susan L.
Bastida-Zavala, R
Bastron, Harry
Basu, N. K.
Batchelder, H P
Batchelder, Harold Parker
Bateman, Douglas S.
Bateman, Douglas
Bateman, P C
Bateman, Jr.
Bateman, D. S.
Bateman, Paul C
Bates, S. J.
Batie, Robert E
Batker, Dave
Batt, S
Battaglin, William
Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories,
Battin, J
Battiprolu, Pavan K
Batty, R. S.
Baudo, R.
Bauer, D
Bauer, J E
Bauer, J A
Bauer, Jerry
Bauer, John M.
Bauer, G. B.
Bauer, John
Bauer, Jerry A
Baughman, Mike
Baum, L.
Baum, Rex L.
Bauman, Michael Aaron
Bauman-Pickering, S.
Baumann-Pickering, S
Baumberger, T
Baumberger, Tamara
Baumgartner, E.
Baumgartner, Donald J
Baumgartner, D J
Baumgartner, M.
Baumgartner, T. R.
Baumgartner, Mark F.
Baumgartner, M F
Baumgartner, Don J
Baverstock, P
Baxter, Mackenzie R.
Baxter, C
Bay, S
Bayer, Range D
Bayfront Association
Baylis, A. M. M.
Bayne, G W
Bayne, C. J.
Baysinger, J P
Bazin, S
Beach, Reggie A
Beach, Richard J
Beacham, T D
Beacham, T. d
Beal, Suzy (compiler)
Beall, Jr.
Beals, H K
Beam, K. G.
Beamer, S K
Beamish, Richard J
Beamish, R J
Beard, L S
Beardsley, Alan J
Beardsley, A J
Beasley, S.
Beasley, Chuck
Beasley, Thomas M.
Beattie, W.
Beatty, Joseph J.
Beauchamp, D. A.
Beauchamp, David A
Beaudry, Desiree
Beaulie, J D
Beaulieu, J D
Beaulieu, John D
Beavers, Sallie C.
Beaverson, C. A.
Bebout, Gray E
Becerra, M
Bechtel, P. J.
Beck, Myrl
Beck, Michael W.
Beck, M.
Beck, Stanley
Beck, R H
Beck, Jr.
Beck, L
Becker, N. C.
Becker, Tim A
Becker, E.
Becker, Clarence D
Becker, Thomas E
Becker, E. A.
Becker, K
Beckham, Stephen Dow
Beckman, Brian R.
Beckman, B.
Beckman, B. R.
Becraft, G E
BeCraft, Rianne
Bednarsek, N.
Bednarsek, Nina
Beechie, T. J.
Beechie, Tim
Beedlow, Peter A.
Beeman, C E
Beeman, P.
Beerli, P.
Beeson, Helen W.
Beeson, Marvin H
Beeson, M H
Beeson, H M
Beets, D J
Beets, J
Behan, Jeff R.
Behrendt, John C
Behrenfeld, Michael J.
Behrenfeld, Michael
Beidler, W M
Beier, E
Beikman, Helen M
Bejda, A J
Bejder, M.
Bejder, L.
Bejelou, K
Beki, Tetsuo
Belanger, Christina L
Belchik, Michael
Belchik, M
Bell, W A
Bell, Kathleen
Bell, F H
Bell, J.
Bell, S. S.
Bell, David M.
Bell, Kathleen P
Bell, Richard L
Bell, S. W.
Bell, T.
Bell, K C
Bella, David A
Bellinger, R.
Bellinger, Renee
Bellman, Marlene A.
Bellman, M A
Bello, J. P.
Bellwood, O.
Belokon, V G
Belousov, V V
Belov, A A
Beltran, H
Beltran-Pedreros, S
Ben-Avraham, Zvi
Ben-Gigirey, B
Bender, Reese
Bender, V R
Bendick, Rebecca
Benedict, Rae T
Benfield, M. C.
Benjakul, Soottawat
Benkendorf & Associates
Benkwitt, C E
Benkwitt, Cassandra E.
Bennett, Jacyln M.
Bennett, Jr.
Bennett, Andrew K
Bennett, Donald E
Bennett, Karen
Bennett, Todd
Bennett, J T
Bennett, G
Bennington, Elwin Everrett
Benoit-Bird, K.
Benoit-Bird, K J
Benson, S.
Benson, S. R.
Benson, W N
Benson, G T
Benson, Paul
Benson, Scott
Bent, J V
Bentaleb, I
Bentley, P J
Bentley, R D
Bentley, Boyd
Bentley, P.
Bently, J
Bentsen, L C
Bentzen, P
Bentzen, Paul
Berchok, C.
Bereison, William M
Berejikian, B. A.
Berelson, W M
Berelson, William M
Berg, Jr.
Berg, P
Berg, H C
Berg, L
Berg, Henry C
Berg Jr., Joseph W
Bergantz, G.
Bergen, James A
Bergen, M
Bergen, F W
Berger, W H
Berger, Aaron M
Berger, Aaron M.
Berger, Aaron
Bergeron, Jim
Berggren, William A
Berggren, W A
Berghan, J.
Berglund, Lisette A
Berkeley, Steven A.
Berkeley, S
Berkenbusch, Katrin
Berlow, Eric L.
Berman, Sol
Berman-Kowalewski, M. F.
Bermudez, L E
Bernal, M.
Bernard, E.
Bernatchez, L
Berner, H
Berngartt, R. K.
Bernhardt, M. J.
Bernier, Jeremiah C.
Bernier-Latmani, Jeremiah
Bernoulli, D
Bernstein, Janis
Bernston, E. A.
Berntsen, Steven Eldon
Berntson, E. A.
Berriman, John S.
Berry, H. K.
Berry, H
Berry, W. J.
Berry, Richard L
Berryhill, Jr.
Bersine, K
Berta, Annalisa
Berthiaume, D
Bertin, A
Bertolini, James M.
Bertolino, S
Bertrand, Gregg M
Bertrand, A.
Bertullo, E.
Beschta, Robert L
Bespalaya, Yulia A.
Bessler, Michael B
Best, B D
Best, P. B.
Bestgen, Kevin R.
Bethea, D. M.
Bethke, Philip M
Beugli, David
Beugli, D M
Beumer, J. P.
Beutner, E C
Bevan, L
Beyer, Jean M.
Bez, N.
Bhatt, T.
Bhukaswan, T.
Bhuthimethee, Mary
Bi, Hongsheng
Bi, H
Bi, H. S.
Bickham, J. W.
Biddinger, G. R.
Bidlack, A
Bieber, Alisa J
Biel, Reuben Reuben
Bien, Edward M
Bier, R. L.
Bierly, Kenneth F
Bierly, K. F.
Bigelow, K
Biggs, R B
Bignami, S
Bilby, R
Bilderback, David
Bilderback, Diane
Bildfell, R J
Biller, D
Bills, Debra T
Bingham, G.
Bingham, Julia
Bingham, James W
Bingham, Mason L
Bingham, B
Bingi, S.
Bio-Surveys LLC
Bird, Kenneth J
Bird, P
Bird, K J
Bird, Peter
Bird, D N
Birders, Yaquina
Birge, W.
Birkeland, S. R.
Birman, J H
Bishop, Richard S
Bishop, D. H. L.
Bishop, M
Bishop, Amanda M.
Bisson, P. A.
Bisson, Peter A
Bisson, P A
Bitboul, Clio Z
Bizzarro, J. J.
Bjorkstedt, E. P.
Bjorkstedt, Eric P
Bjorkstedt, E.
Bjornsson, B. T.
Blacet, F E
Black, Andrew N.
Black, Tom
Black, Bryan A.
Black, B. A.
Blackburn, T M
Blackhart, K
Blackhart, Kristan
Blackie, B A
Blackington, Grant
Blackwelder, Blake W
Blackwelder, Eliot
Blackwell, David D
Bladon, K. D.
Bladon, Kevin
Bladon, Kevin D.
Blair, H. B.
Blaise, B
Blake, R.
Blake, B
Blake, Jr.
Blakely, Richard J
Blakely, R J
Blakeslee, A
Blakeslee, A M H
Blakesley, B. A.
Blanchette, Carol A.
Blank, Jr.
Blankenship, S. M.
Blankman-Hetrick, J.
Blasco, S M
Blaud, Brianna
Blaustein, Andrew R
Blaylock, J W
Blevins, Emilie
Bligh, E. G.
Blight, L. K.
Blinn, Tawny
Bloch, Ivan
Block, Barbara A
Block, B. A.
Bloeser, Jennifer
Blome, Charles D
Blome, C D
Blomster, J
Blood, D. M.
Bloomer, S. H.
Bloomer, P
Bloomer, S
Blough, H.
Blouin, M S
Blouin, Michael S.
Blouin, M
Blouin, M. S.
Blouin, Michael S
Blum, Michael J
Blum, M J
Blum, M
Blume, Matthew T. O.
Blume, Matthew
Blumenthal, D
Blundell, G. M.
Blundon, B. W.
Blundon, Brett
Blunt, Susanna M.
Bluum, Michael C
Board, Oregon. State Marine
Board, Oregon. State Land
Board, Oregon. Watershed Enhancement
Board, Oregon Progress
Board, Oregon. State Water Resources
Board., Oregon. State Land
Boas, Franz
Boateng & Associates
Bobbit, Andra
Bobbitt, Andra M.
Bobko, Stephen J.
Bocconcelli, A.
Bode, A.
Bodelle, J
Bodkin, J. L.
Bodkin, James
Bodnar, D. A.
Boebel, O
Boechler, Jeffrey L
Boedeker, Christian
Boedeker, C
Boehlert, George
Boehlert, George W
Boehm, Alexandria B.
Boehm, A. B.
Boehme, S E
Boehne, Paul L
Boer, H. H.
Boersma, K
Boersma, Kate S.
Boersma, A. T.
Boersma, K. S.
Boesch, D.
Boese, Bruce L
Bogan, Arthur E.
Bogason, Sigurdur Gretar
Bogdanov, V I
Boge, Lila Cooper V
Bogeberg, M
Boggs, Jr.
Bograd, S. J.
Bograd, S.
Bograd, Steven J
Bogue, N. M.
Boguski, D A
Bohaboy, Spencer
Bohlen, Victoria L.
Bohnenstiehl, J. H.
Bohnenstiehl, D R
Bohnenstiehl, D
Bohner, Rodney Thomas
Bohnsack, J
Bohrer, Dennis
Boin, Markus A.
Boisjolie, Brett A.
Bojo, Toshiatsu
Bolander, Peter
Bolen, John Joseph
Boles, J. R.
Boley, Scott L
Bollens, Stephen M
Bollens, S M
Bollens, Stephen M.
Bollman, Michael
Bolotov, Nikita N.
Bolotov, Ivan N.
Bolt, Bruce A
Bolt, Greg
Bolte, J
Bolton, Jennie L
Bolton, J. L.
Bolton, J.
Bonacci, Lisa A.
Bonacker, Gregg
Bonacker, Gregg L
Bonatto, S. L.
Bond, C. E.
Bond, Kevin R
Bond, Carl E
Bond, M. H.
Bond, D R
Bond, N. A.
Bond, J G
Bonhomme, F
Bonilla, M G
Bonnell, J. M.
Bonno, M
Bonno, M M
Bonoff, Michael B
Boo, S. M.
Boo, Ga Hun
Boodt, William
Booker, C. J.
Bookheim, B.
Bool, N. M.
Boon-intra, Sutaporn
Booth, Derek B
Booth, A.
Booth, S
Booth, D B
Boran, J. R.
Borberg, J
Borde, Amy B.
Borde, A. B.
Borderias, J
Bordeur, Richard D.
Boren, L. J.
Boren, L
Borgeld, Jeffry C
Borgeld, J C
Borgerson, L A
Borgerson, L. A.
Borin, J. M.
Born, Stephen Michael
Bornemann, H
Bornhold, B D
Borquez, J P
Bortolotti, L. E.
Bortolus, A
Bortz, Bruce M
Boschi, C.
Bosley, Katelyn
Bosley, Katelyn Marie
Bosley, Katelyn M.
Bosley, Keith L.
Boss, Theodore R
Boss, Theodore
Bostick, Neely H
Bostick, N H
Bostrom, R C
Boswell, K
Boswell, K. M.
Bosworth, Weldon S
Bosworth Jr., Weldon S
Bothner, M H
Botsford, L W
Bottin, Robert R
Bottom, Daniel L
Bottom, D L
Bottom, Dan L.
Bottom, Daniel
Bouchard, C.
Bouchez, Jean-Luc
Boudreau, B. P.
Boudry, P
Boughton, D. A.
Boughton, David A.
Boule, Marc E
Boulon, R
Bouma, Arnold H
Bouma, A H
Boumans, Roelof
Bourgeois, Joanne
Bourgeron, P. S.
Bourget, E
Bourke, Robert H
Bousquet, Terry
Bousquin, J.
Boustany, A. M.
Boutefeu, A
Bouzas, M.
Boveng, P. L.
Bowden, R. K.
Bowen, N L
Bowen, Don
Bowers, Karen L
Bowers, M C
Bowers, Jon
Bowie, A. R.
Bowin, C O
Bowles, Ed
Bowlin, N. M.
Bowlsby, Clyde C
Bowman, James R.
Bowman, H R
Bowman, Jr.
Box, H. O.
Boxall, B. A.
Boyce, R E
Boyce, Robert E
Boyd, D.
Boyd, Matthew
Boydston, James R
Boyer, K.
Boyle, T. P.
Boylen, Deborah A.
Boyles, Robert.
Boynton, W.
Boziaris, Ioannis S.
Bozza, Maryann
Braaten, J.
Brabb, Earl E
Brabb, E E
Braby, Caren
Bracken, Matthew E. S.
Bradbury, J. W.
Bradbury, I. R.
Bradford, A. L.
Bradford, C S
Bradley, Lee-Ann
Bradley, Sjaffer. H
Bradley, J
Bradley, R
Bradley, C. R.
Bradley, Walter W
Bradley, William C
Bradley, R. W.
Bradshaw, W E
Brady, Glen
Braham, H. W.
Braislin, Dana B
Braithwaite, P
Braje, Todd J
Braje, T.
Brake, John F.
Brake, J
Brakenridge, G R
Brakke, D. F.
Braly, J C
Bramlette, M N
Branch, T. A.
Brander, K
Brandon, Mark T
Brandon, M T
Brandon, Alan D
Brandsdottir, B
Brannock, W W
Brass, J. L.
Brasseur, M
Brathwaite, R. L.
Brau, E
Brault, S.
Braun, Gary M.
Braun, Marco
Brauner, David R
Brauner, David Ray
Braunmiller, J
Bravo, Claudia F.
Bravo, C F
Brazier, Jon Roger
Breck, E. N.
Breckenridge, R
Brecque, John La
Breed, Greg A
Breed, G. A.
Breed, Gail M
Breed-Willeke, G M
Breen, Nancy A
Breese, Wilbur P
Brehm, Katie Brehm
Breitburg, D. L.
Breitenstein, Ralph Arthur
Breitenstein, Ralph A.
Bremmer, A.
Bremner, Carl St. J
Brennan, P. L. R.
Brennan, B. J.
Brenneis, V E F
Brentrup, J. A.
Bretagnolle, V.
Brew, David A
Brewer, R. S.
Brian, W B
Brice, James C
Bricker, S.
Brickle, P.
Brickley, Alan K.
Bridges, L.
Bridges, T. S.
Brien, Dianne L.
Brierley, A. S.
Briggs, N D
Briggs, Gregory George
Briggs, Michael Jeffrey
Briggs, Michael J
Briggs, Colver Richmond
Briggs, Jr.
Brigham, R. M.
Brill, R
Brine, C. J.
Bring, Peter
Brink, K. H.
Briscoe, D. K.
Briseno-Avena, Christian
Briseño‐Avena, Christian
Brissette, Francois
Brissette, François P.
Britt, Tristan A.
Britten, K
Britz, Peter L
Broadbrooks, Harold E
Broadhurst, B.
Brocher, Thomas M
Brock, T. C.
Brock, D
Brock, R.
Brockman, Joseph N.
Brode, Amy B
Brodeur, Richard D.
Brody, Sarah R
Brodziak, Jon
Brodziak, John
Brodziak, Jon K T
Brodziak, Lana
Bromery, R W
Bromirski, P. D.
Brooker, D L
Brooker, Deborah L.
Brookes, A.
Brookins, Karl
Brooks, Howard C
Brooks, James M
Brooks, Christopher
Brooks, L
Brooks, R M
Brooks, D A
Brooks, Renee J
Brookshier, Peggy A
Brophy, Laura
Brophy, Laura (Green Point Consulting)
Brophy, Laura S
Brosnan, Deborah M.
Brothers, Donald L
Brotz, L.
Broughton, W A
Brouwer, A
Brown, E H
Brown, J. A.
Brown, Jason
Brown, Roland W
Brown, T M
Brown, S. K.
Brown, Robert D. Jr.
Brown, Larry R
Brown, Cheryl A
Brown, Jenny
Brown, Cheryl (eds.) A
Brown, Eric
Brown, Sutherland A
Brown, P
Brown, Robert D
Brown, T. G.
Brown, Jennifer A
Brown, Lauren
Brown, D W
Brown, Edwin H
Brown, M. S.
Brown, E. D.
Brown, C E
Brown, Kimberly Alexis
Brown, George W
Brown, M W
Brown, Robin F
Brown, Liz
Brown, Randall E
Brown, R F
Brown, E.
Brown, Robin Franklin
Brown, G L
Brown, George Wallace III
Brown, Cheryl
Brown, Kevin
Brown, George Wallace
Brown, L. K.
Brown & Ruth Laboratories Inc.
Brown-Peterson, N J
Brownell, R. L.
Bruckner, A. W.
Bruder, Karl Fritz
Bruins, R. J. F.
Bruins, R.
Bruland, K W
Brumbaugh, R
Brumbaugh, R D
Bruneau, Connie
Brungs, W. A.
Brunner, Elizabeth L.
Brunner, Rachel L.
Brunner, Elizabeth Lev
Brunner, E L
Bruno, P. P.
Bruns, T R
Bruns, Terry R
Bruns, Terry
Brunsden, D
Bruslind, Linda D.
Bryan, W B
Bryan, D. R.
Bryant, G. J.
Bryant, Gregory J
Bryce, J. R. G.
Bryja, G
Brylinsky, C
Brzycki, Stanley J
BST Associates,,
Buchal, Michael A.
Buchanan, J. C.
Buchanan, G.
Buchanan, Lloyd C
Buchanan, John C.
Buchanan, R.
Buchanan, David V
Buchanan, D V
Bucher, C. A.
Bucher, C
Buchman, Michael F
Buchman, M F
Buck, Roger
Buck, N. J.
Buck, N
Buck, C. L.
Buckel, J A
Bucker, H P
Buckhouse, John
Buckley, T
Buckley, R
Buckley, Anna
Buckley, R V
Buckley, Y
Buckley, T. W.
Bucklin, Katherine A
Buckman, Robert C
Buddington, A F
Budinger, Thomas F
Budrick, J
Buell, James W
Buell, J W
Buell, Troy
Buell, Troy V.
Buell & Associates
Buenau, K. E.
Buffington, Kevin J.
Buffington, Edwin C
Buffington, Chelsey
Buffington, Kevin
Buhler, Donald R
Bui, Thuy-Vy D.
Builder, Tonya L
Bukry, D
Bukry, David
Bull, A. S.
Bull, R S
Bull, William B
Bullard, W E
Bullard, B. J.
Bullock, T. H.
Bullock, R.
Bulseco, Ashley
Bunce, E T
Buncic, Michael
Bunker, C M
Buonaccorsi, V. P.
Buoy, H.
Burbank, Wilbur S
Burbidge, Mike
Burch, Stephen H
Burck, Martin Stuart
Burd, A B
Burd, B J
Burd, A.
Burden, M.
Burdick, David
Burdige, D. J.
Burdin, A M
Burek, K.
Burford, R O
Burger, J.
Burger, M. J.
Burges, Stephen J.
Burgess, Fred J
Burgess, G. H.
Burk, C A
Burk, Creighton A
Burkanov, V. N.
Burkardt, Nina
Burke, Brian B
Burke, Patricia M.
Burke, B
Burke, William D.
Burke, J.
Burke, B J
Burke, Brian J
Burkett, V
Burley, Bill
Burma, Benjamin H
Burmester, R F
Burn, R. W.
Burnett, Kelly
Burnett, K
Burnett, Kelly M
Burnett, L
Burnett, K M
Burnett, Jonathan D.
Burns, Scott
Burns, J. M.
Burns, John
Burns, Patrick
Burns, Robert C.
Burns, D
Burns, Casey
Burrell, V. G.
Burrell, Victor Jr. G
Burreson, E M
Burreson, Eugene M
Burroughs, Jr. E R
Burrows, D G
Burrows, J. A.
Burruss, R C
Burt, Wayne V
Burton, A. G.
Burton, D M
Burton, G. A.
Burton, Allen
Burton, R. M.
Burton, G. A.
Bury, S. J.
Busby, Peggy J
Busby, M. S.
Busby, Ed
Busby, P. J.
Busch, D. S.
Bush, R
Bush, Vincent R
Bustin, R M
Buth, D G
Butler, Jerry
Butler, R. F.
Butler, V. L.
Butler, James H
Butler, B
Butler, B. A.
Butler, Barbara
Butler, Jerry A
Butsic, Van
Butterfield, D A
Butterfield, D.
Butterworth, D.
Butts, Charles
Buzitis, Jon
Buzitis, J
Bychkov, A S
Byerly, G R
Byerly, Gary R
Byers, J
Byington, Marvin L
Bynon, Florence
Byram, Scott R
Byram, Robert Scott
Byrd, Nathan Lemuel
Byrne, Tim
Byrne, John V
Byrne, J V
Bystydzienska, Z. D.
Byun, S. K.
Bywater-Reyes, Sharon
C., Williams. Matthew
Caballero, S
Cade, D. A.
Cade, D. E.
Cadrin, S. X.
Cady, W M
Cady, Wallace M
Cahill, Niamh
Cai, D
Cai, Y
Caicedo, D.
Cailliet, Gregor M
Cailliet, G. M.
Cairns, M A
Cairns, Michael A
Cairns, M.
Calabrese, A.
Calambokidis, J
Calambokidis, John
Calarnbokidis, J.
Calavan, Ted R.
Calavan, T. R.
Calavetta, M. J.
Caldarone, Elaine Marie
Calder, D.
Calder, D. R.
Calderwood, Arthur R
Caldwell, M R
Caldwell, R.
Caldwell, J. H.
Caldwell, Richard S
Caldwell, Lucius K.
Caley, M. J.
Calhoun, Tracy K
Calhoun, Nancy C.
California Department of Conservation
Calik, Hakan
Calk, L C
Calkins, D
Calkins, Frank C
Callaghan, Eugene
Callaway, R M
Callaway, Richard J.
Callaway, Richard J
Callaway, Richard.J.
Callaway, R. J.
Callaway, J. C.
Callender, Jr.
Callender, Arden D
Calsbeek, Ryan G.
Calvanese, Thomas P.
Calvo, Iria Gimenez
Calvo, L M R
Camacho, H.
Camara, Mark D
Camara, Mark
Cambazoglu, M. K.
Cambell, G. S.
Cambell, C J
Cameron, B E B
Cameron, Bruce E B
Cameron, B
Camp, D. K.
Camp, Meghan J.
Camp, A. L.
Campana, S. E.
Campbell, R
Campbell, R H
Campbell, M R
Campbell, M
Campbell, David
Campbell, David C.
Campbell, John C
Campbell, L M
Campbell, J L
Campbell, Lance A
Campbell, K
Campbell, Ian
Campbell, H. A.
Campbell, L. A.
Campbell, R. A.
Campbell, Matthew A.
Campbell, K. L.
Campbell, A B
Campbell, F
Campbell, Donald T.
Campbell, K S W
Campbell, L
Campbell, G. S.
Campbell, Homer J
Campredon, R
Campton, D
Canada, Geological Associatio
Canales, J. P.
Candy, J. R.
Canelake, Patricia
Canfield, W. J.
Canfield, T.
Canfield, W J
Cannat, M
Cannon, G. A.
Cannon, D
Cannon, Charles
Canny, D
Canon, Nicole
Cantin, H V
Cantwell, T
Canzoneri, Nicolette M.
Capella, J
Caplan-Auerbach, J.
Capotondi, A
Cappela, J. J.
Caracciolo, Deanna
Caratori Tontini, F
Carbonara, P
Carbotte, Suzanne M.
Carbotte, S. M.
Card, Steve
Carden, Lyle
Cardenas, L
Cardon, Nanette C
Cardott, Brian J
Cardoza, T B
Cardwell, R. D.
Caress, D. W.
Carey, A. G.
Carey, Warren S
Carey, S
Carey, Charles Henry
Cargill, Samantha K
Carilli, J E
Carleson, Dan
Carlile, N.
Carlile, Cailie
Carlisle, D
Carlisle, Donald
Carlisle, Aaron B
Carloni, Kenneth R
Carlson, R. L.
Carlson, G E
Carlson, Paul R
Carlson, P R
Carlson, Christopher
Carlson, Paul
Carlson, K H
Carlson, Judith Carol
Carlson, Richard L
Carlson, B K
Carlson, Christine
Carlson, Stanley
Carlsson, J.
Carlton, J
Carlton, Deborah A.
Carlton, D. A.
Carlton, James T
Carlton, J. T.
Carman, Jr.
Carmichael, Ian S E
Carnegie, R. B.
Carnegie Institution of Washington
Carozzi, A
Carpenter, R. C.
Carpenter, Kurt D
Carpenter, Kurt D.
Carpenter, R
Carpenter, T. E.
Carpenter, Andrea L.
Carr, Fabian M.
Carr, Mark
Carr, Joel A.
Carr, Scott
Carr, S
Carraher, C
Carretta, J. V.
Carrier, W. L.
Carrillo B.G., Enrique
Carroll, E. L.
Carroll, Neil Patrick
Carroll, Lindsa
Carroll, Dorothy
Carroll, E
Carroll, Sean
Carroll, Trish
Carroll, Lindsay J.
Carson, Bobb
Carson, D J T
Carson, B
Carson, David J T
Carter, H R
Carter, J B
Carter, Jena
Carter, C N
Carter, C. S.
Carter, Harry R
Carter, Richard Thomas
Carter, W. H.
Carter, Christopher N
Carter, E. P.
Carter, V. L.
Cartwright, R.
Carver, Gary A.
Carver, Robert D
Cary, S.Craig
Cary, S. C.
Cary, Rea. C
Cary, Allen S
Casale, P.
Casano, E. R.
Casas, J. J.
Cascade Research Group
Case, J. T.
Cashman, S M
Cashman, K. V.
Cashman, Susan M
Casillas, E
Casillas, Edmundo
Cassell, J K
Cassey, P
Cassidy, Katelyn M
Cassidy, J
Cassillas, E
Castell, J D
Castellote, M.
Castillo, Gonzalo C
Castle, Emery N
Castle, Darlene
Castle, R O
Castleton, M
Caswell-Reno, Prudence A.
Catalan, V
Catanzano, J.
Catchings, R D
Cater, Fred W
Cater, Jr.
Catford, J
Caton, L.
Catterson, N. T.
Caudle, K.
Cavazos, Sergio Flores
Cawood, Peter A
Cawthorn, M.
Cedarleaf, J. A.
Cederstrom, D J
Cegla, Jerzy
Celesti-Grapow, L
Cembella, A
Centala, Maxine
Center, Northwest Fisheries
Center, Hatfield Marine Sci
Center, United States. National Wetlands Research
Center, U.S.National Wetlands Research
Center, United States. National Wetlands Research
Center, Oregon State Univ
Center for Biological Diversity
Center for Biological Diversity.
Center for Environmental Education and Information
Cercone, N.
Cerda, Arcadio Alberto
Cerny-Chipman, Elizabeth B.
Cerruto-Noya, C. A.
Cevatoglu, M
CH2M Hill
CH2M Hill Inc.
CH2M Hill, Inc.,
Chace, Peter J.
Chadsey, M.
Chadwick, George
Chadwick, George G
Chadwick, G H
Chadwick, D. J.
Chadwick, William W.
Chadwick, D. B.
Chadwick, William W.
Chadwick, J.
Chae, Minjung J.
Chai, F
Chaigneau, A
Chamberlain, S. J.
Chamberlin, T. W.
Chambers, R C
Chamley, H
Champagne, C
Chan, Claudia
Chan, Kai M. A.
Chan, Claudia
Chan, C
Chan, M A
Chan, F
Chan, S -L
Chan, J R
Chan, K.-S.
Chan, Francis
Chandler, G.
Chaney, Ralph W
Chang, Seong Ook
Chang, Qing
Chang, Stanley S L
Chang, Q
Chang, Heejun
Chang, S.-W.
Chang, Andrew L.
Chang, H.-C.
Chang-Lee, Maria Virginia
Chang-Lee, M. V.
Chant, R. J.
Chao, Y.
Chapman, J W
Chapman, John W
Chapman, Richard E
Chapman, (ed.) V J
Chapman, P M
Chapman, F
Chapman, P. M.
Chapman, Gary A.
Chapman, John
Chapman, D. E.
Chapman, J
Chapman, D W
Chapman, Peter M
Chapman, Donald Wallace
Chapman, Colin G.
Chapp, E
Chappell, Aaron
Chaproniere, George C H
Chapter., American Fisheries Society. Oregon
Charchman, R. A.
Charif, R. A.
Charles, K. D.
Charles, A
Charlton, Douglas W
Charnov, Eric L.
Charnov, E. L.
Charpentier, R R
Charrassin, J. B.
Charvet, I.
Chasar, M P
Chasco, Brandon E.
Chase, A W
Chase, Z
Chase, Ivan D
Chase, B. C.
Chase, R L
Chase, Shawn D
Chateau, R.
Chaumont, Diane
Chavez, F.
Chavez, F. P.
Chavez-Carreno, P. A.
Chawich, D. B.
Chayes, F
Chayes, Felix
Chaytor, J D
Checkley, D. M.
Cheever, Erin
Chekhovich, V D
Chelgren, N D
Chelgren, Nathan
Chelgren, Nathan D.
Chellew, Megan
Chemistry, American Chemical S
Chen, Chao
Chen, R. Y.
Chen, Xi
Chen, M. L.
Chen, K
Chen, Jie
Chen, S.
Chen, C.
Chen, J
Chen, M.-H.
Chen, X. W.
Chen, T
Chen, Ying
Chen, D
Cheney, D. L.
Cheney, M G
Cheney, D
Cheng, Y
Chenoweth, E. M.
Chenoweth, E
Cheriton, O. M.
Cherr, G. N.
Cherry, R. D.
Chesser, Stephen A
Chesterman, C W
Cheung, Itchung
Cheung, Kwok Fai
Cheung, W. W. L.
Chew, K K
Chew, Kenneth K
Chiang, S. Y.
Chiburis, Edward Frank
Chiburis, E F
Chilcote, M. W.
Chilcote, Mark W
Chilcote, M.
Childerhouse, S
Childerhouse, S. J.
Childers, Richard K
Childers, John
Childers, R
Childs, J R
Childs, O E
Chiluiza, D
Chilvers, B. L.
Chingchang, Biq
Chintala, Marnita M
Chintala, M. M.
Chinzei, Kiyotaka
Chipman, Brian
Chitwood, L A
Chiu, T. H.
Chiu, T.-H.
Chiu, Tsai-Hsin
Chiu, T. C.
Chivers, S. J.
Cho, S
Cho, M. S.
Cho, T. O.
Cho, M
Chock, Gary Y. K.
Choi, B. D.
Choi, Y
Choi, Byungho
Choi, Y. J.
Choi, S. K.
Choi, H -G
Cholewiak, D.
Chong, C. T.
Choong, H. H. C.
Chornesky, E. A.
Choromanski, Joseph M
Chou, Jui-Tun
Chou, J T
Choubert, G
Choudhury, Anindo
Chow, S
Christensen, Alicia H.
Christensen, Jo
Christenson, B
Christenson, B. W.
Christian, James
Christiansen, Robert L
Christiansen, F.
Christiansen, Kelly
Christie, M
Christie, Mark R
Christie, D. M.
Christy, John A
Christy, A
Chu, Caroline Li-yuan
Chu, F. L.
Chu, J. J.
Chu, Tien-ju
Chubb, T.
Chukwura, Patricia I
Chun, Shea
Chun, Nicholas
Chung, A W
Chung, Alton W
Chung, Yun-Chin
Church, S E
Church, Robbins M
Church, M R
Church, J
Churnside, J. H.
Churnside, J.
Chwaszczewski, R.
Ciaglia, M B
Cialone, Mary A
Ciannelli, Lorenzo
Ciannelli, L
Ciborowski, T.Jake R.
Cicchino, Amanda S.
Cicero, P.
Cicin-Sain, B.
Cicrich, Joe
Cieciel, K. D.
Cifuentes, L A
Cifuentes, L.
Ciminello, C.-A.
Cipriano, f
Cipriano, M. J.
Cistemas, Marco V
Cita, M B
City of Newport
City of Newport Planning Department
City of Yachats (Or.)
Ciuffetti, L. M.
Cizdziel, K
Clack, Brendan W.
Claeson, Shannon
Claeys, Robert R
Clague, J J
Clague, D A
Clague, John J
Clague, D. A.
Clague, David A
Clague, D
Claiborne, Andrew M.
Claiborne, A. M.
Clair, Errol W
Claire, Errol W
Clanton, R E
Clapham, P J
Clapham, P
Clapp, Chas. H
Clapp, Charles H
Clapp, C H
Claridge, D. E.
Clark, J S
Clark, Linda A.
Clark, C W
Clark, K R
Clark, Lorin D
Clark, J C
Clark, William
Clark, Joseph C
Clark, M D
Clark, H C
Clark, M. R.
Clark, M
Clark, Ross P.
Clark, Kenneth P
Clark, Stephanie A.
Clark, Steven (Steven Michael)
Clark, J. H.
Clark, Bruce L
Clark, Robert Jr. C
Clark, A. E.
Clark & Groff Engineers
Clarke, Larissa M.
Clarke, M E
Clarke, Frank E
Clarke, Jr.
Claxton, Andrew
Claypool, G E
Claypool, George
Clayton, Wilson S
Clayton, Jerry L
Clayton, J L
Cleary, J.
Cleary, William J
Cleaver, F C
Cleaver, F. C.
Clemens, Benjamin J.
Clemens, B. J.
Clements, W.
Clements, Kendall D
Clements, W. H.
Clements, Shaun
Clementz, D M
Clemons, Ethan
Clemons, Ethan R.
Clemons, Julia E. R.
Clemons, E
Clemons, J. E. R.
Cleveland, Kimberly
Clifford, K
Clifton, Edward H
Clifton, H E
Cline, L M
Cline, Steven
Clinton, Patrick
Clinton, Patrick J
Clinton, Patrick J.
Clinton, Pat
Cloern, J. E.
Cloos, Ernst
Close, David A
Clothier, William D
Cloud, William K
Cloud, Preston
Clough, J. S.
Clough, Jonathan S
Clough, Charles M
Clough, Charles
Clout, M. N.
Clowes, Ron
Clowes, Ron M
Clowes, R M
Cluff, L S
Coan, E. V.
Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation
Coastal Natural Hazards Policy Working Group
Coastal Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation
Coastal Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation (Or.),
Coates, Kelly
Coates, Kelly C.
Coates, Kelly Crispen
Coates, K. C.
Coats, Robert
Coats, Robert R
Cobb, John N
Coble, Daniel Wiggin
Coble, Daniel W
Coche, Andre Georges
Cochnauer, Tim G
Cochrane, G R
Cochrane, Guy R
Coe, Robert S
Coe, Jeffrey A.
Coe, R S
Coen, L D
Coetzee, J. C.
Coghian, Stephen
Cohan, C. S.
Cohee, George V
Cohen, A N
Cohen, A.
Cohen, D. M.
Cohen, W.
Cohn, Nick
Cohn, Nicholas T.
Cohn, Nicholas
Coker, R
Colbert, James J.
Colbert, Jimmie J.
Colbert, Jim J.
Cole, Willard A
Cole, Faith
Cole, R.
Cole, Mark R
Cole, Ryan
Cole, M
Cole, T V N
Cole, Faith A
Colebrook, E
Coleman, R G
Coleman, Robert G
Coles, R. G.
Coliss, J F
Collie, M. R.
Collier, Tracy K
Collier, Arthur J
Collier, R W
Collier, T.
Collier, T K
Collins, J
Collins, J. N.
Collins, J. W.
Collins, C
Collins, P
Collins, C. A.
Collins, T.
Collins, C A
Collins, John Jr. L
Collins, J A
Collins, V.
Collins, J.W.
Collis, K
Colloza, F C
Collson, P J
Collura, Chris Mochon Col
Collura, Chris Mochon
Collura, Chris Mochon
Collura, Chris Mochon
Collver, M M
Colt, J.
Colt, S.
Colton, Amanda R.
Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Committee
Columbia Basin Inter-Agency Committee. Hydrology Subcommittee
Columbia River Estuary Study Taskforce
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
Colvin, Randall W.
Colvin, Susan A. R.
Colvin, Mike E
Colwell, F. S.
Combes, V
Combs, Jim
Comeleo, R L
Comet, Sabra
Commerce, United States Dep
Commerce, United States Dep
Commission, Oregon. State Game
Commission, Oregon Salmon
Commission, Oregon. Fish
Commission, Pacific Northwest River Basins
Commission, Oregon. Game
Commissioners, Oregon. State Boar
Committee, State of Califor
Committee, State California Marine Research
Compans, R. W.
Company, Sialis
Company, Sialis
compiler), Oregon Trout (
Complex, Oregon Coast Nati
Compton, Jana E
Compton, J E
Compton, Jane E
Comstock, R. M.
Conde, D
Conder, J. A.
Condiotty, J
Condon, R
Condon, R H
Condon, E. J.
Condra, G E
Cone, Joe
Cone, J
Coney, Peter
Coney, P J
Conference, International Oil Spill
Congdon, B. C.
Conides, A
Conklin, E
Conlan, K
Conley, Daniel J
Conlon, S
Conn, K. E.
Connelly, William
Connelly, D. P.
Conner, Daniel
Connolly, Patrick J
Connolly, Thomas J
Connor, R. C.
Conomos, T J
Conover, D. O.
Conrad, J.
Conrad, John F
Conradi, Lorentz A
Cons, Mol Ecol Resou
Conser, Ramon J.
Conservancy, Wetlands
Conservation, Oregon. Department
Considine, Megan E.
Constable, Ronald J.
Constable, Jr.
Constable, Ronald J
Constable, Ronald J.
Constantine, R
Conte, Frank P
Conte, F P
Conte, M
Contreras, J. R.
Conway, F. D. L.
Conway, Flaxen
Conway, K W
Conway, Flaxen D L
Cook, Nicholas A.
Cook, Harry E
Cook, Diana
Cook, H E
Cook, Sid F
Cook, Nicholas
Cooke, K. D.
Cooke, W J
Cooke, Wythe C
Cooke, J
Cooke, H C
Cooke, S. J.
Cooksey, C. L.
Cooley, Sarah R
Cooley, S. R.
Coombs, Margery C
Coombs, Howard A
Cooney, Cedric X
Cooney, T
Cooney, T. D.
Cooney, Thomas D.
Coonrad, W L
Coontz, Julie
Cooper, D. W.
Cooper, Margaret
Cooper, Arthur G
Cooper, A F
Cooper, D.
Cooper, William S
Cooper, A
Cooper, A K
Cooper, Richard M
Cooper, H M
Cooper, Alan K
Cooper, R
Cooper, T L
Cooperman, Aubryn
Copass, C.
Cope, J
Cope, J. M.
Copeland, A
Copeland, B J
Copeman, Louise
Copeman, Louise A.
Copenheaver, C A
Copping, Andrea
Copping, A
Copps, S
Corbett, S. C.
Corbett, Kelly C.
Corbett, Kelly
Corcoran, R E
Corcoran, E. F.
Corcoran, P.
Corcoran, Pat
Corcoran, Patrick
Corcos, D.
Cordaro, J
Cordell, J R
Cordell, J.
Cordell, Jeffery R.
Cordell, Jeffrey R
Cordell, Jeffrey
Cordell, Jeffery R
Cordell, Jeffery
Cordes, E E
Cordray, Sheila
Corey, Philip D.
Corkeron, P J
Corkeron, P.
Corliss, John F
Cornell Howland Hayes and Merryfield
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Cornu, C.
Cornu, Craig
Cornuelle, B D
Cornwell, T J
Cornwell, Trevan J
Corson, William D
Cortes, E
Cortright, Robert
Costa, Daniel P
Costa, D. P.
Costello, M. J.
Cote, I M
Cote, D
Cottam, Douglas F.
Cotte, C
Cotton, Samuel J
Cotton, P. A.
Couch, R W
Couch, Richard
Couch, Richard W
Couch, David
Coughlan, J. P.
Coulter, Henry W
Coulton, Kevin G
Council, Umpqua Basin Watershed
Council, Oregon. Natural Heritage Advisory
Council, Midcoast Watersheds
Council., Oregon. Natural Heritage Advisory
Councill, E.
Counihan, K. L.
Counihan, T. D.
Counter, Marina
Counts, C. L.
County, Douglas
Courter, Ian I
Courtney, Wayne E
Courtright, Robert C
Coury, Anny B
Coury, A B
Coutant, C. C.
Coutellier, Q.
Couture, Ryan B.
Couture, Ryan
Covich, A. P.
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians
Cowan, Darrel S
Cowan, Robert
Cowan, J. H.
Cowen, Robert K.
Cowen, J
Cowen, J. P.
Cowen, Robert
Cowen, B.
Cowgill, Stacia A
Cowgill, Robert L
Cowles, T. J.
Cowx, I. G.
Cox, Allan
Cox, Raymond Lee
Cox, William S
Cox, Raymond
Cox, S. P.
Cox, Robin
Cox, A.
Coyle, K
Coyle, K. O.
Craig, H
Craig, M.
Craig, A. S.
Craig, Amanda
Craig, D P
Craig, J. F.
Craig, B. E.
Craig, Robin Kundis
Craig, James Morrison
Craighead, Frank C. Sr.
Cramer, Lori A.
Cramer, Frederick K
Cramer, Owen P
Cramer, Steven P
Cramer, Lori
Crampton, P J S
Crandall, E. D.
Crandell, Dwight R
Crandell, George F
Crandell, D R
Cranston, Peter S
Cranston, C K
Crapo, Chuck
Craven, Cormac
Crawford, Rex
Crawford, J G
Crawford, David L.
Creager, Joe S
Crecelius, Eric
Creech, Tyler G.
Creech, Clayton H
Creech, Harold C.
Creech, Matthew K
Cresko, W A
Cresko, William A.
Cressy, Jr.
Crews, Tracy
Cristofolini, Renato
Critchley, A. T.
Crittenden, Jr.
Crittenden, Whitney
Crocker, D. E.
Croes, Dal
Croes, Dale R
Croll, D. A.
Cromartie, E
Crone, Paul R.
Croneis, Carey
Cronen, N. O.
Cronick, Tamisha
Cronk, C. P. (Corydo
Cronn, R
Crook, Gene Ray
Croom, Miles
CROOS, Project
Crosa, J. H.
Crosby, E J
Crosby, M. P.
Cross, T. F.
Cross, F. A.
Cross, C M
Cross, J. N.
Cross, M.E.
Crossey, Laura J
Crosson, Robert S
Crouch, J K
Crouch, James K
Crough, Thomas S
Crovelli, R A
Crowder, Larry B
Crowder, L. B.
Crowder, Dwight F
Crowder, L
Crowell, John C
Crowell, J C
Crowhurst, P
Crowhurst, Rachel S.
Crowley, Paul Robert
Crozier, Lisa
Crozier, Lisa G.
Crozier, L. G.
Cruikshank, Kenneth M
Crump, Byron C.
Crumrine, Milo D
Cryer, Curtis B
Csejtey, Jr.
Csepp, D. J.
Cubillos, L.
Cudd, Sue
Cudd, S.
Cude, Curtis
Culbertson, Jeffry Dean
Cullinan, Valerie I.
Culloty, S.
Culp, J. M.
Culver, R F
Culver, Harold E
Culver, C. A.
Cumings, E R
Cummings, T. .E.
Cummings, T. Edwin
Cummings, Ed
Cummins, J. M.
Cummins, V. C.
Cummins, J M
Cummins, Kenneth W
Cundy, Terrance W
Cunningham, C
Curl, Herbert Jr.
Curl Jr., Herbert
Curran, Lorne S.
Curray, J R
Curray, Joseph
Curray, Joseph R
Currence, L. E.
Currey, Mark C.
Currie, R. G.
Currie, Claire A
Currier, L W
Curry, Donald H
Curry Jr., George L
Cursons, R.
Curtice, C.
Curtis, G H
Curtis, L. R.
Curtis, D M
Curtiss, David A
Curtiss, D A
Cusack, Christopher Inju
Cusack, C.
Cusano, D. A.
Cushman, Joseph A
Cusimano, R. F.
Custer, T. W.
Cutchin, D L
Cutshall, Norman H
Cypriano-Souza, A. L.
Cyr, N
D'Alessandro, D N
D'Alessandro, E K
D'Andrea, Anthony
D'Andrea, Anthony F
D'Antonio, Carla Marie
d'Ozouville, N.
Da Silva, D. A.
Daeschel, M. A.
Daeschel, M
Daeschel, M. D.
Dagg, M
Dahlheim, M. E.
Dahlhoff, E. P.
Daily, M K
Daily, Kim
Dale, K. E.
Dalebout, M. L.
Dalgaard, Stacey
Dalrymple, Brent G
Dalrymple, G B
Dalton, Meghan
Dalton, Meghan M
Dalton, M.
Daly, Benjamin
Daly, B
Daly, A R
Daly, B. A.
Daly, Reginald A
Daly, Elizabeth A.
Daly, K L
Dam, H. G.
Dam, Hans G
Dambacher, Jeffery M
Dames & Moore
Dammann, Daniel
Damuth, J E
Dana, Randy
Dana, Toni A M
Danehy, Robert
Danehy, Robert J.
Danes, Z F
Daniels, C. B.
Daniels, Joseph
Danilchik, Nikolai M.
Danley, Courtney
Danley, Courtney C.
Danner, W R
Dantin, Darrin D
Dantin, D. D.
Darienzo, Mark E
Darienzo, Mark Edward
Darling, J
Darling, John A
Darling, J A
Darr, Allen L
Darrel, Faxon
Darrell, Demory
Dataset, Oregon State Univ
Dauble, Alison D
Daugherty, Richard D
Davee, Rachel R
Davenport, Kathy
Davey, F J
David, Aaron
David, Aaron T.
David W Watkins, David W
Davidson, George
Davidson, (eds.) D D
Davidson, C F
Davidson, Timothy M
Davidson, Timothy Mathias
Davidsson, E
Davies, K. T. A.
Davies, Debbee
Davies, K G
Davies, David K
Davies, J. A.
Davis, Melanie J.
Davis, N. D.
Davis, L. R.
Davis, J P
Davis, J
Davis, G L
Davis, L. G.
Davis, E
Davis, Alice S
Davis, Loren
Davis, G. E.
Davis, Gerald
Davis, C.
Davis, Nancy D.
Davis, L. M.
Davis, S. A.
Davis, E. E.
Davis, Shannon W
Davis, L
Davis, C S
Davis, G.
Davis, Chante D.
Davis, T L
Davis, Chante
Davis, C. O.
Davis, Nancy D
Davis, Sheila M
Davis, A S
Davis, R
Davis, Willard E
Davis, L. H.
Davis, Loren G
Davis, E E
Davis, R W
Davis, M. H.
Davis, Michael W
Davy, B
Dawe, S. C.
Dawley, E.
Day, K. E.
Day, D.
Day, L B
Dayalu, A
Days, AGU Front Rang
Dayton, P K
de Blois, S. K.
De Chant, Jennifer H
de Estatistica, Sociedade Portuguesa
De Goeij, J J M
De Groot, A J
de la Cruz, A. U.
de Luca, M.
de Melo, C. M. R.
De Oliveira, J. A. A.
De Rivera, C.E.
De Robertis, Alex
De Robertis, Alex
de Ronde, C. E. J.
de Soto, N. A.
De Sousa, A C B
De Souza, A P
De Tullio, J. C.
De Wit,, Pierre
De Yoe, H. R.
Deacon, Robert J
Deacon, R J
Deakins, A P
Dean, H.
Dean, T A
Dean, C. A.
Dean, Henry Jennings
DeAngelis, M.
Deardorff, N. D.
Deardorff, N
Deary, A. L.
Deason, Ellen Elizabeth
DeBen, Waldemar
DeBen, Waldemar A
DeBevoise, Anne E.
Debich, A. J.
Debrouwer, J F C
DeBruyckere, Lisa A.
Debusca, A
Debussche, M.
deCalesta, D. S.
Decima, M
Deck, Anna K.
Decker, Robert
Decker, M. B.
Decker, C E
Decker, Barbara
DeCourcy, Bolton W
Decovich, N. A.
Deer, W A
Defenders of Wildlife,
Degens, Egon T
Degnbol, P
DeGraff, James M
Deguchi, T
Dehaan, Patrick W
Dehlinger, Peter
Dehlinger, P
Deimling, Elisabeth A.
DeJesus-Crespo, R.
Dekker, A. J.
Dekob, V. M.
Dekoning, J
Dekov, V. M.
Delaini, Jack
Delaney, J
Delaney, J. R.
Delaney, P W
Delaporte, M
Delarue, J.
Delay, William H
Delich, N. M.
Delich, N.
Dellagiarino, George
Dello, Kathie D.
Dello, Kathie
Dello, K. D.
Dello, K.
Delong, R L
DeLong, E. F.
DeLong, Robert L
DeLony, Eric
Delord, K.
Demaison, G J
DeManche, J M
Demarest, II
Demarest, J M
DeMartini, John David
DeMartini, John D
DeMaster, D. P.
Demchenko, N. L.
Demer, D. A.
Demer, D
Demers, Nora E.
Demeter Design
Demetropoulos, Carl Lee
Demetropoulos, Carl L.
DeMort, Carole L
Demory, Robert L
Demory, Robert Leroy
Demory, Darrel
Demory, Darrell
Denes, S. L.
Deng, K.
Deng, X.
Denhart, Mariah H
Denise Dammann Consulting.,
Denkinger, J.
Denner, Warren
Dennis, T.
Dennis, D
Denny, A
DeNoyer, J M
Denson, L. S.
Denson, LaTreese
Dent, B.
Dent, Elizabeth F.
Denton, D. L.
DePaola, Angelo Jr.
Department, Portland State Univ
Department of the Army Corps of Engineers
Dept., Lincoln County (Or.). Planning
Dept., Oregon. Water Resources
Dept. of Geosciences, Oregon State University
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. Federal Insurance Administration
Dept. of the Interior, Geological Survey U S
Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey,
Derkey, R E
DeRonde, C. E. J.
Derr, A.
DeRuiter, S.
DeRuiter, S. L.
DeRuiter, s L.
DeRuiter, P. C.
Derville, S.
DeRycke, Richard J
Desbruyeres, D
Deschamps, A
Deser, C
DesVoigne, David M
Dethier, Megan N
Dethier, D P
Detterman, Janis S
Dettmann, E.
Detweiler, John Henry
Deur, Douglas
Devaud, L. L.
Development, United States. En
Development, Oregon Dept. of L
Dever, E P
Devol, A
DeVore, John D
DeVore, J
DeVore, Matt B
DeVoto, Bernard
DeVries, J.
Dewar, H
Dewberry, Charley
DeWitt, Ted
DeWitt, M. J.
DeWitt, Christina A. Mireles
DeWitt, M
DeWitt, Theodore H
deWitt, L.
DeWitt, Christina Mireles A
DeWoody, J. A.
Dexter, Eric
di Castri, F.
Di Giulio, R. T.
Di Lorenzo, Emanuele
Di Lorenzo, E
Di Prinzio, Cecilia
di Sciara, G. N.
Di Toro, D.
Di Tullio, J. C.
Diamond, Jerome
Diamond Lake Ranger District
Dias, M. P.
Diaz, Maria E.
Diaz, M. C.
Díaz-Méndez, Guillermo
Dibblee, Jr.
Dick, E. J.
Dick, D. M.
Dick, H J B
Dick, E J
Dicken, Samuel Newton
Dicken, Samuel Newton
Dicken, Samuel N
Dickerson, M.
Dickins, E F
Dickinson, William R
Dickinson, W R
Dickinson, W W
Dickson, A. G.
Dickson, K. L.
DiCosimo, J
DiCosimo, A. J.
DiCosimo, J.
Die, D
Diebenow, Julie
Dieckmann, U
Diefenderfer, Heida L.
Diefenderfer, H. L.
Diehl, Jennifer
Dierking, L.
Dieterich, J. H.
Dieterich, J H
Dietrich, W E
Dietrich, William E
Dietrich, Joseph P.
Dietrich, William Eric
Dietrich, Kimberly S
Dietrich, Joseph
Dietz, Robert S
Diju-Duval, Bernard
Dilcher, David L
Dill, R F
Dill, Robert F
Dill, A J
Dillane, E.
Diller, Joseph S
Dilley, B. J.
Dillon, T.
Dillon, W P
Dillon, M E
Dillon, W E
Dillon, William P
Dilly, G F
DiMaria, Ruth A.
DiMarzio, N
Dimick, Roland E
Dimick, R E
Dimick, John B
Dimroth, Erich
Dines, J. P.
Dings, M G
Dini, A.
Dinicola, Richard S
Dinnel, P
Dinnel, P. A.
Dinnel, Paul A.
Dinnel, P A
Dinter, D A
Dionne, Michelle
Dirks-Edmunds, Jane Claire
Dirks-Edmunds, Jane C.
Dirringer, Sebastian W. V.
District, Army. Corps Engineers. Portland U S
District, Army. Corps Engineers. Walla Walla U S
District, United States. Ar
District, Calapooya Water Cont
Ditchburn, R. G.
DiToro, D. M.
Ditsworth, George R
Ditsworth, G R
Dittmar, John A
Division, United States Env
Division, Biological Resources
Division, Oregon. Fish Commission. Research
Division, Army. Corps Engineers. North Pacific U S
Division, Oregon. Fish
Division, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. Western Administrative Support
Division, Northwest Fisheries
Division, National Health and
Divsion, National Health and
Dixon, John M
Dixon, Jack C
Dixon, J M
Diziak, Robert P.
Djang, K.
Do, Thai
Do, Van Tu
Dobbins, W E
Dobroski, N.
Docker, M F
Dodemont, R
Dodson, J. J.
Doe, B R
Doe, K
Doehring, Donald O
Doell, Richard R
Doiron, Kate
Dokka, Roy K
Dole, Hollis M
Dole, Jessica C.
Dollar, Victor R
Dollar, A J
Dolsak, N.
Dolton, G L
Dolton, Gordon L
Domack, Eugene W
Dominguez, S. E.
Domning, Daryl P
Domokos, R.
Don, Cristen
Donaghay, Percy L
Donahue, Jack
Donahue, J. P.
Donahue, Douglas J
Donaldson, Luke
Dong, X. P.
Dong, X.
Donheffner, Paul E
Donnellan, M.
Donnelly, Thomas W
Donnelly-Nolan, Julie
Donoghay, Percy L
Donoghue, M
Donoghue, C.
Donohoe, C. J.
Donovan, G.
Doolan, Cody
Doolitte, Jim
Doore, B
Doran, P. D.
Dorji, S.
Dorman, J. A.
Dorn, M. W.
Dornhoffer, T. M.
Dorr, G.
Dorresteijn, Ine
Dorsey, Rebecca J
Dose, Jeffrey J
Dott, R H
Dott, Jr.
Doty, D. C.
Doty, Maxwell S
Double, M. C.
Double, M.
Doudoroff, Peter
Douglas, David
Douglas, Robert G
Douglas, K C
Douglas, A. B.
Douglas, A
Douglas, S
Douglas County (Or.)
Douglas County (Or.). Commissioners
Douglas County (Or.). Planning Commission
Douglas County (Or.). Planning Dept.
Douillet, Philippe A.
Douillet, Philippe
Doumbia, Julie
Dover, S
Dow, Wallace G
Dower, J F
Dower, J
Downey, Tom
Downs, Theodore
Doyle, M
Doyle, M. J.
Doyle, Debra L
Draheim, H. M.
Draheim, R C
Drake, Robert E
Drake, J S
Drake, D C
Drake, Jonathan Scott
Drake, Charles L
Dranovskiy, Ya. A
Drapeau, Georges
Draper, Douglas
Drawbridge, M.
Draxler, A
Dreyer, B.
Dreyer, B. M.
Driedzic, B.
Drinkwater, J L
Driscoll, David D
Drolet, Barbara S.
Dronkert, H
Drozdowski, G
Drucker, Philip
Drugg, Warren Sowle
Drummond, James M
Dryness, C.
Du, Xiuning
Du, Xiuning N.
Duan, Jingyun
Duarte, J. C.
Duarte, C M
Dubose, Willie G
Duchene, S.
Ducklow, H.
Duda, E
Duda, A L
Dudas, Marvin J
Dudas, Sarah
Dudley, Walter C
Dudoit, Chana M
Dudzinski, K.
Duedall, I. W.
Duennebier, Fred
Duffield, D. A.
Duffield, Wendell A
Duffus, D
Duffy, W. G.
Duffy, T. A.
Duffy, D
Duffy-Anderson, J. T.
Duffy-Anderson, J.
DuFour, M
DuFresne, S
Dugan, P. J.
Dugdale, R. C.
Dugger, K D
Dugger, Bruce
Dugger, Bruce D.
Duke, M.
Duke, William L
Dukes, J. S.
Duley, O
Dumbauld, Brett
Dumbauld, Brett R
Dumitrica, Paulian
Dumitru, Trevor A.
Dumond, Don (ed.) E
Dumoulin, Julie A
Dunbar, C O
Dunbar, Carl O
Duncan, Robert A
Duncan, J R
Duncan, R A
Duncan, Donald C
Duncan, Robert
Duncan, Sally L.
Duncan, R. A.
Duncan, John R
Dundas, Steven J.
Dungan, C. F.
Dunham, Jason
Dunham, Jason B.
Dunham, J. B.
Dunkin, M
Dunlop, H A
Dunlop, E. S.
Dunn, P
Dunn, D. C.
Dunn, J. L.
Dunn, C. A.
Dunn, Austin
Dunn, A.
Dunnavant, Sam
Dunshea, G
Dunton, K H
Dupre, W R
Durazo, R
Durban, J. W.
Durbin, Ken
Durbin, E
Durham, David L
Durham, Wyatt
Durkina, V. B.
Durland, Evan
Durrell, Cordell
Dutcher, (ed.) R M
Dutson, T. R.
Duttin, I. M.
Dutton, Peter H
Duval, Wayne S
Dwyer, S. L.
Dye, Eva Emery
Dye, Paul
Dykstra, S. L.
Dymond, J
Dyrness, C T
Dyrness, C.
Dyrynda, P.
Dyson, B.
Dziak, Robert P
Dziak, Robert
Dzulynski, St.
Dzulynski, Stanislaw
Dzwonkowski, B.
D’Andrea, Anthony F.
E, Dunca.
E&S Environmental Chemistry
E&S Environmental Chemistry Inc.
E., O’Brien. Fletcher
E., Claypool. George
Eadie, B. J.
Eagles-Smith, Collin A
Eardley, Christopher S
Eardley, Chris
Eardley, C.
Earth, Ocean and Atmosp
Earth Design Consultants Inc.
Earth Sciences Associates
East, Jennifer L.
Easterbrook, Donald J
Eastern Washington State College
Easton, Ryan Reid
Easton, Ryan R.
Eaton, R. C.
Eaton, Jerry P
Eaton, J P
Ebbesmeyer, Curtis C
Eberhart, B. T.
Ebersole, Joseph L
Ebersole, J L
Ebersole, J. L.
Ebert, D. A.
Ebert, Thomas A
Eble, A. F.
Eby, Lisa
Echols, R J
Echols, Scott
Echols, Scott F.
Echols, D J
Eckert, G
Eckert, Ginny L.
Eckert, G. L.
ECO Northwest Ltd.
Economic Consultants Oregon Ltd.
Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County
Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County,
Eda, M.
Eddleman, Brenda
Eddy, C. K.
Eden, Meg
Eder, R
Eder, K.
Edmond, L.
Edmonds, H. N.
Edmondson, Charles H
Edmonson, Charles H
Edmunds, P. J.
eds), Proctor & R. Cherr
Edstrom, J. P.
Edstrom, J
Edulbehram, Uma
Edwards, S. F.
Edwards, A B
Eecke, H C V
Eerkes-Medrano, Dafne I.
Eerkes-Medrano, Dafne
Eganhouse, R. P.
Eggermont, Theo
Eggert, H.
Eggler, David H
Eggleston, D B
Eguiluz, V. M.
Ehler, C. N.
Ehlers, G M
Ehlig, Janette
Ehrhart, Amy Lynne
Ehrhart, Amy L.
Eichert, Will
Eichert, W
Eide, K. E.
Eilers, Joseph
Eilers, Peter H
Eilers, Joseph M
Einarsen, Arthur S
Einum, S
Eischens, C. A.
Eisele, Gerhardt
Eisenhuth, H P
Eisner, L. B.
Eisner, L.
Eittreim, S. L.
Eittreim, S L
Eklund, A. M.
Ekstrom, J.
El-Shaarawi, A. H.
Elakha Alliance.
Elbert, Daniel
Elder, Leanne E.
Eldredge, L. G.
Eldridge, Peter M
Eldridge, Peter
Elias, M K
Ellenburg, Loretta
Ellett, Lindsey G.
Ellings, Christopher
Ellingson, K. S.
Ellingson, Kami S.
Ellingson, L J
Elliott, James A.
Elliott, William P
Elliott-Fisk, Deborah L.
Elliott-Smith, E
Ellis, W L
Ellis, Martha J
Ellis, Robert M
Ellis, R C
Ellis, J W
Ellis, R M
Ellis-Sugai, Barbara
Ellsworth, W L
Ellwood, S R
Elmore, Wayne
Elseroad, Adrien
Elston, Ralph A
Elston, R
Elvin, David Winter.
Elvin, David
Elvin, Patricia J
Elvin, David W.
Elwell, Terry
Elz, A
Elz, Anna
Embley, R W
Embley, Robert
Embley, Robert W.
Emeis, Kay-Christian
Emel, Sarah L.
Emerson, A A
Emery, K O
Emilia, David A
Emlong, Douglas R
Emmel, F J
Emmer, Rod E
Emmet, Robert L.
Emmett, E W
Emmett, R. L.
Emmett, Robert L
Emmett, Robert
Emmett, Robert
Emmingham, William H.
Enbysk, B J
Endo, T
Endreny, P
Endreny, Polly A.
Endreny, Theodore A
Endris, Charlie
Endris, Charles
Enfield, David B
Engebretson, D C
Engebretson, David C
Engel, A E J
Engel, Celeste G
Engel, M. H.
Engel, M
Engelhart, Simon E
Engelhaupt, D
Engelking, H. M.
Engels, Joan C
Engineer, Army. Corps U S
Engineering-Science Inc.
Engineers, Institute of Electri
England, Brian M
England, Philip
England, George
Engle, V
Englemeyer, Paul
Engles, Virginia
English, John T
English, W R
English, Marshall J
Englund, G
Enlows, Harold E
Enochs, I C
Enright, W.
Enriquez, R
Enriquez, R. R.
Ensor, P.
Environment, Scientific Committee
Environmental and Water Resources Institute (U.S.)
Environmental Protection Information Center
Environmental Research Laboratory (Gulf Breeze
Epifanio, J. M.
Eppard, S
Epps, Clinton W.
Epps, C.
Erd, R C
Erdmann, C E
Erhardt, Andrea M
Erhardt, A. M.
Eric, John H
Erichsen (R.H.) and Associates
Erickson, Dan L.
Erickson, Barrett H
Erickson, Max P
Erickson, Joyce E
Erickson, A
Erickson, Daniel L
Erickson, Brian
Erickson, Daniel L.
Eriksen, E
Erjavec, J L
Ermgassen, P. S. E. Z.
Ermgassen, Psez
Ernst, D H
Ernst, W G
Erofeev, A.
Errend, Melissa N.
Errend, M. N.
Erwin, Margaret L
Escartin, J
Escribano, R.
Eshleman, K N
Espinoza, Michael
Espinoza, P.
Espitalie, J
Essington, T. E.
Esteban, A.
Estelle, V. B.
Estes, James
Estes, J. A.
Estuarine Living Marine Resources Program (U.S.)
Esturk, Okan
Esturk, O.
Etherington, Thomas John
Etnoyer, P.
Eudeline, B
Eudeline, Benoit
Eugster, H P
Eun, J. B.
Evan, H
Evanich, Joe
Evanich, Joseph Jr. E
Evans, Melissa L.
Evans, James G
Evans, Harold J
Evans, K
Evans, Ford
Evans, Robert E
Evans, George Watkin
Evans, L. J.
Evans, Leigh J.
Evans, W E
Evans, F
Evans, Leigh
Evans, M.
Evans, Taren
Evans, Robert T.
Evans, W.
Evans, Sanford
Evans III, Sanford
Evenson, J R
Everhart, D L
Evernden, Jack F
Evernden, J F
Everroad, R C
Evers, B.
Evseeka, S. A.
Ewal, M.
Ewald, Michael J.
Ewart, A
Ewing, R D
Ewing, Lesley.
Ewing, M
Ewton, Erica M.
Expedition, Puget Sound
Exxon Corporation
F., Franklin Jerry
Faasse, M.
Fabbi, Brent P
Fadeev, V. I.
Fagan, D.
Fagan, David D
Fagerness, Vicki
Fahay, M. P.
Fahnestock, Robert K
Fahy, K
Faillettaz, R.
Fairbairn, H W
Fairbridge, R W
Fairchild, Lee H
Fairchild, Roy W
Fairchild, William M.
Falardeau, M.
Falcone, E A
Falcone, Erin A.
Falcone, E
Falcy, Matthew R.
Falcy, M. R.
Falgàs, Jordi
Falk, J.
Falk-Fernandez, P
Falkenborg, D H
Falvey, Henry T
Fan, Kyle
Fan, Y H
Fan, Xianbin
Farace, D.
Farahani, R. J.
Fargion, G S
Farias-Curtidor, N.
Farkas, D F
Farley, E. V.
Farley, Christopher
Farley, E
Farley, C A
Farley, Mark
Farley, Jillian Marie
Farley, K A
Farley, C.Austin
Farman, R.
Farnell, James E
Farnham, W F
Farnsworth, Katherine L
Farnsworth, A.
Farrar, P D
Farrar, Edward
Farrar, C D
Farrara, J. D.
Farrell, Terence M.
Farrell, Joe
Farri, W F
Farris, G. S.
Farrow, Daniel R G
Farthing, M. W.
Fary, Jr.
Fasten, Nathan
Faulkes, Z.
Faure, K
Faure Muret, A
Fausch, Kurt D.
Faxon, D
Faxon, Darrel
Fay, G.
Fear, John
Fearnbach, H.
Fecht, Karl R
Fedewa, Erin J.
Fedora, Mark A
Fedutin, I.
Feely, R. A.
Feely, Richard A.
Feelyd, Richard A
Feinberg, Leah R.
Feist, B. E.
Feist, G
Fekedulegn, D
Fekete, B M
Felder, D. L.
Feldman, K. L.
Feldman, M H
Feldner, J.
Felix, F
Feller, R. J.
Fellers, Gary M
Fencsak, Richard
Fennessy, M. S.
Fenske, K. H.
Ferdana, Zack
Ferguson, R C
Ferguson, Denzel E
Ferguson, Glenn C
Ferguson, J. A.
Ferguson, Jayde A
Ferguson, M. C.
Ferguson, John W.
Ferguson, H G
Fergusson, E. A.
Fernandez, E R
Fernández-García, C
Ferner, Matthew C.
Ferrari, M
Ferraro, Steven P
Ferreira, L. C.
Ferretti, J. A.
Ferrini, V. L.
Ferrini, V.
Ferriol, M
Ferriss, Bridget E
Fertig, S
Fertig, S. J.
Fessenden, Lynne M.
Fetscher, A E
Fewster, R M
Ficklin, Darren L.
Fiebelkorn, Robin B
Field, K. G.
Field, Michael E
Field, J
Field, K. A.
Field, J. C.
Field, M E
Field, Samuel J.
Fielder, P. C.
Fieldner, A C
Fierstine, H. L.
Fifarek, Richard H
Figlar-Barnes, Ron
Filatova, O.
Filewicz, Mark V
Filewicz, M V
Filippini-Fantoni, S
Filliger, L. Z.
Fillo, Paul V
Filmore, Matthew H.
Finch, B. E.
Findlay, K.
Findlay, K. P.
Findley, L
Finkl, C. W.
Finkl, Charles W
Finlayson, Brian J
Finlayson, B. J.
Finley, Carmel
Finley, John S
Finley, Shersten
Finn, Carol
Finney, B
Finstad, B
Firm), Environmental Management
Firman, Julie
Fischer, K. N.
Fischer, Alfred G
Fischer, C.
Fischer, Alfred G
Fischer, A G
Fish, W.
Fish, F. E.
Fish Commission of Oregon
Fish Commission of Oregon.
Fish Commission of Oregon. Division of Management and Research
Fish Commission of Oregon. Management and Research Division
Fish Commission of Oregon. Research Division
Fish Division
Fish Division. Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Fish. Division. Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Fisher, J. P.
Fisher, Robert L
Fisher, Jennifer
Fisher, Joseph P
Fisher, J
Fisher, J. A.
Fisher, R.
Fisher, Barry
Fisher, Michael A
Fisher, Jennifer L.
Fisher, N.
Fisher, Richard V
Fisher, D M
Fisher, R V
Fisher, K M
Fisher, Jennifer P.
Fisheries Research Board of Canada
Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
Fishman, Paul
Fishman Environmental Services
Fisk, W L
Fisk, M. R.
Fisk, Lanny H
Fiske, D. W.
Fiske, Richard S
Fitch, Thomas J
Fitzenz, D.
Fitzpatrick, Martin S
Fitzpatrick, Kathy Bridges
Fitzpatrick, P. J.
Fjälling, A
Flach, L.
Flaherty, Ryan James
Flanagan, Francis J
Flanagan, F J
Flanagan, A. M.
Flathers, Courtney
Fleck, William K
Fleenor, Groff
Flegal, Arthur Russell
Fleischbein, J H
Fleischer, G W
Fleischer, Michael
Fleishman, Erica
Flemer, D.
Fleming, I A
Fleming, Ian A
Flemming, S. A.
Flemming, J. E. Mills
Flenniken, John Jeffrey
Fletcher, T. C.
Flett, John S
Fleuck, Paul
Flick, G J
Flitcroft, Rebecca
Flitcroft, R. L.
Flitcroft, Rebecca L.
Flitcroft, Rebecca L
Florer, Linda E
Flores, J.
Flores de Sahagún, V
Florez-Gonzalez, L
Floros, C
Flowers, J.
Flugstad, B
Fluharty, D.
Flynn, J
Flynn, M J
Flynn, Joan M
Flynn, John J
Fodness, B
Foerste, A F
Fofonoff, P W
Fogel, Marilyn L
Fogel, M. L.
Foley, D. G.
Folger, Christina
Folger, Christina L
Folger, C.
Folkens, P.
Follansbee, Bruce
Follet, Tomas
Follett, E. M.
Follett, Tomas
Follett, Thomas
Fong, Q.
Fong, P.
Fonner, R.
Fonseca, Miguel M.
Fonstad, Mark A.
Fontaine, Barbara L
Foothill Associates,
Force, Gorda Ridge Tech
Force, Gorda Ridge Task
Ford, A B
Ford, Michael Jonathan
Ford, M
Ford, M. J.
Ford, J K B
Ford, Michael J
Ford, M. D.
Ford, R G
Fordyce, Ewan R
Forest, Siuslaw National
Forest, Oregon. Siuslaw National
Forest, Lesh C
Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center (U.S.)
Forestell, P. H.
Forester, Brenna R.
Foresters, Society of America
Fornari, Daniel
Fornari, D. J.
Forner, Henry E. Jr
Forney, K. A.
Forsberg, Brent O
Forseth, T
Forsman, E D
Forster, Z
Forsyth, D. W.
Fortier, Daniel J
Fortier, L.
Fortune Jr., John D
Fossette, S.
Foster, M. S.
Fothergill, Harold L
Fouch, T D
Foundation, Henry M. Jackson
Foundation, Alaska Fisheries
Fountain, Monique C
Fountain, D M
Fournet, Michelle E. H.
Fournet, Michelle E.
Fournier, Bob
Foutz, S.
Fowle, Royal E
Fowler, G A
Fowler, Mathew
Fowler, M. J.
Fowler, Gerald A
Fowler, Matthew R.
Fowler, Matt
Fowler, S. W.
Fowler, M
Fowler, Matthew J
Fox, Jr.
Fox, Conner S.
Fox, Haley K.
Fox, C. G.
Fox, Christopher G
Fox, David
Fox, David S
Foy, R. J.
Frable, Benjamin W.
Frachtenberg, Leo Joachim
Frakes, Lawrence A
Frakes, L A
Francis, R. C.
Francis, T. J. G.
Francis, T. B.
Francis, Robert C
Francis, A. A.
Francis, James D
Francis, R C
Franco-Trecu, V.
Frank, D C
Frank, F J
Frank, K. T.
Frank, T. M.
Frankel, S
Frankel, A. S.
Franklin, J M
Franklin, T
Franklin, W
Franklin, J.
Frantzen, J.
Fraser, George D
Fraser, Gordon S
Fraser, M. B.
Frasier, T. R.
Fratantoni, D M
Fratkin, Michael Mulugetta
Frazier, Melanie R.
Frazier, Melanie A.
Frazier, Melanie R
Frazier, Melanie
Frazier, J. G.
Frazier, M
Frazier, M. R.
Frazier, J
Frederiksen, M
Frederiksen, N O
Fredriksen, R L
Freeland, H. J.
Freeman, Chase
Freeman, M. A.
Freeman, Chase M.
Freeman, K S
Freese, S.
Fregosi, S.
Fregosi, Selene
Freidel, Dorothy E
Freidenburg, T. L.
Freitas, V
French, W S
French, K. E.
French, Emily
French National Committee for Geology
Frenkel, Robert E
Frenkel, R E
Frere, P. E.
Frerich, Dan
Fresh, K L
Fresh, Kurt L
Fresh, K
Frest, Terrence J.
Frevert, Donald K
Frey, Bruce E
Frey, Peter
Frey, David G
Frezon, S E
Frick, W. E.
Frick, Walter E
Frickenhaus, S
Friday, N. A.
Friday, John
Friebe, A.
Friedlaender, Aro S.
Friedlaender, A
Friedlaender, Ari
Friedlaender, Ari S.
Friedland, K. D.
Friedland, K.
Friedman, C
Friedman, Julia M
Friedman, I I
Friedrich, Allan C
Frierson, Taylor N.
Frisch, Robyn
Frissell, Christopher A
Fritsche, Eugene A
Fritz, Cara E
Fritz, L.
Frizzell, Jr.
Froelich, Philip
Froelich, P N
Frolander, Herbert F
Frost, Ronald B
Froufe, Elsa
Fruchter, Jonathan S
Frueh-Green, G. L.
Fruet, P. F.
Fruh, Erica L
Fruh-Green, G. L.
Frumkin, J
Fryer, Derek S
Fryer, Patricia
Fryer, John L
Fryer, D.
Fryer, J L
Fryxell, Roald
Fuentes, C.
Fuhrer, Gregory J
Fuji, Takashi
Fujii, N.
Fujimoto, K
Fujimura, R.
Fujimura, R. K.
Fujioka, K
Fujishin, Lorissa
Fujita, R
Fujita, Rodney
Fukai, R
Fukuta, T.
Fulford, R.
Fuller, C M
Fuller, Emma C.
Fuller, Richard E
Fuller, Roger
Fuller, C.M.
Fuller & Morris Engineering Inc.
Fullerton, Aimee H.
Fullerton, Aimee Heather
Fullerton, A. H.
Fultz, Lester E
Funahashi, N
Funk, F.
Funk, Chris
Funnell, Brian Michael
Furfari, Santo A
Furiness, S J
Furlong, K.P.
Furniss, Michael J.
Furota, Toshio
Fuseler, E.
Fyfe, W S
G.R., Ditsworth
Gabel, Laura L. S.
Gabriel, Stephen R
Gabriel, W.
Gabriele, C M
Gabrielson, Ira N
Gadomski, D. M.
Gaeckle, J. L.
Gaeckle, Jeffrey L
Gaffirey, P. M.
Gage, Susan J.
Gage, S. J.
Gaggiotti, O. E.
Gaichas, S
Gaichas, S K
Gailey, G.
Gaines, Lisa
Gaines, S D
Gakkai, Nihon Suisan
Gakubu, Nagasaki Daigaku. S
Galder, Arnold R
Galehouse, Jon S
Gales, N. J.
Gales, N
Gales, R
Gall, Graham A E
Gall, G. A. E.
Gallager, S M
Gallagher, John L
Gallagher, Brett M
Gallagher, Charmaine M.
Gallagher, M J
Gallaugher, P.
Galleguillos, R
Galleher, Stacy
Galletti, B
Gallino, Gary L
Gallob, Jole
Gallob, Joel
Galloway, Alan J
Galloway, J J
Galloway, A. W. E.
Galloway, William E
Galloway, Aaron W. E.
Gallucci, V. F.
Galovich, G. M.
Galtsoff, Paul S
Galvin, David V
Gambell, R.
Gambi, M. C.
Gamble, Madilyn M.
Gamboa-Poveda, M. P.
Game, California Department Fish
Gamo, T
Gan, Han Ming
Gani, Christopher D.
Ganio, Lisa M
Ganio, L
Gannon, J. E.
Ganong, J. E.
Gant, Daniel B
Gao, N.
Gao, J B
Gao, R. C.
Garant, D
Garavito, M. F.
Garbary, D.
Garber, Jonathan H.
Garber, Jonathon H
Garces, L. H.
Garcia, S
Garcia, C.
Garcia, T. S.
Garcia, John C
Garcia, Gabriel
García-Medina, Gabriel
Garcia-Reyes, M.
Garcia-Rodriguez, J J
Gard, Jr.
Gardner, J
Gardner, Julia
Gardner, B.
Garfield, N
Garfield, Nina
Garita-Alpízar, F.
Garland, Tina
Garland, G D
Garman, G. C.
Garman, S. L.
Garmendia, A
Garnjanagoonchorn, W
Garono, Ralph
Garrels, R M
Garreton, Marta S
Garrett, Ann M
Garrido, S.
Garrigue, C
Garrison, R L
Garrison, A. W.
Garrison, Louis E
Garrison, R
Garrison, R E
Garrison, Robert E
Garrow, Holly C
Garstecki, T
Gartner, Jr.
Gartz, Russell G
Garven, G
Garza, John Carlos
Garza, J C
Garzon, C. B.
Gasalla, M A
Gaskill, D L
Gast, Paul W
Gates, Michael
Gatlin, D M
Gaumer, Tom F
Gaumer, Thomas G
Gaumer, Thomas. F
Gaumer, Thomas P
Gaumer, Tom
Gaumer, Thomas F
Gautman, A.
Gauvin, J.
Gauvin, J R
Gawas, R. B.
Gawel, Len Joseph
Gaxiola Castro, G O
Gaxiola-Castro, G
Gay, Jr.
Gaydos, J. K.
Gburek, S A
Gburek, S. A.
Gearin, P. J.
Gearin, P.
Gearns, H. A.
Gebhardt, Gary Alan
Gebhardt, Gary A.
Gebrehiwot, A
Gedamke, J
Gedamke, T
Gedney, Larry D
Geer, M R
Geernaert, T O
Gehrels, George E
Geibel, J. J.
Geierman, Christina
Geiger, S
Geiger, Anne C.
Geiger, Anne
Geilselman, T. L.
Geist, Dennis J
Geist, D. J.
Geist, Gary Michael
Geist, D
Gelatt, T S
Gelcich, S.
Gelfenbaum, G
Gelfenbaum, Guy
Geli, L.
Geller, J.
Geller, J. B.
Geller, Jonathan B.
Gemperle, M
Gemperle, Michael
Gende, S. M.
Gendron, J
Gendron, J F
Gendron, D
Genetic Monitoring Working, Grp
Gennerich, H. H.
Gentile, J.
Gentile, John Richard
Geo Recon International
Geological Society of America. Cordilleran Section
Geological Survey (U.S.)
Geological Survey of Japan Marine Geology Department
George, Robert Lance
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Geraci, J
Gerlach, Arthur
Gerlalach, Dana
German, C. R.
Gerow, James
Gerritsen, J.
Gerrodette, T.
Gerson, Linda
Gerstoft, P.
Gerth, William J
Gerth, W. J.
Gertsev, V I
Gertseva, Vladlena
Gertseva, Vladlena V.
Gervais, Jennifer A.
Gessel, T. F.
Getsiv-Clemons, Julia E. R.
Getter, Chuck
Getty, K. J.
Getty, K. J. K.
Geyer, Nancy A
Geyer, Nancy
Ghalambor, Cameron K.
Gharib, J. J.
Gharib, J
Gharrett, J T
Gharrett, (compiler) J T
Gharrett, A. J.
Gharrett, J.T. [compiler]
Gharrett, M. S.
Gharrett, John T
Ghazi, Layla
Giannico, Guillermo
Giannico, Guillermo R.
Gibb, Giselle Renee
Gibbons, Helen
Gibbons, C L
Gibbs, N
Gibson, R. A.
Gibson, H. L.
Gibson, A. G.
Gibson, K. R.
Gibson, Gary
Gibson, Thomas G
Gieger, Anne C
Gieskes, Joris M
Gifford, Ralph I.
Gifford, D J
Gifford, E W
Gifford, Ralph I
Gifford, D S
Giger, W
Giger, Richard D
Gilbane, L.
Gilbert, William E
Gilbert, Charles M
Gilbert, William
Gilbert, Thom H.
Gilden, Jennifer S
Gilden, Jennifer
Giles, Donald E
Gilfillan, Francois Archibald
Gilham, Paul C.
Gilham, W D
Gill, A B
Gill, Liz
Gillanders, B. M.
Gille, Daphne Anne
Gilleran, Dennis James
Gillespie, D
Gillespie, Graham
Gillespie, D. C.
Gillespie, Graham E
Gillett, D. J.
Gillette, T
Gillingham, D. M.
Gilluly, James
Gilly, W. F.
Gilmer, D. S.
Gilmont, Susan
Gilmore, R. G.
Gilmour, Ernest H
Gimenez, O
Gimenez, I.
Gimenez, Iria
Gingras, Murray K.
Gingras, Murray
Ginn, T C
Ginn, T. R.
Giorli, G
Giovannoni, S. J.
Girard, G
Girguis, P
Girguis, P. R.
Gisiner, R
Gislason, G. S.
Gislason, H
Gladics, A. J.
Gladics, Amanda J.
Gladson, Jim
Gladwell, John S
Glancy, P A
Glanzman, Charles F
Glass, A C
Glass, Adam C.
Glassley, William
Gleason, D
Gleason, Mary G
Gleason, Barbara
Gleiber, Miram R.
Gleiss, A. C.
Glenn, Craig R
Glenn, Bruce
Glenn, J L
Glenn, M. A.
Glenn, L C
Glenne, Bard
Gless, Douglas J
Glibert, P. M.
Gliege, R.
Globerman, Brian R
Glockner-Ferrari, D
Gloria, B
Glover, Rebecca M
Glover, Sheldon L
Glover, R E
Glunt, K. D.
Gluskoter, H J
Gnose, Charles E
Goad, C. L.
Goblirsch, H.
Goblirsch, Ginny
Gobster, Paul H.
Goddard, Jeff
Goddard, Amanda L.
Goddard, C I
Godt, Jonathan W.
Godwin, R F
Goedert, James L
Goericke, R
Goertier, Pascale A. L.
Goertler, P. A. L.
Goertz, C. E.
Goethel, D. R.
Goetz, B. J.
Goetze, Brigitte
Goetze, Janet
Gofarov, Mikhail Y.
Golan-Bac, Margaret
Gold, B
Gold, J R
Gold, J. R.
Goldberg, Moshe
Goldbogen, J A
Goldbogen, J.
Golden, Jim
Golden, J T
Golden, Bruce
Golden, James T.
Golden, R. C.
Goldfinger, Chris
Goldfinger, C
Goldman, J. C.
Goldsmith, J.
Goldstein, D. A.
Goldstein, P.
Goldstein, K.
Goldstein, Jr.
Goldstein, E. D.
Goles, Gordon G
Golightly, R. T.
Goman, Michelle
Gombos, Andrew M
Gomez, Douglas M
Gomez Valdez, J
Gömez-Gallardo, A
Gómez-Gutiérrez, Jaime
Gómez-Gutiérrez, J
Gomez-Uchida, Daniel
Gomez-Valdes, J
Gomulklewicz, Richard
Goñ, Miguel A
Gong, Yanming
Goni, M A
Goni, M
Goñi, Miguel A
Gonor, Sue L
Gonor, J J
Gonor, Jefferson J
Gonzales, Juan M
Gonzalez, M.
Gonzalez, Julie
Gonzalez, Exequiel
Gonzalez, Julie Anne
Gonzalez, O
Gonzalez, Rosalinda
González-Barrientos, R.
Gonzalez-Peral, U
Gooch, Elizabeth F
Gooch, M.
Gooch, E F
Good, James
Good, James W
Good, C. D.
Good, T.
Good, Thomas P
Good, C P
Good, T. P.
Good, Laura
Goodall, R N P
Goodall, N. R.
Goode, Wesley Lyle
Goodman, D H
Goodman, Lynn N
Goodman, D
Goodrich, Thomas D
Goodwin, Clinton John
Goodwin, Clinton J
Goodwin, Robert
Goodwin, Helen Durrie
Goodwin, Caitlin
Goodwin, M. H.
Goodwin, Carl R
Goodyear, P.
Goonatilake, M
Gordon, Sean
Gordon, Louis I
Gordon, L I
Gordon, J
Gordon, Janice M
Gorsline, D S
Gosho, M. E.
Goslin, J
Goslin, Jean
Gosselin, Jennifer L.
Gossett, R. W.
Gottfried, David
Gottschalk, K
Goudet, Jérôme
Gough, L P
Gouin, N
Gould, H R
Gould, C N
Gould, Howard R
Gould, P J
Goulette, G.
Gove, N.
Governor's Natural Resources Office,
Gowan, R.
Gowan, Ron
Gower, Howard D
Gower, H D
Grabau, Paul C
Graber, Peter H. F.
Grabowski, J H
Grace, R. V.
Grace, Peter J
Gradoville, Mary Rose
Gradoville, Mary R.
Graehl, Nicholas A.
Graf, William
Graf, R J
Graham, B.
Graham, Erin
Graham, S A
Graham, I. J.
Graham, J
Graham, T
Graham, R.
Graham, David W
Graham, M
Graham, D W
Graham, Erin R.
Graham, W M
Graham-Davis, Jazzy M.
Granata, L. A.
Granek, E. F.
Granek, Elise F.
Grant, A.
Grant, IV
Grant, Oregon Sea
Grant, Gordon E.
Grant, K
Grant, Wendy C
Grant, IV
Grant, Stewart W
Grant, Gordon
Grantham, B A
Grantz, A
Grantz, Arthur
Grassian, B.
Gratzer, G
Gravem, Sarah
Graves, Rose A.
Graves, Jonathan K
Gray, G
Gray, John E
Gray, Andrew B.
Gray, Floyd
Gray, Harrison J.
Gray, Matthew W.
Gray, Matthew
Gray, Leda-Beth
Gray, Jerry J
Gray, Ayesha
Gray, A. E.
Gray, A
Gray, Jr.
Gray, W. G.
Greathouse, Effie A.
Grebel, J
Grechin, V I
Green, Kristen Marie
Green, Lauri
Green, D
Green, R
Green, F M
Green, Arthur R
Green, A G
Green, E J
Green, Stephen H
Green, David S.
Green, Roger
Green Point Consulting
Greene, Correigh M
Greene, F C
Greene, H. G.
Greene, Elizabeth
Greene, H G
Greene, Robert C
Greene, Gary H
Greene, C
Greene, Ronald
Greene, Ronald R.
Greene, Sarah
Greenfield, M W
Greenland, David
Greenlaw, C. F.
Greenspan, Ruth L
Greenup, Wilbur
Greer, A T
Gregg, T. K. P.
Gregory, Stanley V
Gregory, Stanley
Gregory, S. V.
Gregory, R. S.
Gregovich, Dave
Gregovich, D P
Gregr, E. J.
Greig, C
Greig, Carolyn A.
Grenfell, R A
Grenney, William J
Gresh, Ted
Gress, F
Gresswell, Robert E.
Gresswell, Robert E
Gresswell, R E
Gresswell, R. E.
Grey, Zane
Grieg, C
Griffen, B D
Griffen, Blaine D
Griffin, F
Griffin, J.
Griffin, D.
Griffith, D.
Griffith, S. M.
Grigg, Richard W
Griggs, G B
Griggs, Allan B
Grigsby, Bryan F
Grigsby, Roger
Grim, Paul J
Grimes, Churchill B
Grimes, C B
Grimes, C
Griscom, Andrew
Griswold, Kitty
Griswold, Julia P
Grizzle, R
Grobe, D
Grober-Dunsmore, R
Groberg, Warren J.
Grocke, D. R.
Grocock, Gerald R
Groff, Dale
Groh, Edward A
Groh, E A
Grolier, Maurice J
Gromme, C S
Grorud-Colvert, K.
Grosholz, Edwin D.
Grosholz, Edwin
Groshong, Jr.
Gross, Liza
Gross, David L
Gross, R.
Grosse, J.
Grosse, D
Grossmann, L.
Grosswiler, Ed
Grost, Richard
Groth, Scott D.
Groth, S
Groth, Scott
Groth, S. D.
Grottoli, A. G.
Group, Oregon Salmon Com
Group, Genetic Monitoring
Grover, Nathan Clifford
Grover, Jill J
Groves, K L
Groves, B J
Grunder, A L
Guan, Yiqing
Guary, J. C.
Gucinski, H
Gucinski, A
Guenneugues, P
Guerra, Rodolfo T
Guerrero, Jose
Guerrero-Bolaño, Francisco J.
Guerrero-Ruiz, M
Guerry, A
Guerry, Anne D.
Guevara-Carrasco, R.
Guffey, S. Z.
Guigand, C M
Guigand, Cedric
Guilderson, T P
Guillen, J
Guin, Marilyn P.
Guin, Marylin P
Guineberteau, Bruno
Guinet, C
Gulland, F
Gulland, F. M. D.
Gunasekaran, S
Gunckel, S. L.
Gunckel, Stephanie L
Gundersen, D T
Gunderson, Donald R
Gunderson, D. R.
Gunderson, Donald
Gunn, J.
Gunnarsson, J S
Guntenspergen, Glenn
Guntenspergen, Glenn R.
Guo, X.
Gupta, Anu
Gurnell, A.
Gurney, L. J.
Gusick, A. E.
Gusick, Amy
Gussow, William Carruthers
Gustafson, R G
Gustafson, Tarah N.
Gustafson, Richard G
Gutenberg, Beno
Guthrie, D.
Guthrie, John M
Guthrie, C M
Guthrie, K M
Gutierrez, Jaime G.
Gutierrez-Mendieta, F. J.
Guttormsen, A.
Guven, Necip
Guy, Troy
Guy, Troy J.
Guy, Harold P
Guy, T. J.
Guy, Troy J
Guy-Haim, T.
Guy‐Haim, T.
Guzy, M
H., McCulloh. T
Ha, D. S.
Haaf, Ten E
Haagen, John T
Haase, B
Haase, B. J. M.
Haberman, K. L.
Habersham, Robert A
Habib, Daniel
Habron, Geoffrey Bryan
Habron, Geoffrey Bryan
Habron, G B
Hacker, S. D.
Hacker, Sally D
Hacker, S
Haddad, Tanya
Haddock, S H D
Haecker, C. E. Puckett
Haedrich, R. L.
Haeffner, Melissa
Haese, C
Haga, Takuma
Hagan, S. M.
Hagedorn, M
Hager, Julia
Hager, J.
Hagood, Allen R
Hah, Y. C.
Hahin, R
Hahm, D.
Hahn, M. E.
Haidvogel, D
Haig, S. M.
Haight, David R
Haines, Scott
Haines, Scott A.
Haislip, Thomas Jr. W
Halama, J.
Haldorson, L. J.
Haldorson, L
Hale, Cody V
Hale, Cody
Hales, Peter O
Hales, Anton L
Hales, Burke
Hales, B
Haley, B A
Haley, D.
Haley, Brian A.
Hall, Bill
Hall, E. J. S.
Hall, J D
Hall, J. E.
Hall, Jason
Hall, C J
Hall, J M
Hall, Roberta L
Hall, M
Hall, James D
Hall, A
Hall-Arber, M.
Halle, C M
Halpern, Benjamin S
Halpin, P N
Halpin, Beverly
Halpin, P. M.
Halpin, Patricia M.
Halsey, Eldred
Halstead, Bruce G
Haltuch, M A
Haltuch, Melissa A.
Halverson, J. E.
Ham, David C
Hamann, Ilse M
Hamann, D D
Hamaoka, H.
Hamasaki, H
Hambleton, C
Hameed, J
Hameedi, Jawed
Hamel, O S
Hamilton, E L
Hamilton, Sara Luanne
Hamilton, Edwin L
Hamilton, Warren
Hamilton, R M
Hamilton, Warren B
Hamilton, Stanley F
Hamilton, W
Hamm, D. E.
Hammer, P. T. C.
Hammer, S.
Hammerquist, Amy M
Hammerstrom, K
Hammond, C F
Hammond, Douglas E
Hammond, Stephen R.
Hammond, S.
Hamner, Rebecca M.
Hampton, T
Hampton, Monty A
Hampton, S
Hamre, A
Hamre, K
Hanan, B B
Hanawa, K
Hance, Dalton J
Hancock, D R
Hancock, Danil R
Hancock, D. A.
Hancock, Danil
Hancock-Hanser, B
Hancock-Hanser, B. L.
Hand, C. M.
Handa, A
Handler, M. R.
Handoh, I. C.
Handoyo, Nitimulyo K.
Handoyo, Nitimulyo Kamiso
Hanin, I.
Hanisko, D. S.
Hankin, David G
Hankin, D G
Hankin, Shanon L.
Hankin, S L
Hann, Courtney
Hann, C. H.
Hanna, William F
Hanna, Susan S.
Hanna, Susan
Hannach, G
Hannah, Robert W
Hannam, Michael P.
Hannan, D
Hanneman, Eric
Hanner, R. H.
Hanneson, Bill
Hannington, M. D.
Hansen, Jenny K.
Hansen, L J
Hansen, M M
Hansen, Andrew J.
Hansen, Robert
Hansen, D. J.
Hansen, A. G.
Hansen, G I
Hansen, Bruce P.
Hansen, Gayle I
Hansen, Bruce P
Hansen, Henry P
Hanshaw, Bruce B
Hanshew, G
Hanshumaker, W. M.
Hanshumaker, William
Hanshumaker, M.
Hansmann, Eugene W
Hanson, Erik
Hanson, Karrie
Hanson, E.
Hanson, David Hanson L
Hanson, W. C.
Hanson, Alfred W
Hanson, B.
Hanyuda, Takeaki-Contributors)
Hanyuda, Takeaki
Hanyuda, T.
Hao, J
Haq, Bilal U
Harada, Matt
Haraguchi, K
Harben, P.
Harbert, W P
Harbert, Mark E
Harbin, M. M.
Harcourt, R
Hard, Jeffrey J
Hard, J. J.
Hardenbol, Jan
Hardie, D.
Harding, Samuel T
Harding, T P
Harding, Ann
Harding, A M A
Harding, J. A.
Harding, J
Harding, Field
Hardisty, Sarah
Hardy, H
Hardy, J.
Hardy, J T
Hare, Van C.
Hare, J. A.
Hare, M. P.
Hares, C J
Hargan, Kathryn
Hargrove, J
Harikedua, Silvana Dinaintang
Harikedua, S. D.
Harkleroad, Glenn
Harkleroad, Glenn R
Harlan, L
Harlow, Michael G
Harmon, Michelle
Harmon, V. L.
Harmon, V
Harmon, M
Harms, James Edward
Harms, John
Harms, J
Harper, Warren C
Harper, Herbert Ewing
Harper, Warren Charles
Harpp, K. S.
Harr, Dennis R
Harrenstein, L
Harris, David Dell
Harris, L.
Harris, Leslie H.
Harris, L H
Harris, R. P.
Harris, Erica L
Harris, Thomas O
Harris, Dennis R
Harris, Erica
Harris, D D
Harris, D
Harris, R
Harris, Peter T
Harris, Heidi
Harris, E
Harris, David
Harris, K.
Harris, D. D
Harrison, J F
Harrison, J E
Harrison, J C
Harrison, T
Harrison, A -L
Harrison, R. G.
Harrison, H C
Harrison, P.
Harrison, Ben
Harrison and Eaton
Harrod, C.
Harrold, Patrick J
Harrold, C
Harry, George Y. Jr.
Harry, George Y. Jr.
Harshbarger, John W
Hart, R
Hart, S R
Hart, R J
Hart, L. M.
Hart, Roger A.
Hart, Stephanie K
Hart, Ted David
Hart, T. D.
Hart, P E
Hart, K. A.
Hart, Roger
Harte, M
Harte, Michael
Harte, M. J.
Hartel, E. F.
Hartley, Polla S.
Hartman, G. F.
Hartman, Michael C
Hartman, M C
Hartman, Richard T
Hartog, J. R.
Hartsook, Thomas Edward
Hartzell, Stephen H
Harvey, J. B. J.
Harvey, J. T.
Harvey, H R
Harvey, J.
Harvey, M
Harvey, B. C.
Harvey, B. N.
Harvey, C.
Harvey, C. J.
Harvey, James T
Harvey, T. E.
Harward, Moyle E
Harwell, M.
Hasbrouck, Wilfred P
Hase, C C
Hase, Claudia C
Hasegawa, Hiroaki
Hasegawa, H.
Hasnain, S.
Hassel-Finnegan, H. M.
Hasselman, Daniel J
Hassler, Thomas J
Hassrick, J. L.
Hassrick, Jason L
Hastie, Bill (William O )
Hastie, Bill
Hastings, Roxanne H
Hastings, Douglas D
Hatch, U.
Hatch, N. R.
Hatch, J R
Hatch, L.
Hatch, Keith Martin
Hatch, A.
Hatch, J.
Hatch, David R
Hatch, Peter
Hatch, S A
Hatfield, Samantha Chisholm
Hatfield, B. B.
Hatfield Marine Science Center
Hathaway, John C
Hathaway, J C
Hatherton, Trevor
Hatten, Jeff A
Hatten, J A
Hatten, J. R.
Hatten, Jeff
Hatten, J. A.
Hauber, M. E.
Hauck, Arthur K
Hauck, Laura L
Hauff, M.
Hauff, M. J.
Haug, F.
Haugerud, Ralph H
Haulena, M
Hauri, C.
Hauser, N
Hauser, L
Hautala, S. L.
Havens, R G
Haver, Samara M.
Haver, S.
Haverland, P
Haverland, Pamela
Havron, A.
Hawkes, Andrea D
Hawkes, Joyce W
Hawkes, A D
Hawkes, J.
Hawkins, Bill
Hawkins, Dan L
Hawkins, A
Hawkins, Amy
Hawkins, Linnia
Hawkyard, Matthew
Hawkyard, Matt
Hawkyard, Donald Matthew
Haxel, Jennifer H.
Haxel, D. K.
Haxel, Joseph
Haxel, Joseph H.
Haxel, Jesica
Hay, Lauren E.
Hay, Rudy. Lynn
Hay, Richard L
Hay, Doug
Hay, Rudy. Lynn
Hayashi, K
Hayden, Mildred Vera
Haydu, Eugene P
Hayduk, Jennifer L.
Hayes, Michael C.
Hayes, Philip T
Hayes, Sidney Joseph III
Hayes, Dennis E
Hayes, S
Hayes, John P.
Hayes, David W.
Hayes, S. A.
Hayes, John P
Hayes, D. B.
Hayes, G L
Hayman, Robert August
Haynes, Amy
Haynie, A. C.
Hays, G. C.
Hays, Marjorie H
Hays, S
Hayslip, Craig
Hayslip, G.
Hayteas, D. L.
Hazen, Elliott L
Hazen, E L
Hazen, E
Hazlett, Megan A.
Hazzard, John C
He, Haian
He, L
He, P.
Heacock, Robert Leon
Heacock, Robert L
Head, Melissa A.
Heady, Walter N
Healey, M C
Health, Institute of Environ
Healy, J H
Healy, John H
Heasler, Henry P
Heaston, Emily
Heath, G. R.
Heath, Jo Ann
Heath, W R
Heaton, Thomas H
Heberling, Paul
Hebert, A J
Hebert, Andrew B
Hebert, A B
Hecht, Scott A.
Heck, Michael P
Hecker, B
Heckeroth, David N.
Hedberg, Hollis D
Hedd, A.
Hedge, C E
Hedge, Carl E
Hedge, Carl
Hedgecock, D
Hedgecock, Dennis
Hedrick, R. P.
Hedrick, P W
Hedtke, J. L.
Heeschen, K U
Heesen, T. C.
Heezen, B C
Heezen, Bruce C
Heide, Kathleen M.
Heidel, Jerry R.
Heidel, J. R.
Heidmann, Sarah
Heifetz, J
Heikkila, P
Heil, C.
Heimann, David C
Heimeier, D
Heimlich, Sara L.
Heimlich, Sara
Hein, James R
Hein, J. R.
Heine, John N.
Heine, John N
Heine, J. N.
Heintz, R.
Heintz, R. A.
Heiser, Sabrina
Heithaus, M. R.
Heitstuman, Thomas M
Hekinian, R
Helama, S
Helble, T. A.
Helden, A
Helix, M. E.
Hellberg, Rosalee S. Rasmuss
Hellberg, R S
Helle, J. H.
Heller, Paul L
Heller, Renee
Hellin, D.
Helmrich, A
Helms, A
Helser, T. E.
Helsley, C. E.
Heltshe, J
Helu, S. L.
Hemery, Lenaig G.
Hemez, Zoe
Hemingway, J E
Hemleben, Christoph H J
Hempel, G.
Hemphill-Haley, Eileen
Hemsley, James M
Hemstrong, William
Henderson, Phillip R
Henderson, Bruce A
Henderson, Jeremy S.
Henderson, Jeremy
Henderson, Jeremy Scott
Henderson, Ann Miller
Henderson, E. E.
Henderson, W T
Hendley II, James W
Hendon, J. M.
Hendricks, Lisa M
Hendricks, Sterling B
Hendricks, Paul
Hendricks, Thomas A
Hendricks, E L
Hendricks, Steve
Hendricks, T A
Hendry, Andrew P.
Hendry, A. P.
Hendryx, H E
Henkel, Laird
Henkel, Sarah
Henkel, Sarah K
Hennen, D
Hennen, D. R.
Hennessey, John P.
Hennessey, Jennifer Taylor
Hennessey, S. M.
Henning, J. A.
Henny, Charles J
Henriksen, Donald Anton
Henry, Eric C.
Henry, Robert W
Henry, Jr.
Henry, Kenneth A
Henry, P.
Henry, R. W.
Henshaw, Fred F
Henshaw, Fred Forbes
Hepner, D. J.
Hepner, M.E.
Heppell, Scott A
Heppell, S
Heppell, Scott
Heppell, Selene S.
Heppell, S. A.
Heppell, Selina S
Heppell, Selina
Heppell, S. S.
Heppell Laboratory
Herbert-Read, J. E.
Herd, Darrel G
Heres E., Allan A
Hering, David K
Herlihy, A. T.
Herlihy, Alan T
Herlocker, J. L.
Herlocker, Jon
Herlocker, J
Herman, E. Y. K.
Herman, L. M.
Hermann, A. J.
Hermann, A
Hernandez, F. J.
Hernandez-Mena, D. I.
Hernández-Mora, G.
Hernandez-Orts, J. S.
Herndon, Harold D
Herr, H.
Herreman, J. K.
Herrero-Bervera, E
Herrick, S.
Herrig, Richard G
Herrig, Richard
Herrin, Jr.
Herring, Peg
Herrmann, Robert B
Herrmann, B.
Herron, John Emanuel
Herron, John E
Hershler, Robert
Hershman, Kate T and Marc J. Wing
Hertlein, Leo George
Hertz, E.
Herzer, R H
Herzer, R
Herzer, Richard H
Herzfeld, U. C.
Herzing, D. L.
Hess, Paul Dennis
Hess, Gordon R
Hess, H H
Hess, J. E.
Hessburg, P. F.
Hesse, K -F
Hessing-Lewis, M. L.
Hessing-Lewis, Margot
Hessing-Lewis, Margot L
Hester, M
Hetherington, M J
Hettman, Gary
Heu, M. S.
Heublein, J. C.
Heublein, Joseph C
Heun, Thomas W
Heupel, M.
Heusser, Calvin J
Hewett, D F
Hewitt, R. P.
Hewitt, R
Hey, R
Heyden, Madeleine F. Vander
Heyraud, M.
Hibbard, Jim
Hibbs, David E
Hickey, Barbara M
Hickey, A. J. R.
Hickey, B. M.
Hickman, Stephen H
Hicks, A. C.
Hicks, Brendan J
Hicock, S R
Hidalgo, M.
Hidalgo, F. J.
Hieb, K. A.
Hieb, Kathryn A.
Hiebert, Terra C.
Higgins, Bruce
Higgins, Michael W
Higgins, James E
Higgo, J. J. W.
Higgs, A
Hightower, Joseph E
Higley, Duane L
Higley, K. A.
Hilbert, J
Hilborn, R
Hildebrand, J.
Hildebrand, J. A.
Hildenbrand, K
Hilderbrad, K S
Hilderbrand, Kenneth S
Hildreth, R A
Hill, R
Hill, Dale Wayne
Hill, Elizabeth
Hill, G W
Hill, Andrew D.
Hill, Brittain E
Hill, Mason
Hill, D F
Hill, David P
Hill, Dale W
Hill, Starla
Hill, Mason L
Hill, E R
Hiller, Tim L.
Hillhouse, J W
Hillhouse, John W
Hills, S.
Hillwig, Rebecca
Hilmar, A. S.
Hilmo, R. S.
Himsworth, Daniel C
Himsworth, D. C.
Hinckley, T. M.
Hindar, K
Hindell, M. A.
Hindle, A. G.
Hindle, A
Hines, A. H.
Hines, Gustavus
Hines, Mark E
Hinke, J T
Hinkle, Stephen R
Hinkley, S
Hinrichsen, Richard A
Hintermeister, Clara A.
Hinton, D. E.
Hinton, S.
Hinton, S. A.
Hinton, Susan A
Hipfner, J M
Hirahara, Yuka
Hirahara, Y
Hirano, Y. M.
Hirano, Y. J.
Hirata, K.
Hirayama, Jiro
Hirayama, H
Hirons, A
Hirozawa, C A
Hirozawa, Carol A
Hirsch, Christine
Hirschhorn, George
Hirst, A. G.
Hisamichi, Y
Hisamichit, Y
Hitchman, James H
Hitchmough, R
Hitchon, Brian
Hiveley, Heather
Hixon, M. A.
Hixon, M
Hjalmarsson, G. H.
Hjort, Randy Carl
Hladik, Michelle L.
Ho, C S
Ho, C.-T.
Hobart, WIllis L
Hobart, M. A.
Hobart, W. L.
Hobbs, N.
Hobbs, N.-V.
Hobday, A J
Hoberecht, Laura
Hobson, W
Hochachka, P. W.
Hochberg, Ann
Hockman-Wert, David P.
Hockman-Wert, David
Hodak, Eleanor
Hodder, J
Hodder, Jan
Hodge, L. E. W.
Hodge, Edwin T
Hodge, L.
Hodges, F N
Hodges, John I
Hodges, Constance M
Hodgson, Brett L.
Hodgson, Cheryl
Hodgson, Cheryl A.
Hodgson, Cheryl Anne
Hoef, J. M. Ver
Hoekzema, K
Hoelting, Kristin
Hoelzel, A R
Hoff, G. R.
Hoffert-Hay, Denise
Hoffman, T F
Hoffman, Wayne
Hoffman, Justine D
Hoffman, J. I.
Hoffman, J
Hoffman, E. A.
Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M.
Hofmann, G. E.
Hofmann, E E
Hogan, L
Hogansen, M.
Hogansen, M. J.
Hogervorst, Johan B.
Hogg, Thomas C
Hogsett, William E
Hoh, S.
Hohmann, R
Höjesjö, J
Hoke, R. A.
Holaday, Steven A
Holbert, Mary
Holbrook, C. M.
Holcomb, Gordon R
Holden, John C
Holden, D. L.
Holden, J. F.
Holdman, Amanda
Holgerson, M. A.
Holland, D.
Holland, K.
Holland, K. N.
Holland, D. S.
Holland, Dan C
Hollatz, Claudia
Hollenbach, Margaret
Hollenbeck, C. M.
Holley, Edward R
Holliday, S E
Holliday, Cheyenne
Holliday, D V
Hollmen, T. E.
Hollowed, A. B.
Holm, C E
Holm, E
Holman, R A
Holmberg, J.
Holmes, Arthur
Holmes, J. A.
Holmes, Mark L
Holmes, M L
Holmes, D E
Holmquist, J. G.
Holmquist, James
Holsman, K.
Holsman, K. K.
Holt, Richaed Allen
Holt, R. A.
Holt, Richard Allen
Holt, G J
Holt, S A
Holt, Edward A
Holt, R
Holtby, L. B.
Holthus, P. F.
Holton, Robert
Holton, Robert L
Holway, J. E.
Holycross, Brett
Holycross, Brett M.
Holzapfel, C M
Holzer, Damon M.
Hom, T
Hommen, U.
Homoky, William B
Honess, C W
Honey, William D
Hong, S. W.
Hong, J S
Honjo, Susumu
Honjo, S
Honza, Eiichi
Hoobyar, Paul
Hood, D W
Hood, W. G.
Hoof, Rian
Hooff, Rian C.
Hooft, E. E. E.
Hooft, E. E.
Hooker, A B
Hooper, John
Hooper, P R
Hooton, Robert M
Hoover, Jr.
Hoover, A. L.
Hoover, Vicki J.
Hopcraft, R
Hopcroft, R R
Hope, Roger A
Hopkins, M E
Hopkins, D M
Hopkins, A.
Hopkins, David M
Hopson, C A
Hopson, Clifford A
Horan, D.
Hori, T. S.
Horikita, Y
Horikoshi, K
Horn, J R
Horn, M. H.
Horn, Robert B.
Hornberger, Michelle
Horne, J.
Horne, J. B.
Horne, J. K.
Horner-Devine, A R
Horness, B H
Hornig, Susanna
Horning, Markus
Horning, Markus1
Horning, Marcus
Horning, M.
Horton, Cheryl A.
Horton, Cheryl
Horton, B P
Horton, Howard F
Horton, Edward E
Horton, Benjamin P
Horvath, Eric G.
Hosack, G R
Hosack, G
Hose, Richard K
Hoselton, Laura
Hosie, Michael J
Hostetler, S.
Hostetler, S W
Hostettler, Frances D
Hotchkin, C.
Hotta, Y
Hotta, K.
Hotz, Preston E
Hotz, P E
Hou, Yishu
Houde, Ed
Houde, E. D.
Houghton, J. D. R.
Hounihan, Patrick
Hourigan, T. F.
House, Marcia L.
House, Robert A
House, Marcia
Houseknecht, David W
Housner, G W
Houston, Derek D
Hovel, R. A.
Hovey, Renae
Howard, Jeanette
Howard, John K
Howard Needles Tammen & Bergendoff
Howden, S. D.
Howe, D V
Howe, J R
Howe, Emily R.
Howell, Kate A.
Howell, P J
Howell, B F
Howell, David G
Howell, E. A.
Howell, Jr.
Howell, D G
Howell, Gary L
Howland, A L
Hoy, M
Hoy, M T
Hoy, R R
Hoyt, E.
Hoyt, John H
Hrywnak, B.
Hsieh, Frederic S
Hsieh, Frederic Shu-kong
Hsu, K J
Hsu, V
Hsü, Cheng-kuang
Hsu, Kenneth J
Hsu, C.-K.
Hsu, Jinghwa K
Hu, X. P.
Hu, C.
Hu, X. S.
Huang, Lihan
Huang, Y. R.
Huang, Y.-L.
Huang, Lijuan
Huang, Y L
Huang, L.
Huang, H.
Huang, C.-Y.
Hubbard, Lawrence E
Hubbard, L E
Hubbard, Larry L
Hubbart, Niko
Hubbs, Carl L
Huber, J.
Huber, H. R.
Huber, H R
Huber, J A
Hubert, Arthur
Hubertz, J M
Hubler, Shannon
Huchko, Holly A
Huckstadt, L. A.
Hudgens, Daniel
Hudson, G
Hudson, Jr.
Hudson, Donald E
Hudson, D E
Hudson, Travis
Huettel, M
Huey, R. B.
Huey, Arthur S
Huff, D D
Huff, David O.
Huffman, Paul
Hufnagle, L. C.
Huftile, Gary J
Hug, Wayne l.
Huggins, J
Huggins, David
Huggins, J. L.
Huggins, Susan Peters
Hughes, Brent B
Hughes, Robert M.
Hughes, R. N.
Hughes, J.
Hughes, Riley
Hughes, Steven A
Hughes, Robert M
Hughes, Kaleena L B
Hughes, Paul W
Hughes, Sarah
Hughes, Meg
Hughey, Jeffery R.
Hui, Y
Hull, D A
Hulston, J R
Humborstad, O B
Humburg, D. D.
Humphrey, Christopher C
Humphrey, Karen L
Humphries, G. R. W.
Hundhausen, R J
Hundt, J
Hung, Y. C.
Hunger, Arthur Adelbert
Hunsicker, Mary E.
Hunsicker, M. E.
Hunt, Angee
Hunt, K. E.
Hunt, Betsy
Hunt, C
Hunt, G. L.
Hunt, Alice P
Hunt, Christopher Erik
Hunt, C E
Hunt, Angela
Hunt, G
Hunt, Chas. B
Hunt, Chris
Hunt, John M
Hunt, Angela L.
Hunter, Nancee
Hunter, M
Hunter, Matthew V.
Hunter, Karen L.
Hunter, Karen
Hunter, Ralph E
Hunter, R E
Huntingdon, Charles W
Huntington, C. W.
Huntington, Charles W
Huntington, Brittany E.
Huntington, B.
Huntley, James R
Huntly, N
Huntsman, G. R.
Huntting, Marshall T
Hupman, K.
Huppert, Daniel
Huppert, Daniel D
Hur, S
Hur, Sungik
Hurley, Robert J
Hurley, P M
Hurst, T. P.
Hurst, Thomas
Hurst, Thomas P.
Hurtado, J. L.
Hurutarau, J
Huso, Manuela M
Hussain, G.
Hussong, Donald
Hutchings, Laurence
Hutchings, J.
Hutchings, L.
Hutchings, J A
Hutchinson, Ian
Hutchinson, G.
Hutchinson, Greg P.
Hutchinson, T. C.
Hutchinson, C E
Hutchinson, James M
Hutchinson, Greg
Hutmacher, Amy
Hutsel, A.
Hutt, A
Hutton, Lara
Hutton, Osborne C
Huxley College of the Environment. Western Washington University
Huyer, Adriana
Huyer, A
Hwang, A.
Hwang, Win-tsuang
Hwang, I. C.
Hwang, D F
Hwang, C C
Hyde, Jack H
Hyland, J. L.
Hyland, Jeff
Hyland, J
Hyndman, Roy D
Hyndman, R D
Hyrenbach, K. D.
Hyrenbach, D.
Hyvernaud, O
Ianelli, J
Ibach, Lynne
Ibaibarriaga, L.
Ibanez, A. L.
Ice, George G.
Ice, George
IEDA), Integrated Earth Data
IEDA), Integrated Earth Data
IEDA), Intergrated Earth Data
Ihsan, C
II, T. J. Quinn
III, Daniel H. Meyer
Ijima, Y.
Ikebe, Yutaka
Ikeda, T
Illingwoth, A
Ilyashenko, V. Y.
Imaki, Hiroo
Imbrie, John
Imlay, Ralph W
Inc, Impact Assessment
Inc., Oregon Trout
Incardona, J.
including, and other auth
Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team,
Inderbitzen, K
Indivero, Julia
Industries, Oregon. Department Geology Mineral
Industries, Oregon Department
Infante, Dana M.
Ingersoll, Christopher G.
Ingersoll, Chris
Ingle, J C
Ingram, Roy L
Ingram, L. O.
Inman, K F
Innes, J B
Innis, C
Inoue, Eiji
InSight Consultants
Institute, Northeast-Midwest
Institute, Oregon Climate Ch
Interagency Hazard Mitigation Team (Or.)
Interior, Minerals Management
Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists
Investigators, Submarine Ring Fire
Investigators, Additional
Ippolito, J.
Ireland, D. S.
Ireland, R. C.
Irigoien, X.
Irisson, J. O.
Irons, David
Irons, D. B.
Irvine, Douglas
Irvine, Ladd M.
Irvine, J.
Irvine, Ladd
Irvine, A B
Irving, E
Irving, Alex
Irwin, William P
Isaacs, C. M.
Isaacs, J D
Isaak, D. J.
Isacks, Bryan
Isbell, Brad
Ise, Tom F
Iseri, Paul J
Iseri, Paul
Isett, David E
Ishibashi, J
Ishihara, Takemi
Ishiwada, Yasufumi
Ishizuka, O
Ishizuka, Osamu
Iskandarani, M
Ismail, G. B.
Ismond, A
Isobe, A.
Isobe, T.
Ison, Todd
Israelsky, Merle C
Israelsky, Merle
Istok, J. D.
Italiano, F
Itani, G
Itani, Gyo
Itzkowitz, M.
Iudicello, S.
Ivany, Linda C.
Ivashchenko, Y. V.
Iverson, Richard M
Ivy, Donald B
Iwabuchi, Yoshio
Iwai, Jun-ichi
Iwama, G. K.
Iwamoto, E. M.
Iwanaga, Paul M
Izuagbe, Yakubu Sule
Izumi, H.
Izzi, A.
J, Colt.
J.G., Lamberton.
Jachens, Robert C
Jack Jarvis & Company
Jackson, H R
Jackson, Jennifer A.
Jackson, R L
Jackson, J. A.
Jackson, G A
Jackson, Everett D
Jackson, Laura S
Jackson, Philip L
Jackson, Tyler M.
Jackson, Laura S.
Jackson, E D
Jackson, L S
Jaco, Erin
Jacobs, Steve
Jacobs, Elizabeth Derr
Jacobs, S.
Jacobs, J. F.
Jacobs, Steven E
Jacobs, Melville
Jacobsen, Jr.
Jacobsen, J. K.
Jacobsen, Ryan
Jacobson, K
Jacobson, R.
Jacobson, K. C.
Jacobson, Muriel
Jacobson, Kym C
Jacobson, L.
Jacobson, Dave
Jacobson, M. Z.
Jacobson, D
Jacobson, D. P.
Jacobson, David P.
Jacobson, T
Jacobson, L. D.
Jacobson, R W
Jacobson, Dave P.
Jacobson, D P
Jacox, M. G.
Jacox, M.
Jaczynski, Jacek
Jaczynski, J
Jaebker, K
Jafarmadar, K.
Jaffe, Bruce
Jaffe, J. S.
Jahncke, G. R.
Jahncke, M. L.
Jahncke, J
Jahnke, R. A.
Jak, R. G.
Jakes, Petr
Jakobsson, A
Jakstis, K.
Jamerlan, Saturnino J
James, G
James, Gideon T
James, G T
James, Wesley P
Jan, T. K.
Jang, S
Janik, Phil
Janik, C J
Jannasch, H W
Jannasch, H. W.
Jannot, J. E.
Janousek, Chris
Janousek, Christopher N
Janousek, Christopher
Jansen, J. K.
Jaques, Deborah
Jarman, S. N.
Jarrard, Richard D
Jarre, A.
Jarrell, S C
Jarrin, J. R. Marin
Jarvi, T.
Jarvis, S
Jaspers, C.
Jassby, A. D.
Jasti, M
Jay, D A
Jay, Chadwick V.
Jech, J. M.
Jech, M
Jefferds, I. W.
Jefferds, I.
Jefferds, Ian
Jefferson, Carol A
Jefferson, Carol A
Jeffries, Steveven D
Jeffries, Alan C
Jeffries, Steven J
Jeffries, S. J.
Jeletzky, J A
Jemison, L. A.
Jenden, P D
Jenevein, Steven A
Jenkins, W J
Jenkins, R.
Jenkins, Dennis L
Jenkins, Olaf P
Jenkins, G. P.
Jenkins, Brian
Jenkins, S H
Jenne, E A
Jenner, K. C. S.
Jenner, M. N.
Jenner, M. N. M.
Jenner, M.-N. M.
Jenner, C
Jennings, S
Jennings, Anne E
Jennings, C. D.
Jennings, S L
Jennings, Charles W
Jenny, M. J.
Jensen, M. M.
Jensen, R E
Jentoft, S
Jepsen, Sarina
Jepsen, David Brice
Jepson, Paul C.
Jerolmack, Douglas J.
Jervey, M T
Jervis, S.
Jessup, Dave
Jewett, J M
Jewett, Stanley Gordon
Jewett, E. B.
Jewett, Stanley G
Ji, R B
Ji, C. F.
Jiang, D.
Jiang, S. M.
Jimenez-Pinedo, C.
Jimenez-Rosenberg, S. P. A.
Jin, L
Jodice, P. G. R.
Jodice, Laura W
Joens, L. A.
Johannes, Edward J.
Johannessen, Carl L
Johansen, D
Johansson, Mattias Lars
Johansson, Mattias L
Johengen, T. H.
John, M. A. St.
Johnnessen, Carl L
Johns, William D
Johns, D M
Johnsen, B. O.
Johnson, Angela
Johnson, T B
Johnson, S H
Johnson, V. G.
Johnson, Samuel Y
Johnson, Marc A
Johnson, Arvid M
Johnson, D. J.
Johnson, A M
Johnson, O. W.
Johnson, Lyndal L
Johnson, Gary Ellis
Johnson, J H
Johnson, D L
Johnson, Marc Aaron
Johnson, J.
Johnson, Sarah E
Johnson, Kelsey K.
Johnson, M
Johnson, A G
Johnson, Branden L
Johnson, Eugene A
Johnson, T C
Johnson, D
Johnson, L L
Johnson, Karen
Johnson, Bolling Arthur (ed
Johnson, Melanie M.
Johnson, Carrie
Johnson, Maureen G
Johnson, Paul H
Johnson, Jeffrey D
Johnson, David R
Johnson, Rebecca L
Johnson, Donald R
Johnson, Steven L
Johnson, Courtney B
Johnson, Paul D.
Johnson, Amy
Johnson, Sherri L.
Johnson, Mark G
Johnson, Rachel C.
Johnson, York
Johnson, John
Johnson, M. A.
Johnson, G. C.
Johnson, Leonard G
Johnson, M G
Johnson, Norman
Johnson, Gary E.
Johnson, Laura
Johnson, Marc
Johnson, Stephen Hans
Johnson, S Y
Johnson, Peter R
Johnson, G L
Johnson, Rebecca
Johnson, Michael G.
Johnson, William E
Johnson, J W
Johnson, John A
Johnson, John K
Johnson, S. B.
Johnson, Granville J
Johnson, P. D.
Johnson, H. P.
Johnson, Orlay W
Johnson, Bolling A.
Johnson, G E
Johnson, Steve C.
Johnson, K S
Johnson, Bruce
Johnson, L
Johnson, J A
Johnson, D. W.
Johnson-Colegrove, A.
Johnsson, J. I.
Johnston, D A
Johnston, C. A.
Johnston, J. M.
Johnston, D. W.
Johnston, R. S.
Johnston, S
Johnston, David
Johnston, D.
Jolley, J. C.
Jolnsson, J. I.
Jonasson, I. R.
Jones, David S
Jones, K K
Jones, R. H.
Jones, Ryan Tucker
Jones, Jill K. P.
Jones, Steve
Jones, Marjorie G
Jones, D L
Jones, C
Jones, Michelle K.
Jones, Jill K P
Jones, W B
Jones, W R
Jones, Robert Wakeman
Jones, J K P
Jones, Benjamin Earl
Jones, David L
Jones, D. A.
Jones, M H
Jones, Stuart E
Jones, J. L.
Jones, Lucy
Jones, Brittany R.
Jones, Julia A
Jones, Stephen A.
Jones, Y.
Jones, Michelle
Jones, Evelyn J
Jones, Benjamin E
Jones, R. D.
Jones, Krista L.
Jones, S. R. M.
Jones, Kim
Jones, N. L.
Jones, M. L.
Jones, F. J.
Jones, R
Jones, Kim K
Jones, Jeanne
Jones, Charles A
Jones, Mikeal E.
Jones, T. T.
Jones & Jones
Jonsen, I. D.
Jonsen, I.
Jonsson, N
Jonsson, L
Jonsson, B
Jonsson, S
Joosse, J.
Jordá, Maria Jose Juan
Jordan, Meredith
Jordan, Scott
Jordan, Chris E.
Jordan, S. J.
Jordan, David Starr
Jordan, R C
Jordan, Stephen J
Jordan, Steve J
Jordan, B T
Jordan, C
Jorgensen, S. J.
Jorgensen, B. B.
Joron, Jean-Louis
Joseph, Nancy L
Joseph, J.
Joseph, J. E.
Joung, D.
Joyce, J M
Joyce, Trevor W.
Joye, S
Jr., R. L. Brownel
Jr., J. H. Michael
Jr., William W. Chadwic
Jr., D. M. Checkle
Ju, S -J
Ju, S J
Juanes, F
Juday, Glenn Patrick
Judd, Darlene D
Juhl, A R
Jull, Timothy A J
Jumars, P. A.
Jump, W. A.
Jung, S
Jung, J. L.
Jung, Seikyung
Junger, Arne
Juniper, Kim
Juniper, S. K.
Juntunen, Erland
Jupiter, D
Juranek, L W
Jurasz, S
Jurjevich, Jason R.
Kaarsberg, Ernest A
Kaattari, S L
Kaattari, Stephen L.
Kable, George Wallace
Kachadoorian, Reuben
Kadko, D.
Kadko, David
Kadko, D C
Kaeriyama, M
Kagami, Hideo
Kagan, James S.
Kagan, Neil
Kage, T
Kagley, A N
Kagley, Anna N
Kahane-Rapport, S. R.
Kahle, James E
Kahnle, A
Kahru, M.
Kaiho, Y
Kaimmer, S. M.
Kainzinger, Silvia
Kaiser, C. L.
Kaiser, Alan
Kaiser, Rodney J
Kaldy, James III E
Kaldy, James
Kaldy, Jim
Kaldy, James E
Kaldy, Jim E.
Kalin, A
Kaltenberg, A.
Kaltenberg, A. M.
Kamenetsky, V. S.
Kamenov, G
Kamenov, G. D.
Kamikawa, Daniel J.
Kamiso, H N
Kamp, Peter J J
Kamphaus, Robert A
Kamykowski, D
Kan, Ting Tien
Kan, Ting T
Kanamori, Hiroo
Kanasewich, E R
Kanazawa, A
Kane, Evan S
Kane, M F
Kanehira, Keiichiro
Kang, K. T.
Kang, Ey Jung
Kang, Xia
Kanno, Saburo
Kapiris, K
Kaplan, I. C.
Kaplan, I R
Kaplan, Isaac C.
Kappenman, R. F.
Kappes, Michelle A
Kappes, P. J.
Kappes, M A
Kapuscinski, Anne R. D.
Kareiva, P
Karentz, Deneb
Karig, D E
Karig, Daniel E
Karinen, J F
Karl, Herman A
Karlstrom, Thor N V
Karna, Duane W
Karna, Duane William
Karnowski, Mark
Karpoff, Anne Marie
Karpov, K. A.
Karpovich, S. A.
Karsten, Jill L
Kashima, Kaoru
Kasornchandra, Jiraporn
Kasper, Brian
Kasperski, S.
Kass, P
Kassakian, Jennifer
Kastelle, C. R.
Kastner, Miriam
Kater, S. B.
Katkansky, S C
Katkansky, Stanley C
Kato, H.
Katsirikou, A.
Katsura, Takashi
Katsura, T
Katz, Brian Gardiner
Katz, M.
Katz, Max
Katz, S. L.
Kau, S. M.
Kauffman, J D
Kauffman, B E
Kaufman, G.
Kaufman, L
Kaufman, Sidney
Kaufmann, Philip R
Kautzi, Lisa A.
Kavanagh, Kathleen
Kavanaugh, Maria T.
Kawabata, Hiroshi
Kawabata, H
Kawagucci, S
Kawaguchi, S
Kawai, T.
Kawai, H
Kawai, Hiroshi
Kawai, Kozo
Kawai, Hiroshi (
Kaye, T.
Kaye, Clifford A
Kaysner, Charles A
Kean-Howie, J C
Keefer, William R
Keefer, W R
Keen, S.
Keen, Myra A
Keen, C E
Keene, Donald F
Keeney, R L
Keep, Josiah
Keir, D L
Keister, Julie E.
Keister, J. E.
Keith, L. H.
Keith, Mackenzie
Keith, Mackenzie K.
Kell, L. T.
Keller, N. S.
Keller, G
Keller, Gerta
Keller, A. A.
Keller, A
Keller, Aimee A.
Keller, R. A.
Keller, R.
Kellermann, A
Kelley, M
Kelley, M M
Kelley, Vincent C
Kelley, F R
Kelley, D. S.
Kelley, K
Kelley, K M
Kelley, Amanda L.
Kelley, Lea
Kelley, Frederic R
Kelling, G
Kelling, S.
Kellner, Laurel A.
Kellogg, Remington
Kelly, N.
Kelly, John T
Kelly, Gerald Dennis
Kelly, P. R.
Kelly, Christopher J
Kelly, P. T.
Kelly, J. T.
Kelly, Holly Wellard
Kelly, M M
Kelly, Ryan P
Kelly, Elizabeth G.
Kelly, M
Kelsey, Harvey M.
Kelsey, H.M.
Kelso, J. A. S.
Kelts, Kerry
Kelty, Kevin B
Kemp, Andrew C.
Kemp, Paul F
Kemp, A E S
Kenaston, K R
Kenaston, Ken R
Kendall, K C
Kendall, Daythal L
Kendall, A. W.
Kendrick, Gary A.
Kennedy, Vance C
Kennedy, Victor S
Kennedy, James B
Kennedy, Victo (ed.) S
Kennedy, M P
Kennedy, R.
Kennedy, V. S.
Kennedy, M.
Kennedy, W Q
Kennedy, Michael P
Kenner, M. C.
Kennett, J P
Kenney, G
Kennicutt, II
Kennish, M.
Kent, A. J. R.
Kent, Michael L
Kent, William E
Kent, M. L.
Kent, Michael L.
Kent, Dennis V
Kent, William Eugene
Kentta, Robert
Kentula, Mary E
Kentula, M. E.
Kentula, M E
Kenyon, Christopher B.
Keranen, I
Kerby, T
Kerney, Ryan
Kerr, Richard A
Kerr, Andrew C.
Kerr, I.
Kerrich, R
Kershaw, F.
Kershner, J.
Keshav, K. F.
Ketchum, L. L.
Kettle, A. B.
Kettles, H
Kettratad, Jes
Key, M.
Keyes, Mary G
Keys, Dustin
Khan, R. S.
Khan, A S
Khangaonkar, T
Khodotov, Yu. D
Kibler, Kelly M
Kibler, Kelly Maren
Kidd, R B
Kidd, K. A.
Kieft, Brandon P.
Kiemme, H J
Kier, Jerry S
Kieslich, James M
Kiessling, O E
Kiffney, Peter
Kilburn, C R J
Kilcher, L K
Killefer, J.
Kim, M. H.
Kim, K. S.
Kim, H
Kim, B. Y.
Kim, C. H.
Kim, B
Kim, S
Kim, I I
Kim, M.
Kim, H. J.
Kim, Shin-Hee
Kim, J.-S.
Kim, Eunsoo
Kim, D.-S.
Kim, Young Sin
Kim, C K
Kim, G. Y.
Kim, Young W.
Kim, J. M.
Kim, S. Y.
Kimbro, David
Kimbrough, D L
Kimerling, Jon A
Kimmerer, Robin Wall
Kimura, S.
Kimura, T
Kimura, O
Kimura, Jun-Ichi
Kimura, J -I
Kimurar, O
Kincaid, Heidi
Kincaid, Trevor B
Kindermann, L
Kindle, E M
King, T.
King, S E
King, Basil C
King, Ted
King, Lewis H
King, C.
King, A. L.
King, P B
King, C. A.
King, Alan R
King, Philip B
Kingen, Kara E.P.
Kingen, Kara E. P.
Kingen, Kara
Kingston, J
Kingston, John
Kinlan, B. P.
Kinle, J
Kinnucan, H.
Kinoshita, H
Kinoshita, M
Kinoshita, Willie T
Kinunen, Wayne
Kinunen, Wayne (ed.)
Kinyon, Bob
Kinzie, R. A.
Kirby, E.
Kirby, M X
Kirchner, Gway
Kirchner, Theresa
Kirincich, A
Kirk, H K
Kirk, Edwin
Kirk, J. P.
Kirkby, Kristen-Marie S
Kirkland, John
Kirkland, Jennifer
Kirkley, J.
Kirkton, S D
Kirschner, C E
Kisanuki, Tom T
Kisiel, J. F.
Kisiel, J
Kisimoto, K
Kissling, M
Kisslinger, Carl
Kistler, R W
Kitamura, Nobu
Kitaysky, Alexander
Kitaysky, A
Kitaysky, A. S.
Kitchell, J. F.
Kits, K. S.
Kittel, Gwen
Kittleman, Laurence R
Kitts, D. D.
Kjeldsen, Chris K
Kjelmyr, Janet E
Kjorsvik, E.
Klag, Graham
Klarin, P
Klasek, S.
Klein, George deV.
Klein, C J
Klein, DeV G
Kleinhans, M. G.
Kleinholz, C W
Kleinpell, W D
Kleinpell, R M
Kleinrock, M
Kleist, John R
Kleivane, L.
Klemgard, E N
Klepper, M R
Klesk, Keith
Klimek, A.
Klimley, A. P.
Klimley, Peter A
Klinck, Holger
Klinck, H.
Klinck, Karolin
Kline, D. I.
Kline, T
Kling, Jerry
Kling, David M.
Kling, Stanley A
Kling, S A
Klingeman, Peter C
Klinger, T.
Kloos, Bill
Klopfenstein, Inez
Klopfenstein, Don
Kloser, R
Klotsko, S.
Klotsko, Shannon
Klure, J
Knapp, G
Knepp, R A
Knight, Carolyn M.
Knight, J B
Knight, Brookes J
Knight, Ned J
Knight, J S
Knipe, Ashley
Kniskern, Tara A
Knorek, Zofia R.
Knoth, B
Knoth, Brian A.
Knoth, B. A.
Knott, K E
Knott, S T
Knowles, Scott M
Knox, T.
Knuckey, J. D. S.
Knudsen, E. E.
Knudsen, E.Eric
Knutsen, H.
Kobari, T.
Kobayashi, D
Kobayashi, D. R.
Kobayashi, K
Kobayashi, M.
Kobayashi, T
Kobayashi, Yuka
Koberstein, Rayna
Koch, C.
Koch, Allan James
Kochevar, R. E.
Kock, K. H.
Kockelman, William J
Kocourek, Amy
Koeberle, Alexander L.
Koenker, Brittany L.
Koepcke, Jennifer
Koh, Chern Lin
Koh, Chern-Lin
Kohlhorst, David W
Kohn, A. J.
Kohn, A.
Kohout, F A
Koike, Bruce G
Kok, Tiong Ngei
Koketsu, W
Kokkaew, H.
Kolbe, Edward R
Kolstoe, Sonja H.
Komada, T
Komar, Paul
Komar, P. D.
Komar, Paul D
Kominoski, John S
Komolprasert, V
Konda, Isao
Kondakov, Alexander V.
Kondolf, Mathias
Kone, Dominique V.
Konec, M
Konishi, Kenji
Konno, K
Konopleva, Ekaterina S.
Kontas, Isis
Koo, J
Kooyman, G. L.
Kopczak, C.
Kope, R
Kope, R. G.
Kope, Robert G
Kopec, D
Kopf, Keller R
Kopp, Robert E.
Kormanyos, R E
Kormos, B. J.
Korn, Lawerence
Korn, L
Korn, M K
Korosec, M A
Korpalski, Thomas Paul
Korte, David M.
Koseki, Y
Koski, K V
Koski, Victor K
Koski, Randolph A
Koski, R. A.
Koski, R A
Koslow, T
Kosnirev, V. K.
Kososki, Bruce A
Kosro, Michael P
Kosro, P. M.
Koss, P.
Kostow, Kathryn Eileen
Kotaka, Tamio
Kothias, J. B. A.
Kottlowski, Frank E
Kovach, Robert L
Kovacs, K M
Kowalski, J L
Kowalski, G. J.
Kownacki, Alexa K.
Kozfkay, C
Kozmian-Ledward, L.
Kozuch, Michael J
Kozuka, Kenji
Krabbe, Jan
Krabbenhoft, David P
Kraft, J C
Kraft, John C
Krahn, M M
Krajcik, Jennifer A.
Kramer, D. E.
Kramer, S
Kramer, Curtis J
Krantz, G. W.
Krantz, G W
Krasheninnikov, V
Krasnow, Lynne D
Kratz, Kim W.
Kraus, Scott D
Kraus, S.
Kraus, Nicholas C
Kraus, S D
Krause, J. W.
Krauss, Siegfried L.
Krauss, Robert (ed.) W
Kravitz, Michael J
Krawyzyk, D.
Kraybill, H F
Kraynick, Roger G
Kreag, Becky
Kreag, Rebecca A
Kreeger, Karen E.
Kreeger, Daniel A
Kreeger, K E
Kreeger, Karen Young
Kreeger, D.
Kreeger, D. A.
Kreh, R. E.
Kreider, Matilda
Kreisa, R D
Krentz, Lisa K
Krenz, Christopher
Kress, Marin M.
Kreuz, Keith Francis
Krieger, Katherine L.
Kriegler, F. J.
Krishnakumar, P. K.
Krist, Amy C.
Kristbergsson, K
Krivoy, H L
Kroeber, A L
Kroeger, Timm
Krohn, David C
Kronlund, A. R.
Kropp, R. K.
Krueger, C. C.
Krueger-Hadfield, Stacy A.
Kruger, R L
Kruger, Richard Lee
Krupkin, Alex B.
Krupp, D
Kruse, Gordon H.
Kruse, G. H.
Kruse, G. H.
Krutzen, M.
Krutzikowsky, Vicki Hoover
Krutzikowsky, Gregory K.
Krutzikowsky, Vicki Hoover
Kruzic, L
Kruzic, Lance M
Krygier, Earl E
Krygier, J.T. and J D Hall
Krygier, Earl Eldon
Krygier, James T
Kubler, J. E.
Kubodera, T
Kucheryavyy, Aleksandr
Kuchta, R.
Kudela, R. M.
Kudela, R
Kuenen, Ph. H
Kuffner, I. B.
Kuhn, Gerald G
Kuhn, Carey E
Kuitunen, K
Kujala, Norman F
Kuletz, K. J.
Kuletz, Ivan
Kuligowski, d R.
Kuligowski, David
Kuligowski, D. R.
Kuligowski, D
Kulkarni, Ram
Kulm, L. D.
Kulm, Laverne D
Kulm, Laverne Duane
Kulm, L D
Kulp, Laurence J
Kum, J.-S.
Kumar, A.
Kumler, Marion Lawrence
Kunert, Charles Jerome
Kung, H F
Kung, H.-F.
Kunisch, Erin E.
Kunkel, Clair
Kuno, Hisashi
Kupillas, S.
Kupillas, Steven A.
Kurapov, A. L.
Kuris, A. M.
Kuris, Armand M
Kurita, M.
Kurth, R
Kurtz, R
Kusel, Elizabeth T.
Kusel, E. T.
Kushiro, I
Kushnareva, T I
Kvaček, Zlatko
Kvadsheim, P. H.
Kvenvolden, Keith A
Kvenvolden, K A
Kvitrud, M. A.
Kwon, Jung Yeon
Kyburg, C
L, Shriver A.
La Follette, Cameron
La Marr, Timothy J
La Marr, Tim J
La Touche, Yves David.
La Touche, Yves D.
Lab, Sediment Criteria T
Laboratories, Battelle Pacific Northwest
Laboratory, Corvallis Environmen
Laboratory, National Exposure R
Laboratory, Pacific Northwest
Labou, Stephanie G.
Labunski, E. A.
Lachenbruch, Arthur H
Lachetti, Pierre
Lackey, Robert T
Ladd, C.
Ladd, H S
Laenen, Antonius
Laetz, C. A.
Laferriere, Alix M
Laferriere, A.
Lagerquist, Barbara
Lagerquist, Barbara A.
Lageson, David R
Lagomarsino, Irma
Laguardia, C.
Laguardia, Cheryl
Lagueux, K
Lahr, J
Lahr, John C
Lai, H L
Laidre, K. L.
Laikre, L
Lake, J. L.
Lake, C. A.
Lake, J.
LaLande, Jeffrey M
Lam, F. P. A.
Lamb, Jesse
Lamb, Jessee
Lamberg, A
Lamberson, Janet O
Lamberson, Janet
Lamberson, J O
Lamberson, P. B.
Lambert, Selina E.
Lambert, G.
Lambert, Michael W
Lambert, G. /Ljubenkov
Lambert, C
Lambertini, E.
Lambourn, D. M.
Lambrinos, J
Lamey, C A
Lammers, Marc O.
Lammers, M
Lampila, L. E.
Lampman, R. T.
Lampman, Ralph
Lampman, Ralph Tatsuo
Lampman, G
Lamy, R
Lan, Ching-Ying
Lança, Maria João
Lancaster, J
Lancaster, H K
Lance, E. W.
Lancefield-Steeves, Phyllis E
Lancelot, Yves
Land and Water Environmental Services Inc.
Landahl, J T
Landau, E.
Lande, Russell
Lander, D L
Lander, James F
Lander, Diane L
Lander, Bruce E
Landers, S C
Landis, W. G.
Landis, W.
Landrum, P. F.
Landrum, P.
Lane, Robert K
Lane, Charles Bertell
Lanelli, J N
Lang, Robert P.
Lang, A. R.
Lang, Paul
Lang, Robert Paul
Lang, G M
Lang, Paul
Lang, S. Q.
Langdon, Christopher J
Langdon, C
Langdon, Christopher
Lange, Rebecca A
Lange, Erwin F
Langenheim, Virginia
Langmo, R D
Langmuir, C. H.
Langness, Olaf P
Langness, O. P.
Langrock, R.
Langseth, Marcus
Langseth, M G
Langson, Christopher J.
Langston, Charles A
Lanier, Tyre C
Lanier, T
Lanier, Andy
Lanier, T C
Lannan, Jr.
Lannan, James E.
Lannan, James Jr. E
Lannan, James E
Lannan, Catherine N.
Lannan, Cathy
Lannuzel, D.
Lansing, M. B.
Lanteaume, M
Lantz, Richard L
Lao, Y.
LaPatra, S. E.
LaPatra, S
Lapegue, S
Laporta, P.
Laporte, J L
Larenas, J. J.
Largaespada, L
Large, S. I.
Largier, J
Largier, John I.
Largier, J. L.
Largo, D. B.
Larison, J.
Larkin, Sherry L
Larkin, S L
Larkin, Shelley A.
Larkin, S
Larned, Scott T
Larned, S. T.
LaRoche, Joanne L
LaRoe, E. T.
Larsen, D. P.
Larsen, Jennifer
Larsen, L M
Larsen, Jennifer (Jennifer Elizabeth)
Larson, B. I.
Larson, Michele D.
Larson, Shawn
Larson, R. E.
Larson, R R
Larson, R
Larson, K
Larson, Eric R.
Larson, D.
Larter, R. D.
Larue, D K
Lascelles, B. G.
Lash, Gary G
Laso-Wasem, E.
Lassuy, Dennis R
Lastuka, S.
Lathram, Ernest H
Latimer, J.
LaTouche, Y.David
LaTouche, David Y
Lattimore, Robert
Latuska, S.
Lau, T. K.
Lau, Tai-Kwon Andy
Lau, Tai-Kwan
Lau, Tai-Kwan A.
Lau, T.-K. Andy
Lau, Alyssa
Lau, Tai Kwan
Lau, Andy Tai-Kwan
Lau, Y.
Laubscher, H P
Lauenstein, Gunnar G
Lauf, M.
Lauff, George (ed.) H
Lauff, George H
Laufle, Jeffrey C
Lauman, Jim E
Laurel, Benjamin
Laurel, Benjamin J
Laurel, Ben J.
Lauth, R.
Lauth, R R
Lavaniegos, B
Lavaniegos, F. E.
Lavaniegos, B. E.
Lavelle, K A
Lavelle, J W
Lavery, S. D.
Lavery, S
Lavigne, Henry R
Law, P. M.
Law, Karen H.
Law, B E
Lawes, Timothy
Lawler, J. M.
Lawler, J. J.
Lawrence, Martin
Lawrence, Robert D
Lawrence, William
Lawrie, H N
Lawson, P W
Lawson, Pete W.
Lawson, Peter W.
Lawson, Peter W
Lawson, Peter
Lawson, Andrew C
Lawton, A
Lawver, L A
Layery, S
Layton-Matthews, D
Lazard, J.
Lazo-Wasem, E.
Lazorchak, J. M.
Le Corre, M.
Le Floc'H, P
Le Maitre, R W
Le Roux, P
Le Saout, M.
Lea, C.
Lea, M. A.
Leahy, Jessica
Leal, D R
Leaman, B. M.
Lean, David R. S.
Leaper, R
Leary, J.
Leat, P. T.
Leatherwood, S.
Leavitt, Jasper
Leblanc, Camille A.
LeBlanc, P.
LeBlanc, Rufus J
LeBoeuf, B. J.
Lebon, G
Lebon, G.
Lebon, G. T.
Lebreton, B
Lebsack, Stephen Grant
Leckie, Dale A
Leclerc, V.
Ledgerwood, Edgar
Ledig, D B
LeDuc, R
LeDuc, R. L.
Leduc, D.
Lee, Douglas B.
Lee, M.
Lee, Timothy Seung-chul
Lee, II. H
Lee, J W
Lee, S J
Lee, H
Lee, S. Y.
Lee, Y W
Lee, K S
Lee, Kessina
Lee, Henry
Lee, Donald E
Lee, W S
Lee, David W.
Lee, Henry II.
Lee, K. W.
Lee, Yong Woo
Lee, C
Lee, Kara J
Lee, J. H.
Lee, Pei-Fen
Lee, Catherine E
Lee, K
Lee, Y. C.
Lee, Jinhwan
Lee, Henry
Lee, W. K.
Lee, Henry
Lee, Se-Yeon
Lee, Myeong Gi
Lee, J. H. W.
Lee, J. S.
Lee, Elizabeth M. J.
Lee, W H K
Lee II, Henry
Leeman, W P
Leer, David
Leer, D. W.
Lefcheck, J. S.
Legendre, M.
Leggett, J K
Lehman, Heather
Lehnert, L. S.
Lehrman, Joanna
Lehrter, J.
Lei, Shangli
Leibowitz, S G
Leibowitz, Scott G
Leid, M. E.
Leising, A. W.
Leising, A.
Leitch, Jerrold M
Lemagie, Emily
Lemagie, Emily P.
LeMay, Weston R.
Lembo, G
Leming, T D
Lemke, J. L.
Lemke, Jena
Lemke, Jena L.
Lennartz, Frances E
Lent, Robert Louis
Lentile, L
Lento, G. M.
Leonard, Janet L.
Leonard, Lucinda J
Leonard, A R
Leong, J. C.
Leong, Kam W
Leopold, Estella B
Leopold, Luna B
Leplat, P
Leqata, J.
Lequata, J
Lerberg, Scott
Lerczak, James A.
Leschine, Thomas M
Leschine, Thomas
Leskinen, E
Leslie, Frank
Leslie, Heather M.
Leslie, M. S.
Lessard, E
Lessard, E. J.
Lester, S E
Letcher, B.
Letelier, R
Letelier, R. M.
Leuthold, Niels C
Leuven, J. R. F. W.
Levas, S
Leverenz, J. W.
Levesque, K.
Levey, Matthew D
Levi, Taal
Levi, S
Levin, John-Eric
Levin, J -E M
Levin, Simon A.
Levin, P S
Levin, John-Eric M
Levin, P. S.
Levine, D. M.
Levine, Arielle
Levings, Olin
Levings, Colin
Levinton, J. S.
Levinton, J.
Levorsen, A I
Levy, M
Levy, D. A.
Lew, Daniel K.
Lewis, David J.
Lewis, Adrian C.
Lewis, Brian T R
Lewis, Margaret C
Lewis, Russell
Lewis, B T
Lewis, Stephen L
Lewis, Mary J
Lewis, Steven L
Lewis, Nathaniel S.
Lewis, N.
Lewis, Mark A
Lewis, Sarah L.
Lewis, Stephen D
Lewis, Meriwether
Lewis, M.
Lewis, Mark
Lewis, Sierra Koch
Lewis, Gary B
Lewis, Richard Q
Lewis, Nate S
Lewis, Sarah
Leybourne, M. I.
Leybourne, M
Li, Fugen
Li, J
Li, Hiram W
Li, P. F.
Li, Judith Lew
Li, X. B.
Li, Cheng
Li, Y
Li, G
Li, Kevin
Li, Shiao Jing
Li, H. W.
Li, H W
Li, Y.
Li, J. L.
Li, L
Li, Jingchun
Li, K.
Li-Chan, E. C. Y.
Lian, Paul
Lianso, Roberto
Liao, D. S.
Liao, D.
Libbey, F W
Liberoff, A. L.
Lichatowich, J. A.
Lichatowich, James L
Lichatowich, James A
Lick, W.
Lickus, M R
Licznar, P
Liebert, Anja M.
Liebsch, N.
Lierheimer, Lisa J
Liermann, M.
Light, Jeffery
Light, J. T.
Light, Jeffrey T.
Liley, N. R.
Lill, G G
Lilley, S. A.
Lilley, M D
Lilley, M
Lilley, Marvin D
Lillie, R. J.
Lilly, D H
Lim, Youngah
Lim, Jennifer
Lima, M P
Lin, C.-M.
Lin, J
Lin, Dongdong
Lin, H.-C.
Lin, C M
Lin, T. M.
Lin, X. P.
Lin, L.
Lin, Tein Min
Lin, T. M. John
Lincoff, A.
Lincoln, R
Lincoln County (Or.)
Lincoln County (Or.) Planning Dept.
Lincoln County (Or.). Dept. of Planning and Development
Lincoln County (Or.). Planning Department
Lincoln County (Or.). Planning Dept.,
Lincoln County (Ore.)
Lincoln County Centennial Committee,
Lincoln County Historical Society
Lincoln County Planning Department
Lincoln Soil & Water Conservation District
Lind, Amy J
Lindberg, F A
Lindberg, B
Lindberg, Bibbi
Lindberg, S. E.
Linde, C C
Lindh, A G
Lindley, Steven T
Lindley, S. T.
Lindsay, Lee W
Lindsay, Bob
Lindsay, Robert Bryan
Lindsay, Robert B
Lindsay, Robert Bryan.
Lindsley, D H
Lindsley, Amy J
Lindsley, Amy J.
Ling, Q
Lingley, Jr.
Linh, Nguyen Thi Thuy
Link, J. S.
Link, Terry
Link, J
Linkowski, T
Linnell, Mark A.
Liou, J G
Lipcius, R N
Lipcius, Romuald N.
Lipipun, V
Lipman, Peter W
Lipnick, R. L.
Lipsky, C.
Liscia, David P
Lisitzin, A P
Lisowski, M
Liss, W
Liss, W J
Lister, C R B
Lister, J H
Liston, J.
Litchendorf, T
Litle, Kate
Litovka, D. I.
Little, D
Littles, Chanda
Littles, Chanda J.
Litton, R K
Litvin, Steven Y
Litz, Marisa
Litz, Marisa N. C.
Litzow, M. A.
Liu, C. C.
Liu, S. S.
Liu, W.
Liu, Hui
Liu, Pan
Liu, H
Liu, Hongling
Liu, J.
Liu, Chi-Chang
Liu, Chengchu
Liu, Hsiu-Ping
Liu, C. H.
Liu, C
Liu, Jie
Liu, Z.-Y.
Liu, Z
Liu, G
Livelybrooks, D.
Liverman, Marc C
Livingston, Patricia
Livingston, Jr.
Livingston, John L
Lizarraga Arciniega, Jose Roman
Lizarraga-Arciniega, Jose ROman
Ljungblad, D K
Llansó, Roberto
Llewellyn, Bob
Llopiz, J. K.
Lluby, J. C.
Lo, N. C. H.
Lo, N
Lo Giudice, Antonino
Loarie, S R
Loboschefsky, E. J.
Loboschefsky, E.
Locke, F E
Locke, Fred E
Locke, Fred
Lockridge, G.
Lockridge, Patricia A
Lockwood, Millington
Lockwood, John P
Lockwood, C A
Lodewyk, J. A.
Loeb, V
Loecke, Terrance D
Loeffel, Robert E
Loegering, John P
Loehr, Lincoln C
Loekkeborg, Svein
Loeschke, Jorg
Loew, Simon
Loewenherz, Larkin
Lofton, Maeve
Logan, Robert L
Loge, Frank
Loge, F J
Loge, F
Loge, Frank J.
Logerwell, Elizabeth
Logerwell, E
Logerwell, E. A.
Logerwell, E A
Lohan, M C
Loher, T.
Lohr, C. V.
Lokkeborg, S
Lokken, Harold
Lomax, D. P.
Lombana, A. V.
Lomeli, Mark
Lomeli, Mark J. M.
Lominicky, Gregg A
Lomnicky, Gregg
Lomotowski, J
Loney, Robert A
Long, E. R.
Long, A J
Long, R
Long, A
Long, Season
Long, E
Long, Jonathan W.
Long, Will B.
Long, Michele R.
Long, Michele
Long, W. C.
Long, Edward
Long, J B
Longnecker, Krista
Longwell, Chester R
Lonsdale, Peter
Loofbourow, Jr.
Loomis, David W
Loomis, Timothy P
Loomis, David
Loomis, Dave
Loomis, David W.
Lopes-Lima, Manuel
Lopetcharat, Kannapon
Lopez, R J
Lopez, C
Lopez, Maldonado A
Lopez, G.
Lopez-Alvarado, J
López-Cortés, A
Lord, Carmen Belen
Lord-Castillo, B. K.
Loredo, Stephanie A.
Loredo, Stephanie
Lorenzen, K.
Lores, E. M.
Loring, J. F.
Lorion, Chris M.
Lorion, Christopher M.
Lorion, Christopher
Lort, Jennifer
Lorz, H. V.
Lorz, Harold. W
Losee, J. P.
Losee, James P.
Losekoot, M
Losey, Robert J
Losey, Robert. J
Lott, Austill
Lotufo, G R
Lou, X Q
Lou, X
Louch, Jeff
Loudenslager, E. J.
Lough, Robert G
Lourenco, N
Love, A H
Love, J D
Love, B. A.
Love, H A
Love, M. S.
Lovell, J P B
LovellFord, Rachel M
Lovley, D R
Low, L. L.
Low, Julian W
Lowder, Austin C.
Lowder, Austin Cole
Lowder, A.
Lowe, Jamison A
Lowe, Roy W
Lowe, Ryan J.
Lowe, C. G.
Lowe, S
Lowell, R P
Lowell, Robert P
Lowenstern, J
Lower Umpqua Historical Society
Lowers, W. M.
Lowery, Tony A
Lowry, Robert
Lowry, Gerald Roger
Lowry, Gerald R
Lowry, William P
Lowry, R. R.
Lowry, G R
Lowry, W D
Lowry, M.
Lowry, Wallace D
Lowy, D. A.
Loy, W. G.
Loynes, Tom
Lu, J
Lubchenco, J
Lubeck, C M
Luby, J. C.
Lucas, C H
Lucas-Clark, J
Lucchetti, G
Lucchi, Franco Ricci
Luce, C. H.
Luce, Charles
Lucena, J C
Lucey, N.
Lucke, K.
Luckenbach, M
Luckenbacj, M
Luczkovich, J. J.
Ludwick, John C
Ludwig, Miriam (compiler) D
Ludwin, Ruth
Luedke, Robert G
Luepke, Gretchen
Luetgert, Jim
Lui, C
Luis, J
Lukas, Gerald
Lukas, Gerald T
Lukas, Jerry
Luken, M D
Lukert, Louis H
Lukoschek, V
Lukowiak, K
Lull, J S
Lumley, Paul
Lumley, Perry E
Lumsden, S. E.
Lund, Ernest H
Lund, Dennis
Lundgren, B
Lundrigan, T A
Lundsten, L. J.
Luo, Jessica Y.
Luo, J. A.
Luoma, S. N.
Lupes, Sarah C.
Lupher, R L
Lupton, Charles T
Lupton, John E. L.
Lupton, John E
Lupton, John
Luternauer, John
Luternauer, J L
Luther, D. S.
Luther, G. W.
Lutz, Andrew P
Lyczkowski-Shultz, J.
Lydeard, Charles
Lydy, M. J.
Lyford, John Higgins
Lyle, Joanna T.
Lyle, Mitchell
Lyman, Lee R
Lyman, John
Lyman, Albert
Lynch, S.
Lynch, M B
Lynch, P. D.
Lynds, Susan E.
Lynn, D. H.
Lyons, J E
Lyons, Donald E.
Lyons, D E
Lyons, C.
Lysiak, N. S.
Lytle, D. A.
Lyubas, Artyom A.
M, Dillon. T.
Ma, Y -U
Ma, Lei
Ma, Alex P
Maas, Kathleen G.
Mabardy, Rebecca A.
Mabardy, Becky
Mabardy, Rebecca Anne
Mabey, Don R
Mac, M. J.
MacCall, R. L.
MacClellan, Megan
MacCready, P
MacDonald, Grant A.
Macdonald, G A
MacDonald, C. A.
MacDonald, Keith B
MacDonald, D. A.
Macdonald, Ray
MacDonald, M. A.
MacDonald, D. D.
Macdonald, Gordon A
MacDonald, Glen
MacDonald, Donald D
MacFarlane, R. B.
MacFarlane, B
MacFarlane, Bruce R
Mach, Megan E.
Macie, A.
MacIntyre, Ross
Mackas, D. L.
Mackas, D.
Mackay, K
MacKay, J. W. B.
Mackay, Angus James
MacKay, J.
MacKay, M. E.
MacKay, Mary E
MacKenzie, Clyde Jr. L
Mackenzie, J S
MacKenzie, C. L.
Mackey, K. R. M.
Mackie, D J
Mackie, Travis
Mackin, Hoover J
Mackin, J H
MacKinlay, D.
MacKinley, D.
Macklin, A
Macko, S. A.
Macko, S. E.
MacLauchlin, K.
Maclean, J. L.
MacLean, Brian
MacLellan, S. E.
MacLeod, Gerald R
MacLeod, N S
Macleod, Norman S
MacLeod, W. D.
MacLeod, C
Macloed, Noman S
Macnab, James A.
Macnaughtan, Don
MacNeil, F S
Macpherson, George S
Macsiurtain, M
MacWilliams, Sarah
Macy, William K.
Madden, C. J.
Madden, C.
Maddock, Marshall E
Madec, M
Madero, Carlos F.
Madin, L P
Madin, Ian (eds.)
Madison, David B.
Madison, Robert W
Madon, Benedicte
Madon, B
Madsen, B M
Madsen, P. T.
Maekawa, Hirokazu
Maenner, S M
Maffione, R.
Magara, Kinji
Magdeldin, Sameh
Magel, Christopher
Magel, Caitlin L.
Magel, C
Maggs, C. A.
Maggs, C
Maggs, D J
Magill, James
Magnusdottir, E.
Magnusdottir, Edda
Magnusson, A
Magoon, Leslie B
Magoon, Orville T
Magoun, Dale
Magoun, A. D.
Mahan, Shannon A.
Mahaney, Wendy M
Maharaj, V.
Maher, John C
Mahmoud, B S M
Mahmoudi, B.
Mahoney, J. D.
Mahood, R O
Maia, M
Main, Stephen P
Major, H. L.
Makers Architecture Planning Urban Design,,
Maki, A. W.
Maksym, T.
Malahoff, A
Maldonado, A
Malecek, S J
Malej, A
Maleug, K.
Malfait, B
Malick, M. J.
Malikova, D. Y.
Mallikarjunan, P
Malloch, R. D.
Mallon, M. H.
Mallon, Michael H
Mallory, Standish V
Mallory, Stanford V
Malone, Stephen D
Maloney, J. M.
Maloney, Neil J
Maloney, T E
Maloney, Jillian
Malouf, Robert Edward
Malouf, Robert E
Malpas, John
Malvitch, J. S.
Mamay, Sergius H
Management, Oregon Emergency
Management, United States. Of
Management, Bureau of Ocean E
Management, United States Bur
Manchester, Steven R
Manchester, K S
Manconi, Andrea
Mandaville Associates
Mandell, A.
Mandelman, J
Manderson, J. P.
Manfredo, M.
Mangan, M T
Mangan, Margaret T
Mangano, Joseph F.
Mangel, Marc
Mangel, M.
Manger, Edward G
Mangum, Doris
Manheim, F T
Manickam, F.
Maniscalco, J. M.
Mann, D.
Mann, Marion E.
Mann, M. E.
Mann, H. M.
Mann, Jr.
Mann, R.
Mann, Dennis M
Mann, D. G.
Mannocci, L.
Manske, Douglas C
Manson, Connie
Mansour, Saad E A
ManTech Environmental Research Services Corp.
Mantua, N J
Mantua, Nathan J.
Mantua, N
Mantua, N. J.
Mantua, Nathan
Mantyla, A.
Manuwal, D. A.
Manzano-Sarabia, M.
Manzello, D P
Mapel, W J
Mapping, American Congress o
Maragos, J. E.
Marasco, R J
Marchiando, Patricia Jean
Marcial-Hernandez, L.
Marcogliese, D. J.
Marcos, M
Marcot, B. G.
Marcot, Bruce G.
Marcus, K L
Marenick, N.
Maresh, T J
Maresh, J. L.
Maret, Joseph J
Margolina, T.
Maricle, Brian R.
Marin Jarrin, José R
Marincovich, Jr.
Marine Bioinvasions Lab
Mariner, R H
Marinho-Filho, J S
Marinovic, B.
Marion, Scott R.
Mark, Darren F.
Mark, R K
Markers, A G M
Markham, J.
Markham, J. W.
Markham, John C
Markland, Mary J.
Markland, Mary
Markle, Douglas F.
Markle, Douglas F
Markle, D. F.
Marko, Katharine
Marko, Katharine M.
Marko, Katherine
Markov, M S
Marks, J
Marks, Dennis Keith
Marks, Lawrence Y
Markus, Horning
Marlow, M S
Marlow, Michael S
Marmontel, M
Marois, Darryl E.
Marois, K. C.
Marques, T. A.
Marquez-Farias, J. F.
Marquis, F
Marquis, R. E.
Marra, John
Marra, John J
Marrant, Joel
Marriage, Lowell D
Marriage, Dean L
Marsh, H.
Marsh, Owen T
Marsh, Christopher P.
Marsh, N G
Marshall, Jill Ann
Marshall, Flug.
Marshall, C. A.
Marshall, Neil F
Marshall, K. N.
Marshall, R B
Marshall, David B
Marshall, A. R.
Marston, Richard B
Marston, Richard A
Marthick, J. R.
Martien, Karen K
Martien, R. K.
Martien, K K
Martin, Robert C
Martin, Keith S
Martin, S
Martin, Bruce D
Martin, R E
Martin, A. R.
Martin, J. F.
Martin, T.
Martin, Randy
Martin, John V
Martin, S. W.
Martin, Jr.
Martin, Amy
Martin, Michael
Martin, B.
Martin, C
Martin, A
Martin-Mills, Brooke E.
Martina, Jason P
Martinez, F
Martinez, J. P.
Martinez-Aguilar, S.
Martínez-Gómez, S
Martinez-Padron, M.
Martinez-Rincon, R. O.
Martinson, E. C.
Marumo, K
Maruyama, A
Maruyama, S
Maser, C.
Maser, Chris
Maskey, Shreedhar
Mason, R. P.
Mason, R S
Mason, J W
Mason, Ralph S
Massa, Alison M
Massey, N W D
Massie, Margaret H
Massingill, Chris
Massoth, G. T.
Massoth, G J
Massoth, B
Massoth, G
Masten, J
Mastick, Natalie
Masuda, M.
Matak, K E
Mate, Bruce R
Mate, Bruce
Mateus, Catarina Sofia
Mathematical Sciences Northwest
Mathematical Sciences Northwest, Inc.,
Mathewes, R W
Mathews, E. A.
Mathews, J.
Mathews, W H
Mathieson, A.
Mathiot, Kent R
Mathis, J T
Mathisen, Leonard M
Mathisen, L M
Matkin, C
Matlock, G.
Matoba, Yasumochi
Matson, Adrian L
Matson, Sean Erik
Matson, S E
Matson, Adrian Luther
Matson, Sean E.
Matson, S. E.
Matson, S
Matsubu, William
Matsuda, Y.
Matsuda, Tokihiko
Matsumoto, Haru
Matsumoto, T
Matsumoto, H.
Matsumoto, Haruyoshi
Matsumoto, Haruyoshi H.
Matsuyama, B. M.
Matsuyama, Tsutomu
Matta, M. E.
Mattax, Brian L
Mattes, Lynn
Matteson, Keith M.
Matteson, Keith
Matthews, Oliver
Matthews, L. P.
Mattila, D K
Mattila, D
Mattinson, J M
Mattlin, R
Mattlin, R. H.
Matzen, E.
Mauger, Jeffery E
Maughan, Paul M
Maunder, M.
Maury, O
Maury, V.
Maxwell, S. M.
Maxwell, Ben
Maxwell, Sara M
May, Steven D
May, N
May, S D
May, J A
May-Collado, L. J.
May-McNally, S. L.
Mayden, R L
Mayer, T D
Mayer, L A
Mayer, S G
Mayers, Ian R
Mayers, Ian Richard
Mayers, I R
Mayes, M. A.
Maync, Wolf
Maynou, F
Mayo, Cara
Mayr, Gerald
Mayrand, L
Mayzaud, P
Mazumder, A.
Mazumder, S.
Mazurek, Monica A.
Mazzotti, Stephane
McAfee, S.
McAfee, S T
McAlister, Bruce W
McAllister, H C
McAllister, James F
McAneny, D S
McArdle, B
McArthur, J
McArthur, A. G.
McBirney, A. R.
McBirney, A R
McBirney, Alexander R
McBride, R. S.
McBride, Earle F
McBride, D. N.
McBride, Margaret M.
McCabe, Chad
McCabe, Jr.
McCabe, R M
McCabe, G. T.
McCabe, R.
McCabe, G.
McCain, Bruce B.
McCallum, Larry D
McCann-Grosvenor, Kristina
McCarthy, Jill
McCarthy, Abigail L.
McCarthy, Maurice M.
McCarthy, Joseph Edward
McCartney, W D
McCauley, James
McCauley, James E
McCay, B.
McChesney, G. J.
McClain, Kevin J
McClain, Kevin John
McClammer, James Upsher
McClatchie, S
McClees, Whitney
McClellan, Patrick
McClellan, Patrick H
McClellan, P H
McClelland, E. K.
McCluney, J. K.
McClure, John
McClure, Michelle M.
McClure, M
McClure, M. M.
McComb, W. C.
McComb, Branda C
McConnell, S.
McConnell, Robert J
McCormick, H.
McCormick, J. L.
McCormick, Joshua L.
McCormick, Jon M
McCovey, Jr.
McCovey, B. W.
McCoy, C. M.
McCoy, Jr.
McCoy, Lee M
McCoy, Lee
McCracken, G. F.
McCrae, Jean.
McCrae, Jean E
McCrae, Jean
McCreary, Bonnie
McCredie, Katherine E.
McCrory, Patricia A
McCrow, Lynne T
McCrumb, Dennis R
McCubbin, J A
McCuller, M. I.
McCuller, Megan I.
McCulloch, D S
McCulloch, Anita
McCulloch, A. A.
McCulloch, David S
McCulloh, Thane
McCulloh, T H
McCulloh, Thane H
McCullough, Conde B
McCullough, D. A.
McCunn, H J
McCurdy, James G
McDivitt, Ron L
McDonald, Birgitte I
McDonald, David A
McDonald, Patrick
McDonald, P. S.
McDonald, L. L.
McDonald, M A
McDonnell, Jeffrey J
McDonnell, Jeffrey
McDonnell, Jeffrey J.
McDonough, J
McDougal, William G
McDougall, Kristin
McDougall, K
McDougall, K A
McDowell, T. S.
McDowell, E. F.
McDowell, T
McDuff, R. E.
McDuie, F.
McElderry, H. I.
McElhany, P
McElwee, K
McEnroe, Jeff R
McEnroe, Jeffrey R
McErlean, A J
McFarland, Carl R
McFarlane, G. A.
McFarlin, P F
McField, M
McGann, M L
McGeachin, R. B. /Wicklu
McGie, Alan M
McGill, P
McGinnity, P.
McGlynn, W.
McGourty, Catherine
McGovern, J. C.
McGovern, D
McGowan, Michael F.
McGraw, K
McGregor, Bonnie A
McGuire, Angela
McGuire, J. J.
McGuire, John R
McGuire, Hollister D
McGurrin, Joseph
McHugh, R.
McHugh, Robert A
McHugh, C
McHugh, C. M.
McHuron, E. A.
McIlgorm, A
McIlraith, B. J.
McIlwain, T. D.
McIntire, C. D.
McIntire, David C
McIntosh, Bruce
McIntosh, Jay
McIntosh, N.
McIntyre, James R
McIntyre, Brooke
McKane, B.
McKee, Arthur
McKee, Edwin D
McKee, Edwin H
McKee, E H
McKee, Chris O
McKee, E D
McKeel, Daniel Royce
McKelvey, V E
McKelvey, K
McKenna, Malcolm C
McKenna, M F
McKenzie, J
McKenzie, K.A.
McKenzie, David Roller
McKenzie, M.
McKenzie, Judith A
McKenzie, D P
McKernan, Donald L
McKibben, S. M.
McKinley, R S
Mckinley, S.
McKinley, S. R.
McKinley, K. R.
McKinnell, S
McKinnell, S. M.
McKinney, M. L.
McKinney, Barbara Ann
McKinney, Shaun P
McKnight, A
Mckown, K A
McLaren, D.
McLaughlin, R J
McLaughlin, Lisa K
McLaughlin, K.
McLaughlin, Karen
McLaughlin-West, E. A.
McLean, Hugh
Mclean, R. A. N.
McLelland, Jack I
McLeod, Samuel A.
McLeod, K
Mcleod, Norman S
McMahan, E A
McMahon, Thomas E.
McMahon, Ellen
McMahon, C. R.
McManamay, R H
McManus, J
McManus, Dean A
McManus, D A
McManus, M A
McManus, James
McMechan, George A
McMenamin, M A
McMenamin, Mark
McMichael, Lawrence Bradley
McMichael, J. S.
McMichael, G.
McMillan, H C
McMillin, Harvey C
McMullin, R H
McMurphy, Carl J
McMurray, Anna
McMurray, Gregory R
McMurray, G
McMurray, Jay M
McMurray, G. R.
McNatt, R. A.
McNatt, R
McNeil, William J
McNyset, K. M.
McOmber, K.
McPhail, J D
McPhedran, J
Mcphee, M V
McQueen, Robert E
McQueen, Robert K./ Zirges Malcom H
McQueen, Robert K
McVey, J. P.
McWilliams, Robert Gene
McWilliams, Robert G
McWilliams, J R
MdCrae, Jean
Mead, J. G.
Meador, J. P.
Meadows, Matthew W
Meager, D. A.
Means, J. C.
Mearns, A. J.
Mearns, A J
Measures, C I
Meck, Stephen R.
Medaris, Jr.
Medeiros, P M
Medina, A
Medrano-Gonzalez, L
Mee, Hubert J
Meehan, William R
Meekan, M. G.
Meen, James K
Meengs, Chad C
Meertens, C. M.
Meeting, ASAE International
Meffert, D
Megrey, B. A.
Meguid, Ahmed A A
Mehdizadeh, Saeid
Meile, C.
Meiners, K. M.
Meinig, C. N.
Meinig, C
Meining, C
Meininger, William Scott
Meiring, W
Meis, Philip J.
Meise, C. J.
Meise, C
Meissner, Fred F
Mejia, J. P.
Melby, Jeffrey A
Melieres, F
Melin, S. R.
Melin, S.
Mellinger, David K.
Mellinger, M
Mellish, J. A. E.
Mellish, J. E.
Mellish, J
Mellish, J. W.
Mellish, J.-A.
Mellish, J. A.
Mellman, S.
Mellman, S
Melson, William G
Melson, W G
Melteff, B. R.
Melvin, E F
Melvin, Edward F
Melvin, G. D.
Mena, C. F.
Menack, Julie S
Ménard, F
Menard, H W
Menard, Henry W
Mendelson, M.
Mendez, M.
Mendoza, Maritza
Mendoza, M.
Meng, G
Menge, B. A.
Menge, Bruce A.
Menk, Matthew
Menkel, Jennifer L.
Menkel, Jennifer
Mercado, E.
Mercer, Dacey M
Merchant, N. D.
Meredith, J.
Merems, Arlene
Merigo, C
Merkel, A Y
Merle, Susan G.
Merle, H
Merle, Susan M.
Merlen, G.
Merriam, C W
Merriam, Richard H
Merriam, Charles W
Merrick, Richard L.
Merrifeld, Kathy
Merrifield, K J
Merrifield, Kathy
Merrifield, Matthew S.
Merrikin, P.
Merrill, E
Merritt, D
Merseth, Crane &
Mertens, M.
Mertins, J W
Merz, Joseph
Mesa, Matthew G
Mesa, M
Mesecar, Roderick S.
Mesecar, R
Mesnick, S. L.
Messersmith, James David
Messi, S.
Metcalfe, N.
Meteyer, Carol
Methot, R. D.
Meusnier, Isabelle
Meyer, Jack
Meyer, M.
Meyer, Eli
Meyer, Jack H
Meyer, B L
Meyer, E
Meyerhoff, Roger Dean
Meysman, F J R
Mi Helle, Hornberger
Miall, Andrew D
Mianzan, H W
Mianzan, H.
Michael, S.
Michael, P. J.
Michaelson, Caryl A
Michel, C. J.
Michel, Julia;
Michigan, Environmental Research I
Michler, C. H.
Midcoast Watersheds Council,
MidCoast Watersheds Council.
MidCoast Watersheds Council. Siletz Watershed Group
Middlebrooks, E J
Middleton, A.
Middleton, Gerard V
Middleton, C
Mier, K
Mier, K L
Migliaccio, Ralph R
Migliacio, P
Miglietta, M.
Mignucci-Giannoni, A. A.
Mikhalev, Y
Miksis-Olds, J. L.
Mikulak, Sarah E.
Mikulak, S
Mikus, Robert
Milburn, H. B.
Mild, R. M.
Miles, Gregory A
Milkereit, B
Millar, C. D.
Millar, C
Millard, S. R.
Millard, Richard C
Millard, M. J.
Millemann, Raymond E
Miller, Rebecca R
Miller, Bruce A.
Miller, Gerald M
Miller, Stephanie A.
Miller, M. G. R.
Miller, Richard Leo.
Miller, Shelly A.
Miller, Paul R
Miller, T.
Miller, P. J. O.
Miller, J. C.
Miller, Rebecca H
Miller, Bruce
Miller, William
Miller, David R
Miller, Robert R
Miller, R E
Miller, Allison
Miller, Stacey D
Miller, Michael
Miller, Robert L
Miller, C. A.
Miller, K M
Miller, A
Miller, M P
Miller, Charles B
Miller, C. T.
Miller, B A
Miller, S E
Miller, Jessica A.
Miller, Melissa
Miller, A W
Miller, H. V.
Miller, Bill
Miller, S G
Miller, M D
Miller, R
Miller, Aileen Kilpatrick
Miller, Rich
Miller, T. W.
Miller, Robert B
Miller, M
Miller, Betty M
Miller, D. R.
Miller, Jay
Miller, C. B.
Miller, Bruce A
Miller, Suzanne J
Miller, Karen Illman
Miller, D J
Miller, Shelly
Miller, Jonathan
Miller, Jessica
Miller, Richard L.
Miller, Don J
Miller, Todd W.
Miller-Morgan, Tim
Miller-Morgan, Timothy J.
Miller-Way, Christine A
Millerd, F
Millette, N. C.
Milliman, John D
Mills, C. E.
Mills, Justin S
Mills, J. S.
Mills, C.
Mills, Rachel A
Milne, W G
Milne, A R
Milner, R L
Milner, C W D
Milner, George B
Milstein, R. L.
Milston, Ruth H
Milston-Clements, R.
Minakami, Takeshi
Minasian, D L
Mine, A.
Minello, T
Miner, Jay
Miner, Ronald J
Minor, Rick
Minten, Aubree
Minton, M S
Minton, G.
Mirabile, Lorenzo
Mireles, Christina A.
Mirick, Patrick P.
Misch, Peter
Miser, H D
Miser, Hugh D
Mishima, S
Mitchell, James G
Mitchell, Diane Lynne
Mitchener, M E
Mitman, Grant G.
Mitra, Shankar
Mitsch, W. J.
Mitsui, Shinobu
Mittelstaedt, E.
Mix, Michael C
Miyake, S.
Miyake, Yasuyuki
Miyashita, T
Miyazaki, Teruki
Miyazaki, Takashi
Mizroch, S. A.
Mizuno, Atsuyuki
Mizuno, A
Mjølnerød, I. B.
Moal, J
Mobley, J
Mochon-Collura, Chris
Moctezuma, Gabriela Montaño
Moe, Ray T
Moen, Ann D
Moen, Wayne S
Moench, R H
Moffatt, Robert L
Moffatt, Nichol & Bonney Inc.
Moffett, Cinamon L.
Mohamed, Mustaf
Mohammadi, Babak
Mohler, J
Mohler, June
Mohler, June E
Mohr, M. S.
Moiola, R J
Mokness, E.
Molenaar, C M
Molina-Cruz, Adolfo
Möller, M. M.
Moller, L.
Möllman, C.
Molnar, Peter
Molnia, Bruce F
Molnia, Bruce
Molnia, B F
Moloney, C. L.
Monaco, M E
Monaco, Mark E
Mondragon, Jennifer
Monger, J W H
Monk, M.
Montadert, L
Montagne-Bierly Associates
Montero, J. T.
Montero, P
Montero, F
Montfrans, Jvan
Montgomery Watson
Montiel, M. G.
Montiel-Villalobos, M. G.
Montoya, Leonardo Ruiz
Moody, K E
Mooers, Christopher
Mooi, Rich
Moon, Jessica B.
Moon, JiHoon
Moon, Ji Hoon
Moon, Thomas William
Mooney, W D
Mooney, Walter
Mooney, Walter D
Moore, Wayne E
Moore, Deian
Moore, James Francis
Moore, Gregory F
Moore, Jacob L.
Moore, Casey
Moore, M.
Moore, David G
Moore, K. M. S.
Moore, David M
Moore, S E
Moore, George W
Moore, Wendy W
Moore, Raymond C
Moore, James G
Moore, C.
Moore, R C A
Moore, Richard W
Moore, D. W.
Moore, M. J.
Moore, Kelly M S
Moore, K. J.
Moore, P.
Moore, Dana
Moore, J G
Moore, Ellen James
Moore, D G
Moore, G F
Moore, J C
Moore, Casey J
Moore, G W
Moore, Ellen J
Moore, Michelle M
Moore, Gregg
Moore, R C
Moors-Murphy, H.
Moosapanah, Reza G
Mora, E. A.
Mora, Camilo
Mora-Pinto, D. M.
Morace, C. A.
Morado, J. F.
Moraga, R.
Morales, O G
Moran, Stephen R
Moran, P
Moran, P. C.
Moran, Patrick
Moran, F
Morasco, R.
Mordy, C W
Morefield, P E
Morehouse, K. M.
Morel, P
Moreland, Grover
Moretti, David J.
Moretti, D
Moretti, D J
Morgan, L. E.
Morgan, S G
Morgan, A W
Morgan, Cheryl
Morgan, James L. M.
Morgan, John
Morgan, C. A.
Morgan, Vanessa Howard
Morgan, Brad J
Morgan, Cheryl A.
Morgan, John B
Morgan, W J
Morgan, Alfred R
Morgan, L
Morgan, J B
Morgan, Erin E.
Morgan, M
Morgan, Heryl
Mori, Y
Moriarty, Katie M.
Moriarty, Katie
Morimoto, Nobuo
Morin, P A
Moring, J R
Moring, John D
Moring, John R
Morisawa, M.
Morita, Richard Y
Moritz, H.
Moritz, Heidi P
Moritz, Hans R
Morlan, J C
Morlan, Janet C
Morley, C K
Morley, Sarah
Mormede, S.
Moro, D
Morrell, Robert P
Morrell, Gene P
Morris, Frank
Morris, J. F. T.
Morris, C. J.
Morris, Randy
Morris, J
Morris, Robert Wharton
Morris, M S
Morrisey, D. J.
Morrison, C
Morrison, Sean M
Morrison, George E
Morrison, J M
Morrison, C. M.
Morrison, Donald
Morrison, M. A.
Morrissey, Michael T
Morrissey, R. P.
Morrissey, M. T.
Morrissey, R
Morrow, J. D.
Morse, John W.
Morse, J
Morse, John W
Morse, Michael S.
Morse, D. E.
Morse, J. W.
Mortenson, J A
Morteo, E.
Mortlock, R A
Morton, John P
Morton, Richard K
Morton, Robert W
Morton, Janet L
Morton, Paul K
Morton, J L
Morvezen, Romain
Moser, M. L.
Moser, Mary L
Moser, H G
Moser, E B
Moser, Stephen A
Moses, Melanie
Moses, Michael J
Moss, Madonna L
Moss, J. H.
Mote, Philip W
Mote, P. W.
Mote, P.
Motley, Jennifer
Mott, Lawrence
Mottl, M. J.
Motz, Leslie L
Mou, Jing
Mount, D. R.
Mount, Van S
Mountjoy, Wayne
Mourão, F
Moxley, J.
Moyer, Gregory R.
Moyer, Ronald D
Moyer, G R
Moyer, Gregory R
Moyer, R D
Moyers, Sam
Moyle, Peter B
Mozley, P S
Mpitsos, George
Mpitsos, George J.
Mrakovcich, Karina Lorenz
Mrozowski, Cary L
Muangkoe, Marut
Muckle-Jeffs, E.
Muckleston, Keith W
Mudholkar, A. V.
Mudie, P J
Mudrey, Jr.
Muehlberg, G
Muellenhoff, W. P.
Mueller, K W
Mueller, C
Mueller, Ryan S.
Muffler, Patrick L J
Muhling, B. A.
Mulcahy, P J
Mulcahy, D. M.
Muldoon, Ariel
Mullen, Judy
Mullen, Robert E
Mullens, Marjorie C
Muller, P J
Muller, J E
Muller, C
Mulligan, T. J.
Mullin, K
Mullineaux, D R
Mullineaux, Donal R
Mullins, T. D.
Munch, S B
Munday, P. L.
Munday, E. S.
Mundbodh, Munesh
Mundell, Jim
Mundy, B. C.
Mundy, Bruce C
Munger, L. M.
Munger, U
Munk, P
Munk, J E
Munnik, F
Munns, W. R.
Munoz, T.
Munoz-Hincapie, M
Munro, G.
Munsc, S.
Munsch, Stuart H.
Munthe, Jens
Murakami, K
Muranaka, Michael Shigeo
Muranaka, Michael S
Murata, Masafumi
Murata, K J
Murauskas, J. G.
Murawski, S.
Murchey, Benita
Murfee, J
Muriana, P. P.
Murphy, R. R.
Murphy, A D
Murphy, Thomas Martin
Murphy, Michael A
Murphy, John M
Murphy, Thomas H
Murphy, H. M.
Murphy, Kim M.
Murphy, E. C.
Murphy, Donald Guy
Murphy, E. J.
Murphy, E.
Murphy, Melissa
Murphy, J. M.
Murphy, Michael
Murray, G. R.
Murray, Mike
Murray, S. N.
Murray, Thomas F.
Murray, Thomas A
Murray, Jay R
Murray, Haydn H
Murray, Raymond C
Murray, Michael P.
Murray, J W
Murray, R J
Murrin, Breanna
Murtaugh, Tom
Muscarella, M.
Muscarella, M. E.
Musial, Walt
Musich, Lillian F
Musich, L F
Musick, J. A.
Muska, C.
Muth, O H
Muth, (Otto Herbert) O H
Muth, O. H. (Otto Herbert)
Mutter, John C
Mutti, Emiliano
Myers, Sharon S
Myers, Katherine W
Myers, Katherine W. W.
Myers, Bradley W
Myers, James M
Myers, M S
Myers, J. M.
Myers, Edward
Myers, K. W.
Myers, Thomas E
Myers, S C
Myers, Jr.
Myrtle Creek (Or.)
Mysen, B O
Naar, D
Nabalek, John
Nabelek, John L.
Nabelek, J. L.
Nadler, Steven A.
Naeem, S
Naeser, C W
Nagasawa, K
Nagata, M
Nagel, D.
Nagumo, Tamotsu
Nahorniak, M.
Naiman, R J
Naish, K. A.
Naithani, K. J.
Naito, Y.
Nakagawa, Hisao
Nakajima, Terumasa
Nakajima, Tei
Nakamura, K
Nakamura, N
Nakamura, Kazuaki
Nakata, H.
Nakata, J
Nakazawa, Keiji
Naman, S W
Namson, J S
Nanasaki, Osamu
Napack, Jan
Napp, J. M.
Narum, Shawn R.
Narum, S R
Nasby-Lucas, Nicole M.
Nash, C. E.
Nash, Wallis
Nash, J. D.
Nash, Richard D. M.
Naslund, H R
Nasu, Noriyuki
Nath, Shree S.
Nathan, Simon
National Audubon Society,
National Coastal Ecosystems Team
National Coastal Ecosystems Team
National Coastal Ecosystems Team (U.S.)
National Coastal Pollutant Discharge Inventory
National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development
National Geophysical Data Center
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (U.S.). Western Ecology Division
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (U.S.). Western Ecology Division.
National Marine Consultants
National Marine Consultants Inc.
National Marine Fisheries Service ,
National Marine Fisheries Service. West Coast Region,,
National Marine Fisheries Service. Northwest Region
National Marine Fisheries Service. Northwest Region. Protected Resources Division
National Marine Fisheries Services. Northwest Region
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Aministration. National Marine Fisheries Service
National Research Council
National Science Council
National Sea Grant College Program (U.S.)
National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (U.S.)
National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program(U.S.).
National Water and Climate Center (U.S.)
National Wetlands Research Center (U.S.)
Nations, Food and Agricu
Native Fish Society,,
Native Salmon Forever
Natland, M L
Natland, James H
Natoli, L
Natural Resources Consultants
Nature Conservancy (U.S.). Oregon Natural Heritage Program
Nature Conservancy. Oregon Natural Heritage Program,
Naughton, M. B.
Naumann, T R
Navarrete, Sergio A.
Nawojchik, R
Nayudu, Y R
Nayudu, Rammohanroy Y
Nazari, Hassan
Neal, D W
Neal, Victor T
Neale, P. J.
Nebeker, A. V.
Nedeau, Ethan Jay
Nederlof, M H
Nedimovic, M. R.
Needham, D T
Needham, M. D.
Needham, P R
Neel, M C
Neely, Kathleen
Neely, Kathleen G
Neff, Jerry M
Neff, J. M.
Nehls, Harry
Nehlsen, Willa
Neidetcher, S. K.
Neill, W. H.
Neilsen, Jack
Neilsen, John R
Neilson, J. L.
Neilson, J
Neiman, H G
Neiva, J
Nelson, Hans C
Nelson, A R
Nelson, Alan R
Nelson, Mark W.
Nelson, David M
Nelson, Hans
Nelson, Walter G. (ed )
Nelson, Walt G.
Nelson, John M
Nelson, Nathan
Nelson, D. V.
Nelson, Nancy J
Nelson, P
Nelson, Campbell S
Nelson, C A
Nelson, Willis H
Nelson, Walt
Nelson, Thomas H
Nelson, Carlton Hans
Nelson, C M
Nelson, Walter G
Nelson, Kim
Nemerson, D
Nemerson, D M
Nesbitt, Elizabeth R.
Nesbitt, Elizabeth A.
Ness, J
Nesteroff, W D
Netarts Littoral Cell Advisory Committee (Or.)
Netarts. Community Council
Netarts. Steering Committee
Nettleton, J
Netusil, Noelwah R
Neubauer, Edward K
Neuenfeldt, Rachel
Neuhaus, Mark
Neuhaus, Mark E
Neumann, Frank
Neve, R. A.
Neville, D. R.
Nevins, H
Nevins, Hannah
Nevskiy, V A
New, L.
Newberger, T.
Newcomb, R C
Newcomb, Reuben Clair
Newcomb, H R
Newcomb, Hugh Ross
Newell, J H
Newell, Carrie L.
Newell, K. M.
Newell, Norman
Newell, Norman D
Newell, R. I. E.
Newell, N D
Newhouse, Cornelius J
Newkirk, Sarah
Newman, D
Newman, Thomas M
Newport. Chamber of Commerce
Newton, Jan
Newton, J. A.
Newton, C.
Newton, Vernon C
Newton, Jan A.
Newton, Jr.
Newton, R
Nguyen, H. M.
Nguyen, T. T.
Nguyen, V. C.
Niagumo, Shozaburo
Nicholas, Jay W
Nicholas, J W
Nicholas, Jay
Nicholls, G D
Nichols, Alexander R. L.
Nichols, Robert L
Nichols, K. M.
Nichols, W. J.
Nichols, Thomas C
Nichols, John W.
Nichols, Donald R
Nichols, Jay W
Nichols, J. W.
Nicholson, B. L.
Nicieza, Gonzales
Nickel, Xianbin F
Nickel, Barry
Nickels, Abby L.
Nickelson, Thomas E
Nickelson, Thomas
Nickelson, T E
Nickelson, T.
Nickum, David
Nicol, S.
Nicolas, A
Nielsen, K J
Nielsen, M. E.
Nielsen, Mark E
Nielsen, Mark E.
Nielsen, J. R.
Nielsen-Pincus, Max
Niem, A R
Niem, Alan
Niem, Wendy A
Niem, Alan R
Niem, Wendy Adams
Niem, Wendy
Niem, W A
Niemeyer, M.
Niemitz, Jeffrey
Nienaber, J
Nieukirk, Sharon L.
Nigro, Anthony A
Niino, Hiroshi
Niklas, K J
Niles, C
Nilsen, Tor H
Nilsen, T H
Nilsen, E. B.
Nilsen, Elena
Ninomiya, I
Niquil, N
Nishenko, S P
Nishibuchi, M
Nishikawa-Kinomura, Katsuo A
Nishimura, Akira
Nishizawa, Ryogo
Nishizawa, A
Nissenbaum, Arie
Nisterenko, G V
NMacLeod, N S
NOAA Coastal Ocean Program (U.S.),
NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Office,
Noakes, David L. G.
Noakes, David
Noakes, D. L. G.
Noakes, David L.G.
Noble, Scott
Noble, Scott Morgan
Noble, J B
Noble, Levi F
Noble, Scott M
Nockolds, S R
Noda, Hiroshi
Nodder, S. D.
Noga, E J
Noitup, P
Noji, T
Nokleberg, W J
Nolan, M L
Noller, Jay S
Nomikou, P
Noon, B. R.
Nooner, S.
Nooner, S L
Norberg, B.
Norbisrath, Hans
Nordgreen, A
Nordquist, J M
Nordstrom, C.
Norman, K.
Norman, S. A.
Norman, Karma C
Normark, W R
Normark, William R
Normark, W. R.
Norris, Logan A
Norris, S
Norris, R D
North, E W
North, William Benjamin
North, William B
North American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
North Douglas Soil and Water Conservation District
North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission
North Umpqua Steamboaters.
Northam, Ray Mervyn
Northam, R M
Northcote, K E
Northcote, T G
Northcraft, Martin E
Northcraft, Martin
Northern California Geological Society
Northrop, S A
Northwest, I/nc. Mathematic
Northwest Area Committees
Northwest Fish Cultural Conference
Northwest Fisheries Science Center (U.S.)
Northwest Fisheries Science Center (U.S.).
Northwest Natural Gas Company
Norton, E. C.
Nosal, E.
Noson, Linda Lawrance
Noson, Linda J
Noto, A. E.
Nott, Jonathan
Nottvedt, A
Nouchpramool, Kovit
Novak, R J
Novak, J.
Novak, M
Novick, Marc S
Novitzki, Richard P
Nowacek, D P
Nowak, David J
Nowell, R. M.
Nuckols, Jason
Nunez Dupre, Jose D
Nunn, Jeffrey A
Nuno, J. C.
Nunokawa, A
Nunoura, T
Nur, Amos
Nuss, Kathryn F.
Nutt, Guy W
Nuzum, David
Nwachukwu, Joseph I
Nyadjro, E S
Nyers, A.
Nyers, Alexander
Nysewander, D R
Nyst, M.
Nystuen, J. A.
O'Brien, M
O'Brien, Fletcher E.
O'Brien, Margaret C
O'Brien, S. J.
O'Brien, Neal R
O'Connell, V. M.
O'Connor, Jim
O'Connor, T.
O'Connor, Amelia J.
O'Connor, Dolores I
O'Connor, Jim E
O'Connor, K
O'Connors, Harold Jr. B
O'Day, Michael
O'Donnell, M
O'Donnell, M. J.
O'Dor, R K
O'Farrell, M. R.
O'Farrell, M
O'Flaherty, Mary L
O'Hara, M J
O'Higgins, Timothy
O'Higgins, Linda
O'Higgins, Timothy G
O'Higgins, T. G.
O'Leary, Susan Jean
O'Loughlin, C L
O'Malley, Kathleen Galllen
O'Malley, M.
O'Malley, Kathleen G.
O'Malley, Joseph M
O'Neal, G L
O'Neal, M
O'Neal, Gary
O'Neil, Douglas J
O'Neil, James R
O'Neill, Brian L
O'Neill, R A
O'Reilly, P. T.
Oakes, S. A.
Oakeshott, Gordon B
Oates, Don
Oates, Mark
Obenour, Daniel
Obradovich, J D
Oceanography, University of Califor
Odum, H T
Oehlers, S. A.
Oetting, Albert C
Office, Government Printing U S
Office, Government Printing
Office of Sea Grant and Extramural Programs.
Ogburn, M. B.
Ogden, Peter Skene
Ogden, Heath T
Ogden Beeman and Associates
Ogle, Burdette A
Oglesby, Larry C
Ogut, Hamdi
Ogut, H
Ogut, Hamdi S.
Ohara, Y H
Ohlendorf, H M
Ohman, M. D.
Ohmann, J. L.
Ohmoto, H
Ohno, M.
Ohofugi, Walter
Ohsumi, S.
Oike, Shoji
Okada, Tomoko
Okada, Hisatake
Okada, H
Okada, Hakuyu
Okamoto, H.
Okamura, R
Okamura, K
Okano, O
Okazaki, Y
Okey, T. A.
Okland, F
Okolodkov, Y B
Okuda, Yoshihisa
Olavarria, C
Olcott, G W
Olcott, Gordon W
Olden, Julian D.
Olden, J. D.
Olds, S. E.
Olegario, Anthony O
Oles, Keith F
Oliva, M E
Oliveira, A
Oliveira, A. C. M.
Oliver, M. J.
Oliver, Howard W
Oliver, S. K.
Oliver, Jack E
Oliver, G H J
Oliver, J S
Oliver, H W
Oliver, Jennifer
Oliver, Jack
Olivieri, I
Olla, Bori L
Ollervides U., F
Olmstead, Pat
Olmstead, Dennis L
Olsen, J L
Olsen, Christine S.
Olsen, J. B.
Olsen, E. M.
Olsen, A. R.
Olson, Deanna H.
Olson, E.
Olson, E J
Olson, O P
Olson, Robert
Olson, Robert E
Olson, R E
Olson, D B
Olson, D A
Olson, J. B.
Olson, Todd M
Olson, Jean M.
Olson, Deanna H
Olson, Annette M
Olszyk, D.
Oltz, Donald F
Olwin, B. B.
Omori, K
Omori, Koji
Omura, Akio
Oña, J.
Onal, Ebru
Onal, Umur
Onal, E
Onal, U
Onions, Charles A
Onjukka, S. T.
Onuf, C. P.
Oosterhout, G. R.
Oosterman, A.
Oozeki, Y.
Opler, P. A.
Oppel, S.
Oppenheimer, David
Opping, Andrea
OR), Salmon Trout Enha
OR), Tillamook Bay Nation
Or., Douglas County
Or.), Newport (
Or.), Port of Toledo
Or.), Lincoln County (
Or.), Toledo (
Orange, Dan L
Orange, Daniel L
Orange, Daniel
Orbach, D. N.
Orben, Rachael
Orben, R A
Orben, Rachael A.
Orben, Rachel A.
Orcutt, J. A.
Oregon, The Nature Conservancy
Oregon, Sea Grant.
Oregon Agricultural Statistics Service,
Oregon Aqua-Foods
Oregon Aquaculture Association
Oregon Biodiversity Information Center,,
Oregon Climate Change Research Institute.,,
Oregon Coast Conservation and Development Commission
Oregon Coastal Conservation and Development Commission
Oregon Coastal Management Association
Oregon Coastal Zone Management Asociation
Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association,,
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Shellfish and Estuarine Assessment of Coastal Oregon (SEACOR),,
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Fish Division
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Research and Development Section
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Shellfish and Estuarine Assessment of Coastal Oregon (SEACOR),
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Shellfish and Estuarine Assessment of Coastal Oregon,
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Oregon Dept. of Agriculture. Food Safety Program,
Oregon Dept. of Economic Development,,
Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis Research Lab
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Fish Division
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Research and Development Section
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Research Section
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Research and Development Section
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Marine Resources Program
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Research and Development Section
Oregon Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries
Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation and Development
Oregon Development Commission,,
Oregon Division of State Lands
Oregon Fish Commissio. Division of Management and Research
Oregon Fish Commission Shellfish Program,
Oregon Fish Commission, Management and Research Division
Oregon Fish Commission. Division of Management Research,
Oregon Fish Commission. Shellfish Program
Oregon Fish Division
Oregon Forest Industries Council
Oregon Forest Resources Institute
Oregon Game Commission. Research Division
Oregon Governor's Watershed Enhancement Board,.
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology
Oregon Land Conservation and Developement Commission
Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission
Oregon Natural Heritage Info. Ctr.,
Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience
Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds
Oregon Plan for Salmon and Watersheds,
Oregon Progress Board,,
Oregon Sea Grant,
Oregon Secretary of State.,
Oregon State Agricultural College. Agricultural Experiment Station
Oregon State College. Agricultural Experiment Station
Oregon State Game Commission
Oregon State Game Commission Basin Investigations Section
Oregon State Marine Board
Oregon State Planning Board
Oregon State Sanitary Authority
Oregon State Study Team
Oregon State Study Team (Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission),
Oregon State University Extension Service
Oregon State University Extension Service,,
Oregon State University Herbarium
Oregon State University Jouralism Department,
Oregon State University Marine Advisory Program.,
Oregon State University Sea Grant College Program.
Oregon State University.
Oregon State University. Marine Mammal Institute. Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna (GEMM) Laboratory,,
Oregon State University. Sea Grant Extension Service,,
Oregon State University. Agricultural Experiment Station
Oregon State University. Civil Engineering Department
Oregon State University. College of Agricultural Sciences
Oregon State University. College of Forestry
Oregon State University. Dept. of Anthropology
Oregon State University. Dept. of General Science
Oregon State University. Dept. of General Science.
Oregon State University. Dept. of Oceanography,
Oregon State University. Engineering Experiment Station
Oregon State University. Extension Service,
Oregon State University. Extension Service.
Oregon State University. Institute for Natural Resources
Oregon State University. Libraries
Oregon State University. Libraries and Press,,
Oregon State University. Oregon Climate Change Research Institute
Oregon State University. School of Oceanography
Oregon State University. School of Science
Oregon State University. Sea Grant College Program,
Oregon State University. Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program
Oregon State University. Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program,,
Oregon State University. Water Resources Research Institute
Oregon State Water Resources Board
Oregon Student Public Interest Group
Oregon Trout
Oregon Trout Inc.,
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board
Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board,,
Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project
Oregon, State Water Resources Board,
Oregon. Dept. of Environmental Quality,,
Oregon. Parks and Recreation Department,,
Oregon. State Board of Fish Commissioners,,
Oregon. Advisory Committee to the State Land Board
Oregon. Agricultural Statistics Service,
Oregon. Central Coast Ranger District
Oregon. Coastal Conservation and Development Commission
Oregon. Coastal Conservation and Development Commission. Special Economic Study Team
Oregon. Coastal Management Program,
Oregon. Coastal Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation,
Oregon. Coastal Zone Management Association
Oregon. Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Oregon. Department of Agriculture
Oregon. Department of Agriculture. Shellfish Program
Oregon. Department of Environmental Quality
Oregon. Department of Environmetal Quality
Oregon. Department of Fish and Wildlife
Oregon. Department of Fish and Wildlife. Fish Division
Oregon. Department of Fish and Wildlife. Marine Region
Oregon. Department of Fish and Wildlife. Marine Region.
Oregon. Department of Fish and Wildlife. Research and Development Section
Oregon. Department of Fish and Wildlife. Research Section
Oregon. Department of Fish and Wildlife. Western Oregon Rearing Project
Oregon. Department of Forestry
Oregon. Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Oregon. Department of Land Conservation and Development
Oregon. Department of Transportation,
Oregon. Dept of Forestry. Forest Practices Section
Oregon. Dept. of Agriculture
Oregon. Dept. of Economic Development. Ports Division
Oregon. Dept. of Environmental Quality
Oregon. Dept. of Environmental Quality Western Region
Oregon. Dept. of Environmental Quality. Laboratory and Environmental Assessment Division
Oregon. Dept. of Environmental Quality. Western Region. Roseburg Office
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Fish Division
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Natural Production Program
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Research and Development Section
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife,
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Research and Development Section.
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Coastal Salmonid Inventory Project
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Developmental Fisheries
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Fish Division
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Fish Management Section
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Fisheries Division
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Habitat Conservation Division
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Marine Region
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Marine Resources Program
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Ocean Salmon Management
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Research and Development Sectiom
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Research and Development Section
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Shellfish and Marine Habitat Program
Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. Shellfish Program
Oregon. Dept. of Fisheries
Oregon. Dept. of Forestry
Oregon. Dept. of Geology and Mineral Industries
Oregon. Dept. of Land Conservation and Development
Oregon. Dept. of State Lands
Oregon. Dept. of Transportation
Oregon. District 1 Council of Governments
Oregon. Divisiion of State Lands
Oregon. Division of State Lands
Oregon. Dungeness Crab Commission
Oregon. Estuarine Research Council
Oregon. Executive Department,
Oregon. Fish and Game Commission
Oregon. Fish and Game Protector
Oregon. Fish Commission Division of Management and Research
Oregon. Fish Commission,
Oregon. Fish Commission. Coastal Rivers Investigations
Oregon. Fish Commission. Division of Management and Research
Oregon. Fish Commission. Management and Research Division
Oregon. Fish Commission. Research Division,
Oregon. Fish Commission. Shellfish Investigations
Oregon. Fish Commission. Shellfish Management Program
Oregon. Fish Commission. Shellfish Program,
Oregon. Fish Division,
Oregon. Fish Division. Research Section
Oregon. Geospatial Enterprise Office
Oregon. Governor's Watershed Enhancement Board
Oregon. Health Authority.,
Oregon. Interagency Hazard Mitigation Team
Oregon. Land Conservation and Development Commission
Oregon. Legislative Assembly
Oregon. National Guard
Oregon. Natural Areas Program,,
Oregon. Natural Heritage Advisory Counci
Oregon. Natural Heritage Advisory Counci,
Oregon. Natural Heritage Advisory Counci,l
Oregon. Natural Heritage Advisory Council,
Oregon. Natural Heritage Program
Oregon. Ocean-Coastal Management Program,
Oregon. Pelagic Fisheries and Coastal Rivers Investigation
Oregon. Ports Division
Oregon. State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners
Oregon. State Board of Fish Commissioners
Oregon. State Dept. of Agriculture,
Oregon. State Engineer
Oregon. State Fish and Game Commission
Oregon. State Game Commission Basin Investigations Section,
Oregon. State Game Commission Research Division
Oregon. State Game Commission,
Oregon. State Game Commission. Division of Wildlife Research
Oregon. State Game Commission. Fishery Division
Oregon. State Game Commission. Lands Division,
Oregon. State Game Commission. Research Division
Oregon. State Land Board,
Oregon. State Land Board. Advisory Committee
Oregon. State Land Board. Natural Heritage Advisory Council,
Oregon. State Marine Board,
Oregon. State Parks and Recreation Department. Master Planning Unit
Oregon. State Parks and Recreation Dept.
Oregon. State Parks and Recreation Division
Oregon. State Parks and Recreation Division. Master Planning Unit
Oregon. State Sanitary Authority
Oregon. State Study Team,
Oregon. State Water Resources Board,
Oregon. State Water Resources Board.
Oregon. Water Policy Review Board,
Oregon. Water Resources Department
Oregon. Water Resources Dept.,
Oregon. Watershed Improvement Coalition
Oregon. Wave Energy Trust
Oregon. Wildlife Commission
Oregon. Wildlife Commission. Research Division.
Oregon. Wildlife Diversity Program,,
Oremou, M
Oremus, M
Oremus, Marc
Organization, North Pacific Ma
Orlando, Paul S
Ormseth, O
Orr, William N
Orr, T. F.
Orr, A J
Orr, C.
Orr, A. J.
Orr, W N
Orrico, S
Orsi, J. A.
Orsi, J
Ort, Kathleen M
Ort, M H
Ortega-Ortiz, Joel G.
Orth, Robert J.
Orth, R. J.
Orthmeyer, D. L.
Ortiz Jr., Melchoir
Orton, P M
Orwig, Charles Edwin
Orwoll, E. S.
Ory, Jill
Osborn, J.
Osborne, M
Osgood, F D
Osgood, K. E.
Oshima, Kevin
Oshimi, R
Osis, Vicki
Osis, Laimons
Osmer, Jane
Osse, J.
Ostbo, Bruce I
Oster, E A
Oster, Eugene A
Osterman-Sussman, Irene
Ostertag-Hill, C.
Ostrander, G. K.
Ostrom, E.
Oteri, Frank
others, 21
others, 26
others, 17
Otis, Timothy Leonard
Ott, B
Ottmar, Michele L.
Ottmar, Michele
Ottmar, Michelle L.
Otto, S. A.
Otto, A
Ougzin, Aicha M
Ouinones, J.
Outhwaite, B.
Ovenshine, Thomas A
Overholtz, W
Overholtz, W. J.
Overland, J. E.
Overton, Scott W
Owen, K. R.
Owens, Hazel L
Oxford, Jeremiah
Oyala, James W
Oyanedel, S
Oysterman's Association
Ozaki, K
Ozaki, Kiyoaki
Özkan-Haller, H T
Ozretich, Robert J
Ozretich, Robert
O’Brien, Fletcher
O’Brien, Fletcher E.
O’Brien, C
O’Connell, V. M.
O’Connor, Jim E.
O’Connor, Kevin
O’Higgins, Timothy G.
O’Malley, Kathleen G
O’Malley, R. T.
O’Malley, Kathleen
O’Neill, Brian L
O’Neill, Brian
O’Riordan, R. M.
P, Degnbol.
P., Mazeika
P., Sullivan
P., Hockman-Wert. D.
P.F., Kemp.
Pacella, Stephen Roger
Pacella, S R
Pacella, Stephen
Pacheco Aguilar, Ramon
Pacheco-Aguilar, R. D.
Pacific Fishery Management Council
Pacific Habitat Services
Pacific Habitat Services Inc.
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
Pacific Northwest Climate Impacts Research Consortium
Pacific Northwest Coastal Ecosystems Regional Study Workshop.
Pacific Northwest Coastal Ecosystems Regional Study,
Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland
Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experimentation Station
Pacific Northwest Laboratory,
Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland
Pacific Northwest Research Station.
Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission.
Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission.
Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission. Hydrology and Hydraulics Committee
Pacific Northwest River Basins Commission. Meteorology Committee,
Pacific Oyster Company
Pacific Planning Associates,
Pacific Rivers Council
Pacific State Marine Fisheries Commission
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.,.
Paciorek, T.
Pack, Robert T.
Pack, A. A.
Package, Christina
Packard, J. M.
Packard, Earl L
Padgett, Jason S.
Paduan, J.
Paduan, J. B.
Paez, D. J.
Page, Norman J
Page, Harry G
Page, Gary W
Page, B M
Page, N J
Page, R W
Page, Robert
Page, Benjamin M
Pagnier, H
Pai, J.-Y.
Pai, J. Y.
Pakenham, Anna
Pakenham, A
Pakenham, Anna M
Pakhomov, E. V.
Pakhomov, E A
Pakhomov, E.
Pakhomova, L. G.
Pakiser, L C
Palacas, James G
Palacios, Daniel M.
Palacios, Kelly C
Palacios, D. M.
Palacios, K C
Palacios-Alfaro, J. D.
Pallentin, A.
Pallin, Logan J.
Palmer, Joel
Palmer, Stephen P
Palmer-Zwahlen, M. L.
Palmisano, John F
Palsboll, P
Palumbi, S. R.
Pampoulie, C
Pan, M
Pan, Yangdong
Pan, Y
Pan, J
Pan, Yangdong
Panel, Integrating Marine Res
Panel), (Review
Panshin, Daniel A
Panula, P
Paoletti, David J
Papenfus, M
Paradis, Georges
Parametrix, Inc.
Pardee, D
Pardee, J T
Pardo, M. A.
Paredes, Rosana
Paredes, R
Paredes-Sabja, D.
Pargee, Suzanne M.
Park, Joo Dong
Park, S. H.
Park, H. J.
Park, Jr.
Park, Kyoung C.
Park, Jae Won
Park, Jae W
Park, M
Park, Jae W. (ed )
Park, H. W.
Park, J. D.
Park, Kilho P
Park, C. H.
Parke, M
Parker, Steve J.
Parker, S J
Parker, C. R.
Parker, Steven J
Parker, Michael J
Parker, V. T.
Parker, Denise
Parker, R. L.
Parker, Ted L
Parker, Steve
Parker, D F
Parker, G.
Parker, Denise M.
Parker, N. B.
Parker-Stetter, S. L.
Parkes, G
Parkes, S.
Parkinson, Neil
Parks, S. E.
Parks, S.
Parks, M
Parks, Henry M
Parks, H M
Parnel, Maria M.
Parnel, M. M.
Paros, J
Parrish, Loys Phillip
Parrish, J K
Parrish, J. K.
Parrish, F
Parrish, C. C.
Parrish, Julia K
Parrish, Loys P
Parrish, J.
Parry, G D
Parry, Evelyn P
Parsons, B
Parsons, K. M.
Parsons, S
Part, Gerald M
Partington, S
Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers
Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers.,
Partnership for Umpqua Rivers
Partridge, V.
Pascoe, P.
Pascual, M. A.
Pasquale, Nicholas
Pasquel, Lorenzo Jose De Ro
Pastir, Dominic S
Pastorok, R
Paszkowski, C. A.
Patel, S
Patel, H
Patenaude, N
Patenaude, N J
Paterson, I. G.
Patil, S.
Patino, R
Paton, D
Patrick, W S
Pattee, Eldon C
Patton, Jr.
Pattullo, June
Pattullo, June G
Paul, A. J.
Paulet, J
Pauley, Gilbert B
Paulsen, Carl G
Pauly, D.
Paust, B. C.
Paustian, Steven Julius
Pautot, Guy
Pavignano, S
Pavol, M J
Pavoni, N
Pawlewicz, M J
Paylor, David King
Payne, N. L.
Payne, R.
Payne, R. S.
Payne, J. C.
Payne, Max B
Payne, Jane B
Payne, Meredith C.
Payne, J B
Payne, Andrew I. L.
Paynter, K
Paytan, Adina
Paytan, A.
Pazar, A.
Pazdral, Rosemary
PBS Environmental
Peabody, B
Peacock, Martin A
Peak, Robert C
Peakall, R
Pearce, A J
Pearce, T H
Pearcy, William G
Pearcy, W. P.
Pearcy, W G
Pearcy, W. G.
Pearl, James E
Pearl, Christopher A
Pearl, J E
Pearre, N S
Pearson, H F
Pearson, Clara
Pearson, Walter H
Pearson, Scott F
Pearson, John Philip
Pearson, A. M.
Pearson, G. A.
Pearson, Robert C
Pearson, G
Pearsons, T. N.
Pearsons, Todd N
Pease, V. L.
Peck, Erin K.
Peck, Dallas L
Peck, M. A.
Peck, Dallas
Peck, D L
Peck, E. K.
Pedersen, K
Pedersen, R. B.
Pedersen, A K
Pederson, N
Pederson, J.
Pederson, J
Pederson, T. N.
Pedroche, F
Pelayo, Aristeo M
Pelet, R
Pelletier, D.
Pelletier, Judith K.
Pelletier, Judith
Pelletier, Gregory J
Penaluna, Brooke E.
Penaluna, Brooke
Pendleton, G. W.
Penikett, J.
Penn, Colin
Penny, A N
Penoyer, Peter E
Peoples, J W
Pepin, P.
Pepper, J F
Pequeño, Germán
Perakis, Steven S
Perales, B.
Percival, Jr.
Percival, Stephan F
Percy, Katherine L
Perez, M
Pérez, B.
Perez-Alvarez, M. J.
Pérez-Cortés M., H
Perfit, M. R.
Perfit, M
Perkins, Ray
Perkins, Thaïs Erbel
Perkins, Thais E
Perlin, N
Perlman, I
Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses
Pernet, F
Perotti, Elizabeth A.
Perotti, Elizabeth
Perretti, C. T.
Perrin, W.
Perrin, W. F.
Perron, Brian J
Perrot, J
Perry, Timothy D.
Perry, E S
Perry, A
Perryman, W
Pershing, A. J.
Personius, Stephen F
Personius, S.F.
Perterson, Jay
Perttu, Rauno K
Perttu, Janice
Perttu, Rauno
Peruzzi, S.
Pescatore, Tullio
Pess, George
Pess, G. R.
Pess, George R.
Pess, G
Pessagno, Jr.
Pessutti, J
Pessutti, J. P.
Peter, George
Peter, Christopher
Peterman, Zell E
Peterman, Z E
Peterman, R. M.
Peters, Margo Y
Peters, Erin E
Peters, Robert
Peters, K.
Peters, K E
Peters, Gregory J
Petersen, Christine
Peterson, J O
Peterson, N V
Peterson, Nikolai
Peterson, E. E.
Peterson, C D
Peterson, William T.
Peterson, Nancy M
Peterson, M N A
Peterson, Donald W
Peterson, Norman V
Peterson, C H
Peterson, Bill
Peterson, William
Peterson, Cathy
Peterson, W. T.
Peterson, Curt
Peterson, C
Peterson, J.
Peterson, M.
Peterson, Paul E
Peterson, D H
Peterson, Jocelyn A
Peterson, Jay O.
Peterson, Curt D
Peterson, Jay
Peterson, J. A.
Petersson, E
Petiau, E
Petrafeso, F A
Petrauskas, Lisa
Petrie, Megan E
Petrie, M E
Petro, Vanessa M
Petro, V. M.
Petroleum Research Corporation
Pettit, Don J.
Pettus, P.
Pevear, David R
Peyer, Suzanne M.
Pfeifer, K. F.
Pfeifer, Susanne P.
Pfister, Robert E
PFMC, Economic Subcommitt
Pham, Quoc Bao
Phelan, B. A.
Phelps, Q
Phibbs, Duane
Phibbs, Duane F
Philbrick, V. A.
Philip, B. T.
Philipp, D. P.
Philippon-Fried, M.
Philips, Brady
Phillip, B.
Phillips, Elizabeth M.
Phillips, W J
Phillips, Jason
Phillips, R
Phillips, Robert W
Phillips, Donald L
Phillips, Colin B.
Phillips, R L
Phillips, Stephen H
Phillips, R W
Phillips, N. D.
Phillips, Anthony Jason
Phillips, C.
Phillips, Bethan A.
Phillips, W M
Phillips, Brady
Phillips, Ron
Phillips, M. L.
Phillips, D
Phillips, E M
Phillips, Ronald C
Phillips, D L
Phillips, J D
Phillips, R. A.
Phillips, B.
Phillips, Kenneth N
Phinney, Harry K
Phipps, Molly
Phipps, Kathy R.
Phipps, M
Phleger, Fred B
Phuvasate, Sureerat
Phuvaste, Sureerat
Piatt, J. F.
Piau, J. M.
Piccolo, J
Picha, Frantisek
Picheral, M.
Pichler, F. B.
Pichler, F
Pichter, C F
Pickard, Brian R
Pickering, Debbie
Pickering, A. D.
Pickering, Phil
Pickett, Erin
Pickner, Sean G
Pickrell, Dan
Pickrell, Daniel J
Pico, Michelle
Piegorsch, W. W.
Piekarska, Ewa
Pierce, W G
Pierce, S M
Pierce, S D
Pierce, Jack R
Pierce, William G
Pierce, David E
Pierce, Richard L
Pierson, K.
Pierson, Thomas C
Pierszalowski, Sophie P.
Pietro, L S
Piggot, C S
Pigott, John D
Pike, R S
Pikitch, E. K.
Pikitch, Ellen K
Pilcher, K. S.
Pilgrim, Erik M
Pilgrim, E M
Pilkey, Orrin H
Pilkington, D H
Pillar Consulting Group Inc.
Pillsbury, L.
Pillsbury, R. D.
Pillsbury, Ronald D
Pillsbury, Lori
Pilobello, K
Pilskaln, C. H.
Pimentel, Richard Anthony
Pimm, A C
Pimm, Anthony C
Pimper, L. E.
Pinder, G. F.
Piner, K R
Piner, Kevin R.
Pinnegar, J. K.
Pinnix, William
Pinnix, W
Pinsky, M L
Pinson, Jr.
Pinza, M. R.
Piontkovski, S. A.
Piorkowski, R. J.
Piotrowski, Christina N.
Pipatsattayanuwong, Siriporn
Piper, D J W
Pirotta, E.
Pirtle, J. L.
Pisciotto, Kenneth Anthony
Pisciotto, Kenneth
Pisias, Nicklas G
Pitcher, K W
Pitcher, K
Pitcher, T.
Pitcher, T J
Pitirit, T.
Pitkin, J A
Pitkin, David S.
Pitman, R. L.
Pitney, W E
Pitt, K A
Pitta, T. P.
Pittman, K.
Pittman, C. R.
Pittman, C. U.
Pittman, E D
Pittock, Henry L
Plafker, George
Plankis, B. J.
Planning, Winterbrook
Planque, B.
Platt, J P
Plein, L N
Pleschner-Steele, D.
Plesha, P
Pleus, A
Pleuthner, R. L.
Ploetz, J
Plowden, David
Plumb, Richard A
Plumley, Peter W
Plummer, M
Plummer, F B
PND Engineers Inc.,,
Poag, C W
Poag, Wylie C
Poe, M.
Poff, LeRoy
Pohl, J.
Poindexter, C. K.
Poitevin, Eugene
Polagye, B.
Poland, Joseph F
Poland, M
Polanowski, A. M.
Polasek, L
Poldervaart, A
Poldervaart, Arie
Polerecky, L
Policy, University of Delawar
Politano, Kristin
Politano, Vincent
Politano, K. K.
Pollard, A.
Pollard, David D
Pollock, M. M.
Polls, Irwin
Polovina, J. J.
Polyak, Ildiko K
Pomilla, C.
Pommeranz, T
Ponce, Stanley L
Ponce, B
Pongviratchai, Panida
Ponomarev, N Y
Ponomarev, N
Ponsford, D R A
Ponto, N
Pool, S. S.
Pool, Suzan S.
Poole, Michael
Poole, M
Poole, Micahel
Poole, F G
Poole, M M
Poon, Derek Clinton
Poore, Richard Z
Poore, R Z
Poowakanjana, Samanan
Popenoe, W P
Popescu, C. M.
Popper, A. N.
Popper, Ken
Porch, C.
Poreda, R J
Porquez, Jessica M.
Port of Newport
Port of Newport (Or.)
Port of Newport. Morrage Advisory Committee
Port of Toledo (Or.)
Porter, Pamela E.
Porter, S.
Porter, L.
Porter, Sook Hee
Portland State University. Center for Lakes and Reservoirs
Portland State University. Institute for Natural Resources,,
Portland State University. Oregon Biodiversity Information Center Institute for Natural Resources,,
Portland State University. Population Research Center,.
Portner, R A
Portway, V. A.
Posamentier, H W
Posnjak, E
Poss, S. G.
Postma, L
Potter, Paul Edwin
Potter, C. W.
Potter, Christopher J
Potts, C. L.
Potvin, J.
Poulin, E.
Powell, T. M.
Powell, Sara H
Powell, G. V. N.
Powell, Mark A
Powell, J. R.
Powell, Madison S
Powelson, Katherine W.
Power, James Harry
Power, Jim
Power, James H
Power, D M
Powers, Howard A
Powers, S P
Powers, R B
Powers, Richard B
Powers, J E
Powers, J.
Pozarycki, Scott V
Praebel, K.
Prahl, F G
Prahl, Fredrick G.
Prakash, Nikhil
Prather, Chelse M
Pratt, Ivan
Pratt, Richard M
Pratt, I
Pratt, Robert
Pratt, R M
Pray, Lloyd C
Prentice, E F
Prentice, Earl F
Prescott, W H
Prescott, J H
Press, Gahmken
Prezant, R.
Pribble, James H
Pribyl, Alena L.
Price, Leigh C
Price, R A
Price, J. J.
Price, R J
Prickett, Terri L
Prickett, Joel A.
Priddel, D.
Pridgen, K G
Prié, Vincent
Prien, R. D.
Priest, George R
Priest, G R
Prieto, Lourdes
Prieto, L
Prigioni, C. M.
Prince, J S
Prince, Roger A
Pring, C. K.
Prior, D B
Prior, Jan M
Pritchard, Austin W
Pritchard, D W
Pritchard, Catharine
Pritchard, A W
Proctor, Charles M
Proctor, Paul D
Prodőhl, P. A.
Productions, Humanature
Proehl, Risa
Professionals, Geologic Division
Program, Hatfield Marine Sci
Program, Oregon State University. Marine Advisory
Program, Marine Resources
Program, Oregon. Fish Commission. Shellfish
Program, Oregon Department
Program, Alaska Sea Grant
Program, Oregon Fish Commi
Program, Sea Grant Coll
Program, Oregon State Univ
Program, United States Nat
Program, Oregon Department
Program, National Status and
Program, Oregon State University. Sea Grant College
Program, Oregon State Univ
Project, National Benthic Su
Project, Lower Salmon River
Proskurowski, G.
Prostka, Harold J
Prothero, Donald R
Prouty, W F
Pruden, Darrell
Pruett, C. L.
Pruitt, C.
Psihoyos, L
Puckett, C. E.
Puckett, Brandon
Pudsey, Carol J
Puerta, P.
Pugh, W E
Pugmire, C.
Puleo, J A
Pullen, Reginald John
Pullin, R. S. V.
Punke, Michele L
Punt, A. E.
Purca, S.
Purcell, J. E.
Purdy, R.
Pushcharovskiy, Yu. M
Pusineri, C
Puter, Stephen Douglas A
Putman, N. F.
Putnam, William C
Putnam, W C
Puvanendran, V
Pyle, Douglas G
Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology
Qamar, Anthony
Qayum, Hisham A.
Queensland, James Cook Unive
Query, Charles Floyd
Quetglas, A.
Quetin, L. B.
Qui, S
Quigley, Kate
Quigley, K
Quigley-Lemieux, K.
Quinlan, James J
Quinn, Thomas P.
Quinn, T. P.
Quinn, W H
Quinn, William H
Quinn, T J
Quinn, T.
Quinones, J
Quinterno, Paula
Quiroga, A. P.
R, Schneider S.
R.N.R.K. Associates
Raab, C. A.
Rabbitt, John C
Rabbitt, Mary C
Radachowsky, S. E.
Radchenko, V
Rader, E
Radesovich, S. R.
Radford, W E
Radomski, A
Radtke, Hans
Radtke, Hans D
Raggon, Mark
Raggon, M. F.
Rago, P
Rago, T A
Ragonese, S
Rahn, Perry H
Rainboth, W J
Raineault, N.
Raisz, Erwin
Raju, K. A. Kamesh
Raleigh, Barry C
Raleigh, Jr.
Ralonde, R
Ralston, S
Ramirez, J A
Ramirez, Suarez
Ramirez, Juan
Ramirez, M.
Ramirez-Lopez, L
Ramirez-Lopez, L. M.
Ramm, Alan E
Ramp, Len
Ramp, C.
Ramp, S. R.
Ramsay, Jessica
Ramsay, John G
Ramsay, J
Ramsey, J. M.
Ramsey, F L
Ramsey, Fred L
Ranasinghe, J A
Ranasinghe, Roshanka
Rancik, Kevin
Rand, P. S.
Randall, Robert C.
Randall, Andrea
Randall, T
Ranjard, L.
Rankin, T. L.
Rankin, Polly S
Ransom, D P
Ransom, David P
Rantz, S E
Rao, L. C.
Raposa, Kenneth B.
Rapp, John B
Rashbrook, Vanessa K.
Rashbrook, V. K.
Raskauskas, Nancy
Rasmussen, Rosalee S
Rasmussen, Norman
Rasmussen, K.
Rasmussen, Rosalee
Rassweiler, A
Rathbun, S. L.
Rathbun, Anne
Ratilal, P
Ratnarajah, L.
Ratner, Susan
Ratti, Frank Douglas
Ratti, Frank (Frank Douglas) D
Ratti, Frank
Rau, Weldon W
Rau, G. H.
Rau, W W
Rau, G
Raum-Suryan, Kimberly L.
Rauw, Charles Irving
Ravalli, Richard
Raverty, S. A.
Rawles, S. D.
Ray, D
Ray, Gary L
Ray, James
Ray, Clayton E
Ray-Culp, M
Rayment, W. J.
Rayment, W.
Raymond, C
Raymond, Chas. W
Raymond, Richard
Rayner, M. J.
Rayner, H J
Raza, H
Rea, David K
Rea, Campbell Cary
Rea, D. K.
Read, A. J.
Read, C B
Reagan, M
Reagan, Albert B
Reasenberg, Paul
Recht, Fran
Reckendorf, Frank
Reckmann, O
Record, N. R.
Redman, S
Redmond, P.
Redmond, Michele S.
Redmond, M S
Redondo, R. A. F.
Reeb, D.
Reece, K. S.
Reed, J.
Reed, F C
Reed, John Cooper
Reed, J C
Reed, Zachary H
Reed, D. C.
Reed, Aimee N.
Reed, A
Reed, Paul H
Reed, Z. H.
Reed, M W
Reed, A. M.
Rees, Anthony I
Reese, Douglas C.
Reese, D C
Reeside, Jr.
Reeve, Randy
Reeve, William
Reeves, Gordon H
Reeves, Gordon
Reeves, G
Reeves, R. R.
Reeves, G. H.
Reeves, Gordon
Reeves, R.
Refuge, Bandon Marsh Nati
Regan, J. D.
Region, NMFS West Coast
Region, Oregon. Department
Reglero, P.
Rehberg, M J
Rehmke, Kara M.
Reich, C.
Reichert, W. L.
Reichert, William H
Reid, N.
Reid, Mark E.
Reid, M R
Reid, J
Reid, Mary
Reid, S B
Reidel, Stephen P
Reiger, George
Reiley, M.
Reiley, M. C.
Reilly, S. B.
Reimer, Charles W
Reimers, Clare E
Reimers, Clare E
Reimers, Clare
Reimnitz, Erk
Reiser, D. W.
Reiser, Dudley W
Reish, D. J.
Reisinger, A. J.
Reiter, Maryanne
Remis, M. I.
Remonida-Bennett, J.
Rempel, H. G.
Ren, Tingting
Ren, M H
Ren, M
Renard, K. G.
Renard, K. G. McElroy
Reneau, Steven L
Renne, Paul R
Renner, M.
Renner, Heather
Renner, H
Reno, Paul
Reno, Paul W
Reno, P W
Reno, P
Reno, Paul W. 1
Rentch, J S
Rentch, J
Renz, G W
Repenning, Charles A
report, National Undersea R
Research, Norwegian Society fo
Research, Oregon. Fish Commission Division Management
Research, Office Water Resources U S
Reserve, National Estuarine
Resing, K A
Resing, J
Resing, J. A.
Resing, J A
Resources, Institute for Natura
Ressler, P. H.
Ressler, Patrick H.
Restrepo, V.
Retallack, Greg J
Retallack, Greg
Retallack, G J
Retamal, M
Reum, J. C. P.
Reusser, Debbie
Reusser, D. A.
Reusser, Deborah
Reusser, Deborah A
Revelas, Eugene C.
Revell, David L
Revuelta, A. V.
Rew, M B
Rexstad, Eric A
Rexstad, Eric
Reyes, P. M.
Reyes-Santos, Alaí
Reymond, D
Reyners, M. E.
Reynolds, K. M.
Reynolds, J D
Reynolds, T. B.
Reynolds, John
Reynolds, Max A
Reynoldson, T.
Reysenbach, A.-L.
Rhea, Susan
Rhee, T. S.
Rhew, R.
Rhoades, B.
Rhodes, A. C.
Rhodes, G. E.
Ribeiro, J M
Rice, C. D.
Rice, D. W.
Rice, M.
Rice, A. A.
Rice, Jim
Rice, D D
Rice, James M.
Rice, Lauren
Rice, A. N.
Rice, M. R.
Rich, E I
Rich, Ernest I
Richard, G.
Richard, P
Richards, W. J.
Richards, R W
Richards, M. A.
Richardson, Sally L
Richardson, D. E.
Richardson, S. L.
Richardson, Kristin Noel Duckw
Richardson, Thomas W
Richardson, L
Richardson, Shannon
Richardson, N. F.
Richardson, Kristin N
Richert, J. E.
Richey, Eugene P
Richey, J E
Richlen, M
Richmond, N
Richmond, M. E.
Richmond, N. T.
Richmond III, Henry R
Richter, Charles F
Richter, D H
Rick, Torben C
Rickert, David A
Riddell, B. E.
Riddell, B
Riddihough, R P
Riddihough, Robin P
Riddihough, Robin
Ridgway, M.
Ridley, I
Ridlington, J. W.
Ridlington, Sandy S
Ridlington, Sandy
Ridoux, V.
Ridoux, J V
Riebesell, U.
Riedel, W R
Riedel, Timothy E
Riedel, Fritz G
Riedlecker, Eva I.
Riegel, Martin P
Riekkola, L.
Rielly, L
Riemer, Susan D
Riemer, S. D.
Riera, Daniel Ottmann
Riet-Sapriza, F.
Rietmann, Angela
Rigby, J G
Rigg, George B
Riggers, B.
Riggers, Brian
Righi, Dylan
Righton, D.
Rigney, M
Rilatos, Darin
Riley, Trevor
Riley, Ronald T
Riley, S. C.
Riley, Charles M
Rimler, Rose
Rinehart, Dean C
Rinehart, Wilbur A
Rinella, J F
Rinella, Frank A
Rinella, Joseph F
Riney, Hal
Ringler, Neil Harrison
Ringuette, M.
Rios-Touma, Blanca
Riosmena-Rodríguez, R
Ripley, James Douglas
Riquelme-Bugueno, R.
Risch, D.
Rise, M. L.
Riser, S. C.
Risher, Robert L
Risien, C.
Risley, John C
Risser, Paul G
Risser, P. G.
Ristau, Shannon
Ritchie, Forrest
Ritchie, Arthur M
Ritger, S D
Ritger, Scott D
Ritger, Scott
Rittenour, T.M.
Riva-Rossi, C. M.
Rivarola, M
Rivera, Catherine E
Rivera, Catherine
Riznyk, Raymond Z
Robart, Gregory P
Robart, G P
Robb, J M
Robb, James M
Robbins, John A
Robbins, William G
Robbins, B D
Robbins, M.
Robbins, Bradley D
Robbins, J
Robert, D.
Robert E. Meyer Engineers
Roberts, Jamie
Roberts, L
Roberts, Michael C
Roberts, Jed T.
Roberts, Miriam
Roberts, P. J. W.
Roberts, Ralph J
Roberts, J J
Roberts, S P
Roberts, J.
Roberts, Stevon
Roberts, Albert E
Roberts, Fredrick A.
Roberts, A E
Robertson, Jacques F
Robertson, K. M.
Robertson, P. L.
Robertson, R. R.
Robertson, G. J.
Robertson, J. M.
Robertson, Ian
Robertson-Rojas, Vanessa
Robichaud, D
Robie, Richard A
Robilliard, G
Robineau, D
Robins, J
Robinson, Anja M
Robinson, K L
Robinson, Scott
Robinson, G D
Robinson, Todd M P
Robinson, N. M.
Robinson, Dorothy A
Robinson, C. J.
Robinson, William H.
Robinson, Patrick W
Robinson, Paul T
Robinson, P. W.
Robinson, Kelly L.
Robinson, W. D.
Robinson, Jack G
Robinson-Wilson, E
Robison, R.
Robison, J H
Roblero, Josef G
Robles, A.
Robson, B W
Roby, D. D.
Roby, Daniel
Roby, Daniel D
Roby, D. d
Roch, M. A.
Rock, N M S
Rockey, D D
Rodeick, Craig A
Roden, Gunnar I
Rodgers, J D
Rodgers, J.
Rodgers, John Jr.
Rodgers, Jeffrey D
Rodine, James Dwain
Rodine, J R
Rodney, W
Rodnick, Kenneth J
Rodomsky, Brett T.
Rodrigo, C
RodriguesDeMelo, Claudio Manoel
Rodriguez, M
Rodriguez, R
Rodriguez-Clemente, R.
Rodríguez-Fonseca, J.
Rodriguez-Sanchez, R.
Rodway, M. S.
Roe, K
Roe, K. K.
Roebber, Susan Merwin
Roedder, E
Roedder, Edwin
Roeder, Dietrich H
Roegner, D
Roegner, G. C.
Roegner, Curtis
Roelke, D L
Roep, Th. B
Roering, Joshua R.
Roering, Joshua J.
Roether, W
Roffe, Thomas
Rogers, Garry C
Rogers, Albert M
Rogers, William Patrick
Rogers, J D
Rogers, L.
Rogers, A.M.
Rogers, L. O. (eds )
Rogers, Jean Beyer
Rogers, T L
Rogers, R.
Rogers, John J W
Rogers, Pamela A.
Rohlf, F J
Rohovec, J. S.
Rohrberg, Vicki
Rohse, Mitch
Rojanasoonthon, Santhad
Rojas-Bracho, L
Rojstaczer, S A
Roland-Hansen, R.
Roletto, J
Rollwagen-Bollens, Gretchen
Rollwagen‐Bollens, Gretchen
Rolph, Dave
Roman, Melissa
Roman, C
Romer, Jeremy D
Romero, Nicolas
Romsos, C.
Romsos, Christopher
Romsos, C. G.
Rona, P. A.
Rona, Peter A
Rondeel, H E
Rone, B. K.
Roni, P.
Roni, Phil
Roni, Phil
Roon, Sean R.
Roon, David A.
Roon, David
Roon, S. R.
Rooper, Chris
Rooper, Christopher N
Root, Samuel I
Roper, Brett B
Roper, B. B.
Roper, Brett
Roper, B B
Ropert-Coudert, Y.
Roppe, J
Roquemore, Glenn R
Rosati, Julie Dean
Roscoe, E
Rose, C. G.
Rose, S
Rose, C S
Rose, G. A.
Rose, C. S.
Rose, C
Rose, Robert K.
Rose, J. M.
Roseburg (Or.). Chamber of Commerce,,
Rosel, P. E.
Rosemark, R
Rosen, G
Rosenbaum, H C
Rosenbaum, H
Rosenberg, D. M.
Rosenberg, J. F.
Rosenberg, Andrew A
Rosenbusch, H
Rosencranz, Jordan
Roseneau, D. G.
Rosenfeld, Charles L
Rosenfeld, Chuck
Rosenfield, A.
Rosenfield, Aaron
Rosenstreter, Nancy
Roseville, Calif. : Foothill Associates,
Rosholt, J N
Ross, David A
Ross, C P
Ross, R E
Ross, Donald C
Ross, Kai
Ross, Richard E
Ross, D C
Ross, K
Ross, David
Ross, R. M.
Ross, D A
Ross, Clarence S
Rossbach, Kelly A.
Rossi-Santos, M. R.
Rossi-Santos, M
Rossignol, P A
Rossignol, P. A.
Rostad, Anders
Roth, Edward F
Roth, A R
Rothacher, Jack S.
Rothery, P
Rothlisberg, Peter Charles
Rothlisberg, Peter C
Rothman, Stanley
Rothschild, B. J.
Rothschild, A
Rotstein, D
Rouget, P A
Rountree, R. A.
Rountree, V. J.
Rousseau, Rollie F
Rouwet, D.
Rowan, Gerald Duane
Rowden, Ashley A
Rowden, A. A.
Rowe, Jack J
Rowe, Shawn M
Rowe, Shawn
Rowe, G. T.
Rowland, Freya E.
Rowley, Katie
Rowntree, V.
Rowse, M
Roy, C.
Roye, Cyndi
Royer, J Y
Royer, Cameron
Royer, T
Royer, J -Y
Royland, J E
Royland, Joyce E.
Royle, J A
Rozhnov, V. V.
Rub, A M W
Ruben Lara Lara, J
Rubey, William W
Rubey, W W
Rubin, Meyer
Rubin, K H
Rubin, Zan
Rubinstein, N. I.
Ruckelshaus, M. H.
Ruckelshaus, M
Ruckelshaus, Mary H
Rud, John O
Rudnick, D. L.
Rudy, Paul
Rudy, Jr.
Rudy, Lynn Hay
Rudy, Paul Jr.
Rudy, Paul
Rueda, Jaime
Ruediger, Robert A
Ruegg, K
Ruegg, K. C.
Ruesink, J L
Ruesink, Jennifer
Ruffing, Claire
Ruffner, C. M.
Ruggiero, Peter
Ruggiero, P.
Rugh, W D
Ruiz, A
Ruiz, G.
Ruiz, G M
Ruiz, D.
Ruiz, Gregory M.
Ruiz-Green, Lauri
Rukavina, Karl C.
Rulifson, Robert L
Rullkotter, J.
Rumrill, Steve
Rumrill, Steven
Rumrill, Steve S.
Rumrill, Steven S
Rumrill, S. S. and con
Rumrill, S. S.
Runge, J A
Rupp, David E.
Ruppel, Rachel E.
Ruppell, Rachel E.
Rusch, D. H.
Rusch, A
Rusmore, Margaret E
Rusnak, Gene A
Russell, D. S.
Russell, Suzanne M.
Russell, (eds.) S L
Russell, Craig
Russell, Robert G
Russell, M.
Russell, Robert H
Russell, K
Russell, Dana R
Russell, Roland B.
Russell, S. L.
Russell, Howard Jamison Jr.
Rust, M. B.
Ruth, Robert H
Rutherford, M M
Rutherford, E. S.
Ruttenberg, K.
Ruzicka, James J.
Ruzicka, Jim J.
Ryall, Alan
Ryan, T. E.
Ryan, Will H.
Ryan, W B F
Ryan, P. G.
Ryan, W. B. F.
Ryan, William B F
Ryan, Holly
Ryberg, P T
Ryberg, Paul Thomas
Ryberg, Paul T
Ryckelynck, N.
Ryckelynck, Natacha
Ryckman Edgerley Tomlinson and Associates
Ryckman Edgerly Tomlinson & Associates Inc
Ryckman Edgerly Tomlinson & Associates Inc.
Ryer, Clifford H
Ryer, Cliff H.
Ryer, C H
Ryer, C
Rygiewicz, Paul T
Rykaczewski, R. R.
Ryman, N
Rynerson, Charles
Ryu, In-Chang
Ryu, Wansang
Rzhanov, Y.
S, Clements.
S, Byun
S., Killingley; J
S.), National Health and
S.), Western Ecology Di
S.), Pacific Marine Env
S.), Northwest Fisheries
S.), Pacific Fishery Ma
S.), Geological Survey (U.
S.P. Cramer & Associates
S.P. Cramer & Associates, Inc.
S.P. Cramer & Associates Inc.,
Saad, Roberto Antonio
Saarinen, Emily
Saarinen, Justin
Saba, V S
Saban, Lisa
Sabates, A
Sabean, Jennifer
Sabine, C L
Sabins, Jr.
Sable, Edward G
Sabourin, T. B.
Sada, D. W.
Sadler, B.
Sadykova, D
Saele, O
Saelens, Mark R
Saelens, Mark S.
Saelens, Mark
Safeeq, Mohammad
Saffer, Barbara
Safina, C
Sagar, P. M.
Sagar, Jina P
Sahlberg, Manley W
Saillant, E
Saito, T.
Sakaguchi, M
Sakamoto, Kenji
Sakharov, B A
Sakuma, K
Sala, L. M.
Sala, E
Salamon, J.
Salazar, S. K.
Salazar, S.
Salazar, S. M.
Salazar, M
Salazar, Michael
Salden, D. R.
Salinas, John
Sallee, Christy
Sallenger, A
Sallenger, Asbury H
Salo, S. A.
Salo, S
Salo, Ernest O
Saltzman, W O
Saltzman, Bill
Samailia, U R
Samain, J. F.
Samaran, F
Sambouri, Jameal F.
Samet, C
Samhouri, J.
Samhouri, J. F.
Samollow, P B
Sample, J C
Sampson, K
Sampson, David B
Sams, Richard H
Samuel, M. D.
Samuels, Stephan Richard
Samuelson, Donald F
San Roman, Maria Teresa
Sanborn, H. R.
Sanchez, D. M.
Sanchirico, J. N.
Sandberg, D. V.
Sandell, Todd A.
Sandell, T. A.
Sander, Frank
Sanders, J E
Sanders, Rhea D.
Sanders, R. W.
Sanderson, Roy B
Sandford, B. P.
Sandford, P. A.
Sandino, S
Sands, N. J.
Sandwell and Company,,
Sanford, Eric D.
Sanford, Eric
Sangrey, D A
Sanso, Bruno;
Sansone, F. T.
Sansone, F
Sansone, F J
Santelmann, Mary V.
Santelmann, Mary
Santelmann, M. V.
Santora, J. A.
Santos, F. R.
Santos, M. C.
Santos, I A
Santos, S. R.
Santos-Carvallo, M.
Saracco, J. F.
Sard, Nicholas M.
Sardina, R.
Sarna-Wojcicki, Andrei M
Sasnett, P
Sassa, C
Sassen, Roger
Satchell, G. H.
Sather, N.
Satlantic [Corporation]
Sato, K.
Sato, Fumio
Sato, T.
Sato, F
Sato, R
Sato, Masanori
Satterthwaite, W
Satterthwaite, W. H.
Saucedo, O.
Saul, Ingmar
Saunders, Edwin J
Saunders, Andrew
Sauter, John R
Savage, J C
Savage, D E
Savage, Donald E
Savage, T E
Savidge, William B
Savidge, William B.
Savonen, C
Sawada, J
Sawai, Y
Sawai, Yuki
Sawyer, Martha
Sayles, F L
Sayre, William O.
Scamman, R L
Scanlan, Michelle M.
Scarnecchia, D L
Scarnecchia, Denns L
Scarnecchia, Dennis L
Scarnecchia, Dennis Leslie
Scarnecchia., D L
Scarnechia, Dennis L
Scarpassa, V M
Sceva, Jack
Sceva, Jack E
Schaad, T
Schaaf, Dick Vander
Schabetsberger, Robert
Schabetsberger, R. A.
Schaefer, John
Schaefer, K. M.
Schaeff, C. M.
Schaffer, Randy L
Schaffner, C
Schairer, J F
Schaller, H. A.
Schaller, Howard A.
Scharf, F. S.
Schatz, Clifford E
Schatz, Clifford Eugene
Schatz, Clifford E
Schauber, E
Schaumburg, F D
Scheibner, Erwin
Scheidat, M.
Scheidegger, A E
Scheidegger, Kenneth
Scheidegger, Adrian E
Scheidegger, K F
Scheingross, Joel S.
Scheip, C. M.
Scheirer, D. S.
Scheleen, Donald K
Schell, Steven R
Schellart, W. P.
Schelske, Claire L
Schenck, Hubert G
Schenck, H G
Schenk, Edward T
Schermer, Elizabeth R
Schermer, E R
Scheuerell, M. D.
Scheurer, Julie A.
Schick, R S
Schiel, D. R.
Schiewe, M. H.
Schiffman, P
Schiffman, C. R.
Schilling, Jean-Guy
Schilling, J. G.
Schindel, Michael
Schindler, J E
Schindler, Eric
Schindler, Eric D
Schirer, J F
Schirripa, M. J.
Schirripa, Michael J.
Schlanger, S O
Schlanger, Seymour O
Schlax, Jr.
Schlechter, S M
Schlee, J S
Schlee, John S
Schlee, John
Schlekat, C. E.
Schlenk, Daniel K.
Schlicker, Herb
Schlicker, Herbert G
Schlicker, H G
Schliker, Herbert G
Schlocker, Julius
Schlosser, P
Schlosser, Susan
Schmelter, Anja
Schmid, M. S.
Schmidt, T. W.
Schmidt, K. A.
Schmidt, M
Schmidt, Larry
Schmidtlein, Matthew C.
Schmied, L
Schmieder, P. K.
Schmincke, Hans-Ulrich
Schmisseur, Ed
Schmitt, T. G.
Schmitt, Roman A
Schmitt, N.
Schmitt, N. T.
Schmoker, J W
Schnee, R
Schneider, R
Schneider, W.
Schneider, R. R.
Schneider, S. R.
Schneider, William A
Schnetzer, A.
Schnier, K.
Schnur, S. R.
Schoellhamer, J E
Schoen, S. K.
Schofield, S J
Schofield, O. M. E.
Schofield, T. D.
Scholl, P A
Scholl, D W
Scholl, David W
Scholl, Grantz and Vedder
Scholtz, G.
Scholz, A.
Scholz, C H
Scholz, A. J.
Schone, B. R.
Schooler, Shon
Schoolfield, Blaine
Schoonmaker, Peter
Schoonmaker, J
Schorr, G. S.
Schotte, M.
Schrader, Hans J
Schrader, W. J.
Schrader, Hans-Joachim
Schrader, K K
Schrader, Paul
Schrader, Hans
Schrader, Paul S.
Schrader, P S
Schrank, Keaton A.
Schreck, Carl B
Schreck, C B
Schreiber, Sebastian J.
Schreiber, Edward
Schreiner, Anthony E.
Schrock, Floyd
Schroeder, I.
Schroeder, D.
Schroeder, I. D.
Schroeder, R K
Schroeder, Edward D
Schroeder, Kirk R
Schroeder, J.
Schroeder, Kirk
Schroeder, N
Schuckers, M
Schuette, C N
Schuldt, M. D.
Schuler, Krysten
Schuller, Reid S
Schulman-Janiger, A.
Schults, Donald W
Schults, D W
Schultz, D M
Schultz, C. S.
Schultz, K
Schultz, L P
Schulz, W H
Schumacher, J. D.
Schumm, S A
Schuster, Robert L
Schuster, Eric J
Schuytema, G.
Schwager, Tad W
Schwall, David J
Schwan, Werner
Schwartz, D P
Schwartz, Lieselotte
Schwartz, M K
Schwartz, S. Y.
Schwartz, Susan Y
Schwartz, Michael K
Schwartzkopf, Brittany D.
Schwarz, L.
Schwarz, E J
Schwarz, L. K.
Schwarz-Schampera, U
Schweeigert, J F
Schweigert, J.
Schweller, William J
Schwing, F. B.
Sciences, University of Washing
Sciences, California Academy of
Scope, R. K.
Scordino, Joe
Scordino, J.
Scordino, Jonathan
Scott, R. D.
Scott, G P
Scott, James Michael
Scott, J. K.
Scott, B
Scott, E W
Scott, G.
Scott, M. D.
Scott, Michael
Scott, K. J.
Scott, W F
Scott, Michael J
Scotti, Oona
Scranton, Russell W
Scranton, Russell
Scrivener, J. C.
Scully-Engelmeyer, Kaean M.
Scully-Engelmeyer, Kaegan
Sea Grant College Program
Seabrook, S.
Seaburg, William R
Seaders, John
Seale, Erin M.
Seals, K
Sealy, Spencer G
Seavy, Donald Keith
Secchi, E. R.
Secord, D.
Secord, D. L.
Section, Oregon. Dept. Fish Wildlife Research Development
Sedberry, G. R.
Seddon, P. J.
Sedell, James R
Sedell, James
Seears, H. A.
Seeb, L.
Seeb, L W
Seeber, Leonardo
Seeger, J.
Seeling, Alan
Seely, D R
Seeteram, N.
Seewald, J. S.
Seger, J
Segre, P. S.
Segui, L. M.
Segui, Leah Mupas
Seguineau, C
Segura, I
Segura, Catalina
Seiders, V M
Seiders, Victor M
Seidl, M A
Seidler, R J
Seidler, Ramon J
Seiler, Steven M
Seim, Wayne K
Seim, W. K.
Seitz, A
Seitz, A. C.
Seki, M P
Sekine, M
Sekino, M
Selander, Carl E
Seliskar, D M
Seliskar, Denise M
Selivanova, O
Selivanova, O. N.
Selker, J. S.
Selverston, A. I.
Semmens, B. X.
Sen, N
Senate, U.S.
Senatore, Maria Rosaria
Sensing, American Society fo
SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology). Pacific Section
Sepulveda, M.
Sequeira, A. M. M.
Serafina, Katherine A.
Sercu, Kathy A.
Sericano, José L
Serment-Moreno, V.
Serrano, I. M.
Serrão, E. A.
Serrao, E
Service, Oregon State University. Extension
Service, National Oceanic an
Service, Oregon State Univ
Service, United States For
Service, United States Fis
Service, National Marine Fisheries
Service, Ecology Division N
Service, Committee on Coopera
Service, Oregon Agricultural Statistics
Service, United States. Na
Seton, R. E.
Sevadjian, J.
Sevadjian, J C
Severmann, Silke
Severmann, S
Severson, Richard
Severson, R C
Severson, R.
Sewall, J. E.
Sexton, J E
Sexton, K.
Seymour, Thomas A
Shafer, D. J.
Shafer, Deborah J
Shaff, Courtney D
Shaffer, Scott A
Shaffer, S. A.
Shafiqullah, Muhammad
Shah, Alisha A.
Shaheen, P. A.
Shahidi, Fereidoon
Shahidi, F
Shaklee, J. B.
Shank, T. M.
Shank, T.
Shanks, Alan
Shanks, A L
Shanks, Alan L.
Shanley, C. S.
Shanmugam, G
Shapiro & Associates
Shapiro & Associates (Seattle
Shariff, A. J.
Sharma, S
Sharma, Ashesh
Sharma, Rishi
Sharman, III
Sharp, J.
Sharp, Shayla B
Sharp, Darrin
Sharp, D.
Sharpe, L.
Shaughnessy, P.
Shaul, L
Shaw, S B
Shaw, D C
Shaw, W N
Shaw, Tracy
Shaw, T.
Shaw, J. N. (James Niven)
Shaw, (James Niven) J N
Shaw, H R
Shaw, William T
Shaw, J. N. (James Niven)
Shaw, R. G.
Shaw, Tracy
Shaw, Tracy C.
Shaw, C. T.
Shaw, Herb R
Shaw, Herbert R
Shaw, A. M.
Shay, Ron
Shchepetkina, Alina
Shcherba, I G
Shchukin, S I
Shearer, K.
Shearman, R. K.
Shearman, R.
Shearman, Kipp
Sheely, Chris
Sheer, M B
Shelby, B
Shell, R.
Shell Oil Company
Shelton, A.
Shelton, D.
Shelton, Alfred C.
Shelton, D. W.
Shelton, A C
Shelton, John S
Shen, X
Shen, Xiaoye
Shenker, Jonathan M.
Shenker, J M
Shennan, I
Shepard, Francis P
Shepard, F P
Shepard, Isaac D.
Shepard, Michael F
Shepherd, Michael F
Shepherdson, D
Sheridan, J.
Sheridan, Phillip Henry
Sherif, M
Sherman, Tim
Sherman, K.
Sherman, Kate
Sherman, Douglas J
Sherman, T. D.
Sherr, Barry F
Sherr, Evelyn B
Sherrer, Philip L
Sherrin, J.
Sherrod, Brian L
Shesinger, M. F.
Sheuerell, M
Shi, Yaolin
Shibata, T
Shibata, Toyokichi
Shibata, Junya
Shibata, J
Shibuya, T
Shie, Jin Shan
Shie, Jin-Shan
Shields, M. A.
Shields, Barbara A
Shields, B A
Shields, Matt
Shiga, N
Shih, K G
Shih, Shyuer-Ming
Shiller, A. M.
Shilling, G. B.
Shillinger, G. L.
Shimazaki, Yoshihiko
Shinn, Hope
Shiozawa, Dennis K
Shipley, Thomas H
Shipley, Brooke
Shipley, J B
Shipman, John A.
Shipman, Hugh
Shirazi, Mostafa A
Shirey, Patrick D.
Shirzad, Farzad F
Shitashima, K
Shiu, Shu-Er
Shivlani, M
Shoemaker, Carl D
Shoffler, Sarah M.
Shor, George G Jr.
Shore, P.
Short, J. W.
Short, C. A.
Short, F. T.
Shotton, R
Shouldice, D H
Shriver, A L
Shroba, Cynthia S
Shrock, R R
Shry, S. J.
Shu, P. C.
Shuert, C.
Shuert, C. R.
Shuford, Davud W
Shuford, W D
Shukuno, H
Shulters, M V
Shultz, M. T.
Shultz, D J
Shulzitski, K.
Shumway, Geo.
Shurin, J. B.
Shyan-Norwalt, M. R.
Shyuer-Ming, S
Siamo, N
Sibley, P. K.
Sibley, Paul K
Siddens, L. K.
Siddiqui, Zehra
Siddiqui, A. Q.
Siddon, C. E.
Siderius, M.
Sidlauskasi, B. L.
Sidorenko, A V
Siebenaller, Joseph F.
Siebert, U.
Siebling, R J
Siedlecki, S. A.
Sieh, K E
Sievert, P. R.
Sigafoos, R S
Sigismondi, Linda A
Sigismondi, L. A.
Sigleo, Anne C
Sigler, M. G.
Sigler, M. F.
signatories, 118 other
Siipola, M
Siitari, Kiira
Silber, G. K.
Silberman, M L
Silliman, B
Silovsky, Gene D
Silva, M. A.
Silva-Aburto, J.
Silver, Eli A
Silver, E A
Silver, Eli Alfred
Silverberg, N
Silverman, M
Silverthorne, W.
Sima, D
Simberloff, D
Simenstad, C A
Simenstad, Charles (eds.) A
Simenstad, C.
Simenstad, Charles
Simenstad, Charles A
Simmons, S
Simmons, Amy
Simmons, S. E.
Simmons, Henry B
Simms, B T
Simms, (Bennett Thomas) B T
Simms, B. T. (Bennett Thomas)
Simon, David C.
Simon, M
Simon, David C
Simon, J A
Simon, V H
Simon, V
Simoneit, Bernd
Simoneit, Bernd R. T.
Simoneit, B R
Simons, S.
Simonson, Jerry
Simony, P S
Simpfendorfer, C. A.
Simpson, Robert W
Simpson, K
Simpson, Robert Whitten
Simpson, R W
Simpson-Rivera, Ricardo
Sims, P K
Sims, D. W.
Sin, Y
Sin, Yongsik
Sinclair, E
Sinclair, G A
Sinclair, Elizabeth A.
Singer, Donald A
Singer, J. T.
Singer, D A
Singleton, Ryan
Sinks, Ian A.
Sipe, Allison R
Siret, D
Sirois, P.
Sirovic, A.
Sisak, M
Sislak, C
Sisson, Alexander
Sitka Center for Art and Ecology (Or.)
Siuslaw National Forest Pacific Northwest Region, USDA Forest Service
Siuslaw National Forest,,
Siuslaw National Forest. South Zone Ranger District (Or.)
Sivle, L. D.
Sjodin, H
Sjostrom, Anja
Skakun, Matthew
Skalski, J.
Skaug, H. J.
Skaugset, Arne
Skaugset, Arne E.
Skeesick, Delbert G
Skeesick, Delbert
Skehan, James W
Skidmore, Peter
Skinner, J.
Skinner, J. P.
Skirbutas, T.
Skjelbreia, Norman K
Skoglund, Julie
Skomal, G.
Slaczka, A
Slaczka, Andrzej
Slay, C K
Sleep, Norman H
Sleet, Randolph Bullock
Slemmons, David B
Slikas, Beth
Sliter, W V
Sloan, C
Sloan, J R
Sloan, C A
Sloat, Matthew R.
Slotta, L S
Slotta, Larry S.
Slotta, Larry S
Sluiman, H. J.
Small, C.
Small, Lawrence F
Small, Larry F.
Smallbone, Norma
Smallbone, Norma (compiler)
Smarden, Richard C.
Smith, R E
Smith, Alec J
Smith, C T
Smith, C. L.
Smith, R L
Smith, Frederick J
Smith, Stephen H
Smith, K
Smith, Robert L
Smith, S J
Smith, Jeff P
Smith, Randall W
Smith, J G
Smith, Stephanie R.
Smith, Stewart W
Smith, G E
Smith, Jane M
Smith, H G
Smith, M. D.
Smith, Douglas
Smith, D. C.
Smith, P. A.
Smith, T. D.
Smith, S
Smith, Courtland L
Smith, Court
Smith, H. J.
Smith, John Robert
Smith, Allan K
Smith, Harrison S
Smith, P. J.
Smith, Matthew D
Smith, S. R.
Smith, Stephanie Rae
Smith, M. F.
Smith, Paul J
Smith, S. S.
Smith, M
Smith, M. C.
Smith, C.
Smith, Stanley DeWitt
Smith, George I
Smith, Rachel L
Smith, Matt D
Smith, Wade D.
Smith, Stanley D. (Stanley DeWitt)
Smith, C. E.
Smith, L
Smith, A K
Smith, Elaine C
Smith, Court L.
Smith, Christian T.
Smith, J.
Smith, Kent
Smith, Gary A
Smith, James G
Smith, C. S.
Smith, D. K.
Smith, Stanley (Stanley DeWitt) D
Smith, Warren D
Smith, B. E.
Smith, Lawrence M.
Smith, Susan E
Smith, D. B.
Smith, A. E.
Smith River Watershed Council (Or.)
Smith-Evernden, Roberta K
Smitherman, R. O.
Smithline, Bailey
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
Smoker, W
Smoker, William W.
Smoker, W W
Smoker, W. W.
Smoker, Janet Van Dusen
Smol, John
Smyth, Jr.
Smythe, Sharon E.
Snaveley, Parke Jr. D
Snavely, Parke D. Jr.
Snavely, Parke Jr. D
Snavely, Parke D
Snavely, III
Snavely Jr., Parke D
Snedaker, S. C.
Snekser, J. L.
Snelgrove, P. V. R.
Snively, G.
Snoke, A W
Snoke, Arthur W
Snover, Amy K
Snow, Patricia
Snow, Dale
Snow, C. Dale
Snow, Dale A.
Snyder, Marcia
Snyder, John Otterbein
Snyder, Dick
Snyder, W H
Snyder, Sandra L
Snyder, George L
Snyder, N H
Snyder, R. D.
Snyder, S L
Snyder, Kai
Snyder, S. L.
Snyder, J
Snyder, Jeff
Snyder, W S
Snyder, Ronald D.
So, Khemarith
So, Khemarith J.
So, Khemarith
Sobieszczyk, Steven
Sobocinski, K. L.
Soboil, M.
Society, Marine Technology
Society, Xerces
Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Sogard, S. M.
Sogard, Susan M
Sogard, S.
Soh, Ho Young
Sohm, D.
Sohn, R. A.
Soinila, J
Soinila, Seppo N.
Sokoloski, Adam
Sol, S Y
Solangi, M.
Solazzi, Mario F
Solazzi, M F
Soldate, A. M.
Soldevilla, M. S.
Soldevilla, M.
Sollitt, Charles K
Solomon, Christopher T
Solomon, K. R.
Solomon, Kip
Solov'yeva, I A
Somasundaran, P
Somayajulu, B. L. K.
Somero, G. N.
Somin, M L
Sommer, Maggie
Sommer, E.
Sommerfield, C K
Son, S K
Sonada, A
Song, T.
Song, Eunsook
Song, S.
Song, E
Sonsone, F. J.
Sorey, M L
Sorte, C. J.
Soto, I. M.
Soudant, P
Souder, Jon
Souder, Jon A.
Soule, A
Soule, S A
Soule, Leslie
Soulen, Heather L.
Sounhein, Briana
Sousa, Ronaldo
South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve
Southall, B.
Southall, B. L.
Southwell, C
Southwick, David L
Souza, P W
Sower, Stacia
Sowls, A. L.
Spagnoli, S. T.
Spalding, Ana K.
Spalding, M D
Spanbauer, T. L.
Spangenberg, D. K.
Spangenberg, Dina
Spangler, R E
Spangler, John
Spangler, E A K
Spangler, John J.
Spanier, A. M.
Sparks, A K
Sparks, Albert K
Sparks, J
Sparks, R. J.
Sparrow, M.
Spaziani, Eugene
Spear, Larry B
Specht, David T
Specht, David
Spector, A. M.
Spedicato, M. T.
Speed, R C
Speer, J
Speirer, Robert A
Spence, William
Spence, B. C.
Spence, Brian C.
Spence, George D
Spence, Brian C
Spencer, Mara
Spencer, M L
Spencer, Charles W
Spencer, C
Spencer, Mara L
Spencer, Lee
Spera, F J
Spielman, Seth
Spies, T. A.
Spies, R. B.
Spiess, F N
Spigai, Joseph John
Spigai, J J
Spiker, Elliott
Spillane, M
Spilseth, S.
Spinks, Phillip Q
Spitz, J
Spitz, S. S.
Spitz, Y
Splechtna, B. E.
Spokas, K.
Sponaugle, Su
Spotts, J H
Spotts, John H
Sprague, V
Spring, Sharon C
Springer, H. M.
Springer, P. F.
Sproles, E A
Spromberg, J
Sproul, C. A.
Sprovieri, M
Spruell, John T.
Squire, Douglas Richard
Squire, James Jr. L
Squire, James L Jr.
Squire, James L
Squire Jr., James L
Squires, Richard L
Squires, R L
Squires, R R
Squires, D.
Sremba, Angie L.
Sremba, Angela L.
Sremba, Angela
Sremba, Angie
Srinivas Rao, A
Srinivasan, A
Srivastava, S P
St. John, Alan D
St. Leger, Judy
St. Leger, J
St. Romain, Monica
St.-Hilaire, Sophie
Staatz, Mortimer H
Stabeno, P. J.
Stabeno, P
Stacey, R A
Stacey, M. T.
Stachura, M.
Staeger, William Henry
Stafford, Coral L.
Stafford, K M
Stafford, Coral
Stafford, C
Stafford, Kathleen M.
Stafford, K
Stahl, Tom
Stahl, L. L.
Stahle, D. W.
Stakes, D
Stalin, S. E.
Stalin, S
Stallard, Bruce
Stam, W T
Stamatiou, L. A.
Stamatiou, L.
Stamieszkin, K.
Stancioff, E
Stander, Jeffrey M
Standley, Laurel J.
Stanfield, Brooks J
Stanford University
Stanhope, M. J.
Staniland, I. J.
Stanistreet, J. E.
Stanley, S D
Stanley, Daniel J
Stanley, R. D.
Stanley, D J
Stanley, Richard G
Stanley, William D
Stanley, M
Stanley, S M
Stanley, R G
Stanton, T W
Stanton, Charles V
Staples, Lloyd W
Stapp, M.
Starcevich, S. J.
Starcevich, Steven J
Starker, Thurman James
Starr, Rick
Starr, Richard M
State of Oregon Environmental Report Science Panal
State of Oregon Environmental Report Science Panel,,
State of Oregon,
State of Oregon. Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Statham, Peter J
Stathopoulou, E
Station, Pacific Northwest Research
Station, Oregon State College. Engineering Experiment
Station, U. S. Army En
Station, Pacific Northwest
Station, Oregon State College Engineering Experiment
Station, Oregon State Univ
Station., Oregon Agricultural College. Agricultural Experiment
Statton, John
Stauffer, Peter (compilers) H
Staveren, John
Stearns, Harold Thornton
Stearns, Stephen C.
Stearns, Harold T
Stecher, Hilmar A.
Stecher, Hilmar A.
Stecher, J.
Stecher, Jody
Stednick, J. D.
Stednick, John D
Stednick, John
Stednick, J.D.
Steel, Debbie
Steel, Debbie J.
Steel, Debbie 1
Steel, Ronald Edward
Steel, Debbie S.
Steel, D
Steel, E. A.
Steele, G
Steele, J.
Steele, J. H.
Steele, B.
Steele, Harvey
Steele, J P
Steele, Madeline
Steele, Richard L.
Steelquist, Robert
Steen, Virginia C
Steere, Margaret L
Stefansson, Emily S. J.
Stefansson, Emily S.
Stehlik, L. L.
Stehr, C M
Steidl, R. J.
Steiger, R H
Stein, J. E.
Stein, Staci
Stein, S.
Stein, D. L.
Stein, E. D.
Stein, John E
Stein, Charles
Steinback, C.
Steinberg, D. K.
Steinbrugge, Karl V
Steinchfielld, A
Steiner, E.
Steiner, W W
Steinfeld, James D
Steingass, Sheanna M.
Steingass, Sheanna
Stekoll, M. S.
Stelzer, R.
Stembridge, Jr.
Stembridge, James E
Stenholm, Nancy
Stenzel, Lynne E
Stepanek, John
Stephanis, R
Stephansson, O
Stephens, L E
Stephens, C D
Stephens, Paige N.
Stephens, A.
Stephens, Andi
Stephens, Adrienne Lynn
Stephens, Tiffany A.
Stephensen, Shawn
Stephensen, Shawn W.
Stephenson, J
Stephenson, Lloyd W
Stephenson, J. M.
stephenson, J. J.
Stergiou, K. I.
Sterling, Anita
Sterling, B.
Stern, Robert J.
Stern, R. J.
Sterrett, Thomas S
Stetz, J B
Stevens, V. J.
Stevens, Joe B
Stevens, D. G.
Stevens, R W
Stevens, Horace
Stevens, Joseph B
Stevenson, Andrew J
Stevenson, A J
Stevenson, J M
Stevenson, D. E.
Stevenson, John
Stevenson, John R.
Steves, Brian P.
Steves, B. P.
Stevick, P.
Steward, Cleveland R
Steward, C. R.
Stewart, David
Stewart, Katherine C
Stewart, I J
Stewart, R E
Stewart, R D
Stewart, Nelson E
Stewart, Wendell O
Stewart, Richard J
Stewart, Roscoe E
Stewart, Ralph
Stewart, Michael K.
Stewart, Richard Lee
Stewart, R J
Stewart, Richard John
Stewart, Elaine M.
Stewart, H B
Stewart, Richard L
Steyn, R. A.
Stice, G D
Stick, David A
Stier, A. C.
Stierhoff, K L
Stiffler, Daniel F
Stimely, Laura L
Stimpert, A
Stimpert, A. S.
Stimpert, A. K.
Stimson, Terry
Stimson, J
Stine, M B
Stinson, C M
Stinson, Derek W.
Stinton, A.
Stock, Mary Wilford
Stockdon, Hilary F.
Stockin, K A
Stocks, K I
Stoecker, D. K.
Stoecker, D
Stoemer, Eugene F
Stoevener, Herbert H
Stofer, Katie
Stofer, Kathryn A.
Stoffel, K L
Stoffers, P
Stoffey, B
Stokes, Lee
Stokes, A. M.
Stokes, K.
Stolen, J. S.
Stoll, J. S.
Stoll, Joshua S.
Stone, R
Stone, G. S.
Stone, R. P.
Stone, Jen
Stone, J K
Stone, Sean Murphy
Stone, G
Stoner, Allan W
Stoner, AllanW
Stoner, A. W.
Storey, M
Storfer, Andrew
Stose, G W
Stote, Alex
Stott, M
Stott, Robert F
Stouder, D. J.
Stout, Heather
Stout, H. A.
Stout, Heather A
Stradling, Dale
Stradner, Herbert
Strakhov, N M
Straley, J M
Strand, R.
Strand, August Leroy
Stranko, Brian
Stratoudakis, Y.
Strecker, Angela L.
Strecker, A. L.
Strehlow, David Randall
Streif, B.
Streveler, G
Strickland, Stacy A.
Strickland, T C
Strickland, Stacy
Strickland, Matt J.
Strom, Natalie A.
Strom, S
Stromquist, Arvid A
Strong, C. S.
Strong, Ellen E.
Strong, Craig S
Strong, Robert H
Stroud, R. H.
Strub, P T
Struble, William Truin
Struble, William T.
Struder-Kypke, M C
Strutton, P G
Stuart, David J
Stuart, Chalres J
Stuart, D
Stuart, Robert E
Stuart, K.
Stubblefield, W. A.
Stuckey, Matthew J.
Stuckey, M. J.
Studholme, A L
Studies, Cooperative Institute
Study, Pacific Northwest Coastal Ecosystems Regional
Stuiver, Minze
Stumbaugh, Thomas Ralph
Sturdevant, M V
Sturdevant, Debra
Sturdevant, M.
Sturm, Erick A.
Stuvier, M
Su, Yi-Cheng Su
Su, Yi-Cheng
Su, Yi-Cheng1
Su, A
Suarez-Morales, E
Subgroup, Living Resources
Suchman, Cynthia L.
Suchman, C. L.
Suczek, Christopher A
Sudo, K.
Suek, David H
Suess, E
Suess, Erwin
Suganuma, H
Sugarman, P. C.
Sugi, Noriko
Sugimoto, Mikihiro
Sugisaki, H
Sugishita, J.
Suhrbier, Andy
Suhrbier, A
Suhrbier, A D
Suislaw National Forest
Sullivan, Michael J
Sullivan, P J
Sullivan, Barbara K
Sullivan, Daniel Park
Sullivan, K. M.
Sullivan, Edward J.
Sullivan, Gary
Sullivan, Tim
Sullivan, S.
Sullivan, B. D.
Sullivan, Jenna
Sullivan, Florence A.
Suman, D.
Sumich, James L.
Sumich, J. L.
Summer, Neil S
Summerhayes, Colin
Summers, Virgil C
Summers, Michael Patrick
Summers, E.
Summers, Lynn
Summit, M
Sumner, F H
Sumner, Francis H.
Sumner, F. H.
Sumpter, J. P.
Sun, Ning
Sun, S.
Sund, Daniel M.
Sundenaa, Annette
Suntsov, Andrey V.
Suntsov, A V
Superjnault, K. J.
Surdam, Ronald C
Surdam, Ronald C
Suring, Erik
Suring, Erik J
Suring, Erik
Survey., Geological U S
Surya Prakash, L
Suryan, Robert M.
Suryan, Robert
Susa, Tyler M.
Susuki, Takeo
Suter, G. W.
Sutherland, K R
Sutherland, Bruce G
Sutinen, J. G.
Sutor, M.
Sutor, M M
Sutter, J F
Sutterlin, Chet
Sutterline, Chet
Suttles, Wayne
Suttner, Lee J
Sutton, Trent M.
Sutton, P. J. H.
Sutton, K G
Sutula, Martha
Sutula, M. A.
Sutula, M.
Suuronen, P.
Suzuki, H.
Suzuki, R
Suzuki, Y
Suzuki, N
Suzuki, Nobuya
Suzuki, T
Suzumoto, Bruce K
Sverdrup-Jensen, S
Swang, Im H
Swansen, F. J.
Swanson, D A
Swanson, Robert L
Swanson, J.
Swanson, Donald A
Swanson, F J
Swanson, Vernon E
Swanson, Richard C
Swapp, Susan M
Swaroop, Anand
Swartley, Arthur M
Swartz, F M
Swartz, Don
Swartz, S. L.
Swartz, Allison G.
Swartz, Allison
Swartz, S.
Swartz, Richard C
Swartz, Charles K
Swartzman, G
Swartzman, G. L.
Swearingen, Thomas
Swearingen, Thomas C.
Swedberg, Stephen E
Swedeen, Paula
Sweeney, Caitlin M
Sweeney, J F
Sweet, Diane Ruth
Sweet, Stephen T
Sweeting, R. M.
Sweka, J
Sweka, J. A.
Swift, III
Swift, Donald J P
Swift, D J P
Swingle, James
Swinney, Melvin C
Swithenbank, A
Sydeman, William J.
Sydeman, W J
Sydeman, W.
Sykes, Lynn R
Sylva, S. P.
Sylvester, A G
Sylvester, Arthur G
Sylvester, D
Sylvia, Gilbert R.
Sylvia, Gil
Sylvia, Gilbert
Symons, D T A
Symposium, Lowell Wakefield
Sytsma, M D
Sytsma, Mark
Sytsma, Mark D.
Szabo, Andy
Szabo, A.
Szabo, Andrew
Szabo, B J
Szot, Patricia
Sztatecsny, M
Sztukowski, L. A.
T, Morrissey Michael
Tabor, Roland
Tabor, R W
Tabor, James Eldon
Tabor, Rowland W
Tabor, R. A.
Tabor, Laura
Tadokoro, K.
Tadpitchayangkoon, P
Taei, S
Taft, Jason D.
Tagaki, K.
Tagarino, A.
Tagawa, D.
Tagg, A R
Taghon, G L
Taghon, Gary L
Tahergorabi, Reza
Tai, Doris
Tait, Pamela (ed.) L
Takacs, Graham T.
Takagi, S
Takahashi, Francis T.
Takahashi, M
Takahashi, Jr.
Takahashi, Mayumi
Takahashi, A.
Takai, K
Takano, B
Takekawa, John Y.
Takekawa, J. E.
Takeuchi, H. F.
Talbert, D. M.
Talbot, Theodore
Taliaferro, N L
Talley, D M
Tallis, H. M.
Tallis, H
Tallmon, D A
Tallmon, David A
Talwani, Manik
Talwani, M
Tam, J. C.
Tamaki, Tensabu
Tamaki, A.
Tamburri, M N
Tamura, Y
Tamura, Yoshihiko
Tan, S. M.
Tan, I. H.
Tan, Y. J.
Tanabe, S.
Tanahashi, Manabu
Tanaka, H.
Tanasichuk, R. W.
Tang, A
Tang, L
Tang, D.
Tang, Qiang
Tanner, Dallas
Tanner, Dwight Q
Tanner, D Q
Tanner, John [D-TN]
Tappin, David G
Tappin, Alan D
Tardy, Marc
Tardy, Y.
Targett, T E
Taris, N
Taris, N. G.
Taris, Nicolas
Tasa, Guy L
Tash, J. C.
Tashie, A.
Tassi, F.
Tatara, C. P.
Tatsumi, Yoshiyuki
Tatsumi, Y
Tatsumoto, M
Tatum, Vickie
Taubeneck, William H
Taupier-Letage, I
Taylor, Edward M
Taylor, Joseph E.
Taylor, Jr.
Taylor, E B
Taylor, C. M.
Taylor, S. S.
Taylor, P. R.
Taylor, Jimmy D.
Taylor, R B
Taylor, James C
Taylor, Louise
Taylor, Bethany
Taylor, P T
Taylor, J. C.
Taylor, G C
Taylor, J. D.
Taylor, G. A.
Taylor, Barbara L
Taylor, B L
Tchobanoglous, G.
Teague, G O
Team, Groundfish Management
Team, United States. National Coastal Ecosystems
Team, ISAES Editorial
Team, National Coastal Ec
Team, Pacific Northwest
Tear, Lucinda M
Tebbit, G. L.
Techniques Development Laboratory
Technology, Pacific Congress o
Technology, Office of Science
Teegarden, G
Teel, David
Teel, D. J.
Teel, D
Teel, David;
Teel, David J
Teel, J. P.
Teixeira, Amilcar
Tejeda, A.
Temming, A.
Temple, Ephraim E.
Temple, Ray
Templin, W. D.
Temte, Jonathan L.
Tender, L. M.
Tender, L R
Tennant, D
Tenningen, E
Teo, S. L. H.
Teranishi, A. M.
TerBest, Jr.
Teresa, Rosen
Terich, Thomas A
Ternyik, Wilbur E
Terrell, Alan C
Terrie, Klinger.
Terriere, L C
Terry, J.
Tershy, B. R.
Terwilliger, Mark
Teshima, S -I
Teutschel, N. M.
Teutschel, Nicole M
Tezanos-Pinto, G
Thatcher, W
Thatcher, Wayne
Thawornchinsombut, Supawan
Thawornchinsombut, S.
Thawornshinsombut, Supawan
Thayer, T P
Thayer, J.
Thayer, Julie A.
Thayre, B.
The Confederated Tribes of the Coos Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians
The Nature Conservancy
Thedinga, J. F.
Theiss, Leslie A
Thenhaus, Paul C
Theodore, Ted G
Theriault, Veronique
Thériault, Véronique
Thériault, Véronique
Thewissen, J. G. M.
Thewissen, J.
Theyer, F
Thiele, D.
Thierry, Cecile
Thiess, M. E.
Thiess, M.
Thiruvathukal, John V
Thode, A.
Thoesen, J. C.
Thom, R. M.
Thom, Ron
Thom, R.
Thom, Ronald M
Thomas, L
Thomas, H
Thomas, A. C.
Thomas, S M
Thomas, G L
Thomas, R. E.
Thomas, N. A.
Thomas, S. R.
Thomas, J. P.
Thomas, John Hunter
Thomas, C A
Thomasson, E M
Thomasy, S M
Thomlinson, A G
Thompson, Edward F
Thompson, A. R.
Thompson, Jamie
Thompson, M L
Thompson, Ken
Thompson, L
Thompson, A
Thompson, Kenneth E
Thompson, R. K. R.
Thompson, Michael
Thompson, Josie
Thompson, R E
Thompson, Bruce
Thompson, D. R.
Thompson, Kathy J
Thompson, Rogene K
Thompson, Rogene Kasparek
Thompson, Michael
Thompson, G A
Thompson, K
Thompson, K. R.
Thompson, K E
Thompson, Sarah Ann
Thompson, M. A.
Thompson, K. F.
Thompson, D.
Thompson, E.
Thompson, George A
Thompson, Josie E.
Thompson, R N
Thompson, P M
Thompson, Neil F.
Thompson, B
Thompson, M.
Thompson, D. E.
Thompson, W F
Thompson, Paul
Thompson, S. A.
Thoms, Bryn
Thoms, Richard E
Thomsen, L.
Thomsen, Harry L
Thomson, B E
Thomson, R. E.
Thomson, Richard E
Thomton, J
Thomton, J. D.
Thomton, L
Thornburg, T M
Thorne, Karen
Thorne, Karen M.
Thornton, J. B.
Thorpe, J. E. and Hun
Thorpe, S.
Thorpe, S. A.
Thorpe, J. E.
Thorsen, Gerald W
Thorseth, I H
Thorson, Robert M
Thorson, J. T.
Thorstad, E. B.
Thorup, R R
Thos. J. Murray & Associates
Threlkeld, Charles N
Throckmorton, Constance B
Thum, Alan B
Thums, M.
Thurber, A R
Thurber, David
Thurber, Horace K
Thurberg, F. P.
Thursby, G B
Thursby, G.
Thurston, Dennis K
Thys, T.
Tibbitts, Jr.
Ticknor, Robert
Tiedemann, R
Tiekotter, K. L.
Tierney, K. B.
Tierney, M.
Tiersch, T. R.
Tiffin, D L
Tiffin, Donald L
Tift, M. S.
Tilbury, K L
Tillamook County (Or.)
Tillamook County (Or.). Dept. of Community Development
Tillamook County (Or.). Planning Commission
Tillamook County. Board of Commissioners,
Tillamook Estuaries Partnership.
Tilley, Cecil Edgar
Tilling, Robert I
Tillitt, Donald E.
Tillman, M. F.
Tilloston, Kevin J
Tilton, F.
Tilton, S. C.
Tilton, G R
Timm, c
Timm, C
Timmer, Eric
Timmerman, A H V
Timmerman, Conrad Dietrich
Timothy, D A
Ting, T. A.
Tingey, David T.
Tinker, Tim
Tinker, M. T.
Tinsley, Ian
Tipper, H W
Tippery, Sharon E
Tippery, Sharon
Tirri, H.
Tison, D L
Tisseau, C
Tissot, Susan Gaughan
Tissot, Brian N.
Tissot, Bryan N.
Tissot, B N
Tissot, Brian
Tissot, B
Tissot, B P
Titgen, Richard H.
Titlyanov, E. A.
Titlyanova, T. V.
Titus, Jonathan A.
Tivey, M. A.
Tjeerdema, R
Tobin, Don G
Tobisch, Othmar T
Tobolski, Jeffrey J
Tobosa, Lauren R.
Tocher, Don
Todd, B. J.
Todd, Brian Jeremy
Todd, S.
Todd, Laura
Todd, B
Todd, C. D.
Toenges, Albert L
Toepel, Kathryn Ann
Toepel, Kathryn Anne
Toepfer, J E
Toft, Jason D.
Toft, Jason
Toft, J.
Tokarski, Antoni K
Tokuhashi, Shuichi
Tolan, Terry L
Toledo-Flores, Luis Javier
Tolimieri, N.
Tolkova, I.
Toll, John
Tollefson, Roger
Tollit, D. J.
Tolmsoff, Allen J
Tolstory, M
Tolstoy, M
Tomaneka, Lars
Tomaro, Londi M.
Tomaro, Londi
Tomas, W M
Tomas, Fiona
Tomasovic, Stephen P
Tomkeieff, S I
Tomlinson, C W
Tomlinson, K
Tompkins, David E
Tomson, Janice H
Toner, Margaret Ann
Toner, Richard C
Tonguthai, K.
Tontini, F C
Toole, C. L.
Toomey, D
Toomey, Douglas R.
Toomey, D. R.
Top, Z
Torchin, Mark E
Torchin, M.
Torchin, M. E.
Torgersen, C. E.
Torgersen, Christian E.
Tornquist, S
Torrella, Francisco
Torres, Leigh
Torres, Leigh G.
Torres, J. A.
Torres, M E
Torrini, R
Tortorici, C. E.
Torum, Alf
Tosuji, Hiroaki
Touhey, Robert James
Tournadre, J.
Towell, R.
Townsend, A. T.
Townsend, R
Tracey, Jr.
Tracey, J I
Tracy, B A
Trainer, V.
Trainer, V. L.
Tramutoli, Mariano
Tranquili, J. V.
Transportation, Oregon. Coastal Policy Advisory Committee
Trantham, J
Trathan, P. N.
Treacy, Stephen D
Treadwell, T K
Treasher, Ray C
Treasure, A. M.
Trehu, Anne M
Trehu, A M
Trehu, Anne
Trejos-Lasso, L.
Tremblay, Y
Tremblay, R
Treneman, N. C.
Treneman, Nancy C.
Tresierra-Aguilar, Alvaro
Treuil, Michel
Tri, Doan Quang
Trillmich, F.
Trimble, D. L.
Trimble, Donald E
Trimble, A C
Trimble, Alan C.
Trinder, P.
Tripovich, J. S.
Trippe, K.
Trisak, Jiraporn
Trites, A. W.
Troendle, C.A.
Trombulak, S. C.
Trontelj, P
Trout Unlimited
Troutman, Barry L
Trowbridge, Cynthia D
Trowbridge, Matt
Troxel, Bennie W
Trudel, M
Trueba, Josefina Alix
Truemper, Holly
Trujillo, F
Trumbull, James
Trumbull, J V A
Tryon, C A
Tsai, Y H
Tsai, P.
Tsai, Y.-H.
Tsidulko, G. A.
Tsou, T.-S.
Tubb, R. A.
Tubman, Michael W
Tucker, Burling W
Tucker, B A
Tucker, Peter
Tucker, S.
Tucker, Gabriel F.
Tuininga, C R
Tuininga, Chris R.
Tuininga, Chris R
Tullock, Bob
Tullos, Desirée
Tully, Rebecca
Tumer, Craig
Tuminas, A C
Tunberg, B G
Tung, W W
Tungkawachara, Somjintana
Tunnicliffe, V
Tuomi, P
Tuomi, P A
Turaski, Michael R
Turco, K. R.
Turekian, K. K.
Turekian, K.
Turnbull, Louis A
Turner, Daniel F
Turner, Donald Lloyd
Turner, T F
Turner, Donald L
Turner, F E
Turner, Teresa
Turner, B.C.
Turner, Francis J
Turpin, Alex
Turpin, A.
Tuttle, Vanessa J.
Tuttle, O F
Tveteras, S.
Twahy, Donald
Tweddle, J F
Twenhofel, W H
Tyack, P. L.
Tyburczy, J.
Tyhrell, M.
Tyler, S.
Tyler, A.
Tynan, C T
Tynan, Cynthia T.
Tysdal, Russell G
Tyson, R. B.
U. S. Bureau of Land Management. Mt. Scott Resource Area
U. S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Research Station,,
U. S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
U. S. Department of Commerce. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Ocean Service
U. S. Department of the Interior
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Region X
U. S. Forest Service. North Umpqua Ranger District
U. S. Public Health Service. Division of Environmental Engineering
U.S. Army. Office of the Chief of Engineers,
U.S. Congress. House Committee on Rivers and Harbors,
U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee. Marine and Coastal Spatial Data Subcommittee,
U.S. House of Representatives,,
U.S. Northwest Fisheries Science Center. Fish Ecology Division,
U.S. War Department,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Portland District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Committee on Tidal Hydraulics
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. North Pacific Division
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Portland District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Portland District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Walla Walla District
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station. Coastal Ecology Group
U.S. Army Engineer District Operations Division, Portland
U.S. Army Engineer District Portland
U.S. Army Engineer District, Portland
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Coastal Ecology Group
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Coastal Ecology Group,,
U.S. Army. Corps of Engineers
U.S. Army. Corps of Engineers. Portland District,
U.S. Army. Corps of Engineers. Coastal Engineering Research Center
U.S. Army. Corps of Engineers. North Pacific Division
U.S. Army. Corps of Engineers. Portland District
U.S. Army. Corps of Engineers. Walla Walla District
U.S. Army. Corps of Engineers. Waterways Experiment Station
U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
U.S. Bureau of Fisheries
U.S. Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Bureau of Land Management Salem District,
U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Mary's Peak Resource Area
U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Marys Peak Resource Area,,
U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Medford District Office
U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Oregon State Office
U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District
U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Salem District
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Olalla Division
U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey.
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Coast Survey
U.S. Coastal Engineering Research Center
U.S. Congress. House
U.S. Congress. House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Public Lands,,
U.S. Congress. Senate
U.S. Deparment of Commerce. Weather Bureau
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service. Siuslaw National Forest
U.S. Department of Agriulture. Economic Research Service,,
U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Fisheries
U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Fisheries.
U.S. Department of the Army. Portland District
U.S. Department of the Interior Federal Water Pollution Control Administration,,
U.S. Department of the Interior. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Department of the Interior. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
U.S. Department of the Interior. Federal Water Quality Administration
U.S. Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife
U.S. Department of the Interior. Minerals Management Service. Pacific OCS Region
U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior. Siuslaw National Forest. Alsea Ranger District
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region
U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security. Federal Emergency Management Agency,,
U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Bureau of Land Management. Medford District
U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Geological Survey
U.S. Dept. of the Interior.U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory. Office of Research and Development. Western Ecology Division
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Research and Development
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Research and Development.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water Programs. Region X
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Region 10
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Region X
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Region X. Office of Environmental Assessment
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Western Ecology Division
U.S. Environmental Research Laboratory (Gulf Breeze
U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency
U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency.,
U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Office of Energy Projects
U.S. Federal Highway Administration
U.S. Federal Insurance Administration
U.S. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Division of Biological Services
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Division of Biological Services.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Division of Federal Aid.
U.S. Fish and Wildllife Service
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Forest Service Pacific Northwest Region
U.S. Forest Service. Hebo Ranger District
U.S. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region
U.S. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
U.S. Forest Service. Siuslaw National Forest
U.S. Forest Service. Umpqua National Forest
U.S. Forest Service.Umpqua District
U.S. Geologial Survey
U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division
U.S. Geological Survey. National Water Information System,
U.S. Geological Survey. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
U.S. Geological Survey. Pacific Coastal & Marine Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey. Water Resources Division
U.S. Geology Survey
U.S. Government Printing Office
U.S. Government Publishing Office
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. House of Representatives. Committee on Flood Control
U.S. House of Representatives. Committee on Rivers and Harbors
U.S. Monitoring Completed Coastal Projects Program
U.S. Natiional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Coastal Ocean Program,,
U.S. National Agricultural Statistics Service
U.S. National Agricultural Statistics Service,
U.S. National Coastal Ecosystems Team
U.S. National Coastal Ecosystems Team,,
U.S. National Dam Safety Program
U.S. National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory. Western Ecology Division
U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service
U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service.
U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service. Northwest Fisheries Science Center
U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service. Northwest Region
U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service. Southwest Region. Protected Species Management Division
U.S. National Ocean Service
U.S. National Ocean Service. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. Coastal Ocean Program
U.S. National Science Foundation. Energy-Related General Research Office
U.S. National Wetlands Research Center,,
U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service
U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service.
U.S. Nature Conservancy. Oregon Natural Heritage Program
U.S. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Office.,
U.S. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program,
U.S. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program,,
U.S. NOAA. Southwest Fisheries Science Center. Santa Cruz Laboratory. Biological Review Team,,
U.S. Northwest Fisheries Science Center
U.S. Ocean Assessments Division. Strategic Assessment Branch
U.S. Office of Water Resources Research.
U.S. Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station Portland
U.S. Pacific Northwest Research Station
U.S. Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
U.S. Public Health Service. Food and Drug Administration.
U.S. Rocky Mountain Research Station. Air Water & Aquatic Environments Program
U.S. Senate
U.S. Senate. Committee on Commerce
U.S. Soil Conservation Service
U.S. Soil Conservation Service. Oregon
U.S.. Army Corps of Engineers. North Pacific Division
U.S.. Army. Corps of Engineers. Portland District,
U.S.. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
U.S.. Congress. House. Committee on Commerce
U.S.. Environmental Protection Agency. Region X
U.S.. Environmental Protection Agency. Region X. Office of Environmental Assessment
U.S.. National Marine Fisheries Service
U.S.. National Science Foundation. Energy-Related General Research Office
U.S..Fish and Wildlife Service,
U.S.Environmental Protection Agency
Ubeda, Armando J.
Ubert, Christopher
Uchida, (eds.) H
Uchida, I.
Uchida, H.
Uchupi, Elazar
Udey, L
Udo, Keiko
Ueno, Y
Ugedal, O
Uhlinger, E.
Ulbricht, Richard J.
Umphrey, Heidi R
Umpqua Basin Local Advisors Committee
Umpqua Basin Watershed Council,
Umpqua Basin. Local Advisors Committee (Or.),,,
Umpqua Estuary Study Group
Umpqua National Forest
Umpqua National Forest. Diamond Lake Ranger District
Umpqua National Forest. Tiller Ranger District
Umpqua National Forest. Timber Planning Team
Umpqua Regional Council of Governments
Umpqua Watershed Council
Un, M. Y.
Underwood, Michael B
Ungerer, Ph.
Ungerer, C A
Union, American Geophysica
Unions, International Council of
United States Army Corps of Engineers North Pacific Division
United States Army Corps of Engineers. Portland District
United States Federal Insurance Administration
United States Fish and Wildlife Service,
United States Fish Commission
United States National Marine Fisheries Service
United States Ocean Assessments Division. Strategic Assessment Branch
United States War Department,
United States. Army Corps of Engineers
United States. Army Corps of Engineers. Portland District
United States. Army Corps of Engineers. Walla Walla District
United States. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Coastal Ecology Group
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Portland District
United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Washington
United States. Army. Engineer District Portland
United States. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Marys Peak Resource Area
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Roseburg District Office
United States. Bureau of Land Management. Salem District
United States. Bureau of Reclamation
United States. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife
United States. Congress. House of Representatives
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Rivers and Harbors
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce
United States. Dept. of Agriculture
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Economic Research Service
United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Economic Research Service,
United States. Dept. of the Interior
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Geological Survey
United States. Dept. of the Interior. Water and Power Resource Service
United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Research and Development.
United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Region X
United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Region X. Office of Environmental Assessment
United States. Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
United States. Fish and Wildlife Service
United States. Fish and Wildlife Service,
United States. Fish and Wildlife Service. Division of Biological Services
United States. Fish and Wildlife Service. Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex
United States. Fish and Wildlife Service. Region 1
United States. Forest Service
United States. Forest Service,
United States. Forest Service. Hebo Ranger District
United States. Forest Service. Pacific Northwest Region.
United States. Geological Survey
United States. Geological Survey Water Resources Division
United States. Institute for Water Resources,
United States. Interagency Energy-Environment Research and Development Program
United States. National Agricultural Statistics Service
United States. National Agricultural Statistics Service,
United States. National Marine Fisheries Service
United States. National Marine Fisheries Service. Northwest Fisheries Science Center
United States. National Marine Fisheries Service. Southwest Region. Protected Species Management Division
United States. National Ocean Service
United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Office of Climate Observation. Climate Program Office
United States. National Science Foundation. Energy-Related General Research Office
United States. Ocean Assessments Division. Strategic Assessment Branch
United States. Office of Water Resources Research
United States. Soil Conservation Service
United States. Soil Conservation Service,
United States. Soil Conservation Service. Oregon
University, Hatfield Marine Sci
University, Oregon State
University, Oregon Health & S
University, Portland State
University, Aquatic Ecology La
University of California
University of California, Scripps Institution Oceanography
University of Delaware. College of Marine Studies
University of Delaware. College of Marine Studies.
University of Oregon Biology Department
University of Oregon. Biology Department
University of Oregon. Bureau of Governmental Research and Service
University of Oregon. Bureau of Municipal Research and Service
University of Oregon. Community Service Center
University of Oregon. Dept. of Planning Public Policy and Management. Community Planning Workshop
University of Washington Evans Center for Public Policy & Governance
University of Washington. Climate Impacts Group
University of Washington. Institute of Environmental Studies
University of Washington. Institute of Forest Resources
Unruh, L
Urabe, T
Urabe, Sean
Urawa, Shigehiko
Urawa, S.
Urban, D. L.
Urban, J
Urban, J. D.
Urban-Ramirez, J
Uribe, J C
Uribe, H
Uscian, J. M.
USDA Field Advisory Committee
USDA Field Advisory Committee,
USDA Oregon River Basin Survey Party
USDA Oregon River Basin Survey Party,
USGS Oregon Water Science Center
Utt, E. A.
Utter, P M
Uye, S
Uyeda, Seiya
Uyeyama, R.
Vacchi, Matteo
Vache, Kellie
Vacquier, Victor
Vadopalas, B
Vail, P R
Vail, Peter R
Vaiomo'unga, R
Vaird, D. J.
Valcic, Branka
Valderrama, D.
Valdes, L
Valdivia, I M
Valentine, P G
Valenzuela, L
Valero, M
Valle, C. F.
Vallianatos, Helen
Vallier, T L
Vallier, Tracy L
Van Andel, Tjeerd H
Van Atta, Robert O
Van Bonn, W
Van Cleve, R
Van Couvering, John A
van de Kerk, M.
van de Vliet, M. S.
Van de Wetering, S.
van de Wetering, S. J.
van de Wetering, Stan
Van Denburgh, A S
Van Der Lingen, C.
van der Lingen, D. D.
van der Lingen, C. D.
van der Lingern, C. D.
van der Spek, Ad
van der Veer, H. W.
van der Vegt, M.
Van Doornik, D. M.
Van Doornik, Donald M
Van Driesche, R. P.
Van Dusen, H G
Van Dusen, J R
Van Dyke, Lisa
Van Dyke, Erick S
Van Gaest, A. L.
Van Gaest, Ahna L.
Van Gaest, Ahna
van Heeswijk, Marijke
van Helden, A. L.
Van Houten, F B
Van Houten, Franklyn B
Van Laere, Susan M
Van Laningham, Sam
Van Loenen, Richard E
van Montfrans, J.
Van Noy, Ronald M
Van Opzeeland, I
Van Opzeeland, I. C.
Van Parijs, S
Van Parijs, S M
Van Rysselberghe, Pierre
Van Sickle, J
Van Sickle, John
Van Slyke, Dan
Van Slyke, Dan
Van Straaten, L M J U
van Tamelen, Peter G.
van Toor, M. L.
Van Waerebeek, K
Van Winkle, Walton
van Zuilen, K.
Vanbianchi, Ron
Vance, Mitchell
Vance, Paul M
Vance, T
Vance, V A
Vance, J A
Vance, Mitch
Vance, Joseph A
Vance, Jesse M
Vanderburgh, Sandy
VanderHart, Archie L
VanderSchaaf, Dick
Vane, Christopher H
Vane, C H
Vanselow, P. B. S.
Vant, M
VanVooren, Al
Varanasi, U
Varandas, Simone
Vargas, Fernandez E
Varnavskaya, N.
Varnes, Katharine L
Varnes, David J
Varnes, K L
Varney, B M
Varney, A.
Varoujean, Daniel H
Vartia, S.
Vasey, M
Vaughan, Mace
Vaughn, Warren N
Vazquez, N A
Vazquez, Norma A.
Vazquez, M
Veale, A.
Vedder, John G
Vedder, J G
Veeh, Herbert H
Velasquez, A.
Velde, D
Vélez-Espino, Luis A
Veloza, A
Vely, M.
Venkatakrishnan, Ramesh
Venkatarathnam, K
Venrick, E
Verbics, Belle.
Vercoutere, Thomas L
Vercruyssen, Anna
Verdaat, H.
Vergara, J
Vernberg, F. J.
Vernberg, W. B.
Vernberg, W.
Vernberg, J. F.
Verner, S S
Verosub, Kenneth L
Verreth, J.
Verschuyl, Jake
Vertanen, I
Vertyankin, V. V.
Vestfals, Cathleen D.
Vial, M V
Vianna, J. A.
Viehman, S.
Vigneresse, Jean-Louis
Vijaya Kumar, T
Vikhrev, Ilya V.
Vilaca, S. T.
Villamar, D F
Villanueva-Noriega, M J
Villarosa Garcia, Marites
Villegas-Amtmann, S.
Vine, James D
Vine, J D
Vine, F J
Vinette-Herrin, K.
Vinueza, L. R.
Viratchakul, S
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Viricel, A.
Virulhakkul, P
Virulhakul, P
Visessanguan, Wonnop
Visser, F.
Visser, G. H.
Viviani, Donn J.
Vliet, M
Vogel, D
Vogel, Allan
Vogel, Dave
Vogt, P R
Voigt, C. C.
Vojta, C D
Vokes, Harold Ernest
Vokes, Harold E
Vokes, H E
Volk, C. J.
Volk, C.
Volk, E C
Volk, Eric C
Volk, H R
Volkenborn, N
Vollenweider, J. J.
Vollmer, N. L.
Vollset, K
von Fersen, L.
Von Huene, R
Von Huene, Roland
Von Rad, Ulrich
Vorosmarty, Charles J
Voss, B.
Voth, David R
Votier, S. C.
Vrac, M
Vrijenhoek, R. C.
Vrolijk, Peter
Vroman, Paul
Vuilleumier, Séverine
W, Stoner Allan
W, Lawson Peter
Waananen, A O
Wachsmuth, Louis J
Waddell, C T
Wade, P. R.
Wade, Terry L
Wade, P
Wade, M G
Wade, Mark
Wade, J.
Wageman, John
Wager, L R
Wagman, Wolfe
Wagman, David W.
Wagner, Holly C
Wagner, Harry H
Wagner, Harry Henry
Wagner, Emery J
Wagner, H C
Wagner, E
Wagner, Sheldon L
Wagner, H H
Wahlberg, M
Wahle, C
Wahrhaftig, Clyde
Wainger, L
Wainright, S C
Wainwright, Tom C.
Wainwright, Thomas
Wainwright, Thomas C
Waite, J. M.
Waite, I. R.
Waite, J. N.
Waite-Cusic, J. G.
Waits, L. P.
Waitt, Jr.
Wakabayashi, H
Wakefield, Waldo W.
Wakefield, Waldo W
Wakefield, Waldo
Waknitz, William F
Walbridge, S.
Walcott, R I
Waldbusser, George G
Waldbusser, G. G.
Waldhauser, F
Waldren, Kenneth D
Waldron, H H
Waldron, K D
Waldron, David A
Waldron, Howard H
Waldron, Kenneth D
Walker, Kristen A.
Walker, K J
Walker, Frederick
Walker, D
Walker, S
Walker, John
Walker, W. A.
Walker, S L
Walker, George W
Walker, D A
Walker, John D
Walker, John W R
Walker, K A
Walker, Sharon
Walker, Roger G
Walker, Alex
Wall, A. N.
Wall, Dorothy
Wall, Colleen McKay
Wallace, B P
Wallace, C. G.
Wallace, Richard L
Wallace, Robert E
Wallace, J R
Wallendorf, Louise.
Waller, D M
Wallick, Rose J
Wallis, Joe
Wallwork, H
Walsh, D
Walsh, S M
Walsh, G.
Walsh, Jessica
Walsh, S. J.
Walsh, Timothy J
Walsh, I.
Walstead, J. D.
Walter, K.
Walter, K. D.
Walter, Cara
Walter, Hofmann;
Walter, A W
Walters, Gary E.
Walters, Charles
Walton, E K
Walton, G G
Walton, Ewart Kendall
Wang, Christina J.
Wang, De Qian
Wang, K
Wang, Q.
Wang, Lu
Wang, X X
Wang, Kelin
Wang, Keline
Wang, Chi-Yuen
Wang, J. Y.
Wang, J. L.
Wang, W. S.
Wang, W
Wang, Yumei
Wang, Frank F H
Wanger, H C
Wanless, S
Wanless, H R
Wanless, R K
Waples, R
Waples, D M
Waples, Robin S
Waples, Douglas W
Waples, R. S.
Ward, Juney
Ward, Melissa
Ward, Eric J.
Ward, Donald L
Ward, T.
Ward, C. L.
Ward, E. J.
Ward, Beverly H
Ward, J
Ward, Frederick N
Ward, J A
Warde, A.
Warden, Augusta
Ware, C.
Ware, D M
Wares, Paul G
Warheit, K
Warne, William E
Warne, Robin
Warner, M. E.
Warnock, A
Warren, Dana R.
Warren, Charles E
Warren, A D
Warren, Dana
Warren, Walter
Warren, K
Warren, D.
Warren, M A
Warren-Hicks, W.
Warrick, Jonathan A
Warrren, M. A.
Warybok, P.
Warzybok, P
Waschmann, Ronald S.
Washburn, Floyd L
Washburne, Chester Wesley
Washburne, Chester W
Washington, Paul A
Washington, Henry S
Washington, Henry Stephens
Washington, University of
Washington Department of Conservation and Development
Washington Department of Wildlife. Wildlife Management Division,,
Washington Division of Mines and Geology
Washington Forest Protection Association
Washington Sea Grant
Washington State University
Washington. Division of Mines and Geology
Wasson, Kerstin
Watanabe, W. O.
Watanabe, T.
Watanuki, Y
Water Resources Council (U.S.),
Water Resources Research Institute
Water Resources Support Center,
Waterhouse, L.
WaterKeepers Northern California
Waters, Aaron C
Waters, Tiffany
Waters, Elijah
Waters, A C
Watershed Sciences LLC
Watkins, S. G.
Watkins, N D
Watkins, K.
Watkins-Brandt, K. S.
Watlter, M T
Watral, Virginia G.
Watson, James R.
Watson, Douglas R
Watson, M.
Watson, G
Watson, Elizabeth
Watson, Jay F
Watson, W
Watson, Gerald Harvey.
Watson, Jessica L.
Watters, G. M.
Waugh, G. T.
Wear, R. G.
Weary, D M
Weaver, C E
Weaver, Craig S
Weaver, Donald W
Weaver, Charles E
Weaver, C P
Webb, J
Webb, Elinore
Webb, S C
Webb, Megan
Webb, Robert W
Webber, Bert
Weber, Bruce A
Weber, T. C.
Weber, Jeffrey
Weber, E. D.
Weber, Robin L. J.
Weber, Lavern J
Weber, J R
Weber, E S
Weber, Walter G
Weber, E
Webster, Janet G. 1
Webster, Janet G.
Webster, Janet G
Webster, C. D.
Webster, Janet
Wedell, Victoria A.
Weeber, Matt
Weeber, Matthew A.
Weeden, Dennis A
Weeks, Jennifer
Weeks, Harold J.
Weeks, Hal
Weerasinghe, Vasana C
Weetman, D
Wefer, G
Wei, Yong
Wei, C. I.
Weilhoefer, Christine L
Weilhoefer, C L
Weimerskirch, H.
Weinberg, Rachel Beth
Weingartner, T. J.
Weinrich, M.
Weinrich, M. T.
Weinstein, M. P.
Weinstein, Ben G.
Weinstein, Anna
Weir, L K
Weir, Gordon W
Weirathmueller, M.
Weirathmueller, M. J.
Weis, Paul L
Weis, P L
Weis, V M
Weisberg, Stephen B.
Weisberg, S. B.
Weise, Michael J
Weise, M.
Weise, M. J.
Weise, Harry Gordon
Weissburg, M
Weisscher, S. A. H.
Weissel, J K
Weissenborn, A E
Weissert, Helmut
Weist, J.
Weisz, Jeremy B
Weitcamp, Laurie A
Weitkamp, Laurie A
Weitkamp, Laurie
Weitkamp, Don
Wekell, Marleen M
Welch, G. F.
Welch, L
Welch, D
Welch, D. W.
Weldin, Robert D
Weldy, Matthew J.
Well, Roland
Wellenreuther, M
Weller, D. W.
Weller, J M
Weller, D
Wellman, Roy E
Wellman, Hannah
Wellman, Hannah P.
Wells, Ray Edward
Wells, R.
Wells, B
Wells, Ray E
Wells, Gary E
Wells, Gary
Wells, B. K.
Wells, J. H.
Wells, Nathan
Wells, Francis G
Wells, S
Wells, R E
Wells, R. S.
Wells, Brian K
Wells, F G
Wells, B K
Welti-Chanes, J.
Wenburg, J. K.
Wendel, Ari P
Weng, K C
Wenger, S. J.
Wentworth, Carl M
Wentworth, C M
Wentworth, Carl
Wentworth, Chester K
Wenzel, F
Werner, J.
Werner, Dietrich
Werner, Dietrich (ed.)
Wertheimer, Alex C
Wertheimer, A. C.
Weser, Oscar E
Weser, O
Wespestad, V. G.
Wesson, R L
Wesson and Associates
West, J. A.
West, G F
West, Donald O
West, Amy
West, K. M.
Westall, J. C.
Westall, J
Westgarth, Warren Cyril
Westgarth, Warren C
Westheimer, Jerome
Westrheim, Sigurd J
Wethey, D S
Wetzel, David J
Wetzel, C.
Wetzler, M.
Wetzler, M. A.
Wevers, Mary Jo
Weyland, P.
Wezel, F C
Whaling, P
Wharton, James M.
Wheat, C. G.
Wheatcroft, Robert A
Wheatcroft, R A
Wheatcroft, R. A.
Wheatcroft, R
Wheeler, Sena C
Wheeler, Patricia A
Wheeler, H E
Wheeler, P A
Wheeler, G
Wheeler, Harry E
Whelan, Nathan V.
Whelen, Jennifer
Whereat, Don
Whereat-Phillips, Patty
Whetten, J T
Whipple, Margo J.
Whitcomb, Amelia C
Whitcomb, A. C.
Whitcomb, Amelia C.
Whitcomb, Amelia
White, T
White, R T
White, Walter S
White, R.
White, L F
White, Donald E
White, C M
White, W. M.
White, David A
White, H K
White, Michael E
White, Angelicque E.
White, H. J.
White, D
White, S M
White, C
White, Jody
White, D E
White, J.
White, A. E.
White, W R H
White Sturgeon Planning Committee
Whitebread, D H
Whitehead, Donald R
Whiteman, E.
Whiteman, E. A.
Whitham, K
Whiting, Mark C
Whiting, Mark Carlos
Whiting, Michael F
Whiting, Allan
Whitledge, T
Whitman, Alison D.
Whitman, Luke D.
Whitmire, Curt E.
Whitney, R. R.
Whitney, J A
Whitsett, Jennifer
Whittaker, D
Whitten, C A
Whittington, Charles L
Whoriskey, F. G.
Wick, A.
Wick, William Q
Wickham, Charlotte
Wickizer, Benjamin J.
Wicklund, R I
Wiebe, Peter H
Wiedemann, Alfred M
Wiedoff, B. L.
Wiedoff, Brett L.
Wiens, Douglas A
Wiens, D. A.
Wiese, John H
Wiggert, J. D.
Wiggins, S. M.
Wigington, Parker J
Wigington, Jr.
Wigington Jr., P L
Wigington Jr., P J
Wiist, S. R.
Wiist, S.
Wikelski, M.
Wilbur, Ami E
Wilbur, K.
Wilcock, E. F.
Wilcock, William S.
Wilcock, W S D
Wilcock, W
Wilcock, William S. D.
Wilcox, Ray E
Wilcox, D. J.
Wilcox, William A.
Wild, C
Wild Salmon Center
Wilderbuer, T. K.
Wildlife, Washington (State). D
Wildlife, Oregon. Dept. Fish
Wildlife, Oregon State University. Department Fisheries
Wildlife, State of Oregon.
Wildlife, Oregon. Dept. Fish &
Wildlife, Oregon Dept. of F
Wildlife, Oregon Department
Wildlife, Fish Division.
Wildlife, Oregon. Department Fish
Wildlife Society.
Wiley, Martin (ed.)
Wiley, D. N.
Wiley, M C
Wiley, Claire M
Wiley, Derek J.
Wilhelm, S. J.
Wilhere, George
Wilke, N. F.
Wilkerson, F. P.
Wilkes, Stanley
Wilkes, Charles
Wilkes, Stanley N
Wilkin, S
Wilkins, M.
Wilkinson, Charles
Wilkinson, J F G
Wilkinson, K.
Wilkinson, W D
Will, A. P.
Will, A.
Willacker, James J
Wille, Taylore E
Wille, M.
Willeke, G B
Willer, Chuck
Williams, C. D.
Williams, Ira A
Williams, D L
Williams, Mari
Williams, Wendy A
Williams, Thomas H
Williams, T. H.
Williams, Greg
Williams, Matt C.
Williams, B. C.
Williams, G. D.
Williams, Howel
Williams, B.W.
Williams, J. E.
Williams, T
Williams, Ronald H
Williams, Ch.
WIlliams, J E
Williams, Gerald W
Williams, Jack E
Williams, Ron
Williams, G
Williams, (Thomas Herbert) T H
Williams, M Y
Williams, R
Williams, R. N.
Williams, J
Williams, Steven F
Williams, R C
Williams, K.
Williams, Steele J
Williams, L.
Williamson, Kenneth
Williamson, Kenneth J
Willingham, William F
WIllis, M.
Willis, Mark E
Willis, Bailey
Willis, Samuel C
Willis-Norton, Ellen
Willson, M. F.
Wilmot, R.
Wilsey & Ham
Wilshire, H G
Wilson, John M. Col.
Wilson, C D
Wilson, U. W.
Wilson, F H
Wilson, Matthew T
Wilson, D. C.
Wilson, Christopher D
Wilson, R P
Wilson, C
Wilson, M. T.
Wilson, James T
Wilson, William J
Wilson, Derek
Wilson, J T
Wilson, D.
Wilson, Mark V
Wilson, Rick
Wilson, Tuzo J
Wilson, Derek R
Wilson, Douglas
Wilson, Basil W
Wilson, D. S.
Wilson, A.
Wilson, Dennis C
Wilson, G. D. F.
Wilson, Richard F
Wilson White, J
Winder, M
Windle, M. J. S.
Windom, H
Windom, Herbert
Winemiller, Kirk O.
Winemiller, K O
Wing, B. L.
Wingenbach, Gary
Winkler, G R
Winkler, Gary
Winn, Lisa A
Winnett, T L
Winningstad, O
Winship, A. J.
Winslow, Margarent A
Winslow, Nancy S
Winsor, Martha
Winsor, Martha H.
Winston, J.
Winter, A G
Winter, A
Winterbotham, Jerry
Winterbrook Planning.
Winterer, E L
Winthrop, Kathryn R
Wintle, N. J. P.
Wintle, N
Winton, James R
Winton, J R
Winton, James
Wirth, A. A.
Wischniowski, S. G.
Wise, D U
Wise, William S
Wise, W S
Wise, Daniel R.
Wise, S. W. Jr.
Wisehart, L
Wisehart, L. M.
Wiseman, N
Wissmar, Robert C
Witherell, D.
Witherill, Kristiana Teige
Witt, J. W.
Witt, Joseph W
Witt, James M
Witter, Robert C
Witter, J. B.
Witteveen, B H
Witting, D A
Wittink, Roelof J
Wodzicki, Stefan
Woelke, Charles
Woessner, J.
Woeste, K. E.
Wofford, John E B
Wofford, J E B
Wofsy, S C
Wojahn, John M.
Wolf, M
Wolf, Michael J
Wolf, Michael
Wolf, Stephen C
Wolfe, J A
Wolfe, D.
Wolfe, Jack A
Wolken, Karin M.
Wollrab, S.
Wolman, A. A.
Wolters, Erika Allen
Wolz, J. P.
Womble, J. N.
Womble, Jamie N.
Won, Y. J.
Wondzell, Steven M.
Wones, D R
Wong, Ivan
Wong, M. A.
Wong, R. G.
Wong, Ivan G
Wong, Florence L
Wonham, M.
Wonham, M. J.
Woo, Winston H.
Wood, Nathan J
Wood, R J
Wood, Nathan
Wood, N. D.
Wood, Spencer A.
Wood, A M
Wood, George V
Wood, D A
Wood, Claire
Wood, A. S.
Wood, M.
Woodbury, D
Woodcock, A. R. (Arthur Ray)
Woodford, Alfred O
Woodford, A O
Woodie, K.
Woodin, S A
Woodley, C. M.
Woodring, Wendell P
Woodring, W P
Woodruff, D. L.
Woods, Leslie
Woods, Tiffany
Woods, Pamela J
Woodson, C. B.
Woodsworth, G J
Woodward, Jane
Wooninck, L
Wooster, W.
Work, John
Wornardt, Walter W
Worrest, R C
Worsfold, Paul J
Worsley, T R
Worsley, Thomas R
Worthington, T. J.
Worthington, T
Worthy, G.
Worzel, J L
Wray, Pat
Wright, James E
Wright, I C
Wright, Bryan
Wright, Nancy A
Wright, Audrey A
Wright, Wilna B
Wright, Ramil C
Wright, Thomas L
Wright, S. G.
Wright, B. E.
Wright, Bryan E
Wright, Jerry
Wright, D. J.
Wright, F F
Wright, T L
Wright, Lauren A
Wright, Jr.
Wright, R
Wrolstad, R. E.
Wu, Rui-Wen
Wu, Han -
Wu, H. T.
Wu, W.-H.
Wu, JuWen
Wu, Z. X.
Wu, Xiaoping
Wu, Xulei
Wulff, Barry L
Wursig, B.
Wurst, Philip L
Wyatt, Bruce
Wydoski, Richard S
Wygant, Morris
Wyld, Sandra J
Wyllie, P J
Wyllie-Echeverria, Sandy
Wynn, Jeffrey C
Wynne, K
Wynne, M. J.
Wysoczanski, R. J.
Wyss, L. A.
Xhou, H
Xi, Dunyu Liu
Xi, Dunyu
Xia, Jun
Xiong, Y. L.
Xiong, S. B.
Xu, J R
Xu, S Z
Y.), Metropolitan Museum of
Yabuki, T
Yack, T
Yack, T. M.
Yamada, Sylvia Behrens
Yamada, S B
Yamada, Sylvia B
Yamada, Sylvia Behrens
Yamada, T. K.
Yamagishi, Hiromitsu
Yamaguchi, M
Yamaguchi, David K
Yamaguchi, Y
Yamaki, K
Yamamoto, T.
Yamamura, O.
Yamazaki, Yoshiki
Yamazaki, T
Yanagida, G
Yanagida, G. K.
Yanai, Seiji
Yananida, G.
Yancey, H F
Yancy, Paul H.
Yang, J. F.
Yang, Yang
Yang, Qianru
Yang, Hong
Yang, Z
Yaquina Bay Economic Foundation
Yaquina Bay Regional Planning Commission
Yaquina Bay Water Quality Task Force
Yassin, Mohamed
Yates, Robert G
Yates, Kenneth R
Yau, Ian-Huei
Yeager, Amelia
Yeates, Alice
Yeats, Robert S
Yednock, Bree
Yee, S.
Yee, J. L.
Yenne, K A
Yerkes, R F
Yim, Solomon C S
Yin, Tao
Yin, L
Yin, Yanshui
Yinger, E.
Ylitalo, G. M.
Ylitalo, Gina M
Ylitalo, G
Yochelson, E L
Yochum, Noelle
Yoder, Jr.
Yoder, H S
Yogodzinski, G.
Yoklavich, M M
Yoklavich, M
Yoklavich, Mary M
Yoklavich, Mary A
Yole, R W
Yong-Un, M
Yongsawatdigul, J
Yongsawatdigul, Jirawat
Yoo, S
Yoon, W. B.
Yoon, Won B
Yoon, Won Byong
Yorath, C J
York, A. E.
Yosco, J. J.
Yoshida, H
Yoshida, Takashi
Yoshie, N.
Yoshimizu, M
Youmans, Russell C
Young, L L
Young, R
Young, S F
Young, G
Young, L
Young, Rebecca
Young, David R.
Young, Gerald Loren
Young, R. C.
Young, David R
Young, J W
Young, C
Young, S
Young, F G
Young, Alan M.
Young, M N
Young, David
Youngberg, Elton A
Youngberg, Chester T
Youngquist, Walter
Yount, James C
Yount, J C
Ytow, N
Yu, H
Yuan, Jennqei
Yun, J
Zabel, R. W.
Zabel, R
Zabin, Chela J.
Zablocki, Charles J
Zabrodin, Yu. V
Zachariasen, Judith
Zacher, Edwin G
Zacherl, Danielle C.
Zador, S. G.
Zador, Stephani G
Zador, S
Zamon, J.
Zamon, J E
Zaneveld, J. R. V.
Zang, C I
Zapfe, G.
Zapp, A D
Zarba, C. S.
Zaron, E D
Zartman, R E
Zedaker, S. M.
Zedonis, P
Zegers, C
Zégre, Nicolas P
Zellmer, G. F.
Zeman, Samantha M.
Zeman, S. M.
Zeng, M.-Y.
Zenk, Henry B
Zennaro, Barbara
Zerbini, A. N.
Zerbini, A
Zhang, Joseph
Zhang, H.
Zhang, Y. L.
Zhang, E. I.
Zhang, H. C.
Zhang, S. F.
Zhang, Yinglong
Zhang, Joseph Y
Zhang, Huanjia
Zhao, Y
Zhao, Z. B. K.
Zhigadlova, G
Zhigadlova, G G
Zhijun, Yu
Zhivotovsky, L. A.
Zhong, N.
Zhou, Shijie
Zhou, D. Y.
Zhou, Y
Zhous, L.
Zhu, B. W.
Zhu, Y
Ziegesar, O
Zieglar, D L
Zielinski, William J.
Zierenberg, R
Zieritz, Alexandra
Zietz, Isidore
Zikakis, J. P.
Zimmer, W. M. X.
Zimmerman, C
Zimmerman, A. M.
Zimmerman, R. C.
Zimmerman, S T
Zimmerman, Steven T
Zimmerman, C. F.
Zimmerman, Shon A.
Zimmerman, Jr.
Zimmerman, T. S.
Zinn, J L
Zinn, Jeffrey A
Zirges, Malcom H
Zirges, Malcolm H
Zoback, M L
Zoback, Mary Lou
Zoback, M D
Zoback, Mark D
Zobel, Donald B
Zonneveld, John-Paul
Zontek, Terry
Zopf, D O
Zorin, Yu. A
Zuccarello, G. C.
Zumberge, M. A.
Zupo, V.
Zurer, Pamela S
Zwolinski, J. P.
Zybach, Bob
[Oregon Emergency Management Division, ]
[Oregon. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife]
[Oregon] Division of State Lands
Web Article
Journal Article
Book Chapter
Conference Proceedings
Conference Paper
Magazine Article
Newspaper Article
Web project page
Government Report
Biblio_terms - 'Bandon Marsh
Biblio_terms - (Olympia oyster=Ostrea lurida (Ostrea conchaphila)
Biblio_terms - ) Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Biblio_terms - 05
Biblio_terms - 2 Sulphur Creek
Biblio_terms - 2009-2010
Biblio_terms - 2011-2012 Annual Report
Biblio_terms - 2012-2013 Annual Report
Biblio_terms - 22
Biblio_terms - 23
Biblio_terms - : Enteromorpha species
Biblio_terms - : Salmon River Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - a tributary of Drift Creek
Biblio_terms - a tributary of Elk Creek
Biblio_terms - a tributary of Mill Creek
Biblio_terms - a tributary of Steamboat Creek
Biblio_terms - a tributary of the Alsea River
Biblio_terms - a tributary of the Little River
Biblio_terms - a tributary of the lower Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - a tributary of the Nestucca River
Biblio_terms - a tributary of the North Fork of the Alsea River
Biblio_terms - a tributary of the North Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - a tributary of the Siletz River
Biblio_terms - a tributary of the South fork of the Alsea River
Biblio_terms - a tributary of the South Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - a tributary of the West Fork of the Smith River
Biblio_terms - a trubutary of the South Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - Abbey Creek
Biblio_terms - Abbott Creek
Biblio_terms - Aberdeen (Wa.)
Biblio_terms - Abundance
Biblio_terms - abundance
Biblio_terms - Abyssal plains
Biblio_terms - Acanthocephala spp.
Biblio_terms - acanthocephalans
Biblio_terms - Acartia clausi
Biblio_terms - Acartia longiremis
Biblio_terms - Acartia species
Biblio_terms - Accretion
Biblio_terms - Achanthes species
Biblio_terms - Achnanthidium minutissimum
Biblio_terms - Acker Fire
Biblio_terms - Acoustics
Biblio_terms - Acroneuria pacifica
Biblio_terms - Adams Creek
Biblio_terms - Adams Riffle
Biblio_terms - Adaptation
Biblio_terms - aerial photographs
Biblio_terms - Aerial photography
Biblio_terms - aerial photography
Biblio_terms - Aeromonas salmonicida
Biblio_terms - Aeromonas spp.
Biblio_terms - Aestabdella species
Biblio_terms - Africa
Biblio_terms - Agapetus bifidus
Biblio_terms - Agate Beach
Biblio_terms - Agbada Formation
Biblio_terms - age composition
Biblio_terms - Age composition
Biblio_terms - aging
Biblio_terms - agricultural
Biblio_terms - Agriculture
Biblio_terms - agriculture
Biblio_terms - Agriculture, Alsea Bay, Chetco River, Columbia River estuary, Coos Bay, Coquille River estuary, estuarine dynamics, general ecosystem description, habitats, human impacts, hydrology, land ownership, land use, logging, Necanicum River estuary, Nehalem Ri
Biblio_terms - Agriculture, Alsea Bay, estuarine dynamics, general ecosystem description, habitats, human impacts, hydrology, land ownership, land use, logging, Netarts Bay, Salmon River, Siletz Bay, Siuslaw River, Tillamook Bay, Umpqua River, Yaquina River
Biblio_terms - Agriculture, Alsea Bay, estuarine dynamics, habitats, human impacts, hydrology, land ownership, land use, logging, mathematical modeling, Netarts Bay, Salmon River, Siletz Bay, Siuslaw River, Tillamook Bay, Umpqua River, Yaquina River
Biblio_terms - agriculture, climate, climate change, coastal hazards, demographics, depleted populations, economics, fish, human impact, invasive species, phenology, precipitation, temperature, terrestrial vegetation, water temperature, wildlife
Biblio_terms - agriculture, pesticides, sediments, water pollution, water quality, water temperature
Biblio_terms - Ahnkuti Site
Biblio_terms - Air temperature
Biblio_terms - air temperature
Biblio_terms - air temperature data
Biblio_terms - Alabama
Biblio_terms - Alaria marginata
Biblio_terms - Alaska
Biblio_terms - Alaska, Alsea River, Argentina, Chile, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawtscha, Elk River, hatchery salmonids, McKenzie River, morphology, otoliths, Siletz River, Sixes River, wild salmonids, Willamette River
Biblio_terms - Alaskan bay shrimp = Crangon alaskensis
Biblio_terms - Albumen prints.
Biblio_terms - Alder
Biblio_terms - Alder Brook
Biblio_terms - Alder Brook (Salmon)
Biblio_terms - Alder Creek
Biblio_terms - Alder Creek (Nestucca River)
Biblio_terms - Alder Springs Acres
Biblio_terms - Alderia modesta
Biblio_terms - algae
Biblio_terms - Algae
Biblio_terms - algae, bacteria, dissolved oxygen, eutrophication, general, habitats, pH data, sediments, water pollution, water quality, water temperature
Biblio_terms - algal species
Biblio_terms - Alkalic rocks
Biblio_terms - Alkalinity
Biblio_terms - Alkylphenols
Biblio_terms - Alsea
Biblio_terms - Alsea (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Alsea Basin
Biblio_terms - Alsea Basin, hydrology, land ownership, land use, demographics, conservation
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay Boat Landing
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay Bridge
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay Bridgehead
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay Estuary
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay Spit
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Alsea Spit, coastal hazards, earthquakes, maps, tsunamis
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, aquatic invertebrates, Boat ramp (Netarts), Coos Bay, Coquille River estuary, crustaceans, El Nino, European green crab = Carcinus maenas, Grays Harbor (Wa.), Hatfield Marine Science Center, introduced species, Johnson’s Slough (Yaquina), Mak
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, aquatic invertebrates, Coos Bay, Coquille River estuary, crustaceans, El Niño, European green crab = Carcinus maenas, introduced species, Nehalem Bay, Netarts Bay, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, population count, Tillamook Bay, Yaquina Bay
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Bayshore, Waldport Bridge Flat, Seawall Beach, North Flat, Subtidal Channels, gaper clam = Tresus capax, Cockle clam = Clinocardium nuttallii, Softshell clam = Mya arenaria, Purple varnish clam = Nuttallia obscurata, recreational fisheries –
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Beaver Creek, Depoe Bay, hazardous waste, Lincoln City (Or.), natural resource management, Necanicum River estuary, Nehalem Bay, Netarts Bay, Newport (Or.), oil spills, Ona Beach, pollution, Salmon River, Sand Lake, Seaside (Or.), Siletz Bay,
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Beaver Creek, Depoe Bay, hazardous waste, natural resource management, Necanicum Bay, Nehalem Bay, Netarts Bay, oil spills, Ona Beach, pollution, Salmon River, Sand Lake, Siletz Bay, Tillamook Bay, Yachats River, Yaquina Bay
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Bell medusa = Polyorchis penicillatus, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, climate change, Coos Bay, Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister), geographic distribution, habitats, juvenile fish, Pacific sand lance = Ammod
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Chetco River estuary, Columbia River estuary, Coos Bay, Coquille River estuary, Devil’s Lake, Depoe Bay, Little Creek, Beaver Creek, Rock Creek, Big Creek, Yachats River, Tenmile Creek, Siltcoos River, Tahkenitch Creek, Necanicum River estuar
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Chetco River, Columbia River, Coos Bay, Coquille River, Depoe Bay, Necanicum River, Nehalem Bay, Nestucca River, Netarts Bay, Rogue River, Salmon River, Sand Lake, Siletz Bay, Siuslaw River, Sixes River, Tillamook Bay, Umpqua River, Yaquina B
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Chetco River, Coos Bay, Coquille River, Depoe Bay, Nehalem Bay, Nestucca River, Netarts Bay, Salmon River, Sand Lake, Siletz Bay, Siuslaw River, Sixes River, Tillamook Bay, Umpqua River, Yaquina Bay, land use, environmental law and policy,
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Coquille River Estuary, Nehalem Bay, Netarts Bay, Salmon River Estuary, Tillamook Bay, Youngs Bay, climate change, sea level, salt marsh, sediments, organic carbon
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, human impacts, climate, habitats, land use, maps, salinity, sea level, wetlands, wetland vegetation, zonal distribution
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, human impacts, climate, habitats, land use, salinity, sea level, wetlands, wetland vegetation, zonal distribution
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Nehalem Bay, Yaquina Bay, eelgrass = Zostera marina. rockfish = Sebastes spp., black rockfish = Sebastes melanops, feeding behavior, growth, habitats, juvenile fishes, life history information, otoliths, theses
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Netarts Bay, Pacific harbor seal = Phoca vitulina richardii, diet, feeding behavior, geographic distribution, habitats, oceanography
Biblio_terms - Alsea Bay, Netarts Bay, Siletz Bay, Yaquina Bay, Pacific harbor seal = Phoca vitulina richardii, diet, feeding behavior, geographic distribution, habitats, oceanography
Biblio_terms - Alsea Estuary
Biblio_terms - Alsea Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Alsea Formation
Biblio_terms - Alsea Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Alsea Indians
Biblio_terms - Alsea Oyster Company
Biblio_terms - Alsea Rive
Biblio_terms - Alsea River
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Alsea River, North Fork Alsea River, South Fork Alsea River, navigation, human impacts, history, hydrography, transportation
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Alsea Watershed Study Revisited, glyphosate, aminomethylphosphoric acid (AMPA), imazapyr, sulfometuron methyl (SMM), metsulfuron methyl (MSM), herbicides, logging, natural resource management, Needle Branch, water quality,
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Alsea Watershed Study, climate change, Deer Creek, Flynn Creek, human impacts, hydrology, logging, natural resource management, Needle Branch, streamflow, terrestrial vegetation, water quality, water temperature
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Alsea Watershed Study, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, Cutthroat trout = Oncorhynchus clarki, Drift Creek, Flynn Creek, human impacts, logging, Needle Branch, terrestrial vegetation, water quality, water temperature
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Alsea Watershed Study, Deer Creek, Drift Creek, Flynn Creek, Calapooya Creek, Hinkle Creek, Hinkle Creek Study, human impacts, hydrology, logging, natural resource management, Needle Branch, sediment data, terrestrial vegetation, Umpq
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Alsea Watershed Study, Deer Creek, Drift Creek, Flynn Creek, Calapooya Creek, Hinkle Creek, Hinkle Creek Study, human impacts, hydrology, logging, Needle Branch, sediment data, terrestrial vegetation, Umpqua River Basin, water quality
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Alsea Watershed Study, Deer Creek, Flynn Creek, geology, Hinkle Creek Study, human impacts, logging, Needle Branch, North Fork Hinkle Creek, South Fork Hinkle Creek, Trask River, Umpqua River Basin, water temperature
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Alsea Watershed Study, Deer Creek, Flynn Creek, human impacts, logging, natural resource management, Needle Branch, sediment data, sediments, terrestrial vegetation, water quality, water temperature
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Alsea Watershed Study, Drift Creek, Flynn Creek, H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, geology, hydrology, mathematical modeling, Needle Branch, sediments, Tyee Formation,
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Alsea Watershed Study, Flynn Creek, human impacts, logging, natural resource management, Needle Branch, terrestrial vegetation, water quality, water temperature
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Basin, Big Elk Creek (Yaquina), carbon, Douglas fir = Pseudotsuga menziesii, ecosystem health, food webs, habitats, Lake Creek (Siuslaw), Lobster Creek (Alsea), Lower Alsea River, nitrogen, Red alder = Alnus rubra, Siuslaw River, terrestrial
Biblio_terms - Alsea River estuary
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Estuary
Biblio_terms - Alsea River estuary, Beaver Creek estuary, biological, Chetco River estuary, Columbia River estuary, community ecology, Coos River estuary, Coquille River estuary, ecological succession, environmental policy and law, general ecosystem description, human
Biblio_terms - Alsea River Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Alsea River headwaters
Biblio_terms - Alsea River, Canal Creek, Oregon Hatchery Research Center, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, juvenile fish, hydrology, habitats, large woody debris, streamflow, mathematical modeling,
Biblio_terms - Alsea River, canneries, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Chum salmon = Oncorhynchus keta, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, commercial fisheries - salmon,
Biblio_terms - Alsea River, canneries, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Chum salmon = Oncorhynchus keta, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, commercial fisheries - salmon, Coos Bay, Coquille River, Nehalem River, Nestucca River,
Biblio_terms - Alsea River, canneries, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, commercial fisheries - salmon, Coos Bay, Coquille River, Nehalem River, Nestucca River,
Biblio_terms - Alsea River, Drift Creek, coastal hazards, geology, paleosciences, sediments, landslides, logging, human impacts, theses
Biblio_terms - Alsea River, North Fork Alsea River, Lint Creek, Crooked Creek, Alsea Fish Hatchery, Steelhead trout = Oncorhynchus mykiss, developmental stages, life history information, physiology, photoperiod, water temperature, endocrinology
Biblio_terms - Alsea River, Siletz River, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Salmon fever fluke = Nanophyetus salmincola, Furunculosis = Aeromonas salmonicida, Columnaris = Flavobacterium columnare, juvenile fish, parasites, bacteria, mortality
Biblio_terms - Alsea Rvier
Biblio_terms - Alsea Salmon Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Alsea Silver Landing
Biblio_terms - Alsea Spit
Biblio_terms - Alsea Sub-Basin
Biblio_terms - Alsea Trout Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Alsea Valley Alliance
Biblio_terms - Alsea Watershed Study
Biblio_terms - American beachgrass = Ammophila breviligulata
Biblio_terms - American beaver = Castor canadensis
Biblio_terms - American bullfrog = Rana catesbeiana
Biblio_terms - American Coot = Fulica Americana
Biblio_terms - American coot=Fulica americana
Biblio_terms - American crow = Corvus brachyrhynchos
Biblio_terms - American crow=Corvus brachyrhynchos
Biblio_terms - American dipper = Cinclus mexicanus
Biblio_terms - American dune grass = Leymus mollis
Biblio_terms - American dunegrass = Leymus mollis
Biblio_terms - American lobster = Homarus americanus
Biblio_terms - American lobster=Homarus americanus
Biblio_terms - American marten =Mares Americana
Biblio_terms - American shad = Alosa sapidissima
Biblio_terms - American shad=Alosa sapidissima
Biblio_terms - American Shrew-mole = Neurotrichus gibbsii
Biblio_terms - American wigeon = Anas Americana
Biblio_terms - ammonia
Biblio_terms - ammonium
Biblio_terms - amphibia
Biblio_terms - Amphibians
Biblio_terms - amphibians
Biblio_terms - Amphibians, birds, fish, invertebrates, mammals, reptiles, depleted populations, endangered species, geographic distribution, natural resource management, spatial distribution,
Biblio_terms - amphipods
Biblio_terms - Amphissa columbiana
Biblio_terms - Amphora coffeaeformis
Biblio_terms - Amphora spp.
Biblio_terms - Anabaena spp.
Biblio_terms - Anabaena spp. = blue-green algae
Biblio_terms - Anadromous
Biblio_terms - Anadromous Inc.
Biblio_terms - Analcime
Biblio_terms - anatomy
Biblio_terms - Ancient murrelet = Synthliboramphus antiquus
Biblio_terms - Anderson Creek
Biblio_terms - Andesite
Biblio_terms - Angiosperms
Biblio_terms - Angustassiminea californica
Biblio_terms - anilene
Biblio_terms - Anisakis simplex
Biblio_terms - Anisogammarus and Corophium (Amphipoda)
Biblio_terms - Annelid worms
Biblio_terms - Annelids
Biblio_terms - annelids
Biblio_terms - Anodonta spp.
Biblio_terms - anoxia
Biblio_terms - Antarctica
Biblio_terms - Anthony green heron=Butorides virescens anthonyi
Biblio_terms - anthropology
Biblio_terms - Anthropology
Biblio_terms - antimony
Biblio_terms - Apple Creek
Biblio_terms - Apple Creek Campground
Biblio_terms - Apple Fire
Biblio_terms - Applegate Creek
Biblio_terms - Applegate River
Biblio_terms - Aquaculture
Biblio_terms - aquaculture
Biblio_terms - aquaculture,
Biblio_terms - aquaculture, bivalves, Coos Bay, molluscs, Netarts Bay, Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas, shellfish, South Slough, Tillamook Bay, Umpqua River estuary, Yaquina Bay
Biblio_terms - aquatic ecosystems
Biblio_terms - aquatic insects
Biblio_terms - Aquatic invertebrate
Biblio_terms - Aquatic invertebrates
Biblio_terms - aquatic invertebrates
Biblio_terms - aquatic invertebrates,
Biblio_terms - aquatic mammals
Biblio_terms - aquatic plants
Biblio_terms - aquatic vegetation
Biblio_terms - Aquatic vegetation
Biblio_terms - aquatic worms
Biblio_terms - Aqueduct
Biblio_terms - Archeology
Biblio_terms - archeology
Biblio_terms - Archie Creek
Biblio_terms - Arctic beaches
Biblio_terms - Arctic Circle
Biblio_terms - Arctic hiatella = Hiatella arctica
Biblio_terms - Arcturus formation
Biblio_terms - Argentina
Biblio_terms - Argue Creek
Biblio_terms - Arizona
Biblio_terms - Arkansas
Biblio_terms - Arnold Creek
Biblio_terms - Arrow goby = Clevelandia ios
Biblio_terms - Arrow goby=Clevelandia ios
Biblio_terms - Arroyo Hondo Formation
Biblio_terms - arsenic
Biblio_terms - Art, Catalan 19th century Exhibitions.
Biblio_terms - Art, Catalan 20th century Exhibitions.
Biblio_terms - arthropods
Biblio_terms - Ash
Biblio_terms - Ash Creek
Biblio_terms - Ash flows
Biblio_terms - Ashur Creek
Biblio_terms - Ashur Creek (South Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Asia
Biblio_terms - Asian clam = Corbicula fluminea
Biblio_terms - Asian clams = Corbicula fluminea
Biblio_terms - Asian mud shrimp Upogebia major
Biblio_terms - Assiminea parasitologica
Biblio_terms - Asterionella species
Biblio_terms - Astoria
Biblio_terms - Astoria (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Astoria (Or.), Garibaldi (Or.), Netarts Bay, Nehalem Bay, Siletz Bay, Newport (Or.), Depoe Bay, Alsea Bay, Florence (Or.), Winchester Bay, Charleston (Or.), Bandon, (Or.), economics, natural resource management, mathematical modeling, commercial fisheri
Biblio_terms - Astoria (Or.), Seaside (Or.), Cannon Beach (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Astoria Formation
Biblio_terms - Atherinops affinis (oregonia)
Biblio_terms - Atlantic salmon = Salmo salar
Biblio_terms - Atylus tridens
Biblio_terms - Austa (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Austin (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Austin Cr.
Biblio_terms - Austin Creek
Biblio_terms - Australia
Biblio_terms - Austria
Biblio_terms - Autolytus varius
Biblio_terms - Avant-garde (Aesthetics) Spain Catalonia Exhibitions.
Biblio_terms - Axtel Creek
Biblio_terms - Axtel Creek (Yachats)
Biblio_terms - Ayer’s Lake
Biblio_terms - Azalea (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Bachelor Creek
Biblio_terms - Bacteria
Biblio_terms - bacteria
Biblio_terms - bacterial cold-water disease
Biblio_terms - Bacteriophage
Biblio_terms - Bahamas
Biblio_terms - Bailey Creek
Biblio_terms - Bain Slough
Biblio_terms - Baker Creek
Biblio_terms - Balanus spp.
Biblio_terms - bald eagle = Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Biblio_terms - bald eagle=Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Biblio_terms - Bald Mountain
Biblio_terms - Bales Creek
Biblio_terms - Baltic clam = Macoma balthica
Biblio_terms - Baltic clam=Macoma balthica
Biblio_terms - Baltic rush = Juncus balticus
Biblio_terms - Baltic rush = Juncus balticus ssp. ater
Biblio_terms - Bandon
Biblio_terms - Bandon (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Bandon (Or.), Gold Beach (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Bandon Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Bandon Marsh
Biblio_terms - Bandon Sandspit
Biblio_terms - Banks Creek
Biblio_terms - Banton Creek
Biblio_terms - Barbados
Biblio_terms - Barclay Meadows
Biblio_terms - Barhaven Creek
Biblio_terms - barium
Biblio_terms - Barn Creek
Biblio_terms - Barrett Creek
Biblio_terms - Barrett's Landing
Biblio_terms - Barretts Landing
Biblio_terms - Barview
Biblio_terms - Barview (Or.)
Biblio_terms - basalt
Biblio_terms - Basement depth
Biblio_terms - Basin Siletz
Biblio_terms - Basins
Biblio_terms - Bastendorff Formation
Biblio_terms - Bat stingray = Myliobatis californicus
Biblio_terms - Bat stingray = Myliobatus californicus (Aetobatus californicus)
Biblio_terms - bathymetry
Biblio_terms - Bathymetry
Biblio_terms - Baxter Creek
Biblio_terms - Bay City (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Bay ghost shrimp = Neotrypaea californiensis (Callianassa californiensis)
Biblio_terms - Bay goby = Lepidogobus Lepidus
Biblio_terms - bay goby=Lepidogobius lepidus
Biblio_terms - Bay mussel = Mytilus trossulus
Biblio_terms - bay mussel=Mytilus edulis
Biblio_terms - Bay Ocean
Biblio_terms - Bay Ocean Flat
Biblio_terms - bay pipefish=Syngnathus leptorhynchus
Biblio_terms - Bay shrimp = Crangon franciscorum
Biblio_terms - Bay shrimp=Crangon franciscorum
Biblio_terms - Baynes Sound (B.C.)
Biblio_terms - Bayocean Peninsula
Biblio_terms - Bayocean Peninsula Park (Tillamook)
Biblio_terms - Bayocean Spit
Biblio_terms - Bayocean Spit, Netarts Spit, Nehalem River Spit, Sand Lake, Snowy plover = Charadrius nivosus, depleted populations, coastal dunes, coastal hazards, flooding, natural resource management, American beachgrass = Ammophila breviligulata, European beachgras
Biblio_terms - Bayshore
Biblio_terms - Bayshore Spit
Biblio_terms - Bayside Gardens (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Bayview (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Bayview County Park
Biblio_terms - Bayview Oxbow
Biblio_terms - Bayview Oxbow (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - BB Creek
Biblio_terms - beach access
Biblio_terms - beach processes
Biblio_terms - beach profiles
Biblio_terms - beach wrack
Biblio_terms - beaches
Biblio_terms - Beals Creek
Biblio_terms - Beamer Creek
Biblio_terms - Beamer Creek, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, Grass Creek, habitat restoration, habitats, large woody debris, logging, North Fork Yachats River, terrestrial vegetation, Williamson Creek, Yachats River, Yachats River Basin
Biblio_terms - Bear Camp Creek
Biblio_terms - Bear Creek
Biblio_terms - Bear Creek (Salmon River)
Biblio_terms - Bear Wallow Creek (Paradise Creek)
Biblio_terms - Bearberry honeysuckle = Lonicera involucrate
Biblio_terms - Beatty Creek
Biblio_terms - Beaver (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek (Lincoln County)
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek (Lincoln)
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek (Smith River)
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek (Yaquina)
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek Basin
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek Beach
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek estuary
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek Lake
Biblio_terms - Beaver Creek Marsh
Biblio_terms - Beaver Pond
Biblio_terms - Beebe Creek
Biblio_terms - Beeby Creek
Biblio_terms - Behavior
Biblio_terms - behavior
Biblio_terms - Beli Beli Hartman [Riffle] Rock Creek
Biblio_terms - Bell medusa = Polyorchis penicillatus
Biblio_terms - Bell Riffle
Biblio_terms - Bellingham (Wa.)
Biblio_terms - Belted kingfisher = Ceryle alcyon
Biblio_terms - Ben Branch
Biblio_terms - Ben Irving Reservoir
Biblio_terms - Bend Creek
Biblio_terms - Bensell Riffle
Biblio_terms - bent-nose clam = Macoma nasuta
Biblio_terms - bent-nose clam=Macoma nasuta
Biblio_terms - benthos
Biblio_terms - Bentilla Creek
Biblio_terms - Bentline Creek
Biblio_terms - Bentnose clam = Macoma nasuta
Biblio_terms - Berry Creek
Biblio_terms - Berry Creek Dam
Biblio_terms - berylium
Biblio_terms - Beverly Beach
Biblio_terms - Beverly Beach State Park
Biblio_terms - Bibliographies
Biblio_terms - Bibliographies, oceanography, hydrography, biology, climate, fisheries, geology, hydrology,
Biblio_terms - Bibliography
Biblio_terms - bibliography
Biblio_terms - Bibliography, oceanography, hydrography, biology, climate, fisheries, geology, hydrology,
Biblio_terms - bibvalves
Biblio_terms - Big Bend Creek
Biblio_terms - Big Bend Fire
Biblio_terms - Big Creek
Biblio_terms - Big Creek (Lane)
Biblio_terms - Big Creek (Smith River)
Biblio_terms - Big Creek Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Big Creek Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Big Elk Cr.
Biblio_terms - Big Elk Creek
Biblio_terms - Big Elk Creek (Yaquina)
Biblio_terms - Big Elk River
Biblio_terms - Big Lick
Biblio_terms - Big Rock Creek
Biblio_terms - Big Rock Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Big Rock Creek (Yaquina)
Biblio_terms - Big Rock Creek Sunshine Creek
Biblio_terms - Big Rock Creekbivalves
Biblio_terms - Big Tom Folley Creek
Biblio_terms - Bilger Creek
Biblio_terms - Billie Creek
Biblio_terms - Billy Creek
Biblio_terms - bim = ological
Biblio_terms - Bingham Creek
Biblio_terms - bioaccumulation
Biblio_terms - bioassay
Biblio_terms - biochemistry
Biblio_terms - Biocontrol
Biblio_terms - biodegradation
Biblio_terms - biofouling
Biblio_terms - biography
Biblio_terms - biologica
Biblio_terms - biological
Biblio_terms - biological abundance
Biblio_terms - Biological monitoring
Biblio_terms - biological, Yaquina Bay, Netarts Bay, Salmon River estuary, Siletz Bay, Alsea Bay, Umpqua River estuary, general ecosystem description
Biblio_terms - biological, Yaquina River, Nehalem River estuary, Tillamook estuary, Nestucca River estuary, Siletz River estuary, Alsea River estuary, Siuslaw River estuary, Siltcoos estuary, Umpqua River estuary, Coos River estuary, Coquille River estuary, Sixes Rive
Biblio_terms - biology
Biblio_terms - biosolids
Biblio_terms - bioturbation
Biblio_terms - Bioturbation
Biblio_terms - Birds
Biblio_terms - birds
Biblio_terms - Bivalves
Biblio_terms - bivalves
Biblio_terms - bivalves,
Biblio_terms - Blachly (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Black Brant = Branta bernicla nigricans
Biblio_terms - black brant=Branta bernicla nigricans
Biblio_terms - Black Canyon Creek
Biblio_terms - Black Creek
Biblio_terms - Black Island
Biblio_terms - Black juga = Juga nigrina
Biblio_terms - Black Rock Fork
Biblio_terms - Black Rock Fork Creek
Biblio_terms - Black rockfish = Sebastes melanops
Biblio_terms - Black rockfish=Sebastes melanops
Biblio_terms - Black scoter = Melanitta nigra
Biblio_terms - black scoter=Melanitta nigra
Biblio_terms - Black's Island
Biblio_terms - black-bellied plover = Pluvialis squatarola
Biblio_terms - Black-clawed crab = Lophopanopeus bellus
Biblio_terms - black-legged kittiwake=Rissa tridactyla
Biblio_terms - Blackberry Campground
Biblio_terms - Blackjack Creek
Biblio_terms - Blackside dace = Rhinichthys osculus nubilus
Biblio_terms - blackspotted bay shrimp=Crangon nigromaculata
Biblio_terms - blacktail bay shrimp = Crangon nigricauda
Biblio_terms - blacktail bay shrimp=Crangon nigricauda
Biblio_terms - Blakeley Formation
Biblio_terms - Blanco Reef
Biblio_terms - Bland Branch
Biblio_terms - Blind Creek
Biblio_terms - Blind Slough
Biblio_terms - Blind Slough (Columbia River)
Biblio_terms - Blodgett (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Blodgett Peak
Biblio_terms - blood
Biblio_terms - blue mud shrimp = Upogebia pugettensis
Biblio_terms - blue mud shrimp=Upogebia pugettensis
Biblio_terms - blue mussel = Mytilus edulis
Biblio_terms - blue mussel=Mytilus edulis
Biblio_terms - Blue rockfish = Sebastes mystinus
Biblio_terms - Blue whale = Balaenoptera musculus
Biblio_terms - Bluegill = Lepomis macrochirus
Biblio_terms - Bluff Creek
Biblio_terms - Boat ramp (Netarts)
Biblio_terms - boating
Biblio_terms - bob Creek
Biblio_terms - Bob Creek to Bray Point
Biblio_terms - Bob Straub State Park
Biblio_terms - Bobbly Creek
Biblio_terms - Bocaccio rockfish = Sebastes paucispinis
Biblio_terms - Bodega Bay
Biblio_terms - Bodega clam = Tellina bodegensis
Biblio_terms - Bodega tellen = Tellina bodegensis
Biblio_terms - Bodega tellin = Megangulus bodegensis (Tellina bodegensis)
Biblio_terms - Bodega tellin = Tellina bodegensis
Biblio_terms - Bodega tellin=Tellina bodegensis
Biblio_terms - Bogus Creek
Biblio_terms - Boiler Bay
Biblio_terms - Boiler Bay State Park
Biblio_terms - Bolin Island
Biblio_terms - Bolinas Lagoon
Biblio_terms - Boliver Creek
Biblio_terms - Bolon Island
Biblio_terms - Bolon Island (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Bolon Island Tideways State Wayside
Biblio_terms - Bolton Island
Biblio_terms - Bolton Island Tideway State Park
Biblio_terms - Bonaparte's gull=Larus philadelphia
Biblio_terms - Bond Creek
Biblio_terms - Bones Creek
Biblio_terms - Bonneville Dam
Biblio_terms - Boone Slough
Biblio_terms - Booth Bridge (Winchester Bridge)
Biblio_terms - Bossiella plumosa
Biblio_terms - Botany
Biblio_terms - botany
Biblio_terms - Bottle Creek
Biblio_terms - Boulder Confluence
Biblio_terms - Boulder Creek
Biblio_terms - Boulder Flat
Biblio_terms - Boulder Point
Biblio_terms - Boundary Formation
Biblio_terms - Box Canyon Creek
Biblio_terms - Box Creek
Biblio_terms - brachiopods
Biblio_terms - Bradley Creek
Biblio_terms - Bradley Lake
Biblio_terms - Brads Creek
Biblio_terms - Brainard Creek
Biblio_terms - Brandt's cormorant=Phalacrocorax penicillatus
Biblio_terms - Brandt’s cormorant = Phalacrocorax penicillatus
Biblio_terms - Brandy Bar
Biblio_terms - Brandy Bar mitigation site
Biblio_terms - Branton's Bar
Biblio_terms - Brazil
Biblio_terms - Brazilian elodea = Egeria densa
Biblio_terms - Brazilian water weed = Anacharis densa
Biblio_terms - Breakwater
Biblio_terms - breakwater
Biblio_terms - Breakwater Alsea Bay
Biblio_terms - Breakwater Flat
Biblio_terms - Breccia
Biblio_terms - Brian Booth State Park
Biblio_terms - Briar Creek
Biblio_terms - Bridge Flat
Biblio_terms - Bridge Forty Creek
Biblio_terms - Bridge Forty Creek Lake
Biblio_terms - bridges
Biblio_terms - Bridges Oregon Newport 1960-1970. Gelatin silver prints 1960-1970.
Biblio_terms - brids
Biblio_terms - British Columbia
Biblio_terms - Britt Creek
Biblio_terms - Brockway (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Brockway Creek
Biblio_terms - Brook trout = Salvelinus fontinalis
Biblio_terms - Brookings
Biblio_terms - Brookings (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Brouse Creek
Biblio_terms - brown algae
Biblio_terms - Brown bullhead = Ameiurus nebulosus
Biblio_terms - Brown Irish lord = Hemilepdotus spinosus
Biblio_terms - Brown pelican = Pelecanus occidentalis
Biblio_terms - Brown pelican = Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Biblio_terms - brown pelican=Pelecanus occidentalis
Biblio_terms - Brown rockfish = Sebastes auriculatus
Biblio_terms - Brown trout = Salmo trutta
Biblio_terms - Brownie Creek
Biblio_terms - Brownley Dairy Farm
Biblio_terms - Brush Creek
Biblio_terms - Bryant Creek
Biblio_terms - bryozoans
Biblio_terms - Buck Creek
Biblio_terms - Buck Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Buck Creek (Smith River)
Biblio_terms - Buck Fork
Biblio_terms - Buckeye Creek
Biblio_terms - Budd Creek
Biblio_terms - buffalo sculpin = Enophrys bison
Biblio_terms - Buffalo sculpin = Enophrys bison
Biblio_terms - buffalo sculpin=Enophrys bison
Biblio_terms - Bufflehead = Bucephala albeola
Biblio_terms - Building stone
Biblio_terms - Bull Canyon Creek
Biblio_terms - Bull Creek
Biblio_terms - Bull Run Creek
Biblio_terms - Bull Run Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Bulldog Creek (N. Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Buller Creek
Biblio_terms - Bummer Creek
Biblio_terms - Buoy 11
Biblio_terms - Buoy 12
Biblio_terms - Buoy 14
Biblio_terms - Buoy 15
Biblio_terms - Buoy 18
Biblio_terms - Buoy 21
Biblio_terms - Buoy 29
Biblio_terms - Buoy 39
Biblio_terms - Buoy 45
Biblio_terms - Buoy 7
Biblio_terms - Buoy 8
Biblio_terms - Burke Creek
Biblio_terms - Burnside
Biblio_terms - Burnt Creek
Biblio_terms - Burnt Hill Salmon Ranch
Biblio_terms - Burnt Woods
Biblio_terms - Burpee
Biblio_terms - Bushnell Creek
Biblio_terms - business
Biblio_terms - Buster Creek
Biblio_terms - Butler Bridge
Biblio_terms - Butler Creek
Biblio_terms - Butler Creek Marsh
Biblio_terms - Butler Peak
Biblio_terms - butter clam = Saxidomus giganteus
Biblio_terms - Butter clam = Saxidomus giganteus
Biblio_terms - butter clam = Saxidomus giganteus
Biblio_terms - Butter clam = Saxidomus giganteus eelgrass = Zostera marina
Biblio_terms - butter clam=Saxidomus giganteus
Biblio_terms - Butterfield Creek
Biblio_terms - Buttermilk Creek
Biblio_terms - Buttermilk Lake (Yaquina River Basin)
Biblio_terms - C. D. Johnson Lumber Company
Biblio_terms - C.D. Johnson Lumber Company
Biblio_terms - C13
Biblio_terms - Cabezon = Scorpaenichthys marmoratus
Biblio_terms - cabezon = Scorpaenichthys marmoratus
Biblio_terms - cabezon=Scorpaenichthys marmoratus
Biblio_terms - Cabin Creek
Biblio_terms - Cabrillo Formation
Biblio_terms - cadmium
Biblio_terms - cadmium data
Biblio_terms - Calapooia River
Biblio_terms - Calapooya
Biblio_terms - Calapooya Creek
Biblio_terms - Calapooya Creek Tributary (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Calapooya formation
Biblio_terms - calcium
Biblio_terms - calcium carbonate
Biblio_terms - Calcium carbonate
Biblio_terms - calcium carbonate,
Biblio_terms - Calf Creek
Biblio_terms - Caliente Formation
Biblio_terms - California
Biblio_terms - California bay shrimp = Crangon franciscorum
Biblio_terms - California bay shrimp=Crangon franciscorum
Biblio_terms - California brown pelican = Pelecanus occidentalis californicus
Biblio_terms - California condor = Gymnogyps californianus
Biblio_terms - California Current
Biblio_terms - California Current Ecosystem
Biblio_terms - California datemussel=Adula californiensis
Biblio_terms - California giant salamander = Dicamptodon ensatus
Biblio_terms - California gull = Larus californicus
Biblio_terms - California gull=Larus californicus
Biblio_terms - California halibut = Paralichthys californicus
Biblio_terms - California mussel = Mytilus californianus
Biblio_terms - California mussel = Mytilus californianus. Piddock clam = Penitella penita
Biblio_terms - California mussel = Mytilus californicus
Biblio_terms - California mussel = Mytilus californicus. Piddock clam = Penitella penita, Red abalone = Haliotis rufescens, Seaside, Cape Falcon, Nehalem Bay, Tillamook Bay, Cape Meares, Netarts Bay, Cape Lookout, Nestucca Bay, Cascade Head, Depoe Bay, Lincoln Beach,
Biblio_terms - California mussel=Mytilus californianus
Biblio_terms - California mussel=Mytilus californicus
Biblio_terms - California sardine = Sardinops sagax
Biblio_terms - California sea lion = Zalophus californianus
Biblio_terms - California sea lion = Zalophus californianus. catch statistics
Biblio_terms - California sea lion=Zalophus californianus
Biblio_terms - California softshell clam = Cryptomya californica
Biblio_terms - California softshell=Cryptomya californica
Biblio_terms - California tonguefish=Symphurus africauda
Biblio_terms - Calkins Creek
Biblio_terms - Callahan Creek
Biblio_terms - Callahan Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Callow Creek
Biblio_terms - Calumet Lake
Biblio_terms - Camas Valley/Tenmile
Biblio_terms - Cambarincola gracilis
Biblio_terms - Camp Creek
Biblio_terms - Camp Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Camp Twelve
Biblio_terms - Camp Westwiind
Biblio_terms - Camp Westwind
Biblio_terms - Campbell Falls
Biblio_terms - Campbell Park
Biblio_terms - Canada
Biblio_terms - Canada goose=Branta canadensis
Biblio_terms - Canal Creek
Biblio_terms - Canary Road
Biblio_terms - Canary rockfish = Sebastes pinniger
Biblio_terms - canary rockfish=Sebastes pinniger
Biblio_terms - canneries
Biblio_terms - canneries, commercial fisheries – salmon, depleted populations, economics, environmental law and policy, general, hatcheries, historical, Pacific salmon = Oncorhynchus spp., statistics
Biblio_terms - canneries, commercial fisheries – salmon, depleted populations, economics, environmental law and policy, general, hatcheries, historical, Pacific salmon = Oncorhynchus spp., statistics, theses
Biblio_terms - canneries, commercial fisheries, industrial development, Reedsport (Or.), Shad = Alosa sapidissima. Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - canneries, commercial fisheries, industrial development, Shad = Alosa sapidissima. Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - Cannery Slough
Biblio_terms - Cannibal Mountain
Biblio_terms - Cannon Beach
Biblio_terms - Cannon Beach (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Canton Creek
Biblio_terms - Canyon Creek
Biblio_terms - Canyon Quarry Park
Biblio_terms - Canyons
Biblio_terms - Canyonville
Biblio_terms - Canyonville South Umpqua
Biblio_terms - Cape Arago
Biblio_terms - Cape Arago Lighthouse
Biblio_terms - Cape Blanco
Biblio_terms - Cape Blanco Lighthouse
Biblio_terms - Cape Creek
Biblio_terms - Cape Creek (Lane)
Biblio_terms - Cape Creek (Lincoln County)
Biblio_terms - Cape Creek Bridge
Biblio_terms - Cape Falcon
Biblio_terms - Cape Ferrelo
Biblio_terms - Cape Foulweather
Biblio_terms - Cape Foulweather Basalt
Biblio_terms - Cape Horn Creek
Biblio_terms - Cape Kiwanda
Biblio_terms - Cape Lookoout
Biblio_terms - Cape Lookout
Biblio_terms - Cape Lookout Sand Spit
Biblio_terms - Cape Lookout State Park
Biblio_terms - Cape Meares
Biblio_terms - Cape Meares, Fogarty Creek, Boiler Bay, Seal Rock, Yachats Beach, Strawberry Hill, Tokatee Klootchman, Cape Arago, Cape Blanco, Port Orford Head, Rocky Point, Ochre sea star = Pisaster ochraceus, California mussel = Mytilus californianus, community ecol
Biblio_terms - Cape Mendicino (Ca.)
Biblio_terms - Cape Perpetua
Biblio_terms - Cape Sebastian
Biblio_terms - Capitellidae (polychaeta)
Biblio_terms - carbaryl
Biblio_terms - Carbib
Biblio_terms - Carbon
Biblio_terms - carbon
Biblio_terms - carbon cycle
Biblio_terms - Carbon dioxide
Biblio_terms - carbon dioxide
Biblio_terms - carbon monoxide
Biblio_terms - Carbon sequestration
Biblio_terms - carbonate
Biblio_terms - carbonates
Biblio_terms - Carbonic acid
Biblio_terms - carbonic acid
Biblio_terms - Carnation Creek
Biblio_terms - Carolinefjellet Formation
Biblio_terms - Carson Creek
Biblio_terms - Carter Creek
Biblio_terms - Carter Lake
Biblio_terms - Cascade Creek
Biblio_terms - Cascade Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head Basalt
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head National Scenic And Research Area
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head, California sea lion = Zalophus californianus, migration, geographical distribution, reproductive behavior
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head, depleted populations, ecological values, environmental policy and law, general, general ecosystem description, habitat conservation, land use, McCaffery Slough (Yaquina), methodology, natural resource management, Netarts Bay, Netarts Spit,
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head, Douglas-fir = Pseudotsuga menziesii, Western hemlock = Tsuga heterophylla, Phaeocryptopus gaeumanniii, fungus, terrestrial vegetation, climate change, ecosystem health
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head, Rogue Reef, Orford Reef,
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head, Salmon River estuary, aesthetics, environmental law and policy, human impacts, natural resource management
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head, Salmon River, Lincoln City (Or.), Siletz Spit, Siletz Bay, Siletz River, Fogarty Creek, Government Point, beach processes, coastal hazards, erosion, geography, geology, human impacts, sea levels, sediment data, wave height, theses
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head, Salmon River, Lincoln City (Or.), Siletz Spit, Siletz Bay, Siletz River, Fogarty Creek, Government Point, coastal hazards, environmental law and policy, erosion, geography, geology, human impacts, land use, theses
Biblio_terms - Cascade Head, Salmon River, Siletz River, Umpqua River Estuary, Harbor seal = Phoca vitulina, California sea lion = Zalophus californianus, Steller sea lion = Eumetopias jubata, feeding behavior, predation, aquatic mammals, statistical analysis
Biblio_terms - Cascade Range
Biblio_terms - Cascadia
Biblio_terms - Case Knife Creek
Biblio_terms - Caspian tern = Hydroprogne caspia
Biblio_terms - caspian tern=Sterna caspia
Biblio_terms - Castle Rock Creek
Biblio_terms - Castle Rock Fork
Biblio_terms - catch data
Biblio_terms - catch statistics
Biblio_terms - Catching Creek
Biblio_terms - Catching Slough (Coos)
Biblio_terms - catfish = Ameirus nebulosus
Biblio_terms - Cathedral Cliffs Formation
Biblio_terms - Catostomus humboldtianus
Biblio_terms - Cattail=Typha latifolia
Biblio_terms - Cattle Creek
Biblio_terms - Cavitt Creek
Biblio_terms - Cedar Creek
Biblio_terms - Cedar Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Cedar Gulch Creek
Biblio_terms - Cedar River (Wash.)
Biblio_terms - Cenozoic
Biblio_terms - Center Slough
Biblio_terms - Central County East
Biblio_terms - Central County West
Biblio_terms - Central Line Creek
Biblio_terms - cephalopods
Biblio_terms - Ceratomyxa Shasta
Biblio_terms - Ceratomyxa shasta
Biblio_terms - Cerine Creek
Biblio_terms - cesium
Biblio_terms - cetaceans
Biblio_terms - Chaetoceros species
Biblio_terms - Chain tunicate = Botrylloides violaceus
Biblio_terms - Champagne Creek
Biblio_terms - Channel Marker 31
Biblio_terms - Channel Marker 8
Biblio_terms - channels
Biblio_terms - Charleston (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Charleston (OR.)
Biblio_terms - Charleston Bridge
Biblio_terms - Charleston Flat
Biblio_terms - Charleston Triangle
Biblio_terms - Charlie Riffle
Biblio_terms - Charlotte Creek
Biblio_terms - checkered littorine=Littorina scutulata
Biblio_terms - Cheery Creek (5 Rivers)
Biblio_terms - Chehalis River
Biblio_terms - Chemical
Biblio_terms - chemical
Biblio_terms - chemicals
Biblio_terms - chemistry
Biblio_terms - Chemistry
Biblio_terms - Cherry Creek
Biblio_terms - Cherry Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Chesapeake Bay
Biblio_terms - Chetco
Biblio_terms - Chetco Cove
Biblio_terms - Chetco Point
Biblio_terms - Chetco River
Biblio_terms - Chetco River estuary
Biblio_terms - Chetco Riverr estuary
Biblio_terms - Chickenclaws = Sarcocornia perennis
Biblio_terms - Chico formation
Biblio_terms - Chilcoot Creek
Biblio_terms - Chilcote Creek
Biblio_terms - Chile
Biblio_terms - China
Biblio_terms - China Creek
Biblio_terms - China rockfish = Sebastes nebulosus
Biblio_terms - Chinle formation
Biblio_terms - Chinook almon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Biblio_terms - Chinook Bend
Biblio_terms - Chinook Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch
Biblio_terms - Chinook salmon = Onchorynchus tshawytscha
Biblio_terms - Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawtscha
Biblio_terms - Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Biblio_terms - Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha'
Biblio_terms - Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch. hatcheries
Biblio_terms - chinook salmon=Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Biblio_terms - Chinook salmon=Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Biblio_terms - Chinook salmonNF Scappoose Creek
Biblio_terms - chitin
Biblio_terms - Chitwood
Biblio_terms - Chitwood (Or.)
Biblio_terms - chlorid
Biblio_terms - chloride
Biblio_terms - chlorine
Biblio_terms - Chlorophyll
Biblio_terms - chlorophyll
Biblio_terms - chromium
Biblio_terms - Chronology
Biblio_terms - Chrysaora fuscescens
Biblio_terms - Chuckanut Formation
Biblio_terms - chum salmon = Oncorhynchus keta
Biblio_terms - Chum salmon = Oncorhynchus keta
Biblio_terms - Chum salmon = Oncorhynchus keta
Biblio_terms - chum salmon = Oncorhynchus keta
Biblio_terms - chum salmon=Oncorhynchus keta
Biblio_terms - Church Barn
Biblio_terms - Church Creek
Biblio_terms - ciliates
Biblio_terms - circadian clock
Biblio_terms - City Creek
Biblio_terms - Clackamas River
Biblio_terms - Clackamas River Basin
Biblio_terms - Cladophora amphibia
Biblio_terms - Cladophora spp. = green algae
Biblio_terms - Clallam formation
Biblio_terms - Clam Island
Biblio_terms - clams
Biblio_terms - Clarno Formation
Biblio_terms - Clatsop County
Biblio_terms - Clatsop Plains
Biblio_terms - Clatsop Spit
Biblio_terms - Clay
Biblio_terms - Clay Creek
Biblio_terms - Clear Creek
Biblio_terms - Clear Creek (Kilchis)
Biblio_terms - Clear Lake
Biblio_terms - Clear Water River
Biblio_terms - Clearwater 1
Biblio_terms - Clearwater 2
Biblio_terms - Clearwater Dam
Biblio_terms - Clearwater River
Biblio_terms - Clearwater River. Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch
Biblio_terms - Cleawox Lake
Biblio_terms - Clegham Creek
Biblio_terms - Cleowox Lake
Biblio_terms - Cleveland Rapids
Biblio_terms - Climate
Biblio_terms - climate
Biblio_terms - climate change
Biblio_terms - Climate change
Biblio_terms - climate data
Biblio_terms - climate precipitation
Biblio_terms - climate, habitats, human impacts, salinity, sea level, wetland vegetation, wetlands, remote sensing, mathematical modeling
Biblio_terms - Clinopyroxenes
Biblio_terms - Clostridium botulinum
Biblio_terms - Clouded salamander = Aneides ferreus, Umpqua River Basin, Smith River, Smith River Falls, South Fork Coquille River, Pistol River Basin, amphibians, morphology, genetics, evolution, geographic distribution, theses
Biblio_terms - Clover Creek
Biblio_terms - Clover Creek (North Umpqua River)
Biblio_terms - cnidarian
Biblio_terms - cnidarians
Biblio_terms - Coal
Biblio_terms - Coal Creek
Biblio_terms - Coal Creek (Nehalem River)
Biblio_terms - Coaledo Formation
Biblio_terms - Coast Guard Jetty
Biblio_terms - Coast Guard Station
Biblio_terms - Coast Oyster Company.
Biblio_terms - Coast Reservation of Oregon
Biblio_terms - Coastal cutthroat trout = Oncorhynchus clarki clarki
Biblio_terms - coastal cutthroat trout = Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii
Biblio_terms - coastal cutthroat trout= Oncorhynchus clarki clarki
Biblio_terms - coastal cutthroat trout=Oncorhynchus clarki clarki
Biblio_terms - coastal dunes
Biblio_terms - Coastal dunes
Biblio_terms - Coastal giant salamander = Dicamptodon tenebrosus
Biblio_terms - Coastal giant salamander = Dicamptodon tenebrosus,Northwestern salamander = Ambystoma gracile,Rough-skinned newt = Taricha granulosa,Foothill yellow-legged frog = Rana boylii,Coastal tailed frog = Ascaphus truei,Red-legged frog = Rana aurora,American bu
Biblio_terms - Coastal hazards
Biblio_terms - coastal hazards
Biblio_terms - coastal hazards, earthquakes, tsunamis, engineering, environmental law and policy, Bay City (Or.), Newport (Or.), Waldport (Or.), Yachats (Or.), North Bend (Or.)
Biblio_terms - coastal hazards, earthquakes, tsunamis, introduced species, algae, taxonomy, morphology, species list
Biblio_terms - Coastal hazards, earthquakes, tsunamis, mathematical modeling, bridges
Biblio_terms - Coastal hazards, flooding, maps, Salmon River estuary, Netarts Bay, Siletz River, Depoe Bay, Yaquina River, Alsea River, Beaver Creek, Yachats River, Siuslaw River, Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - coastal hazards, precipitation, erosion, geology, landslides, paleosciences, sediments, Umpqua River, Charlotte Creek, Mill Creek
Biblio_terms - coastal hazards. Precipitation
Biblio_terms - Coastal Indian Reservation
Biblio_terms - Coastal Oregon Productivity Enhancement (COPE)
Biblio_terms - coastal plants
Biblio_terms - coastal processes
Biblio_terms - Coastal processes
Biblio_terms - Coastal tailed frog = Ascaphus truei
Biblio_terms - coastal upwelling
Biblio_terms - Coastal upwelling
Biblio_terms - coastal zone management
Biblio_terms - coastrange sculpin=Cottus aleuticus
Biblio_terms - Cobble Creek
Biblio_terms - Coccoliths
Biblio_terms - Cocconeis placentula
Biblio_terms - Cockle clam = Clinocardium nuttallii
Biblio_terms - Cockle clam = Clinocardium nuttallii (Cardium corbis)
Biblio_terms - cockle clam= Clinocardium nuttallii
Biblio_terms - cockle clam=Clinocardium nuttallii
Biblio_terms - Coffee Creek
Biblio_terms - Coffee Creek (Rogue)
Biblio_terms - Coffin Creek
Biblio_terms - coho salmon
Biblio_terms - Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch
Biblio_terms - coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch
Biblio_terms - Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch. steelhead trout = Oncorhynchus mykiss
Biblio_terms - coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch
Biblio_terms - Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch
Biblio_terms - Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, Nehalem River, Nestucca River, Tillamook Bay, Nestucca River, Salmon River, Siletz River, Yaquina River, Beaver Creek, Alsea River, Siuslaw River, Coos River, Coquille River, Umpqua River, environmental law and policy
Biblio_terms - Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch. Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Biblio_terms - Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch. reintroductions
Biblio_terms - Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kitsutch
Biblio_terms - Coho salmon= Oncorhynchus kisutch
Biblio_terms - Coho salmon=Oncorhynchus kisutch
Biblio_terms - coho salmon=Oncorhynchus kisutch
Biblio_terms - Cole Rivers Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Coleman Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Collins Creek
Biblio_terms - Colombia
Biblio_terms - Colorado
Biblio_terms - Colorado pikeminnow = Ptychocheilus lucius
Biblio_terms - Columbia River
Biblio_terms - Columbia River basalts
Biblio_terms - Columbia River Basin
Biblio_terms - Columbia River estuary
Biblio_terms - Columbia River Estuary
Biblio_terms - Columbia River Estuary, Tillamook Bay, Siletz Bay, Yaquina Bay, Coos Bay, Portland State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Harbor seal = Phoca vitulina, Stellar sea lion = Eumetopias jubata, California sea lion = Zalophus californianus, commer
Biblio_terms - Columbia River Estuary, Tillamook Bay, Siletz Bay, Yaquina Bay, Coos Bay, Portland State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Harbor seal = Phoca vitulina, Steller sea lion = Eumetopias jubata, California sea lion = Zalophus californianus, commer
Biblio_terms - Columbia River Gorge
Biblio_terms - Columbia River signal crayfish = Pacifastacus leniusculus trowbridgii
Biblio_terms - Columbia River Slough
Biblio_terms - Columbia River, Necanicum River, Ecola Creek
Biblio_terms - Columbia River, Nehalem River, Tillamook Bay, Siletz River, Yaquina Bay, Alsea Bay, Siuslaw River, Umpqua River, Coos Bay, Rogue River, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, Chum salmon = Oncorhynchus keta, Stee
Biblio_terms - Columbia River, Nehalem River, Tillamook Bay, Siletz River, Yaquina Bay, Oysterville, Alsea Bay, Siuslaw River, Umpqua River, Coos Bay, Coquille River, Rogue River, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, Pacific s
Biblio_terms - Columbia River, Nestucca River, Salmon River, Yaquina River, Alsea River, Siuslaw River, Coquille River, salt marsh, insects, wetland restoration, population biology, human impacts, land use
Biblio_terms - Columbia River, Port of Hammond, Tillamook Bay, Port of Garibaldi, Depoe Bay, Yaquina Bay, Port of Newport, Umpqua River estuary, Winchester Bay, Rogue River estuary, Port of Gold Beach, Coquille River, Port of Bandon, Nehalem River, Wilson River, Silet
Biblio_terms - Columbia River, Rogue River,
Biblio_terms - Columbia River, Tillamook Bay, Netarts Bay, Alsea River, Umpqua River, Coos Bay, Rogue River, Salish Sea, Puget Sound, Oregon coast, Washington coast, Harbor seal = Phoca vitulina, Pacific herring = Clupea pallasii, Pacific hake (whiting) = Merluccius
Biblio_terms - Columbia River, Tillamook Bay, Siletz Bay, Yaquina Bay, Coos Bay, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Harbor seal = Phoca vitulina, Steller sea lion = Eumetopias jubata, California sea lion = Zalophus californianus, commercial fisheries, human impacts
Biblio_terms - Columbia River, Tillamook Bay, Siletz Bay, Yaquina Bay, Coos Bay, Portland State Univ., Hatfield Marine Science Center, Harbor seal = Phoca vitulina, Steller sea lion = Eumetopias jubata, California sea lion = Zalophus californianus, commercial fisheries
Biblio_terms - Columiba River
Biblio_terms - Columnar joints
Biblio_terms - Comer Branch
Biblio_terms - comercial fisheries
Biblio_terms - Comley Creek
Biblio_terms - commerce
Biblio_terms - Commercial fisheries
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries - groundfish
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries - salmon
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries - salmonChinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries - salmonids
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries - shellfish
Biblio_terms - Commercial fisheries - shellfish
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries -- groundfish
Biblio_terms - Commercial fisheries – groundfish
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries – groundfish
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries – salmon
Biblio_terms - Commercial fisheries – salmon
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries – salmonids
Biblio_terms - Commercial fisheries – shellfish
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries – shellfish
Biblio_terms - Commercial fisheries, demographics, economics, sustainability, natural resource management, environmental law and policy, Brookings (Or.), Gold Beach (Or.), Port Orford (Or.), Bandon (Or.), Charleston (Or.), Winchester Bay (Or.), Reedsport (Or.),
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries-salmon
Biblio_terms - commercial fisheries-shellfish
Biblio_terms - commercial fishing
Biblio_terms - Common garter snake = Thamnophis sirtalis
Biblio_terms - Common loon = Gavia immer
Biblio_terms - common loon=Gavia immer
Biblio_terms - Common merganser = Mergus merganser
Biblio_terms - Common murre = Uria aalge
Biblio_terms - common murre = Uria aalge
Biblio_terms - common murre=Uria aalge
Biblio_terms - Common raven = Corvus corax
Biblio_terms - common tern=Sterna hirundo
Biblio_terms - Common yarrow = Achillea millefolium
Biblio_terms - community
Biblio_terms - community composition
Biblio_terms - community ecology
Biblio_terms - Community ecology
Biblio_terms - composition
Biblio_terms - computer modeling
Biblio_terms - computer programs
Biblio_terms - comunication
Biblio_terms - conductivity
Biblio_terms - Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians
Biblio_terms - Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians
Biblio_terms - Connecticut
Biblio_terms - Conser
Biblio_terms - conservation
Biblio_terms - conservation plan
Biblio_terms - conservation plans
Biblio_terms - contamination
Biblio_terms - Continental drift
Biblio_terms - Continental margin
Biblio_terms - continental shelf
Biblio_terms - Continental shelf
Biblio_terms - Continental slope
Biblio_terms - Contracoecum spp.
Biblio_terms - Convergence
Biblio_terms - Cook Creek
Biblio_terms - Coon Creek
Biblio_terms - Coon Lake (Salmon River)
Biblio_terms - Cooper Creek
Biblio_terms - Cooper Creek Reservoir
Biblio_terms - Coos
Biblio_terms - Coos Coquille River Estuary
Biblio_terms - Coos basin
Biblio_terms - Coos Bat
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay Bridge
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay estuary
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay Sandspit
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay, Coquille River, Nehalem River, Nestucca River,
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay, Coquille River, Nehalem River, Nestucca River, Rogue River
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay, Coquille River, Nehalem River, Nestucca River, Rogue River,
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay, Netarts Bay, Yaquina Bay, Idaho Flats, Sally’s Bend, algae, eelgrass = Zostera marina, eelgrass sea hare = Phyllaplysia taylori, community ecology, upwelling, herbivores, predation, natural resource management, theses
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay, Siletz Bay, Nisqually (Wa.), Pt. Mugu, (Ca.), Morro Bay (Ca.), Petaluma (Ca.), Mad River Slough (Ca.), Tufted harigrass = Deschampsia cespitosa, Saltgrass = Distichlis spicate, Pacific pickleweed = Salicornia pacifica, wetland vegetation, clim
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay, Siletz Bay, Nisqually (Wa.), Tufted harigrass = Deschampsia cespitosa, Saltgrass = Distichlis spicate, Pacific pickleweed = Salicornia pacifica, wetland vegetation, climate, sea levels
Biblio_terms - Coos Bay. Gaper clam = Tresus capax
Biblio_terms - Coos Rive
Biblio_terms - Coos River
Biblio_terms - Coos River Basin
Biblio_terms - Coos River estuary
Biblio_terms - Copeland Creek
Biblio_terms - copepods
Biblio_terms - copper
Biblio_terms - Copper Creek
Biblio_terms - Copper rockfish = Sebastes caurinus
Biblio_terms - Copperhead Creek
Biblio_terms - Coquille
Biblio_terms - Coquille Bay
Biblio_terms - Coquille Beach
Biblio_terms - Coquille Formation
Biblio_terms - Coquille Point
Biblio_terms - Coquille River
Biblio_terms - Coquille River Basin
Biblio_terms - Coquille River estuary
Biblio_terms - Coquille river Estuary
Biblio_terms - Coquille River Estuary
Biblio_terms - Coquille River estuary, Rogue River
Biblio_terms - Coquille River Spit
Biblio_terms - Corbicula spp.
Biblio_terms - Corkscrew rush=Juncus effuses
Biblio_terms - cormorants (Phalacocorax spp.)
Biblio_terms - Corn Creek
Biblio_terms - Corophium brevis
Biblio_terms - Corophium salmonis
Biblio_terms - Corophium species
Biblio_terms - Corophium spinicorne
Biblio_terms - Corral Creek
Biblio_terms - Cougar Creek
Biblio_terms - Cougar Mountain
Biblio_terms - Council Creek
Biblio_terms - Courtenay River estuary
Biblio_terms - Cove Point
Biblio_terms - Cow Creek
Biblio_terms - Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Tribe
Biblio_terms - Cow Creekm Alsea River
Biblio_terms - Cowischan River estuary
Biblio_terms - Cowlitz Formation
Biblio_terms - Cowlitz River
Biblio_terms - Cox Creek
Biblio_terms - Cox Island
Biblio_terms - Cox Marsh (Coos)
Biblio_terms - Coyote Creek
Biblio_terms - Coyote Rock
Biblio_terms - crabs
Biblio_terms - Crack-in-the-Ground
Biblio_terms - Craigie Point
Biblio_terms - Crane Creek
Biblio_terms - Crassostrea gigas = Pacific oyster
Biblio_terms - crawdads
Biblio_terms - crayfish = Pacifastacus spp.
Biblio_terms - Crayfish Lake
Biblio_terms - Crazy Creek
Biblio_terms - Creeping bentgrass = Agrostis stolonifera
Biblio_terms - Creeping Vole = Microtus oregoni
Biblio_terms - creosote
Biblio_terms - Crescent City (Ca.)
Biblio_terms - Crescent City (Cal.)
Biblio_terms - Crescent formation
Biblio_terms - Cretaceous
Biblio_terms - Criter’s Moorage
Biblio_terms - Criteser's Marina
Biblio_terms - Criteser's Moorage
Biblio_terms - Criteser’s Moorage
Biblio_terms - Cronin Point
Biblio_terms - Crooked (Spencer) Creek
Biblio_terms - Crooked Creek
Biblio_terms - Crooked River
Biblio_terms - Crow's Rapid
Biblio_terms - Crowley Creek
Biblio_terms - Crowley Creek, dike removal, diking, marsh restoration, Pixieland, Rowdy Creek, Salmon River Estuary, Tamara Quays, tide gates, salt marsh, wetland restoration
Biblio_terms - Crown Zellarbach Creek
Biblio_terms - Crown Zellerbach
Biblio_terms - Crust
Biblio_terms - crustacea
Biblio_terms - crustaceans
Biblio_terms - Crustaceans
Biblio_terms - Crustal structure
Biblio_terms - ctenophores
Biblio_terms - cultural
Biblio_terms - Cultus Creek
Biblio_terms - Cultus Lake
Biblio_terms - culverts
Biblio_terms - cumaceans
Biblio_terms - Cumella vulgaris
Biblio_terms - Cummins Creek
Biblio_terms - Curl Creek
Biblio_terms - curly-leaf pondweed = Potamogeton crispus
Biblio_terms - Curry County (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Cushman (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Cushman Slough (Siuslaw)
Biblio_terms - Cutler City
Biblio_terms - Cutler City (Lincoln City)
Biblio_terms - Cutler City (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Cutthroat trout = Oncorhynchus clarki
Biblio_terms - cutthroat trout = Oncorhynchus clarki
Biblio_terms - Cutthroat trout = Oncorhynchus clarki clarki
Biblio_terms - cutthroat trout = Oncorhynchus clarki, diet, fishes, geographic distribution, growth, habitats, Hinkle Creek, logging, North Fork Hinkle Creek, sediments, South Fork Hinkle Creek, Umpqua River,
Biblio_terms - Cutthroat trout= Oncorhynchus clarki
Biblio_terms - cutthroat trout=Oncorhynchus clarki
Biblio_terms - Cutthroat trout=Oncorhynchus clarki
Biblio_terms - Cuttus Creek
Biblio_terms - cyanide
Biblio_terms - Cyanobacteria
Biblio_terms - Cytophaga psychrophila
Biblio_terms - Cytophaga psychrophilia
Biblio_terms - Cytophaga spp.
Biblio_terms - D
Biblio_terms - D River
Biblio_terms - Dabob Bay (Wa.)
Biblio_terms - Dabob Bay (Washington)
Biblio_terms - Dad's Creek
Biblio_terms - Daley Lake
Biblio_terms - Dalton Marsh (Coos)
Biblio_terms - dams
Biblio_terms - Dams
Biblio_terms - Darby Creek
Biblio_terms - Darkey Creek
Biblio_terms - Data
Biblio_terms - Data visualization
Biblio_terms - dataset
Biblio_terms - Date Last Revised: 12
Biblio_terms - Date Last Revised: 12
Biblio_terms - Dating
Biblio_terms - Davidson Current
Biblio_terms - Davidson current
Biblio_terms - Davis Creek
Biblio_terms - Dawson Creek
Biblio_terms - Days Creek
Biblio_terms - Days Creek Dam
Biblio_terms - DDE
Biblio_terms - DDT
Biblio_terms - Deadman Creek
Biblio_terms - Deadwood Creek (Siuslaw)
Biblio_terms - Dean Creek
Biblio_terms - Dean Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Deane's Creek Bar
Biblio_terms - Debris flow
Biblio_terms - Decapods
Biblio_terms - decapods
Biblio_terms - decomposition
Biblio_terms - Deep Creek
Biblio_terms - Deep Cut Creek
Biblio_terms - Deep Sea Drilling Project
Biblio_terms - Deer Creek
Biblio_terms - Delake
Biblio_terms - Delake (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Delaney's Rapid
Biblio_terms - Delaware
Biblio_terms - Deltas
Biblio_terms - DeMersseman Creek
Biblio_terms - demographics
Biblio_terms - Demographics
Biblio_terms - dendrochronology
Biblio_terms - denitrification
Biblio_terms - Denley Reservoir
Biblio_terms - Depew Creek
Biblio_terms - depleted population
Biblio_terms - Depleted population
Biblio_terms - depleted populations
Biblio_terms - Depleted populations
Biblio_terms - depleted species
Biblio_terms - Depoe Bay
Biblio_terms - Depoe Bay (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Depoe Bay Basalt
Biblio_terms - Depoe Bay Creek
Biblio_terms - Depoe Bay Estuary
Biblio_terms - Deposition
Biblio_terms - Depot Creek
Biblio_terms - Depot Slough
Biblio_terms - depressed populations
Biblio_terms - Derogenes species
Biblio_terms - Derrick Lake (Yaquina River Basin)
Biblio_terms - Deschutes River
Biblio_terms - Deschutes River Basin,
Biblio_terms - description
Biblio_terms - Desmatophoca oregonensis
Biblio_terms - Desulfobulbaceae
Biblio_terms - Developmental stages
Biblio_terms - developmental stages
Biblio_terms - Devil Creek
Biblio_terms - Devil's Lake
Biblio_terms - Devils Lake
Biblio_terms - Devil’s Elbow State Park
Biblio_terms - Devil’s Lake
Biblio_terms - Devil’s Punchbowl
Biblio_terms - Devore Arm Creek
Biblio_terms - Dewey Creek
Biblio_terms - Diamictite
Biblio_terms - Diamond Creek
Biblio_terms - Diamond Lake
Biblio_terms - Diamond Lake, North Umpqua River, Umpqua River Basin, introduced species, Tui chub = Gila bicolor, golden shiner = Notemigonus crysoleucas, tiger trout, predation, population biology
Biblio_terms - Diapirism
Biblio_terms - Diatomovora amoena
Biblio_terms - diatoms
Biblio_terms - diazinon
Biblio_terms - dichotomous key
Biblio_terms - Diclidophora species
Biblio_terms - Diet
Biblio_terms - diet
Biblio_terms - diet, feeding behavior, juvenile fishes, depleted populations, marine mammals, pinnipeds,
Biblio_terms - digestion
Biblio_terms - Digger Creek
Biblio_terms - Digger Mountain
Biblio_terms - Digital Open Access
Biblio_terms - Digital open access
Biblio_terms - dike removal
Biblio_terms - Dike removal
Biblio_terms - dikes
Biblio_terms - diking
Biblio_terms - Dillard
Biblio_terms - dinoflagellates
Biblio_terms - Dirft Creek
Biblio_terms - Dismal Creek
Biblio_terms - dissolved oxygen
Biblio_terms - Dissolved Oxygen
Biblio_terms - Dissolved oxygen
Biblio_terms - dissolved oxygen data
Biblio_terms - Dissolved oxygen data
Biblio_terms - Dixon Creek
Biblio_terms - Doe Creek
Biblio_terms - Doemer Creek
Biblio_terms - Dog Creek
Biblio_terms - Dogwood Creek
Biblio_terms - Dolerites
Biblio_terms - Dolphin
Biblio_terms - Domengine Formation
Biblio_terms - Dompler Creek
Biblio_terms - Domsea Farms
Biblio_terms - Donegan Creek
Biblio_terms - Donsea Farms
Biblio_terms - Double Cove Point
Biblio_terms - Double-crested cormorant = Phalacrocorax auritus
Biblio_terms - double-crested cormorant=Phalacrocorax auritus
Biblio_terms - Douglas aster = Symphyotrichum subspicatum
Biblio_terms - Douglas County
Biblio_terms - Douglas County (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Douglas fir = Pseudotsuga menziesii
Biblio_terms - Douglas-fir = Pseudostuga menziesii
Biblio_terms - Douglas-fir = Pseudotsuga menziesii
Biblio_terms - douglas-fir=Pseudostuga menziesii
Biblio_terms - Dover sole = Microstomus pacificus
Biblio_terms - Dowitcher = Limnodromus spp.
Biblio_terms - dowitchers = Limnodromus spp.
Biblio_terms - dragonfly = Anisoptera species
Biblio_terms - Drain
Biblio_terms - Drain Or.
Biblio_terms - Drakes Estero
Biblio_terms - dredging
Biblio_terms - Dredging
Biblio_terms - Drew Creek
Biblio_terms - Drift Creek
Biblio_terms - Drift Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Drift Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Drift Creek Bridge
Biblio_terms - Drift Creek Landing
Biblio_terms - Drift Creek Marsh
Biblio_terms - Drift Creek meadows
Biblio_terms - Drift Creek pastures
Biblio_terms - Drift Creek Wilderness Area
Biblio_terms - Driftwood Beach
Biblio_terms - Drilling
Biblio_terms - Drought
Biblio_terms - Dry Creek
Biblio_terms - ducks
Biblio_terms - Duckweed=Lemna minor
Biblio_terms - Dumont Creek
Biblio_terms - Dunaliella species
Biblio_terms - Duncan Creek
Biblio_terms - Duncan Slough
Biblio_terms - dunes
Biblio_terms - Dunes City (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister)
Biblio_terms - Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister)
Biblio_terms - Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister
Biblio_terms - Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister)
Biblio_terms - Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister). eelgrass = Zostera marina
Biblio_terms - dungeness crab=Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister)
Biblio_terms - Dungeness crab=Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister)
Biblio_terms - Dunlin = Calidris alpina
Biblio_terms - Dunlin = Calidris alpine
Biblio_terms - Dunn’s salamander = Plethodon dunni
Biblio_terms - dusky Canada goose= Branta canadensis occidentalis
Biblio_terms - Duwamish River
Biblio_terms - Dykes
Biblio_terms - Eagle Creek
Biblio_terms - Eagle Rock
Biblio_terms - earethquakes
Biblio_terms - Earley Creek
Biblio_terms - Early Creek
Biblio_terms - earthquakes
Biblio_terms - Earthquakes
Biblio_terms - East Creek
Biblio_terms - East Creek (Nestucca River)
Biblio_terms - East Foley Creek
Biblio_terms - East Fork
Biblio_terms - East Fork Copeland Creek
Biblio_terms - East Fork Green River
Biblio_terms - East Fork Lobster Creek
Biblio_terms - East Fork Lobster Creek (Alsea River)
Biblio_terms - East Fork Millicoma River
Biblio_terms - East Fork Quarry Creek
Biblio_terms - East Fork Rock Creek
Biblio_terms - East Fork Scott Creek
Biblio_terms - East Fork Simpson Creek
Biblio_terms - East Fork Steamboat Creek
Biblio_terms - East Fork Trask River
Biblio_terms - East Gardiner
Biblio_terms - East Olalla Creek
Biblio_terms - East Pass Creek
Biblio_terms - East Twin Lake
Biblio_terms - eastern oyster = Crassostrea virginica
Biblio_terms - eastern oyster=Crassostrea virginica
Biblio_terms - echinoderms
Biblio_terms - Echinoidea
Biblio_terms - Echinorhynchus species
Biblio_terms - Echo Creek
Biblio_terms - Echo Island
Biblio_terms - Echo Island Bar
Biblio_terms - Eckman Creek
Biblio_terms - Eckman Lake
Biblio_terms - Eckman Lake (Alsea River)
Biblio_terms - Eckman Slough
Biblio_terms - Ecola Creek
Biblio_terms - Ecological health
Biblio_terms - ecological succession
Biblio_terms - Ecological values
Biblio_terms - ecological values
Biblio_terms - ecology
Biblio_terms - Economic development
Biblio_terms - economics
Biblio_terms - Economics
Biblio_terms - Economics, demographics, statistical analysis, general ecosystem description, industrial development, human impacts, mathematical modeling, environmental policy and law
Biblio_terms - ecosystem engineer
Biblio_terms - ecosystem health
Biblio_terms - Ecosystem health
Biblio_terms - ecosystem modeling
Biblio_terms - Ecosystem modeling
Biblio_terms - ecosystem respiration
Biblio_terms - Edan Creek
Biblio_terms - Eddyville
Biblio_terms - Eddyville (Or.)
Biblio_terms - edible oyster = Ostrea edulis
Biblio_terms - edible oyster=Ostrea edulis
Biblio_terms - Edna Lake
Biblio_terms - education
Biblio_terms - Education
Biblio_terms - Eel Creek
Biblio_terms - Eel Lake
Biblio_terms - Eel River
Biblio_terms - Eel River (California)
Biblio_terms - Eel River Basin
Biblio_terms - Eelgrass = Zostera marina
Biblio_terms - eelgrass = Zostera marina
Biblio_terms - Eelgrass isopod = Pentidotea resecata
Biblio_terms - eelgrass=Zostera japonica
Biblio_terms - eelgrass=Zostera marina
Biblio_terms - EF Trask River
Biblio_terms - Eggleston Creek
Biblio_terms - Eglish sole = Parophrys vetulus
Biblio_terms - Eglish sole = Pleuronectes vetulus
Biblio_terms - Egypt
Biblio_terms - El Nino
Biblio_terms - El Niño
Biblio_terms - Elephant Rock
Biblio_terms - elevation
Biblio_terms - Elgarose Creek
Biblio_terms - Elk City
Biblio_terms - Elk City (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Elk Cree
Biblio_terms - Elk Creek
Biblio_terms - Elk Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Elk Meadow
Biblio_terms - Elk River
Biblio_terms - Elk River estuary
Biblio_terms - Elk River Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Elk Valley Creek
Biblio_terms - Elkhorn Creek
Biblio_terms - Elkhorn Slough
Biblio_terms - Elkton
Biblio_terms - Elkton (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Elkton/Scottsburg/Kellogg
Biblio_terms - Ellensburg Formation
Biblio_terms - Elliott State Forest
Biblio_terms - Embarcadero Marina
Biblio_terms - Embayments
Biblio_terms - Embiotocidae = surf perches
Biblio_terms - Emile Creek
Biblio_terms - Emile Sump
Biblio_terms - Empire Flat
Biblio_terms - emporer goose=Philacte canagica
Biblio_terms - endangered species
Biblio_terms - endrin
Biblio_terms - energetics
Biblio_terms - Energetics
Biblio_terms - energy
Biblio_terms - Energy
Biblio_terms - Engels Creek
Biblio_terms - engineering
Biblio_terms - England
Biblio_terms - English sole = Parophrys vetulus
Biblio_terms - English sole = Parophrys vetulus taxonomy
Biblio_terms - English sole = Pleuronectes vetulus
Biblio_terms - English sole=Parophrys vetulus
Biblio_terms - English sole=Pleuronectes vetulus
Biblio_terms - Ensatina = Ensatina eschscholtzii
Biblio_terms - Enteromorpha prolifera (Ulva prolifera)
Biblio_terms - Enteromorpha species
Biblio_terms - Enteromorpha species eelgrass=Zostera marina
Biblio_terms - ENV)
Biblio_terms - environmental change
Biblio_terms - environmental disturbance
Biblio_terms - environmental education
Biblio_terms - environmental impact statement
Biblio_terms - environmental impact, land use, Siuslaw National Forest, Benton County, Lane County, Lincoln County, spotted owl = Strix occidentalis, bald eagle = Haliaeetus leucocephalus, forest management, Rock Creek (Alsea), RARE II, Cummins Creek, Drift Creek
Biblio_terms - environmental law and policy
Biblio_terms - Environmental law and policy
Biblio_terms - environmental law and policy, estuarine dynamics, general, habitat conservation, habitat restoration, human impacts, marsh restoration, wetland mitigation, wetland restoration,
Biblio_terms - environmental legislation and policy
Biblio_terms - environmental monitoring
Biblio_terms - Environmental monitoring
Biblio_terms - environmental policy and law
Biblio_terms - environmental tourism
Biblio_terms - environmental values
Biblio_terms - Eocene
Biblio_terms - Eogammarus confervicolus
Biblio_terms - Eohastorius brevicuspis
Biblio_terms - Eohaustorius
Biblio_terms - Eohaustorius estuarius
Biblio_terms - Eohaustorius species
Biblio_terms - Epiphytes
Biblio_terms - Epithemia sorex Kutzing
Biblio_terms - Erickson Creek
Biblio_terms - Ericson Creek
Biblio_terms - Erosion
Biblio_terms - erosion
Biblio_terms - erosion data
Biblio_terms - erosion landslides
Biblio_terms - Eruptions
Biblio_terms - erythrocytic inclusion body syndrome
Biblio_terms - erythrocytic necrosis virus
Biblio_terms - erythrocytic necrosis virus or erythrocytic inclusion body syndrom (EIBS
Biblio_terms - erythrocytic necrosis virus or erythrocytic inclusion body syndrom (EIBS/ENV)
Biblio_terms - Esk River
Biblio_terms - Eslick Creek
Biblio_terms - estuaries
Biblio_terms - estuariine dynamics
Biblio_terms - estuarine dynamics
Biblio_terms - Estuarine dynamics
Biblio_terms - estuarine habitat
Biblio_terms - estuarine mitigation
Biblio_terms - estuarine plants
Biblio_terms - Etchegoin Formation
Biblio_terms - ethnography
Biblio_terms - ethnology
Biblio_terms - Euchre Creek
Biblio_terms - Euchre Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Euchre Mountain
Biblio_terms - Eugene Formation
Biblio_terms - Eumorea americana
Biblio_terms - Eurasian watermilfoil = Myriophyllum spicatum
Biblio_terms - Eureka (Ca.)
Biblio_terms - Europe
Biblio_terms - European beachgrass = Ammophila arenaria
Biblio_terms - European ear radix = Radix auricularia
Biblio_terms - European green crab = Carcinus maenas
Biblio_terms - European green crab = Carcinus maenus
Biblio_terms - European marram grass = Ammophila arenaria
Biblio_terms - Eurytemora species
Biblio_terms - Eustrongylides spp.
Biblio_terms - Eutectics
Biblio_terms - eutrophication
Biblio_terms - Eutrophication
Biblio_terms - eutropication
Biblio_terms - Evadne species
Biblio_terms - Evarts Creek
Biblio_terms - evolution
Biblio_terms - evolutionary biology
Biblio_terms - Fairdale (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Fairview Creek
Biblio_terms - Fairy Creek
Biblio_terms - Falcon Creek
Biblio_terms - Fall Cr.
Biblio_terms - Fall Creek
Biblio_terms - Fall Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Fall Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Fall Creek (Wilson)
Biblio_terms - Fall Creek Fish Hatchery (Alsea River)
Biblio_terms - Fall Creek Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Fall Creek Hatchery (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Falls Creek
Biblio_terms - Fankport
Biblio_terms - Fanno Creek
Biblio_terms - Fanno Creek Lake
Biblio_terms - Farlowa mollis
Biblio_terms - farming
Biblio_terms - fat gaper = Tresus capax
Biblio_terms - fat gaper clam = Tresus capax
Biblio_terms - fat gaper=Tresus capax
Biblio_terms - Fate Creek
Biblio_terms - Faults
Biblio_terms - Fauna
Biblio_terms - Fawn Creek
Biblio_terms - Feagles Cree
Biblio_terms - Feagles Creek
Biblio_terms - feathery shipworm=Bankia setacea
Biblio_terms - fecundity
Biblio_terms - Feeding behavior
Biblio_terms - feeding behavior
Biblio_terms - Feldspar
Biblio_terms - Felton Creek
Biblio_terms - Fendall Creek
Biblio_terms - Fenton Creek
Biblio_terms - ferries
Biblio_terms - Ferry Creek (Coquille)
Biblio_terms - fertilizers
Biblio_terms - Field Creek
Biblio_terms - Field guide
Biblio_terms - field guide
Biblio_terms - fill
Biblio_terms - filling
Biblio_terms - filtration
Biblio_terms - Fischer Creek
Biblio_terms - Fish
Biblio_terms - fish
Biblio_terms - Fish Creek
Biblio_terms - Fish Creek Dam
Biblio_terms - Fish Creek Forebay
Biblio_terms - Fish Creek Screen Ponds
Biblio_terms - fish disease
Biblio_terms - fish diseases
Biblio_terms - Fish Lake
Biblio_terms - Fish Lake Creek
Biblio_terms - fish passage
Biblio_terms - Fish passage
Biblio_terms - fish screens
Biblio_terms - Fishawk Creek
Biblio_terms - Fisher (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Fisher Creek
Biblio_terms - Fisher Formation
Biblio_terms - fisheries
Biblio_terms - Fisheries
Biblio_terms - fishes
Biblio_terms - Fishhawk #2
Biblio_terms - fishing
Biblio_terms - Fishing Hole
Biblio_terms - fishways
Biblio_terms - Five Mile Point
Biblio_terms - Five River Boat Launch
Biblio_terms - Five Rivers
Biblio_terms - Five Rivers (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Flat Creek
Biblio_terms - Flat Rock Branch
Biblio_terms - Flat Rock Creek
Biblio_terms - flat-tip piddock = Penitella penita
Biblio_terms - flat-tip piddock=Penitella penita
Biblio_terms - flatworms
Biblio_terms - Flesher Slough
Biblio_terms - flooding
Biblio_terms - Flooding
Biblio_terms - Floods
Biblio_terms - floods
Biblio_terms - Flora
Biblio_terms - Floras
Biblio_terms - Floras Creek
Biblio_terms - Floras Lake
Biblio_terms - Floras River
Biblio_terms - Florence (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Florence dune sheet
Biblio_terms - Florence, Or.
Biblio_terms - Florida
Biblio_terms - Florida Keys
Biblio_terms - flouride
Biblio_terms - Flournoy Formation
Biblio_terms - fluffy sculpin=Oligocottus snyderi
Biblio_terms - Fluminicola umpquaensis = Jade pebblesnail
Biblio_terms - Fluminicola fresti = Frest’s pebblesnail
Biblio_terms - fluoranthene
Biblio_terms - flushing
Biblio_terms - Flynn Cree
Biblio_terms - Flynn Creek
Biblio_terms - Flysch
Biblio_terms - Flysch deposits
Biblio_terms - Fogarty Creek
Biblio_terms - Fogarty Creek State Park
Biblio_terms - food availability
Biblio_terms - Food conditions
Biblio_terms - food sources
Biblio_terms - food webs
Biblio_terms - Foothill yellow-legged frog = Rana boylii
Biblio_terms - foothill yellow-legged frog=Rana boylii
Biblio_terms - Footlog Creek
Biblio_terms - foraminerifera
Biblio_terms - foraminifera
Biblio_terms - Foraminifera
Biblio_terms - forest fires
Biblio_terms - Forest fires
Biblio_terms - forestry
Biblio_terms - Forestry
Biblio_terms - Forks
Biblio_terms - Fort Umpqua
Biblio_terms - Fortune Branch
Biblio_terms - Fortune Branch Creek
Biblio_terms - Fortune Branch Creek (Cow Creek)
Biblio_terms - Foss (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Fossil Point
Biblio_terms - fossils
Biblio_terms - Fossils
Biblio_terms - Foster Creek
Biblio_terms - Fouling
Biblio_terms - Fourth of July Creek
Biblio_terms - Fowler Creek
Biblio_terms - Fox Creek
Biblio_terms - Fracture zones
Biblio_terms - France
Biblio_terms - Frances Creek
Biblio_terms - Francis Creek
Biblio_terms - Franciscan Formation
Biblio_terms - Frank and Jeanne Moore Steelhead Sanctuary
Biblio_terms - Franklin Creek
Biblio_terms - Franklin Creek (Umpqua River).
Biblio_terms - Franklin's gull=Larus pipixcan
Biblio_terms - Frantz Creek
Biblio_terms - Fraser Canyon Creek
Biblio_terms - Fraser River estuary
Biblio_terms - Frazer Creek
Biblio_terms - Fred Wahl Marine: Scholfield Slough
Biblio_terms - Fredrickson Marsh (Coos)
Biblio_terms - Freezeout Creek
Biblio_terms - French Creek
Biblio_terms - freshwater mammals
Biblio_terms - freshwater mammals
Biblio_terms - Freshwater peal mussel = Margaritifera margaritifera
Biblio_terms - Freshwater pearl mussel = Margaritifera margaritifera
Biblio_terms - Frio Formation
Biblio_terms - frogs
Biblio_terms - Frozen Creek
Biblio_terms - Frozen Creek (South Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Fucus species
Biblio_terms - Fucus spp.
Biblio_terms - Fuel
Biblio_terms - Fun River
Biblio_terms - Fungi
Biblio_terms - fungi
Biblio_terms - fungicides
Biblio_terms - Gales Passage
Biblio_terms - Galice Formation
Biblio_terms - Gaper clam = Tresus capax
Biblio_terms - gaper clam = Tresus capax
Biblio_terms - Gaper clam = Tresus capax (Schizothaerus nuttalli)
Biblio_terms - Gaper clam = Tresus nuttallii
Biblio_terms - gaper clam =Tresus capax
Biblio_terms - gaper clam=Tresus capax
Biblio_terms - Gaper pea crab = Pinnixa littoralis
Biblio_terms - Gardiner
Biblio_terms - Gardiner (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Gardiner (Or.) Reedsport (Or.) economics
Biblio_terms - Gardiner Creek
Biblio_terms - Gardiner paper Mill
Biblio_terms - Gardiner Reservoir
Biblio_terms - Garibaldi
Biblio_terms - Garibaldi (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Garibaldi Flat
Biblio_terms - Gas
Biblio_terms - Gassy Creek
Biblio_terms - Gastrointestinal
Biblio_terms - Gastropods
Biblio_terms - gastropods
Biblio_terms - Gearhart (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Geiger Creek (Coquille)
Biblio_terms - General
Biblio_terms - general
Biblio_terms - general ecosystem
Biblio_terms - general ecosystem description
Biblio_terms - general ecosystem health
Biblio_terms - General, agriculture, climate, environmental monitoring, hatcheries, industrial development, meteorology, Native Americans, precipitation, recreation, water quality, water temperature,
Biblio_terms - General, demographics, geographic information system, geography, land use, maps, natural resources, statistics
Biblio_terms - general, history, industrial development, demographics, commercial fisheries - salmon
Biblio_terms - General, Oregon Coast Range, Willamette Valley, Umpqua River Basin, North Umpqua River, South Umpqua River, Cow Creek, Calapooya Creek, Coquille River, Elk Creek (Umpqua), Alsea River, Klamath River, Mackenzie River, Miami River, Nehalem River, Nestucca
Biblio_terms - General, Oregon Coast, habitats, hydrology, geology, sediments, wetland delineation, general ecosystem description
Biblio_terms - General, water quality, pollution, bacteria, environmental law and policy
Biblio_terms - genertics
Biblio_terms - genetic
Biblio_terms - genetics
Biblio_terms - Genetics
Biblio_terms - genetics.
Biblio_terms - Genolinea species
Biblio_terms - Geochemistry
Biblio_terms - geochemistry
Biblio_terms - Geoduck clam = Panopea generosa
Biblio_terms - geographic distribution
Biblio_terms - Geographic distribution
Biblio_terms - geographic information system
Biblio_terms - Geographic Information System
Biblio_terms - geographic information system (GIS)
Biblio_terms - geographic information systems
Biblio_terms - geographic informatoin system
Biblio_terms - geographical distribution
Biblio_terms - Geographical distribution
Biblio_terms - geographical information systems
Biblio_terms - geography
Biblio_terms - Geography
Biblio_terms - geography. habitats
Biblio_terms - geogrphical distribution
Biblio_terms - Geologic formations
Biblio_terms - geologic hazards
Biblio_terms - Geologic structure
Biblio_terms - geological
Biblio_terms - geology
Biblio_terms - Geology
Biblio_terms - Georgia
Biblio_terms - Georgia-Pacific
Biblio_terms - Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Biblio_terms - Georgia-Pacific Corposration
Biblio_terms - Germany
Biblio_terms - germination
Biblio_terms - germination. Introduced species
Biblio_terms - ghost shrimp = Neotrypaea californiensis (Callianassa californiensis)
Biblio_terms - ghost shrimp = Callianassa californiensis
Biblio_terms - ghost shrimp = Neotrypaea californiensis
Biblio_terms - Ghost shrimp = Neotrypaea californiensis (Callianassa californiensis)
Biblio_terms - ghost shrimp=Callianassa californiensis
Biblio_terms - Giant barnacle = Balanus nubilus
Biblio_terms - Giant ghost shrimp = Neotrypaea gigas
Biblio_terms - Giant orange sedge caddisfly = Dicosmoecus gilvipes
Biblio_terms - Giant Pacific octopus = Enteroctopus dofleini (Octopus dofleini)
Biblio_terms - Giant salamander = Dicamptodon tenebrosus
Biblio_terms - Gigartina californica
Biblio_terms - Gigartina exasperata
Biblio_terms - gillnets
Biblio_terms - Gilnes Creek
Biblio_terms - GIS
Biblio_terms - Glaciation
Biblio_terms - glaciation
Biblio_terms - Glaciers
Biblio_terms - glaucous gull=Larus hyperboreus
Biblio_terms - Glaucous-winged gull = Larus glaucesceris
Biblio_terms - glaucous-winged gull=Larus glaucescens
Biblio_terms - Glen
Biblio_terms - Glendale (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Gleneden Beach
Biblio_terms - Gleneden Beach (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Glide
Biblio_terms - Glide (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Glide Ranger Station
Biblio_terms - Glines Creek
Biblio_terms - Glossosoma penitum
Biblio_terms - Gnorimosphaeroma (Isopoda)
Biblio_terms - Goat Trail Creek
Biblio_terms - Gold
Biblio_terms - Gold Beach
Biblio_terms - Gold Beach (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Gold Creek
Biblio_terms - Gold Mountain Creek
Biblio_terms - Gold Ray Dam
Biblio_terms - Golden Creek
Biblio_terms - Golden shiner = Notemigonus crysoleucas
Biblio_terms - Gonidea spp.
Biblio_terms - Goniobasis pliofera silicula
Biblio_terms - Goos Island
Biblio_terms - Goose Island
Biblio_terms - Goose Island (BC)
Biblio_terms - Gopher Creek
Biblio_terms - Gopher Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Gordey Creek
Biblio_terms - government law and policy
Biblio_terms - Government Point
Biblio_terms - Graceful coral seaweed = Corallina vancouveriensis
Biblio_terms - Graceful kelp crab = Pugettia gracilis
Biblio_terms - Gracilaria lemaneiformis
Biblio_terms - Gracilaria vermiculophylla, Tillamook Bay, Netarts Bay, Yaquina Bay, Alsea Bay, Algae, Genetics, Geographic distribution, Introduced species, Life history information
Biblio_terms - Grainyhand hermit crab = Pagurus granosimanus
Biblio_terms - Gram Creek
Biblio_terms - Grandidierella japonica
Biblio_terms - Granite
Biblio_terms - Granite Creek
Biblio_terms - Grant Creek
Biblio_terms - Grass Creek
Biblio_terms - grasses
Biblio_terms - Grassy Point
Biblio_terms - Gravel
Biblio_terms - Gravel Bin
Biblio_terms - Gravel Creek
Biblio_terms - Graveyard Point
Biblio_terms - gravity
Biblio_terms - Gravity field
Biblio_terms - Gray whale = Eschrichtius robustus
Biblio_terms - Gray's Harbor
Biblio_terms - Grays Harbor
Biblio_terms - Grays Harbor (Wa.)
Biblio_terms - Grays Harbor (Wash.)
Biblio_terms - Grays River
Biblio_terms - Gray’s Harbor
Biblio_terms - Gray’s Harbor, Willapa Bay, Columbia River, Nehalem Bay, Cape Falcon, Three Arch Rocks, Tillamook Bay, Netarts Bay, Cape Lookout, Harbor seal = Phoca vitulina, Steller sea lion = Eumetopias jubata, California sea lion = Zalophus californianus, diet, pre
Biblio_terms - Grazers
Biblio_terms - Grazing
Biblio_terms - Greasey Creek
Biblio_terms - Great blue heron = (Ardea herodias)
Biblio_terms - Great blue heron = Ardea herodias
Biblio_terms - great blue heron= Ardea herodias
Biblio_terms - great blue heron=Ardea herodias
Biblio_terms - great egret=Ardea alba
Biblio_terms - Great white shark = Carcharadon carcharias
Biblio_terms - Greater scaup = Aythya marila
Biblio_terms - Greater yellowlegs = Tringa melanoleuca
Biblio_terms - green algae
Biblio_terms - green crab = Carcinus maenas
Biblio_terms - green crab=Carcinus maenas
Biblio_terms - Green Creek
Biblio_terms - Green heron = Butorides virescens
Biblio_terms - Green Peak Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Green Point
Biblio_terms - Green River
Biblio_terms - Green River (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Green sturgeon = Acipenser medirostris
Biblio_terms - green sturgeon=Acipenser medirostris
Biblio_terms - Green sturgeon=Acipenser medirostris
Biblio_terms - Green-winged Teal = Anas carolinensis
Biblio_terms - greenhouse gases
Biblio_terms - Greenland
Biblio_terms - Gregory Point
Biblio_terms - Griffen’s isopod = Orthione griffensis
Biblio_terms - ground water
Biblio_terms - groundfish
Biblio_terms - groundwater
Biblio_terms - Grower Creek
Biblio_terms - growth
Biblio_terms - Growth
Biblio_terms - Grubbe Creek
Biblio_terms - Guatemala
Biblio_terms - guides
Biblio_terms - Gull Rock
Biblio_terms - gulls = Larus species
Biblio_terms - gulls=Larus species
Biblio_terms - Gumboot chiton=Cryptochiton stelleri
Biblio_terms - Gunter (Or.)
Biblio_terms - guppy=Poecilia reticulata
Biblio_terms - Gyrodactylus stellatus
Biblio_terms - H-15 Watersheds
Biblio_terms - H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest
Biblio_terms - H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
Biblio_terms - habit restoration
Biblio_terms - habitat
Biblio_terms - habitat conservation
Biblio_terms - Habitat conservation
Biblio_terms - habitat resotration
Biblio_terms - habitat restoration
Biblio_terms - Habitat restoration
Biblio_terms - Habitats
Biblio_terms - habitats
Biblio_terms - habitats,
Biblio_terms - Hakki Creek
Biblio_terms - Half Moon Weir
Biblio_terms - Halfway Creek
Biblio_terms - Halfway Creek (Smith River)
Biblio_terms - Haliclona spp.
Biblio_terms - Hall Lake
Biblio_terms - Halolaelaps hatfieldi
Biblio_terms - Hamer Lake (Yaquina River)
Biblio_terms - Hammond (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Handy Cree
Biblio_terms - Hanson's Marina
Biblio_terms - Happy Camp
Biblio_terms - Happy Camp (Oregon)
Biblio_terms - harbor
Biblio_terms - harbor porpoise=Phocoena phocoena
Biblio_terms - Harbor seal = Phoca vitulina
Biblio_terms - Harbor seal = Phoca vituline, Steller sea lion = Eumetopias jubata, California sea lion = Zalophus californianus, Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus spp.,
Biblio_terms - harbor seal=Phoca vitulina
Biblio_terms - Harbors
Biblio_terms - harbors
Biblio_terms - Hardback (ISBN-13:9780521884822) Too new on Feb. 6, 2009
Biblio_terms - hardhead=Mylophardon conocephalus
Biblio_terms - Hardscrabble Creek
Biblio_terms - Harlan
Biblio_terms - Harlequin duck = Histrionicus histrionicus
Biblio_terms - harlequin duck=Histrionicus histrionicus
Biblio_terms - harmful algae blooms
Biblio_terms - harmful algal blooms
Biblio_terms - Harmful algal blooms
Biblio_terms - Harrington Creek
Biblio_terms - Harris mud crab = Rhithropanopeus harrisii
Biblio_terms - Harrison Young Brook
Biblio_terms - Hart Creek
Biblio_terms - Hart's Rapid
Biblio_terms - Harvey Creek
Biblio_terms - Hatcherie
Biblio_terms - Hatcheries
Biblio_terms - hatcheries
Biblio_terms - hatcheries: Rock Creek Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - hatcheries: Siletz Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - hatcheries”
Biblio_terms - hatchery salmonids
Biblio_terms - Hatchery salmonids
Biblio_terms - hatchery salmonids.
Biblio_terms - Hatchet Creek
Biblio_terms - Hatfield Marine Science Center
Biblio_terms - Hawaii
Biblio_terms - Haxel Creek
Biblio_terms - Hayden Creek
Biblio_terms - Hayes Creek
Biblio_terms - Haymond Formation
Biblio_terms - Haystack Rock
Biblio_terms - hazardous waste
Biblio_terms - health
Biblio_terms - Heath Creek
Biblio_terms - heavy metals
Biblio_terms - heavy minerals
Biblio_terms - Heceta Head
Biblio_terms - Heddin Creek
Biblio_terms - Hediste diadroma
Biblio_terms - Hediste limnicola
Biblio_terms - Hediste limnicola (Nereis limnicola)
Biblio_terms - Heermann's gull = Larus heermanni
Biblio_terms - Heermann's gull=Larus heermanni
Biblio_terms - Helms Creek
Biblio_terms - Hemlock Creek
Biblio_terms - hemoflagellates
Biblio_terms - Henderson Cove
Biblio_terms - Henderson Creek
Biblio_terms - Henry Creek
Biblio_terms - Herb Creek
Biblio_terms - herbicides
Biblio_terms - Herbicides
Biblio_terms - Herman Creek
Biblio_terms - hermit crab=Pagurus species
Biblio_terms - herpetology
Biblio_terms - Herren Formation
Biblio_terms - herring gull=Larus argentatus
Biblio_terms - Hestness Park
Biblio_terms - Hidden Marsh
Biblio_terms - Hidden Marsh (South Slough)
Biblio_terms - High Cascades Complex fires
Biblio_terms - high cockscomb=Anoplarchus purpurescens
Biblio_terms - High Rock Creek
Biblio_terms - Highway 101 Bridge
Biblio_terms - Hill Creek
Biblio_terms - Hillsboro (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Hinkle Creek
Biblio_terms - Hinkle Creek Experimental Watershed
Biblio_terms - Hinkle Creek Paired Watersheds Study
Biblio_terms - Hinkle Creek Study
Biblio_terms - Hinsdale Ranch
Biblio_terms - Hinsdales Ranch
Biblio_terms - Hinton Point
Biblio_terms - Hipower Creek
Biblio_terms - Histology
Biblio_terms - histology
Biblio_terms - historic
Biblio_terms - Historical
Biblio_terms - historical
Biblio_terms - historical coastal hazards
Biblio_terms - history
Biblio_terms - historyical
Biblio_terms - Hodgdon Cr.
Biblio_terms - Hodgdon Creek
Biblio_terms - Hog Creek
Biblio_terms - Hokkaido Island
Biblio_terms - Hole-in-the-Ground
Biblio_terms - Holman Creek
Biblio_terms - Holocene
Biblio_terms - homing
Biblio_terms - Honey Creek
Biblio_terms - Honey Grove Creek
Biblio_terms - Honeygrove Creek
Biblio_terms - Honeysuckle Creek
Biblio_terms - Hood River
Biblio_terms - Hoquarton Slough
Biblio_terms - Hornbrook Formation
Biblio_terms - horned grebe=Podiceps auritus
Biblio_terms - Horner Creek
Biblio_terms - Horner Ranch
Biblio_terms - Horse Barn mitigation site
Biblio_terms - horse barnacle = Semibalanus cariosus
Biblio_terms - Horse clam = Tresus capax
Biblio_terms - Horse Creek
Biblio_terms - Horse Heaven Creek
Biblio_terms - Horseheaven Creek
Biblio_terms - Horseshoe Bend
Biblio_terms - Horsetown formation
Biblio_terms - Hough Creek
Biblio_terms - Hough Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Hound Creek
Biblio_terms - House Creek
Biblio_terms - Hoxie Simmons [Riffle]
Biblio_terms - Hubbard
Biblio_terms - Hubbard Creek
Biblio_terms - HUC 17100301
Biblio_terms - HUC 17100302
Biblio_terms - HUC# 1710030111
Biblio_terms - Hudson Slough
Biblio_terms - Hudsonian curlew = Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus
Biblio_terms - Hudson’s Bay Company
Biblio_terms - human activities
Biblio_terms - human impact
Biblio_terms - human impacts
Biblio_terms - Human impacts
Biblio_terms - Human Impacts
Biblio_terms - human impacts, logging, North Umpqua River, Pass Creek, Steelhead trout = Oncorhynchus mykiss, Steamboat Creek
Biblio_terms - human use and impacts
Biblio_terms - Humboldt Bay
Biblio_terms - Humboldt Bay (Ca.)
Biblio_terms - Humboldt Bay (Cal.)
Biblio_terms - Humboldt Bay (Calif.)
Biblio_terms - Humbug Creek
Biblio_terms - Humbug Mountain
Biblio_terms - humidity data
Biblio_terms - Humpback whale = Megaptera novaeangliae
Biblio_terms - Humphry Creek
Biblio_terms - Humptulips Formation
Biblio_terms - Hunt Cove
Biblio_terms - Hunter Creek
Biblio_terms - Hunters Creek
Biblio_terms - Huntley Creek
Biblio_terms - Hurd Creek
Biblio_terms - Hyalella species
Biblio_terms - hybridization
Biblio_terms - Hydrocarbon
Biblio_terms - hydrocarbons
Biblio_terms - hydrogen
Biblio_terms - hydrogen sulfide
Biblio_terms - Hydrogen sulfide
Biblio_terms - hydrography
Biblio_terms - Hydrography, streamflow, flooding, Netarts Bay, Salmon River, Siletz River, Depoe Bay, Yaquina River, Alsea River, Beaver Creek, Yachats River, Siuslaw River, Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - hydroids
Biblio_terms - hydrology
Biblio_terms - Hydrology
Biblio_terms - hydropower
Biblio_terms - hydroxylamine
Biblio_terms - Hypoxia
Biblio_terms - hypoxia
Biblio_terms - Iceland
Biblio_terms - Idaho
Biblio_terms - Idaho Flat
Biblio_terms - Idaho Flats
Biblio_terms - Idaho Point
Biblio_terms - Idaho Point (Hinton Point)
Biblio_terms - identification
Biblio_terms - Identification
Biblio_terms - Ideyld Park
Biblio_terms - ife history information
Biblio_terms - Igneous
Biblio_terms - Igneous rock
Biblio_terms - Igneous rocks
Biblio_terms - Illinois
Biblio_terms - Inc.
Biblio_terms - India
Biblio_terms - Indian Creek
Biblio_terms - Indian Creek (Siuslaw)
Biblio_terms - Indian Creek (tributary of the Siuslaw River)
Biblio_terms - indicator species
Biblio_terms - indicators
Biblio_terms - indigenous knowledge
Biblio_terms - indigenous peoples
Biblio_terms - Indonesia
Biblio_terms - industrial developmen
Biblio_terms - industrial development
Biblio_terms - Industrial development
Biblio_terms - Industrial waste
Biblio_terms - Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis
Biblio_terms - Insects
Biblio_terms - insects
Biblio_terms - insurance
Biblio_terms - International Paper Corp.
Biblio_terms - Introduced species
Biblio_terms - introduced species
Biblio_terms - invasive species
Biblio_terms - Invasive species
Biblio_terms - invertebrates
Biblio_terms - Iridaea splendens
Biblio_terms - Irisaea cordata
Biblio_terms - iron
Biblio_terms - Iron Mountain Creek
Biblio_terms - irrigation
Biblio_terms - Irus clam = Irus ishibashianus
Biblio_terms - Irus clam = Irus ishibashianus
Biblio_terms - irus clam = Macoma inquinata
Biblio_terms - Ischia
Biblio_terms - Island arcs
Biblio_terms - Island Campground
Biblio_terms - Isochrysis species
Biblio_terms - isopods
Biblio_terms - isotopes
Biblio_terms - Isotopes
Biblio_terms - Israel
Biblio_terms - Isthmus Slough
Biblio_terms - Italy
Biblio_terms - J-Line Creek
Biblio_terms - Jack Creek
Biblio_terms - Jackknife clam = Solen sicarius
Biblio_terms - Jacksmelt = Atherinopsis californiensis
Biblio_terms - jacksmelt = Atherinopsis californiensisbiological
Biblio_terms - Jacksmelt=Atherinopsis californiensis
Biblio_terms - Jackson Cr.
Biblio_terms - Jackson Creek
Biblio_terms - Jackson Creek (Netarts Bay)
Biblio_terms - Jacob Creek
Biblio_terms - Jacques Creek
Biblio_terms - Janusion diminuta (Malmiana diminuta)
Biblio_terms - Janusion virida (Malmiana virida)
Biblio_terms - Japan
Biblio_terms - Japanese eelgrass = Zostera japonica
Biblio_terms - Japanese eelgrass=Zostera japonica
Biblio_terms - Japanese littleneck=Tapes phillippinarum
Biblio_terms - Japanese oyster drill = Ocenebra japonica
Biblio_terms - Japanese oyster drill = Tritonalia japonica
Biblio_terms - Japanese oyster drill=Ocenebra japonica
Biblio_terms - Japanese seagrass = Zostera japonica
Biblio_terms - Jasper Creek
Biblio_terms - Jaybird Cree
Biblio_terms - Jeeter Prairie
Biblio_terms - jellyfish
Biblio_terms - Jerden Cove
Biblio_terms - Jerry Creek
Biblio_terms - jetties
Biblio_terms - Jim Creek
Biblio_terms - Jimmy Creek
Biblio_terms - Joe Hall Creek
Biblio_terms - Joe Ney Slough
Biblio_terms - John Creek
Biblio_terms - John Day Formation
Biblio_terms - John Day River
Biblio_terms - John Newman Farm
Biblio_terms - Johnson Creek
Biblio_terms - Johnson Creek (Id.)
Biblio_terms - Johnson Creek Landslide
Biblio_terms - Johnson Rock Products
Biblio_terms - Johnson Slough
Biblio_terms - Johnson’s Slough (Yaquina)
Biblio_terms - Jointing
Biblio_terms - Jones Creek
Biblio_terms - Jordan Cove
Biblio_terms - Jordan Creek
Biblio_terms - Jordan-Alder Creek
Biblio_terms - Joyce Creek
Biblio_terms - Joyce Creek (Smith River)
Biblio_terms - Juan de Fuca
Biblio_terms - Juan de Fuca plate
Biblio_terms - Juan de Fuca Ridge
Biblio_terms - Judd Creek
Biblio_terms - Juga spp.
Biblio_terms - Jump Off Joe
Biblio_terms - Jump-Off Joe
Biblio_terms - Jumpoff Joe
Biblio_terms - Juncus balticus ssp. ater
Biblio_terms - Jurassic
Biblio_terms - juvenile cutthroat trout
Biblio_terms - juvenile fish
Biblio_terms - Juvenile fish
Biblio_terms - Juvenile fishes
Biblio_terms - juvenile fishes
Biblio_terms - Juveniles
Biblio_terms - k Grant Creek
Biblio_terms - K'ama'cdun
Biblio_terms - Kamchatka
Biblio_terms - Kansas
Biblio_terms - Karmutsen Formation
Biblio_terms - Kayenta formation
Biblio_terms - Keady Wayside
Biblio_terms - Keller Creek
Biblio_terms - Kelly Creek
Biblio_terms - kelp
Biblio_terms - kelp greenling = Hexagrammos decagrammus
Biblio_terms - kelp greenling=Hexagrammos decagrammus
Biblio_terms - Kent Creek
Biblio_terms - Kenting Formation
Biblio_terms - Kentucky Creek
Biblio_terms - Kernville
Biblio_terms - Kernville (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Keta Corporation
Biblio_terms - Keyhole limpet = Diadora aspera
Biblio_terms - Kilchis Point Reserve (Tillamook)
Biblio_terms - Kilchis River
Biblio_terms - killer whale = Orca orcinus
Biblio_terms - Killer whale = Orcinus orca
Biblio_terms - Killiam Creek
Biblio_terms - King Silver Boat Morage
Biblio_terms - King Slough
Biblio_terms - King's Slough
Biblio_terms - kitchen midden
Biblio_terms - kitchen middens
Biblio_terms - Klamath Creek
Biblio_terms - Klamath Lake roach = Siphateles bicolor bicolor
Biblio_terms - Klamath River
Biblio_terms - Klamath River Basin
Biblio_terms - Klamath signal crayfish = Pacifastacus leniusculus klamathensis
Biblio_terms - Klamath smallscale sucker = Catostomus rimiculus
Biblio_terms - Klamath smallscale sucker=Catostomus rimiculus
Biblio_terms - Klebsiella pneumoniae
Biblio_terms - Klickitat Lake
Biblio_terms - Klickitat Lake (Alsea River Basin)
Biblio_terms - Klickitat Mountain
Biblio_terms - Knight County Park
Biblio_terms - Knowles Creek
Biblio_terms - Knoxville formation
Biblio_terms - Koepke Slough
Biblio_terms - Korea
Biblio_terms - Kozy Kove
Biblio_terms - Kudoa species
Biblio_terms - Kumamoto oyster = Crassostrea sikamea
Biblio_terms - kumamoto oyster=Crassostrea sikamea
Biblio_terms - Kunz Marsh (Coos)
Biblio_terms - l hatchery salmonids
Biblio_terms - l physical
Biblio_terms - L.J. Stow Ranch
Biblio_terms - La Jolla formation
Biblio_terms - La Nina
Biblio_terms - labor
Biblio_terms - Labor Day Fires
Biblio_terms - labor relations
Biblio_terms - Lagoon Creek
Biblio_terms - Lagoon Pond
Biblio_terms - Lake Creek
Biblio_terms - Lake Creek (North Umpqua River)
Biblio_terms - Lake Creek (North Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Lake Creek (Siuslaw
Biblio_terms - Lake Creek (Siuslaw River)
Biblio_terms - Lake Creek (Siuslaw)
Biblio_terms - Lake in the Woods
Biblio_terms - Lakes
Biblio_terms - Lally Creek
Biblio_terms - Laminaria saccharina
Biblio_terms - Lampreys = Lampetra spp
Biblio_terms - Lamprophyres
Biblio_terms - Land bridge
Biblio_terms - land ownership
Biblio_terms - Land use
Biblio_terms - land use
Biblio_terms - land use planning
Biblio_terms - landfills
Biblio_terms - landslides
Biblio_terms - Landslides
Biblio_terms - landsllides
Biblio_terms - Lane County (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Lane Creek
Biblio_terms - Langlois Beach
Biblio_terms - Lapilli
Biblio_terms - large woody debris
Biblio_terms - Large woody debris
Biblio_terms - Largescale sucker = Catostomus macrocheilus
Biblio_terms - largescale sucker=Catostomus macrocheilus
Biblio_terms - Larson Creek
Biblio_terms - larvae
Biblio_terms - Larvae
Biblio_terms - Lava
Biblio_terms - Lava flows
Biblio_terms - Lavadoure Creek
Biblio_terms - Lavas
Biblio_terms - law
Biblio_terms - Leaburg Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - lead
Biblio_terms - Least sandpiper = Calidris minutilla
Biblio_terms - Leatherwood
Biblio_terms - Lee Creek
Biblio_terms - leeches
Biblio_terms - Leeds Island
Biblio_terms - Lemolo 1
Biblio_terms - Lemolo 2
Biblio_terms - Lemolo Dam
Biblio_terms - Lemolo Lake
Biblio_terms - Lemolo Reservoir
Biblio_terms - length-mass relationships
Biblio_terms - Leopard shark = Triakis semifasciata
Biblio_terms - Lepeophtheirus hospitalis
Biblio_terms - Leptocheirus plumulosus
Biblio_terms - Leptochelia dubia
Biblio_terms - Leptochella dubia
Biblio_terms - Lesser scaup = Aythya affinis
Biblio_terms - Lesson plan
Biblio_terms - Letitia Creek
Biblio_terms - Leuciscus balteatus
Biblio_terms - Lewis and Clark River, Alsea Bay, Lower Alsea River, diatoms, new species description, taxonomy, salinity, wetland vegetation, geographical distribution, paleosciences, fossils
Biblio_terms - Lewis Creek
Biblio_terms - Libya
Biblio_terms - lichens
Biblio_terms - Lick Creek
Biblio_terms - Lidar
Biblio_terms - Life histories
Biblio_terms - Life history
Biblio_terms - life history
Biblio_terms - life history information
Biblio_terms - Life history information
Biblio_terms - life history intormation
Biblio_terms - light
Biblio_terms - light data
Biblio_terms - lighthouses
Biblio_terms - Lily Lake
Biblio_terms - Lily Lake (Siuslaw)
Biblio_terms - Limestones
Biblio_terms - limnology
Biblio_terms - Limpy Creek
Biblio_terms - Limpy Rock Research Natural Area
Biblio_terms - Lincoln Beach
Biblio_terms - Lincoln City
Biblio_terms - Lincoln City (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Lincoln City (Or.), Newport (Or.), Waldport (Or.), Yachats (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Lincoln City Littoral Cell
Biblio_terms - Lincoln City, Or.
Biblio_terms - Lincoln County
Biblio_terms - Lincoln County (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Lincoln County (Or.), Cascade Head, Siletz Bay, Lincoln City (Or.), Cape Foulweather, Otter Crest, Beverly Beach, Yaquina Head, Agate Beach, Nye Beach, Newport (Or.), Yaquina Bay, Beaver Creek, Waldport (Or.), Alsea Bay, Bayshore Spit, Yachats (Or.), Ca
Biblio_terms - Lincoln County, Depoe Bay (Or.), Lincoln City (Or.), Newport (Or.), Siletz (Or.), Toledo (Or.), Waldport (Or.), Yachats (Or.), demographics, population count, mathematical modeling
Biblio_terms - Lincoln Creek Formation
Biblio_terms - Lincoln Formation
Biblio_terms - lindane
Biblio_terms - Lingcod = Ophiodon elongates
Biblio_terms - Lingcod = Ophiodon elongatus
Biblio_terms - Lingcod=Ophiodon elongatus
Biblio_terms - lingcod=Ophiodon elongatus
Biblio_terms - Lint Creek
Biblio_terms - Lint Slough
Biblio_terms - Lint Slough (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Lint Slough Reservoir (Alsea River)
Biblio_terms - lipids
Biblio_terms - Listonella anguillarum
Biblio_terms - literature
Biblio_terms - Lithodlyphus virens
Biblio_terms - Lithogenesis
Biblio_terms - litigation
Biblio_terms - Little Boulder Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Camp Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Canyon Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Dads Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Elk Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Elk Creek (Yaquina)
Biblio_terms - Little Elk River
Biblio_terms - Little Euchre Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Falls
Biblio_terms - Little Franklin Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Lake
Biblio_terms - Little Lick
Biblio_terms - Little Lobster Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Lobster Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Little Mill Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Nestucca Flat
Biblio_terms - Little Nestucca Rive
Biblio_terms - Little Nestucca River
Biblio_terms - Little North Fork
Biblio_terms - Little North Santiam River
Biblio_terms - Little Peak Creek
Biblio_terms - Little River
Biblio_terms - Little Rock Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Salmon River
Biblio_terms - Little Sheep Creek
Biblio_terms - Little South Fork Smith River
Biblio_terms - Little Taft Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Whale Cove
Biblio_terms - Little Wolf Creek
Biblio_terms - Little Yaquina River
Biblio_terms - littleneck clam = Leukoma staminea
Biblio_terms - Littleneck clam = Leukoma staminea
Biblio_terms - littleneck clam = Leukoma staminea
Biblio_terms - Littleneck clam = Leukoma staminea (Paphya staminea)
Biblio_terms - littleneck clam = Protothaca staminea
Biblio_terms - littleneck clam = Protothaca staminea] softshell clam = Mya arenaria
Biblio_terms - littleneck clam=Leukoma staminea
Biblio_terms - Littoral
Biblio_terms - littoral
Biblio_terms - Littorina subrotundata
Biblio_terms - Live Oak Creek
Biblio_terms - Loafer Creek
Biblio_terms - Lobster Creek
Biblio_terms - Lobster Creek (5 Rivers)
Biblio_terms - Lobster Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Lobster Creek (tributary of the Rogue River)
Biblio_terms - Lobster Valley
Biblio_terms - Lobsterr Creek
Biblio_terms - Lockatong formation
Biblio_terms - Logan Riffle
Biblio_terms - logging
Biblio_terms - Logging
Biblio_terms - Logsden (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Loma Formation
Biblio_terms - Lonewoman Creek
Biblio_terms - Long Beach (Wa.)
Biblio_terms - Long Beach (Wa.), San Francisco Littoral Cell, Netarts Littoral Cell, Bathymetry, Coastal hazards, Erosion, Sea level, Topography, Wave height, Weather
Biblio_terms - Long Prairie Creek
Biblio_terms - Long Tom Creek
Biblio_terms - Long Tom Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Long Tom River
Biblio_terms - Long Wiley Creek
Biblio_terms - Long-billed curlew = Numenius americanus
Biblio_terms - Long-tailed vole = Microtus longicaudus
Biblio_terms - Longfin smelt = Sprinchus thaleichthys
Biblio_terms - Longfin smelt=Sprinchus thaleichthys
Biblio_terms - Longnose dace = Rhinichthys cataractae
Biblio_terms - longnose dace=Rhinicthys cataractae
Biblio_terms - looding
Biblio_terms - Lookingglass Creek
Biblio_terms - Lookingglass Formation
Biblio_terms - Lookingglass/Winston/Dillard
Biblio_terms - Loon Lake
Biblio_terms - Loon Lake, Lake Creek, Mill Creek, Umpqua River, human impacts, sediments, geology, paleontology, paleosciences, coastal hazards, earthquakes, floods, landslides, terrestrial vegetation, logging
Biblio_terms - Loon Lake, Lake Creek, Mill Creek, Umpqua River, sediments, geology, paleontology, paleosciences, earthquakes, floods, landslides, terrestrial vegetation, logging
Biblio_terms - Lost Creek
Biblio_terms - Lost Creek Beach
Biblio_terms - Lost Creek State Park
Biblio_terms - Lost Prairie
Biblio_terms - Lough Terrace
Biblio_terms - Louie Feller Riffle
Biblio_terms - Louie-Baxter Creek
Biblio_terms - Louis Creek
Biblio_terms - Louisiana
Biblio_terms - Low-temperature deformation
Biblio_terms - Lower Alsea River
Biblio_terms - Lower Coquille River
Biblio_terms - Lower Cow Creek
Biblio_terms - Lower Drift Creek
Biblio_terms - Lower Drift Slough (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Lower Lobster Creek
Biblio_terms - Lower North Fork Nehalem River
Biblio_terms - Lower North Fork Siletz River
Biblio_terms - Lower North Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - Lower Northbay Creek
Biblio_terms - Lower Siletz River
Biblio_terms - Lower Siuslaw River
Biblio_terms - Lower Smith River
Biblio_terms - Lower South Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - Lower Takelma Indians
Biblio_terms - Lower Umpqua
Biblio_terms - Lower Umpqua Indians
Biblio_terms - Lower Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - Lower Umpqua River Basin
Biblio_terms - Lower Yaquina River
Biblio_terms - Lower Youghiogheny River (Penn.)
Biblio_terms - Luck Creek
Biblio_terms - Luckiamute River
Biblio_terms - Luckiamute River Basin
Biblio_terms - Luder Creek
Biblio_terms - Lunar
Biblio_terms - Lusardi Formation
Biblio_terms - Lutsinger Creek
Biblio_terms - Lyndon Creek
Biblio_terms - Lyngbye’s sedge = Carex lyngbyei
Biblio_terms - Lyre Formation
Biblio_terms - Macey Cove
Biblio_terms - machine learning
Biblio_terms - Mack Arch
Biblio_terms - Mack Landing
Biblio_terms - Mackenzie River
Biblio_terms - Mad River Slough
Biblio_terms - Magelona sacculata
Biblio_terms - Magma
Biblio_terms - magnesium
Biblio_terms - Magnetism
Biblio_terms - magnetism
Biblio_terms - Maideu Lake
Biblio_terms - Maidu Lake
Biblio_terms - Main channel
Biblio_terms - Main Channel
Biblio_terms - Maine
Biblio_terms - Makah Bay (Wa.)
Biblio_terms - Makah Formation
Biblio_terms - Malbaie River (Quebec)
Biblio_terms - Malheur River
Biblio_terms - Mallard duck = Anas plalyrhynchos
Biblio_terms - Mallard duck = Anus plalyrhynchos
Biblio_terms - Malmiana species
Biblio_terms - Maltby Dairy Farm
Biblio_terms - mammals
Biblio_terms - management plans
Biblio_terms - manganese
Biblio_terms - Mangroves
Biblio_terms - Manila clam = Venerupis japonica
Biblio_terms - Manila clam = Venerupis japonica, Softshell clam = Mya arenaria, Bay shrimp = Crangon franciscorum, Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister), Green sturgeon = Acipenser medirostris, White sturgeon = Acipenser transmontanus, Shad = Alosa
Biblio_terms - Manila clam=Venerupis japonica
Biblio_terms - Manila littleneck clam = Venerupis phillipinarum
Biblio_terms - Maniobra formation
Biblio_terms - Mantle
Biblio_terms - Manzanita
Biblio_terms - Manzanita (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Manzanita Beach
Biblio_terms - map
Biblio_terms - Map
Biblio_terms - Maple Creek
Biblio_terms - Maples Riffle
Biblio_terms - Mapleton (Or.)
Biblio_terms - mapping
Biblio_terms - maps
Biblio_terms - marbled godwit=Limosa fedoa
Biblio_terms - Marbled murrelet = Brachyramphus marmoratus
Biblio_terms - marbled murrelet = Brachyramphus marmoratus
Biblio_terms - marbled murrelet=Brachyramphus marmoratus
Biblio_terms - Maria Creek
Biblio_terms - marinas
Biblio_terms - Marine & Freshwater Biology
Biblio_terms - marine algae
Biblio_terms - marine ecology
Biblio_terms - Marine Gardens
Biblio_terms - marine habitat
Biblio_terms - marine mammals
Biblio_terms - Marine mammals
Biblio_terms - marine plankton
Biblio_terms - marine plants
Biblio_terms - marine reserves
Biblio_terms - Marine Science Center Dock
Biblio_terms - Maritime transportation
Biblio_terms - Marks Creek
Biblio_terms - Marlowe Creek
Biblio_terms - Marsh Creek
Biblio_terms - Marsh jaumea = Jaumea carnosa
Biblio_terms - marsh restoration
Biblio_terms - Marsh restoration
Biblio_terms - marshes
Biblio_terms - Marshes
Biblio_terms - Marshfield (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Marsters Creek
Biblio_terms - Martin Creek
Biblio_terms - Martinez formation
Biblio_terms - Mary's River
Biblio_terms - Maryland
Biblio_terms - Marys River
Biblio_terms - Mary’s River
Biblio_terms - Mass movement
Biblio_terms - Massachusetts
Biblio_terms - Massive starlet coral = Siderastrea sidereal
Biblio_terms - Masu salmon = Oncorhynchus masou
Biblio_terms - Mathematical modeling
Biblio_terms - mathematical modeling
Biblio_terms - mathematics
Biblio_terms - Matson Creek
Biblio_terms - Matson Creek (Coos)
Biblio_terms - Maverick Creek
Biblio_terms - May Creek
Biblio_terms - McCafferey Slough
Biblio_terms - McCaffery Slough
Biblio_terms - McCaffrey Island
Biblio_terms - McClean Point
Biblio_terms - McComas Creek
Biblio_terms - McFall Creek
Biblio_terms - McGee Creek
Biblio_terms - McGinnis Creek
Biblio_terms - McIntosh Formation
Biblio_terms - McIntosh Slough
Biblio_terms - McKay Creek
Biblio_terms - McKenzie River
Biblio_terms - McKenzie River Basin
Biblio_terms - McKinley Marina
Biblio_terms - McKinney Slough
Biblio_terms - McKinney's Slough
Biblio_terms - McKinneys Slough
Biblio_terms - McLean Point
Biblio_terms - McMinnville (Or.)
Biblio_terms - McNabb Creek
Biblio_terms - McSherry Creek
Biblio_terms - Meadow barley = Hordeum brachyantherum
Biblio_terms - Meadow Creek
Biblio_terms - Measurements
Biblio_terms - Medicine Creek
Biblio_terms - Medicine Rock
Biblio_terms - Mediomastus californiensis
Biblio_terms - Mediterranean mussel = Mytilus galloprovincialis
Biblio_terms - Meg's Keep
Biblio_terms - Mehi Creek
Biblio_terms - Melange
Biblio_terms - Melanges
Biblio_terms - Melco Landing
Biblio_terms - Melita species
Biblio_terms - Mellow Moon Creek
Biblio_terms - Melosira species
Biblio_terms - Melton creek
Biblio_terms - mercury
Biblio_terms - meroplankton
Biblio_terms - Merrimack River (Mass.)
Biblio_terms - Mesozoic
Biblio_terms - metabolism
Biblio_terms - Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister)
Biblio_terms - Metals
Biblio_terms - Metamorphic
Biblio_terms - Metamorphic rocks
Biblio_terms - Metamorphism
Biblio_terms - Metchosin Formation
Biblio_terms - Meteorite
Biblio_terms - methane
Biblio_terms - methodology
Biblio_terms - Methow River
Biblio_terms - methylmercury
Biblio_terms - Metriocnemus yaquina
Biblio_terms - Mew gull = Larus canus
Biblio_terms - mew gull=Larus canus
Biblio_terms - Mexico
Biblio_terms - Miami River
Biblio_terms - Michigan
Biblio_terms - Microbes
Biblio_terms - Microbiology
Biblio_terms - microbiology
Biblio_terms - Microbiome
Biblio_terms - microfossils
Biblio_terms - Midbay
Biblio_terms - Middle Creek
Biblio_terms - Middle Creek (Coquille)
Biblio_terms - Middle Fork Coquille River
Biblio_terms - Middle Fork John Day River Basin
Biblio_terms - Middle Fork South Deer Creek
Biblio_terms - Middle Fork Willamette River
Biblio_terms - Middle Jetty
Biblio_terms - Middle North Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - Middle South Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - Middle Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - migration
Biblio_terms - Migration
Biblio_terms - Military training Oregon
Biblio_terms - Mill Creek
Biblio_terms - Mill Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Mill Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Mill Creek (Yamhill)
Biblio_terms - Mill Creek (Yaquina)
Biblio_terms - Mill Creek Reservoir (Yaquina River)
Biblio_terms - Mill Four. dikes
Biblio_terms - Mill's Rapid
Biblio_terms - Miller Creek
Biblio_terms - Miller Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Millicoma dace = Rhinicthys cataractae ssp.
Biblio_terms - Millicoma Rive
Biblio_terms - Millicoma River
Biblio_terms - Millport Slough
Biblio_terms - Millport Slough (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Millport Slough Bridge
Biblio_terms - Millport Slough marshes
Biblio_terms - Milo
Biblio_terms - Minard
Biblio_terms - Miner Creek
Biblio_terms - Mineralization
Biblio_terms - minerals
Biblio_terms - Mining
Biblio_terms - mining
Biblio_terms - Minnesota
Biblio_terms - Miocene
Biblio_terms - Misery Creek
Biblio_terms - Mississippi
Biblio_terms - Missouri Bend
Biblio_terms - Mitchell Creek
Biblio_terms - Mitchell Formation
Biblio_terms - Mitchell Marsh
Biblio_terms - Mitchell Marsh "Y" Marsh
Biblio_terms - mitigation
Biblio_terms - Mitten crab = Eriocheir sinensis
Biblio_terms - Modernism (Art) Spain Catalonia Exhibitions.
Biblio_terms - Molalla River
Biblio_terms - Mole crab = Emerita analoga
Biblio_terms - molecular biology
Biblio_terms - mollusca
Biblio_terms - Molluscan Broodstock Program
Biblio_terms - molluscs
Biblio_terms - Molluscs
Biblio_terms - molluscs,
Biblio_terms - Mollusks
Biblio_terms - mollusks
Biblio_terms - Monochrysis species
Biblio_terms - Montana
Biblio_terms - Monterey Formation
Biblio_terms - Montgomery Creek
Biblio_terms - Montgomery Creek Formation
Biblio_terms - Moolach Beach
Biblio_terms - Moolach Shores
Biblio_terms - Moolack Beach
Biblio_terms - Moon Creek
Biblio_terms - Moon Creek (Nestucca River)
Biblio_terms - Moonshine County Park
Biblio_terms - Moonshine Park
Biblio_terms - Moore Creek
Biblio_terms - moose = Alces alces
Biblio_terms - Moraine
Biblio_terms - Morgan Creek
Biblio_terms - Morgan Landing
Biblio_terms - Morphology
Biblio_terms - morphology
Biblio_terms - Morrison Formation
Biblio_terms - Morro Bay
Biblio_terms - mortality
Biblio_terms - Mortality
Biblio_terms - Morton Creek
Biblio_terms - Mosetown Creek (Smith River)
Biblio_terms - Moss Creek
Biblio_terms - Moss Creek (Kilchis)
Biblio_terms - motility
Biblio_terms - Mott Bridge
Biblio_terms - Mount Mazama
Biblio_terms - Mount Rainier
Biblio_terms - Mount St. Helens
Biblio_terms - Mountain rush = Juncus arcticus littoralis
Biblio_terms - mountain stream
Biblio_terms - Mowry Landing
Biblio_terms - Mt. Hood National Forest
Biblio_terms - Mud blister worm = Polydora spp.
Biblio_terms - Mud shrimp = Upogebia pugettensis
Biblio_terms - mud shrimp=Upogebia pugettensis
Biblio_terms - Muddy Creek
Biblio_terms - Mudflats
Biblio_terms - mudflats
Biblio_terms - Mult Creek
Biblio_terms - Muns Creek
Biblio_terms - Munsel Lake (Siuslaw)
Biblio_terms - Murphy Creek
Biblio_terms - Mushan Formation
Biblio_terms - mussels
Biblio_terms - Mussels
Biblio_terms - Myers Creek
Biblio_terms - Myers Creek Beach
Biblio_terms - Myosotella myosotis
Biblio_terms - Myrtle Creek
Biblio_terms - Myrtle Creek/Tri City
Biblio_terms - Myrtle formation
Biblio_terms - Myrtle Point
Biblio_terms - mysids
Biblio_terms - Mytilicola orientalis
Biblio_terms - Myxobolus insidiosus
Biblio_terms - Myxobolus squamae
Biblio_terms - N Fork Schooner Creek
Biblio_terms - N. Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - N.R.A.
Biblio_terms - Nadelspora canceri
Biblio_terms - Nanaimo Bay
Biblio_terms - Nancy Creek
Biblio_terms - Nankang Formation
Biblio_terms - Nanophyetus salmincola
Biblio_terms - Nanophyetus salmincola (formerly Troglotrema salmincola)
Biblio_terms - naphthalene
Biblio_terms - Narragansett Bay
Biblio_terms - Narrows
Biblio_terms - Nashville
Biblio_terms - Native Americans
Biblio_terms - native Americans
Biblio_terms - Native Americans, anthropology, religion, Tillamook Indians, Alsea Indians, Yaquina Indians, Coos Indians, Lower Umpqua Indians, Siuslaw Indians, Kalapuya Indians, Cascade Head, Cape Perpetua, Red Ochre Quarry, Cook’s Chasm, Smith River, Mary’s Peak,
Biblio_terms - Native Americans: Upper Alsea Valley
Biblio_terms - natural gas
Biblio_terms - natural resource managemen
Biblio_terms - natural resource management
Biblio_terms - Natural resource management
Biblio_terms - natural resource management.
Biblio_terms - natural resource managment
Biblio_terms - natural resource mangement
Biblio_terms - natural resources
Biblio_terms - natural resources management
Biblio_terms - Nature Conservancy Area
Biblio_terms - Navicula gregaria
Biblio_terms - navigation
Biblio_terms - Navigation
Biblio_terms - Neacoxie Creek
Biblio_terms - Neanthes arenaceodentata
Biblio_terms - neascus
Biblio_terms - Neawanna Creek
Biblio_terms - Nebraska
Biblio_terms - Necanicum
Biblio_terms - Necanicum Bay
Biblio_terms - Necanicum estuary
Biblio_terms - Necanicum River
Biblio_terms - Necanicum River estuary
Biblio_terms - Necanicum River Estuary
Biblio_terms - Necanicum River, Nehalem River, Wilson - Trask – Nestucca, Siletz Yaquina River, Alsea River, Siuslaw River, Siltcoos River, N. Umpqua River, S. Umpqua River, Umpqua River, Coos River, Coquille River, Sixes River, Rogue River, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus
Biblio_terms - Nectobrachia indivisa
Biblio_terms - Nedona Beach
Biblio_terms - Needle Branch
Biblio_terms - Needle Branch (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Needle Creek
Biblio_terms - Negro Creek
Biblio_terms - Nehalam Bay
Biblio_terms - Nehalem
Biblio_terms - Nehalem (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Nehalem Bay
Biblio_terms - Nehalem Bay Dune
Biblio_terms - Nehalem Bay State Park
Biblio_terms - Nehalem Bay, Tillamook Bay, Netarts Bay, Yaquina Bay, Alsea Bay, Coos Bay, Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister), commercial fisheries - shellfish, recreational fisheries – shellfish, aquatic invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods
Biblio_terms - Nehalem Bay, Tillamook Bay, Netarts Bay, Yaquina Bay, Alsea Bay, Coos Bay, Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister), recreational fisheries – shellfish, aquatic invertebrates, crustaceans, decapods
Biblio_terms - Nehalem estuary
Biblio_terms - Nehalem Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Nehalem River
Biblio_terms - Nehalem River Basin
Biblio_terms - Nehalem River Estuary
Biblio_terms - Nehalem River estuary
Biblio_terms - Nehalem River Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Nehalem River, Nestucca River, Netarts Bay, Salmon River estuary, Siletz Bay, Alsea Bay, Siuslaw River, Umpqua River estuary, Coos Bay, South Slough, Coquille River estuary, coastal hazards, earthquakes, tsunamis, geology, paleosciences, tectonics
Biblio_terms - Nehalem River, Nestucca River, Salmon River, Siletz River, Siuslaw River, South Coos River, Coquille River, Elk River, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, population count, abundance, mathematical modeling
Biblio_terms - Nehalem River, Siletz River, Siuslaw River, Umpqua River, climate, Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus spp., climate, geographical distribution, mathematical modeling, water temperature
Biblio_terms - Nehalem River, Siletz River, Umpqua River, North Umpqua River, Cow Creek, Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus spp., Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, climate, water temperature, mathematical modeling, remote sensing, theses
Biblio_terms - Nehalem Spit
Biblio_terms - Nelglick Creek
Biblio_terms - Nelscott
Biblio_terms - Nelscott (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Nelscott Beach
Biblio_terms - Nelson Creek
Biblio_terms - Nematodes
Biblio_terms - nematodes
Biblio_terms - nemerteans
Biblio_terms - Neogene
Biblio_terms - Neomysis mercedis
Biblio_terms - Neorickettsia helminthoeca
Biblio_terms - Nephtys caecoides
Biblio_terms - Neptune
Biblio_terms - Neptune Site
Biblio_terms - Neptune State Park
Biblio_terms - Nesika Beach
Biblio_terms - Neskowin (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Neskowin Creek
Biblio_terms - Nestucca
Biblio_terms - Nestucca River Estuary
Biblio_terms - Nestucca River estuary
Biblio_terms - Nestucca Bay
Biblio_terms - Nestucca Bay Estuary
Biblio_terms - Nestucca estuary
Biblio_terms - Nestucca River
Biblio_terms - Nestucca River estuary
Biblio_terms - Nestucca River Estuary
Biblio_terms - Nestucca Spit
Biblio_terms - Nestucca Spit State Park
Biblio_terms - Nestucca Sub-Basin
Biblio_terms - Netarts
Biblio_terms - Netarts (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay Estuary
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay Spit
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay,
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, coastal dunes, wind, climate, terrestrial vegetation, theses
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Coastal hazards, Dendrochronology, Earthquakes, Geology, Paleosciences, Tsunamis
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, eelgrass = Zostera marina, Japanese eelgrass = Zostera japonica, microbiology, bacteria, nitrogen, sulphides
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Happy Camp, coastal hazards, geology, paleosciences, earthquakes, tsunamis
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Happy Camp, Yager Creek, Whiskey Creek, Tank Flat, Shellfish Preserve, Subtidal Channels, gaper clam = Tresus capax, Cockle clam = Clinocardium nuttallii, Butter clam = Saxidomus giganteus, Littleneck clam = Leukoma staminea, recreational f
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, human impacts, climate, habitats, land use, salinity, sea level, wetlands, wetland vegetation, zonal distribution
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, hydrography, physics, sediments, tides, tidal currents, mathematical modeling
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Jackson Creek, hydrology, Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus spp., human impacts
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Oregon State University, aquatic invertebrates, molluscs, bivalves, shellfish
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Paleo-Jackson Creek, coastal hazards, earthquakes, tsunamis, geology, archeology, paleosciences, sediments, erosion,
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery, Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas, aquaculture, aquatic invertebrates, bivalves, calcium carbonate, molluscs, ocean acidification, physiology, stress
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery, Yaquina Bay, bacteria, Trichodesmium spp., Vibrio spp., commercial fisheries – shellfish, aquaculture, estuarine dynamics, theses
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery, Yaquina Bay, bacteria, Trichodesmium spp., Vibrio spp., commercial fisheries – shellfish, aquaculture, estuarine dynamics. theses
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, climate change, carbon dioxide, ocean acidification, aquatic invertebrates, mollusks, bivalves, oysters, hatcheries, environmental law and policy, human impacts
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, Harbor seal = Phoca vitulina, marine mammals, behavior, acoustics, population count, geographic distribution, natural resource management
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas, aquaculture, aquatic invertebrates, molluscs, bivalves, oysters, energy, life history information, larvae, lipids, ontology, ocean acidification
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas, aquaculture, climate change, ocean acidification, environmental law and policy
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, Sand Lake Estuary, Departure Bay (B.C.), Hiroura Bay (Japan), Bodega Bay, Purple varnish clam = Nuttallia obscurata, Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister), Red rock crab = Cancer productus, European gree
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, Tillamook Bay, Trask River, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, genetics., hatcheries, hatchery salmonids, wild salmonids, recreational fisheries – salmon
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, Whiskey Creek Hatchery, Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas, eelgrass = Zostera marina, Japanese eelgrass = Zostera japonica, molluscs, bivalves, larvae, ocean acidification, carbon dioxide, habitats, sediments
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, Whiskey Creek Hatchery, Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas, eelgrass = Zostera marina, Japanese eelgrass = Zostera japonica, molluscs, bivalves, larvae, ocean acidification, carbon dioxide, habitats, sediments theses
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, Whiskey Creek Hatchery, Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas, eelgrass = Zostera marina, Japanese eelgrass = Zostera japonica, molluscs, bivalves, larvae, ocean acidification, carbon dioxide, habitats, sediments, theses
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Willapa Bay, California Current, pH data, water quality, ocean acidification, Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas, pteropods, environmental policy and law
Biblio_terms - Netarts Bay, Yaquina Bay, Willapa Bay, general, aquaculture, molluscs, bivalves, oysters, Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas, Olympia oyster=Ostrea lurida (Ostrea conchaphila), climate change, ocean acidification, carbonic acid, calcium carbonate, human
Biblio_terms - Netarts estuary
Biblio_terms - Netarts Littoral Cell
Biblio_terms - Netarts Marsh
Biblio_terms - Netarts Sand Spit
Biblio_terms - Netarts Sandspit
Biblio_terms - Netarts Spit
Biblio_terms - Netarts, Or.
Biblio_terms - Netherlands
Biblio_terms - Nettle Creek
Biblio_terms - neural networks
Biblio_terms - Nevada
Biblio_terms - New Jersey
Biblio_terms - New Mexico
Biblio_terms - New River
Biblio_terms - New River Estuary
Biblio_terms - new species description
Biblio_terms - New York
Biblio_terms - New Zealand
Biblio_terms - New Zealand mud snail = Potamopyrgus antipodarum
Biblio_terms - Newport
Biblio_terms - Newport (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Newport Bay (Cal.)sediments
Biblio_terms - Newport bayfront
Biblio_terms - Newport Fish Company
Biblio_terms - Newport Pacific Corp.
Biblio_terms - Newport Pinnacles
Biblio_terms - Newport, Or.
Biblio_terms - Newton Creek
Biblio_terms - NF Nehalem River
Biblio_terms - NF Scappoose Creek, NF Nehalem River, EF Trask River, Mill Creek (Siletz), Mill Creek (Yaquina), Cascade Creek (Alsea), West Fork Smith River (Umpqua), Winchester Creek (Coos Bay), Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawy
Biblio_terms - Nichols Creek
Biblio_terms - nickel
Biblio_terms - Nigeria
Biblio_terms - Nijar Formation
Biblio_terms - Nisqually River
Biblio_terms - Nitinat River estuary
Biblio_terms - nitrate
Biblio_terms - Nitrate nitrogen
Biblio_terms - nitrate-nitrite
Biblio_terms - Nitrate-nitrite data
Biblio_terms - nitrate-nitrite data
Biblio_terms - nitrates
Biblio_terms - nitrite-nitrate data
Biblio_terms - Nitrogen
Biblio_terms - nitrogen
Biblio_terms - nitrogen cycle
Biblio_terms - nitrogen dioxide
Biblio_terms - nitrous oxide
Biblio_terms - No Man Creek
Biblio_terms - NOAA Marine Opeations Center - Pacific
Biblio_terms - Noble Creek
Biblio_terms - Noel Creek
Biblio_terms - Noise
Biblio_terms - Nomenclature
Biblio_terms - Nonophyetus salmincola
Biblio_terms - Nonpareil
Biblio_terms - Nonpareil Dam
Biblio_terms - Norris Creek
Biblio_terms - North America
Biblio_terms - North American beaver = Castor canadensis
Biblio_terms - North American beaver = Castor Canadensis
Biblio_terms - North American beaver=Castor canadensis
Biblio_terms - North American river otter = Lontra canadensis
Biblio_terms - North Bend
Biblio_terms - North Bend (Or.)
Biblio_terms - North Boardman
Biblio_terms - North Carolina
Biblio_terms - North Charlotte Creek
Biblio_terms - North Cove
Biblio_terms - North Creek
Biblio_terms - North Depoe Bay Creek
Biblio_terms - North Douglas
Biblio_terms - North Fork
Biblio_terms - North Fork Alsea River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Beaver Creek
Biblio_terms - North Fork Coquille River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Deer Creek
Biblio_terms - North Fork Drift Creek
Biblio_terms - North Fork Flat
Biblio_terms - North Fork Hinkle Creek
Biblio_terms - North Fork Necanicum River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Nehalem Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - North Fork Nehalem River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Nehelem River
Biblio_terms - North Fork of the Nehalem River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Schooner Creek
Biblio_terms - North Fork Siletz River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Site
Biblio_terms - North Fork Siuslaw River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Smith River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Trask River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Walker Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - North Fork Wilson River
Biblio_terms - North Fork Yachats River
Biblio_terms - North Jetty
Biblio_terms - North Myrtle Creek
Biblio_terms - North Myrtle Creek (South Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - North Nehalem River
Biblio_terms - North of Nevor Shellfish (Netarts)
Biblio_terms - North Pacific Gyre Oscillation
Biblio_terms - North Santiam River
Biblio_terms - North Shore
Biblio_terms - North Shore Alsea Bay
Biblio_terms - North Sister Creek
Biblio_terms - North Sister Creek (Smith River)
Biblio_terms - North Sister Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - North Soup Creek (Lower Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - North Spit
Biblio_terms - North Spit Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - North Tenmile Lake
Biblio_terms - North Trail House
Biblio_terms - North Umpqua
Biblio_terms - North Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - North Umpqua Complex Fire
Biblio_terms - North Umpqua Hydroelectric Project
Biblio_terms - North Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - North Umpqua River Basin
Biblio_terms - North Umpqua River, Pass Creek, logging
Biblio_terms - North Umpqua River, Western pearl mussel = Margaritifera falcata, taxonomy, genetics, aquatic invertebrates, molluscs, bivalves
Biblio_terms - North Umpqua Village
Biblio_terms - north-america
Biblio_terms - Northbay
Biblio_terms - Northern anchovy = Engraulis mordax
Biblio_terms - Northern anchovy=Engraulis mordax
Biblio_terms - northern anchovy=Engraulis mordax
Biblio_terms - Northern bald eagle = Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus
Biblio_terms - northern elephant seal = Mirounga angustirostris
Biblio_terms - Northern fur seal = Callorhinus ursinus
Biblio_terms - Northern kelp crab = Pugettia producta
Biblio_terms - northern kelp crab=Pugettia producta
Biblio_terms - Northern Oregon coast
Biblio_terms - Northern pintail = Anas acuta
Biblio_terms - Northwest treefrog = Hyliola regilla (Pseudacris regilla)
Biblio_terms - Northwest ugly clam = Entodesma saxicola
Biblio_terms - Northwestern salamander = Ambystoma gracile
Biblio_terms - Norton Creek
Biblio_terms - Nortons
Biblio_terms - Norway
Biblio_terms - Nova Scotia
Biblio_terms - Nucella emarginata
Biblio_terms - Nucella lamellosa
Biblio_terms - Nuclear power
Biblio_terms - Nute Slough
Biblio_terms - Nute Slough. Poole Slough
Biblio_terms - nutria = Myocastor coypus
Biblio_terms - nutrient cycles
Biblio_terms - Nutrient cycles
Biblio_terms - nutrient cycling
Biblio_terms - Nutrients
Biblio_terms - nutrients
Biblio_terms - nutrition
Biblio_terms - Nutrition
Biblio_terms - Nuttall cockle = Clinocardium nuttallii
Biblio_terms - Nuttall cockle=Clinocardium nuttallii
Biblio_terms - Nye Beach
Biblio_terms - Nye Mudstone
Biblio_terms - O'Hara Cr.
Biblio_terms - O'Hara Creek
Biblio_terms - O'Shea Creek
Biblio_terms - Oak Creek
Biblio_terms - Oakcreek (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Oakland
Biblio_terms - Oakland's Fish Camp
Biblio_terms - Oakland's Marina
Biblio_terms - Oar Creek
Biblio_terms - Ocean Acidification
Biblio_terms - ocean acidification
Biblio_terms - Ocean acidification
Biblio_terms - ocean acidification,
Biblio_terms - Oceanic
Biblio_terms - Oceanlake
Biblio_terms - Oceanlake (Or.)
Biblio_terms - oceanography
Biblio_terms - Oceanside
Biblio_terms - Oceanside (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Oceanside (Oregon)
Biblio_terms - Oceanside Littoral Cell
Biblio_terms - Ocmulgee River
Biblio_terms - Odonthalia floccosa
Biblio_terms - Oean acidification
Biblio_terms - Ohanapecosh Formation
Biblio_terms - Oil
Biblio_terms - Oil spills
Biblio_terms - oil spills
Biblio_terms - Oithona similis
Biblio_terms - Okanogan River
Biblio_terms - Okie Creek
Biblio_terms - Oklahoma
Biblio_terms - Okpikruak Formation
Biblio_terms - Olalla (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Olalla Creek
Biblio_terms - Olalla Reservoir (Yaquina River)
Biblio_terms - Olalla Slough
Biblio_terms - Old Mill Site Riffle
Biblio_terms - Oldham Creek
Biblio_terms - oldsquaw=Clangula hyemalis
Biblio_terms - Oligocene
Biblio_terms - Oligochaeta
Biblio_terms - Olivella biplicata
Biblio_terms - Oliver Creek
Biblio_terms - Ollala Slough
Biblio_terms - Ollalla Slough
Biblio_terms - Olssonville
Biblio_terms - Olympia oyste = Ostrea lurida (Ostrea conchaphila)
Biblio_terms - Olympia oyster = Ostrea conchaphila (Ostrea lurida)
Biblio_terms - Olympia oyster = Ostrea lurida
Biblio_terms - Olympia oyster = Ostrea lurida (O. conchaphila)
Biblio_terms - Olympia oyster = Ostrea lurida (Ostrea conchaphila)
Biblio_terms - Olympia oyster = Ostrea lurida [Ostrea conchaphila]
Biblio_terms - Olympia oyster=Ostrea lurida (Ostrea conchaphila)
Biblio_terms - Olympia oyster=Ostrea lurida (Ostrea conchaphila),Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, Pacific Coast, aquatic invertebrates, mollusks, bivalves, reproduction, recruitment, habitats, salinity, water temperature, chlorophyll, human impacts, geographical distributi
Biblio_terms - Olympia oyster=Ostrea lurida (Ostrea conchaphila),Netarts Bay, Whiskey Creek, Pacific Coast, aquatic invertebrates, mollusks, bivalves, reproduction, recruitment, habitats, salinity, water temperature, chlorophyll, human impacts, geographical distribution
Biblio_terms - Olympic mudminnow = Novumbra hubbsi
Biblio_terms - Olympic oyster = Ostrea conchaphila (Ostrea lurida)
Biblio_terms - Oman
Biblio_terms - Omar Formation
Biblio_terms - Ona Beach
Biblio_terms - Ona Beach State Park
Biblio_terms - Oncorhynchus species
Biblio_terms - Oncorhynchus spp.
Biblio_terms - Oneatta (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Oneatta Point
Biblio_terms - Ono formation
Biblio_terms - opaleye=Girella nigricans
Biblio_terms - Open Bay Formation
Biblio_terms - Opossum shrimp = Neomysis mercedis
Biblio_terms - Or.
Biblio_terms - Or.: Winchester
Biblio_terms - Orconectes neglectus = ringed crayfish
Biblio_terms - Oregon
Biblio_terms - Oregon Aqua Foods
Biblio_terms - Oregon Aqua-Foods
Biblio_terms - Oregon Cascade Range
Biblio_terms - Oregon chub = Oregonichthys crameri
Biblio_terms - Oregon chub=Hybopsis crameri
Biblio_terms - Oregon chubs = Oregonichthys spp.
Biblio_terms - Oregon Coast
Biblio_terms - Oregon coast
Biblio_terms - Oregon Coast Aquarium
Biblio_terms - Oregon Coast Aquarium mudflat
Biblio_terms - Oregon Coast Range
Biblio_terms - Oregon Coast Range, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, Coos Bay Watershed, Coquille River Basin, Nestucca River Basin, agriculture, environmental law and policy, hydrography, logging, natural resource management, riparian areas, terrestrial vegetation
Biblio_terms - Oregon Coast Range, environmental law and policy, logging, agriculture, riparian areas, terrestrial vegetation
Biblio_terms - Oregon Coast, Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus spp., Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, climate change, depleted populations, ecosystem health, endangered species, habitats, hatcheries, human impacts, life history, ocean acidification, water temperatur
Biblio_terms - Oregon Coastal Conservation and Development Commission
Biblio_terms - Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit
Biblio_terms - Oregon Dunes
Biblio_terms - Oregon Dunes National Recreational Area
Biblio_terms - Oregon Dunes Recreational Area
Biblio_terms - Oregon Fish Commission
Biblio_terms - Oregon Fish Commission Research Laboratory
Biblio_terms - Oregon gumplant = Grindelia stricta
Biblio_terms - Oregon Hatchery Research Center
Biblio_terms - Oregon Oyster Company
Biblio_terms - Oregon Oyster Farm
Biblio_terms - Oregon Oyster Farms
Biblio_terms - Oregon pikeminnow = Ptychocheilus oregonensis
Biblio_terms - Oregon shore crab = Hemigrapsus oregonensis
Biblio_terms - Oregon silverspot butterfly = Speyeria zerene Hippolyta, Early blue violet = Viola adunca, Cascade Head, Rock Creek-Big Creek, Bray Pt., and Mt. Hebo, Del Norte Conservation Area (Lake Earl), depleted populations, threatened species, habitats, human imp
Biblio_terms - Oregon slender salamander = Batrachoseps wrighti
Biblio_terms - Oregon State Game Commission
Biblio_terms - Oregon State University
Biblio_terms - Oregon State University Hatfield Marine Science Center
Biblio_terms - Oregon, environmental law and policy, land ownership, tidelands, beaches, Beach Bill
Biblio_terms - Oregon, Pacific Northwest, Pacific Southwest, Intermountain West, water temperature, climate, environmental monitoring, mathematical modeling
Biblio_terms - Orford Reef
Biblio_terms - organic carbon
Biblio_terms - Organic carbon
Biblio_terms - organic matter
Biblio_terms - orientation
Biblio_terms - Orthione griffenis
Biblio_terms - osmosis
Biblio_terms - Osprey = Pandion halioetus
Biblio_terms - OSU Libraries: Electronic Subscription
Biblio_terms - OSU Swanson Aquaculture Research Station
Biblio_terms - Otadai Formation
Biblio_terms - Otis (Or.)
Biblio_terms - otoliths
Biblio_terms - Otter Creek
Biblio_terms - Otter Crest
Biblio_terms - Otter Point Formation
Biblio_terms - Otter Rock
Biblio_terms - Otter Rock Marine Reserve
Biblio_terms - Otter Slough
Biblio_terms - outfall
Biblio_terms - Owens tui chub = Gila bicolor snyderi
Biblio_terms - Oxbow Creek (tributary of the Siuslaw River)
Biblio_terms - oxygen
Biblio_terms - Oxygen
Biblio_terms - Oxytrema silicula
Biblio_terms - Oyster Bay (Wa.)
Biblio_terms - Oyster City
Biblio_terms - oysters
Biblio_terms - Oysters
Biblio_terms - Oysterville
Biblio_terms - Oysterville (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Oysterville (Wa.)
Biblio_terms - ozone
Biblio_terms - O’Hara Creek
Biblio_terms - Pacifastacus gambelii
Biblio_terms - Pacific
Biblio_terms - Pacific brook lamprey = Lampetra pacifica
Biblio_terms - Pacific City (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Pacific Coast
Biblio_terms - Pacific cod = Gadus macrocephalus
Biblio_terms - Pacific Decadal Oscillation
Biblio_terms - Pacific dulse = Palmaria mollis
Biblio_terms - Pacific falsejingle = Pododesmus cepio
Biblio_terms - Pacific fisher = Martes pennant pacifica
Biblio_terms - Pacific gaper clam = Tresus nuttallii
Biblio_terms - Pacific gaper=Tresus nuttallii
Biblio_terms - Pacific hake (whiting) = Merluccius productus
Biblio_terms - Pacific hake = Merluccius productus
Biblio_terms - Pacific halibut = Hippoglossus stenolepis
Biblio_terms - Pacific herring = Clupea pallasi
Biblio_terms - Pacific herring = Clupea pallasii
Biblio_terms - Pacific herring = Clupea pallasi
Biblio_terms - Pacific herring = Clupea pallasii
Biblio_terms - Pacific herring=Clupea pallasi
Biblio_terms - Pacific jumping mouse = Zaphus trinotatus
Biblio_terms - Pacific lamprey = Entosphenus tridentatus
Biblio_terms - Pacific lamprey = Entosphenus tridentatus (Lampetra tridentata)
Biblio_terms - Pacific lamprey = Entosphenus tridentatus (Lampetra tridentata) River lamprey = Lampetra ayresi. Rock Creek
Biblio_terms - Pacific lamprey = Entosphenus tridentatus (Lampetra tridentata) Western brook lamprey = Lampetra richardsoni
Biblio_terms - Pacific lamprey = Lampetra tridentata
Biblio_terms - Pacific lamprey=Entosphenus tridentatus (Lampetra tridentata)
Biblio_terms - Pacific lamprey=Lampetra tridentata
Biblio_terms - Pacific lampreys = Lampetra spp.
Biblio_terms - Pacific littleneck = Leukoma staminea
Biblio_terms - Pacific littleneck = Protothaca staminea
Biblio_terms - Pacific littleneck=Leukoma staminea
Biblio_terms - Pacific loon = Gavia pacifica
Biblio_terms - Pacific lugworm = Abarenicola pacifica
Biblio_terms - Pacific marten = Martes caurina (Martes americana), depleted populations, geographical distribution, population count, species list, habitats, human impacts, Oregon Coast, Alsea River Basin, Umpqua River Basin
Biblio_terms - Pacific marten = Martes caurina humboldtensis
Biblio_terms - Pacific Northwest
Biblio_terms - Pacific Ocean
Biblio_terms - Pacific ocean perch=Sebastes alutus
Biblio_terms - Pacific oyster =Crassostrea gigas
Biblio_terms - Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas
Biblio_terms - Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas,
Biblio_terms - Pacific oyster = Crassostrea gigas, aquaculture, natural resource management, Alsea Oyster Company, Alsea Bay
Biblio_terms - Pacific oyster=Crassostrea gigas
Biblio_terms - Pacific razor clam = Siliqua patula
Biblio_terms - Pacific razor clam=Siliqua patula
Biblio_terms - Pacific razor=Siliqua patula
Biblio_terms - Pacific rock crab = Romaleon antennarium (Cancer antennarius)
Biblio_terms - Pacific sallmon = Oncorhynchus species
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmon = Oncorhynchus spp.
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonid species (Oncorhynchus spp.)
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonid species = Oncorhynchus spp.
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus species
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus spp
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus spp.
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus spp., Nehalem River, Trask River, Nestucca River, Salmon River, Salmon Hatchery, Alsea River, North Fork Alsea River, Alsea Hatchery, Fall Creek, Oregon Hatchery Research Center, Umpqua River, North Fork Umpqua River, Ro
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus spp., Salmon River Hatchery, Alsea River Hatchery, North Fork Alsea River, Fall Creek, Oregon Hatchery Research Center, North Fork Umpqua River, Rock Creek Hatchery, hatcheries, genetics, environmental impact statement
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids = Oncorhyncus species
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids=Oncorhynchus sp
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids=Oncorhynchus species
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids=Oncorhynchus spp
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids=Oncorhynchus spp.
Biblio_terms - Pacific salmonids=Oncorhynchus spp.Umpqua chub=Oregonichthys kalawatseti
Biblio_terms - Pacific sand lance = Ammodytes hexapterus
Biblio_terms - Pacific sand lance=Ammodytes hexapterus
Biblio_terms - Pacific sanddab = Citharichthys sordidus
Biblio_terms - Pacific sea blenny = Lumpenus sagitta
Biblio_terms - Pacific shrew = Sorex pacificus
Biblio_terms - Pacific silverweed = Potentilla pacifica
Biblio_terms - Pacific smelt = Thaleichthys pacificus
Biblio_terms - Pacific smelt=Thaleichthys pacificus
Biblio_terms - Pacific Spruce Corporation
Biblio_terms - Pacific staghorn sculpin = Leptocottus armatus
Biblio_terms - Pacific staghorn sculpin=Leptocottus armatus
Biblio_terms - Pacific tomcod = Microgadus proximus
Biblio_terms - Pacific tomcod=Microgadus proximus
Biblio_terms - Pack Sack Lookout Basalt
Biblio_terms - Packard Creek
Biblio_terms - Packard Gulch
Biblio_terms - Padded sculpin = Artedius fenestralis
Biblio_terms - Padilla Bay
Biblio_terms - Padilla Bay (Wash.)
Biblio_terms - Page Road (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Pakistan
Biblio_terms - Paleocene
Biblio_terms - paleoecology
Biblio_terms - Paleogene
Biblio_terms - Paleomagnetism
Biblio_terms - paleontology
Biblio_terms - paleosciences
Biblio_terms - Paleosciences
Biblio_terms - paleosciences, geology, sediments, methane
Biblio_terms - Paleozoic
Biblio_terms - Palmaria mollis
Biblio_terms - Palmer Creek
Biblio_terms - Palmrose
Biblio_terms - Palmrose Site
Biblio_terms - Pancho Rico Formation
Biblio_terms - Pangaea
Biblio_terms - Panther Creek
Biblio_terms - Panther Creek (Salmon)
Biblio_terms - Panther Creek (Smith River)
Biblio_terms - Panther Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Papua New Guinea
Biblio_terms - Par-Tee
Biblio_terms - Par-Tee Site
Biblio_terms - Paraclanus parvus
Biblio_terms - Paradise Cove
Biblio_terms - Paradise cove
Biblio_terms - Paradise Creek
Biblio_terms - Paradise Creek (Umpqua River)
Biblio_terms - paralytic shellfish poisoning
Biblio_terms - Parapleustes species
Biblio_terms - parasites
Biblio_terms - Parasites
Biblio_terms - Parasitic nematode = Ascarophis spp.
Biblio_terms - Parker Slough
Biblio_terms - Parrott Creek
Biblio_terms - Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers
Biblio_terms - Paskenta formation
Biblio_terms - Paso Robles Formation
Biblio_terms - Pass Creek
Biblio_terms - Pat Larson Riffle
Biblio_terms - Patterson Creek
Biblio_terms - Peak Creek
Biblio_terms - Peak Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Peat
Biblio_terms - Peavine Creek
Biblio_terms - Pecten
Biblio_terms - Pelagic cormorant = Phalacrocorax pelagicus
Biblio_terms - pelagic cormorant=Phalacrocorax pelagicus
Biblio_terms - Pennsylvania
Biblio_terms - Penpoint gunnel = Apodichthys flavidus
Biblio_terms - pentachlorophenol
Biblio_terms - perceived threats to estuaries
Biblio_terms - Peregrine falcon = Falco peregrinus
Biblio_terms - peregrine falcon=Falco peregrinus
Biblio_terms - Peromyscus maniculatus = deer mouse
Biblio_terms - Peru
Biblio_terms - pesticides
Biblio_terms - Pesticides
Biblio_terms - petrale sole=Eopsetta jordani
Biblio_terms - petrography
Biblio_terms - petroleum
Biblio_terms - pH
Biblio_terms - pH data
Biblio_terms - pH levels
Biblio_terms - Phages
Biblio_terms - Phanerozoic
Biblio_terms - Pharmaceutical
Biblio_terms - Pharmaceuticals
Biblio_terms - Pheasant Creek
Biblio_terms - phenology
Biblio_terms - Phenology
Biblio_terms - Phenols
Biblio_terms - phenols
Biblio_terms - Philippines
Biblio_terms - Phillips Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - phosphate
Biblio_terms - phosphate data
Biblio_terms - Phosphate data
Biblio_terms - Phosphorite
Biblio_terms - phosphorus
Biblio_terms - Phosphorus
Biblio_terms - photograph
Biblio_terms - photographs
Biblio_terms - photoperiod
Biblio_terms - Phyllodoce williamsi
Biblio_terms - Phyllospadix species
Biblio_terms - phylogeny
Biblio_terms - physical
Biblio_terms - physical modificaitons
Biblio_terms - physical modification
Biblio_terms - physical modifications
Biblio_terms - Physical modifications
Biblio_terms - physics
Biblio_terms - physiology
Biblio_terms - Physiology
Biblio_terms - physiology,
Biblio_terms - Phytoclasts
Biblio_terms - phytoplankton
Biblio_terms - Pickett Creek
Biblio_terms - Pickleweed = Salicornia virginica
Biblio_terms - piddock clam = Zirfaea pilsbryi
Biblio_terms - Piddock clam = Penitella penita
Biblio_terms - piddock clam =Zirfaea pilsbryi
Biblio_terms - Piddock siphon = Pholadidea penita
Biblio_terms - Pigeon guillemot = Cepphus Columba
Biblio_terms - pigeon guillemot=Cephus columba
Biblio_terms - Pigeon Point
Biblio_terms - Pigeon Point Formation
Biblio_terms - Pikes Camp
Biblio_terms - pile perch = Rhacochilus vacca
Biblio_terms - pile perch=Rhacochilus vacca
Biblio_terms - pile surfperch =Rhacochilus vacca
Biblio_terms - Pillow lava
Biblio_terms - Pillow lavas
Biblio_terms - Pilsbry piddock clam =Zirfaea pilsbryi
Biblio_terms - Pinecrest
Biblio_terms - Pink (humpback) salmon = Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Biblio_terms - Pink salmon (humpback) = Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Biblio_terms - Pink salmon (humpback) = Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, life history information, habitats, North American beaver = Castor Canadensis, agriculture, logging, dams, dredging, irrigation, mining, water pollution, water temperature, erosion, sediments, human impac
Biblio_terms - pink salmon = Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Biblio_terms - pink salmon=Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
Biblio_terms - pink shrimp = Pandalas jordani
Biblio_terms - Pink shrimp = Pandalas jordani
Biblio_terms - pink shrimp = Pandalus jordani
Biblio_terms - pink shrimp=Pandalus jordani
Biblio_terms - pinnipeds
Biblio_terms - Pioneer Quarry
Biblio_terms - Pipestem Inlet
Biblio_terms - Pipestone Creek
Biblio_terms - Pistol River
Biblio_terms - Pistol River estuary
Biblio_terms - Pixieland
Biblio_terms - plankton
Biblio_terms - planning
Biblio_terms - Planothidium delicatulum
Biblio_terms - plant species
Biblio_terms - plant succession
Biblio_terms - Plastic
Biblio_terms - Plat I Reservoir
Biblio_terms - Plate tectonics
Biblio_terms - Platt I Reservoir
Biblio_terms - platyhelminthes
Biblio_terms - Pleated juga = Juga plicifera
Biblio_terms - Pleistocene
Biblio_terms - Pleistophora species
Biblio_terms - Pleuronectes vetulus
Biblio_terms - Pliocene
Biblio_terms - Plusfour Creek
Biblio_terms - Plutonic rocks
Biblio_terms - Plutonism
Biblio_terms - Podon species
Biblio_terms - Poland
Biblio_terms - Polk County
Biblio_terms - Polloc Creek
Biblio_terms - Pollution
Biblio_terms - pollution
Biblio_terms - polychaete worms
Biblio_terms - polychaetes
Biblio_terms - Polychaetes
Biblio_terms - polychlorinated biphenyls
Biblio_terms - Polysiphonia species
Biblio_terms - Pony Point
Biblio_terms - Poole Creek
Biblio_terms - Poole Slough
Biblio_terms - Poole Slough (Yaquina)
Biblio_terms - Pooles Slough
Biblio_terms - Poole’s Slouth
Biblio_terms - population
Biblio_terms - Population biology
Biblio_terms - population biology
Biblio_terms - population count
Biblio_terms - Population count
Biblio_terms - population data
Biblio_terms - population dynamics
Biblio_terms - Porcelain crab = Pachycheles spp.
Biblio_terms - porcelain crabs
Biblio_terms - Porifera
Biblio_terms - poriferans
Biblio_terms - Porphyra abbottae
Biblio_terms - Porphyra nereocystis
Biblio_terms - Port of Alsea
Biblio_terms - Port of Astoria
Biblio_terms - Port of Bandon
Biblio_terms - Port of Bay City
Biblio_terms - Port of Brookings
Biblio_terms - Port of Coos Bay
Biblio_terms - Port of Coquille River
Biblio_terms - Port of Depoe Bay
Biblio_terms - Port of Florence
Biblio_terms - Port of Garibaldi
Biblio_terms - Port of Gold Beach
Biblio_terms - Port of Hammond
Biblio_terms - Port of Nehalem
Biblio_terms - Port of Newport
Biblio_terms - Port of Newport Dock 1
Biblio_terms - Port of Newport Dock 2
Biblio_terms - Port of Newport Dock 3
Biblio_terms - Port of Newport Dock 5
Biblio_terms - Port of Newport Dock 7
Biblio_terms - Port of Port Orford
Biblio_terms - Port of Siuslaw
Biblio_terms - Port of Tillamook Bay
Biblio_terms - Port of Toledo
Biblio_terms - Port of Umpqua
Biblio_terms - Port of Umpqua Industrial Park
Biblio_terms - Port of Waldport
Biblio_terms - Port Orford
Biblio_terms - Port Orford (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Port Orford, Coquille River, Coos Bay, Umpqua River, Siuslaw River, Alsea River, Yaquina River, Nestucca River, Tillamook Bay, Columbia River, Scottsburg (Or.), navigation, ports, harbors, physical modification
Biblio_terms - Porter Creek
Biblio_terms - Porter Creek (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Portland (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Portland Harbor
Biblio_terms - Ports
Biblio_terms - ports
Biblio_terms - ports. Roseburg (Or.)
Biblio_terms - potassium
Biblio_terms - Potassium-argon
Biblio_terms - Poul Creek Formation
Biblio_terms - Powerdale Dam
Biblio_terms - Powers
Biblio_terms - Prairie Creek
Biblio_terms - Preacher Creek
Biblio_terms - Precipitation
Biblio_terms - precipitation
Biblio_terms - precipitation data
Biblio_terms - Predation
Biblio_terms - predation
Biblio_terms - prehistory
Biblio_terms - Prickly sculpin = Cottus asper
Biblio_terms - prickly sculpin=Cottus asper
Biblio_terms - primary production
Biblio_terms - Primary production
Biblio_terms - primary productivity
Biblio_terms - Procambarus clarkii = red swamp crayfish
Biblio_terms - Productivity
Biblio_terms - Prong Creek
Biblio_terms - Prosser Slough (Cushman Slough)
Biblio_terms - Providence Creek
Biblio_terms - Pseudocalanus minutus
Biblio_terms - Pseudocalanus species
Biblio_terms - Pseudodiaptomus inopinus
Biblio_terms - Ptychocheilus grandis = Sacramento pikeminnow
Biblio_terms - Public Fishing Pier
Biblio_terms - Puerto Rico
Biblio_terms - Puget Sound
Biblio_terms - Puget Sound gumweed = Grindelia integrifoli
Biblio_terms - pulp mill effluent
Biblio_terms - Pumice glass
Biblio_terms - Purdy Creek
Biblio_terms - purple martin=Progne subis
Biblio_terms - Purple olive shell = Olivella biplicata
Biblio_terms - purple sea urchin = Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Biblio_terms - Purple Sea Urchin = Strongylocentrotus purpuratus
Biblio_terms - Purple shore crab = Hemigrapsus nudus
Biblio_terms - Purple varnish clam = Nuttallia obscurata
Biblio_terms - Pygmy rock crab = Glebocarcinus oregonensis (Cancer oregonensis)
Biblio_terms - Pygmy rock crab = Cancer oregonensis
Biblio_terms - Pygospio elegans
Biblio_terms - Pyrolysis
Biblio_terms - Pysht Formation
Biblio_terms - Qochyax Island
Biblio_terms - Quarry Creek
Biblio_terms - Quartz
Biblio_terms - Quartz Creek
Biblio_terms - Quaternary
Biblio_terms - Quaternary deposits
Biblio_terms - Quaternary geology
Biblio_terms - quatic vegetation
Biblio_terms - Quebec
Biblio_terms - Queenfish = Seriphus politus
Biblio_terms - Queets River (Washington State)
Biblio_terms - Quillback rockfish = Sebastes maliger
Biblio_terms - Quines Creek
Biblio_terms - Quines Creek (South Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - r Chetco River
Biblio_terms - r Coos River
Biblio_terms - r Coquille River
Biblio_terms - r Devils Lake
Biblio_terms - r Drift Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - r Nehalem River
Biblio_terms - r North Fork Alsea River
Biblio_terms - r Salmon River
Biblio_terms - r Siletz River
Biblio_terms - r Siuslaw River
Biblio_terms - Raccoon Flat
Biblio_terms - Raccoon Slough
Biblio_terms - Racoon Flat
Biblio_terms - Rader Creek
Biblio_terms - Radiocarbon
Biblio_terms - Radiometric dating
Biblio_terms - Railroad Creek
Biblio_terms - Rainbos trout = Oncorhynchus mykiss
Biblio_terms - Rainbow trout = Oncorhynchus mykiss
Biblio_terms - rainbow trout = Oncorhynchus mykiss
Biblio_terms - rainbow trout=Oncorhynchus mykiss (Salmo gairdneri)
Biblio_terms - Ralph Creek
Biblio_terms - Ranawipiti Pond
Biblio_terms - Randall Creek
Biblio_terms - Rattlesnake Creek
Biblio_terms - razor clam = Siliqua patula
Biblio_terms - razor clam=Siliqua patula
Biblio_terms - RDX
Biblio_terms - Ready Creek
Biblio_terms - recipes
Biblio_terms - Record Creek
Biblio_terms - recreactional fisheries
Biblio_terms - Recreation
Biblio_terms - recreation
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries - groundfish
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries - grounfish
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries - salmon
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries - salmonids
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries - shellfish
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries - shellfish commercial fisheries - shellfish
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries – groundfish
Biblio_terms - Recreational fisheries – salmon
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries – salmon
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries – shellfish
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries-salmon
Biblio_terms - recreational fisheries-shellfish
Biblio_terms - recreational fishing
Biblio_terms - recreational fishing – salmonids
Biblio_terms - recreational isheries - shellfish
Biblio_terms - recreational users
Biblio_terms - recreational uses
Biblio_terms - Recreational uses
Biblio_terms - recreatonal fisheries - sihellfish
Biblio_terms - recruitment
Biblio_terms - Rector formation
Biblio_terms - Red abalone = Haliotis rufescens
Biblio_terms - Red abalone=Haliotis rufescens
Biblio_terms - Red alder = Alnus rubra
Biblio_terms - red alder = Alnus rubra
Biblio_terms - red algae
Biblio_terms - red elderberry = Sambucus racemosa
Biblio_terms - Red Irish lord = Hemilepdotus hemilepdotus
Biblio_terms - red Irish lord=Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus
Biblio_terms - red macroalgae = Palmaria mollis
Biblio_terms - red macroalgae=Palmaria mollis
Biblio_terms - Red rock crab = Cancer productus
Biblio_terms - Red rock crab = Cancer productus
Biblio_terms - Red rock crab=Cancer productus
Biblio_terms - red sea urchin = Strongylocentrotus franciscanus
Biblio_terms - red shiner = Cyprinella lutrensis
Biblio_terms - Red swamp crayfish = Procambarus clarkia
Biblio_terms - red-breasted merganser=Mergus serrator
Biblio_terms - Red-legged frog = Rana aurora
Biblio_terms - red-tailed hawk=Buteo jamaicensis
Biblio_terms - Red-throated loon = Gavia stellate
Biblio_terms - red-throated loon=Gavia stellata
Biblio_terms - Redfish Rocks
Biblio_terms - Redfish Rocks Marine Reserve
Biblio_terms - Redman Creek
Biblio_terms - redside shiner = Richardsonius balteatus
Biblio_terms - redtail surf perch = Amphistichus rhodoterus
Biblio_terms - Redtop = Agrostis alba
Biblio_terms - Reed canary grass = Phalaris arundinacea
Biblio_terms - Reed canary grass=Phalaris arundinacea
Biblio_terms - Reed Creek
Biblio_terms - Reedsport
Biblio_terms - Reedsport (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Reedsport (Orr.)
Biblio_terms - Reedsport, Or.
Biblio_terms - Reedy Creek
Biblio_terms - Reference Marsh
Biblio_terms - regulations
Biblio_terms - reintroduced species
Biblio_terms - Reintroductions
Biblio_terms - remote sensing
Biblio_terms - Remote sensing
Biblio_terms - Remy Creek
Biblio_terms - Renewable energy
Biblio_terms - Renibacterium salmoninarum
Biblio_terms - reproduction
Biblio_terms - reproductive behavior
Biblio_terms - Reproductive behavior
Biblio_terms - Reproductive biology
Biblio_terms - reproductive biology
Biblio_terms - reptiles
Biblio_terms - reservoirs
Biblio_terms - respiration
Biblio_terms - Reston (Or.)
Biblio_terms - restoration
Biblio_terms - restoration ecology
Biblio_terms - Restoration ecology
Biblio_terms - Reticulate sculpin = Cottus perplexus
Biblio_terms - Reticulate sculpin=Cottus perplexus
Biblio_terms - Reynolds Creek
Biblio_terms - Rhenium
Biblio_terms - Rhepoxynius abronius
Biblio_terms - Rhinoceros auklet Cerorhinca monocerata
Biblio_terms - rhinoceros auklet=Cerorhinca monocerata
Biblio_terms - Rhizosolenia species
Biblio_terms - Rhode Island
Biblio_terms - RIbbed limpet=Collisella digitalis
Biblio_terms - Rice Cr.
Biblio_terms - Rice Creek
Biblio_terms - Richardson Creek
Biblio_terms - Rickard Creek
Biblio_terms - Rickreall Creek
Biblio_terms - Riddle
Biblio_terms - Riddle Creek
Biblio_terms - Ridge subduction
Biblio_terms - Riffle Creek
Biblio_terms - ring-billed gull=Larus delawarensis
Biblio_terms - Ringed crayfish = Orconectes neglectus
Biblio_terms - riparian
Biblio_terms - Riparian aareas
Biblio_terms - Riparian areas
Biblio_terms - riparian areas
Biblio_terms - riparian vegetation
Biblio_terms - riprap
Biblio_terms - Riser Creek
Biblio_terms - Risley Creek
Biblio_terms - River Basin
Biblio_terms - River Bend
Biblio_terms - River lamprey = Lampetra ayresi
Biblio_terms - river lamprey=Lampetra ayresi
Biblio_terms - River mile 10
Biblio_terms - River mile 11
Biblio_terms - River Mile 14
Biblio_terms - River mile 16
Biblio_terms - River Mile 18
Biblio_terms - River mile 19
Biblio_terms - River Mile 2
Biblio_terms - River Mile 24
Biblio_terms - River Mile 3
Biblio_terms - River Mile 4
Biblio_terms - River mile 5.6
Biblio_terms - River Mile 6
Biblio_terms - River Mile 7
Biblio_terms - River Mile 8
Biblio_terms - River Mile 9
Biblio_terms - Riverend
Biblio_terms - Rivers
Biblio_terms - roads
Biblio_terms - Roads End
Biblio_terms - Road’s End Beach
Biblio_terms - Roaring River Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Roberts Bank
Biblio_terms - Roberts Creek
Biblio_terms - Rock Creek
Biblio_terms - Rock Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Rock Creek (Lane)
Biblio_terms - Rock Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Rock Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Rock Creek Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Rock Creek Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Rock Creek Marsh
Biblio_terms - Rock creep
Biblio_terms - Rock formations
Biblio_terms - rock scallop = Crassadoma gigantea
Biblio_terms - Rockaway (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Rockaway Beach
Biblio_terms - Rockaway Beach (Or.)
Biblio_terms - rockfish
Biblio_terms - Rockfish = Sebastes spp.
Biblio_terms - Rockheap Creek
Biblio_terms - Rocky Creek
Biblio_terms - Rocky Mountain tailed frog = Ascaphus montanus
Biblio_terms - Rocky Point
Biblio_terms - roe
Biblio_terms - Rogers Creek
Biblio_terms - Rogue
Biblio_terms - Rogue Formation
Biblio_terms - Rogue Reef
Biblio_terms - Rogue Rive
Biblio_terms - Rogue River
Biblio_terms - Rogue River Basin
Biblio_terms - Rogue River Bridge
Biblio_terms - Rogue River estuary
Biblio_terms - Roosevelt elk = Cervus canadensis roosevelti
Biblio_terms - Roosevelt elk=Cervus elaphus roosevelti
Biblio_terms - Rose Lodge (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Roseburg
Biblio_terms - Roseburg (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Roseburg Formation
Biblio_terms - Roseburg Or.
Biblio_terms - Roseburg Volcanics
Biblio_terms - Ross' gull=Rhodostethia rosea
Biblio_terms - Rosylip sculpin = Ascelichthys rhodorus
Biblio_terms - Rotund Lanx = Lanx subrotunda
Biblio_terms - Rough piddock = Zirfaea pilsbryi
Biblio_terms - Rough-skinned newt = Taricha granulosa
Biblio_terms - Rowdy Creek
Biblio_terms - Runoff
Biblio_terms - Russel Creek
Biblio_terms - Russell Creek
Biblio_terms - Russell Point
Biblio_terms - Rutilus symmetricus
Biblio_terms - s Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch
Biblio_terms - S Fork Schooner Creek
Biblio_terms - S Fork Siletz River
Biblio_terms - s geographic distribution
Biblio_terms - S. Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - Sabine's gull=Xema sabini
Biblio_terms - Sablefish = Anoplopoma fimbria
Biblio_terms - sablefish = Anoplopoma fimbria
Biblio_terms - sablefish=Anoplopoma fimbria
Biblio_terms - Saboo Creek
Biblio_terms - sacoglossus species
Biblio_terms - Sacramento River
Biblio_terms - Sacramento squawfish=Ptychocheilus grandis
Biblio_terms - Sacramento sucker=Catostomus occidentalis
Biblio_terms - Saddle Bag Mountain
Biblio_terms - Saddleback gunnel = Pholis ornata
Biblio_terms - Saddleback gunnel = Pholis ornate
Biblio_terms - Saddleback gunnel=Pholis ornata
Biblio_terms - Salado
Biblio_terms - Salado (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Salamanders
Biblio_terms - salamanders
Biblio_terms - Salander Creek
Biblio_terms - Salinas River
Biblio_terms - Salinity
Biblio_terms - salinity
Biblio_terms - Salinity data
Biblio_terms - salinity data
Biblio_terms - Salishan
Biblio_terms - Salishan Spit
Biblio_terms - Sally's Bend
Biblio_terms - Sally's Slough
Biblio_terms - Sally’s Bend
Biblio_terms - salmon
Biblio_terms - Salmon River estuary
Biblio_terms - Salmon Creek
Biblio_terms - Salmon Creek (Yaquina)
Biblio_terms - Salmon Creek Landing
Biblio_terms - Salmon Creek Marsh
Biblio_terms - Salmon Harbor
Biblio_terms - Salmon Harbor Moorage
Biblio_terms - salmon hatcheries
Biblio_terms - Salmon Rive
Biblio_terms - Salmon River
Biblio_terms - Salmon River Basin
Biblio_terms - Salmon River Estuary
Biblio_terms - Salmon River estuary
Biblio_terms - Salmon River Estuary, art, education, dike removal, human impacts, marsh restoration, wetland restoration
Biblio_terms - Salmon River Estuary, climate change, fungi, Marsh jaumea = Jaumea carnosa, Lyngbye’s sedge = Carex lyngbyei, Pickleweed = Salicornia virginica, salinity, salt marsh, Saltgrass = Distichlis spicata, sea levels, wetland vegetation
Biblio_terms - Salmon River estuary, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, hatcheries, hatchery salmonids, wild salmonids,
Biblio_terms - Salmon River Estuary, dike removal, diking, Highway 101, historical, human impacts, marsh restoration, tide gates, salt marsh, wetland restoration
Biblio_terms - Salmon River estuary, Fraser Creek, The Nature Conservancy, Highway 101, salt marsh, marsh restoration, restoration ecology, hydrology, sea level, fish passage
Biblio_terms - Salmon River estuary, human impacts, climate, habitats, land use, salinity, sea level, wetlands, wetland vegetation, zonal distribution
Biblio_terms - Salmon River estuary, Tillamook Bay, Youngs Bay, Baltic rush = Juncus balticus, Pacific silverweed = Potentilla pacifica, Tufted harigrass = Deschampsia cespitosa, climate change, sea level, salt marsh, sediments, organic carbon,
Biblio_terms - Salmon River Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Salmon River Formation
Biblio_terms - Salmon River Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Salmon River Siletz River
Biblio_terms - Salmon River Spit
Biblio_terms - Salmon River,
Biblio_terms - Salmon River, Devils Lake, Otter Rock, Yaquina River, Beaver Creek, Alsea River Basin, Yachats River, Five Rivers, Lake Creek, Siuslaw River Basin, Wildcat Creek, Duncan Slough, Siltcoos Lake, geography, general ecosystem description, historical, demogr
Biblio_terms - Salmon River, Siletz Bay, Yaquina Bay, Alsea Bay, Siuslaw River estuary, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, English sole = Parophrys vetulus, abundance, human impacts, ecosystem health, environmental stress, pollution, water quality,
Biblio_terms - Salmon species
Biblio_terms - Salmonberry = Rubus spectabilis
Biblio_terms - Salmonberry Creek
Biblio_terms - Salmonberry River
Biblio_terms - Salmonberry River (Nehalem River)
Biblio_terms - salmonid species
Biblio_terms - salmonid species = Oncorhynchus species
Biblio_terms - salmonids
Biblio_terms - salmonids = Oncorhynchus species
Biblio_terms - Salt Creek
Biblio_terms - salt marsh
Biblio_terms - Salt marsh
Biblio_terms - Salt Marsh
Biblio_terms - salt marsh ecology
Biblio_terms - salt marsh vegetation
Biblio_terms - Salt sandspurry = Spergularia salina
Biblio_terms - Saltgrass = Distichlis spicata
Biblio_terms - Saltgrass = Distichlis spicate
Biblio_terms - Saltmarsh
Biblio_terms - Saltmarsh bird’s beak = Cordylanthus maritimus Nutt. ssp. palustris
Biblio_terms - Saltwort = Sarcocornia virginica
Biblio_terms - Salza River (Austria)
Biblio_terms - Sam Creek
Biblio_terms - Samass River estuary
Biblio_terms - Sampson Creek
Biblio_terms - Sams Creek
Biblio_terms - Sams Creek Landing
Biblio_terms - Sams Creek Riffle
Biblio_terms - San Diego Bay
Biblio_terms - San Francisco Bay
Biblio_terms - San Lorenzo Formation
Biblio_terms - San Pablo Bay
Biblio_terms - Sand clam = Macoma secta
Biblio_terms - sand clam=Macoma secta
Biblio_terms - Sand Creek
Biblio_terms - sand dab=Citharichthys sordidius
Biblio_terms - sand dunes
Biblio_terms - Sand Lake
Biblio_terms - Sand Lake Creek
Biblio_terms - Sand Lake Estuary
Biblio_terms - sand sole = Psettichthys melanostictus
Biblio_terms - sand sole=Psettichthys melanostictus
Biblio_terms - sand spits
Biblio_terms - sand transport
Biblio_terms - Sanderling = Calidris alba
Biblio_terms - sanderling=Calidris alba
Biblio_terms - Sandlake estuary
Biblio_terms - Sandstone
Biblio_terms - Sandy River
Biblio_terms - Sandy River Basin
Biblio_terms - Santa Clara River
Biblio_terms - Santiam River
Biblio_terms - Santiam River Basin
Biblio_terms - Sargassum muticum
Biblio_terms - Sashin Creek
Biblio_terms - Savage Creek
Biblio_terms - Sawyer Creek
Biblio_terms - Sawyer's Bend
Biblio_terms - Sawyer's Landing
Biblio_terms - Sawyer's Rapid
Biblio_terms - Sawyer’s Landing
Biblio_terms - Sawyer’s Rapids
Biblio_terms - Scappoose Formation
Biblio_terms - Scare Creek
Biblio_terms - Scared Man Creek
Biblio_terms - scaup = Aythya species
Biblio_terms - Scholfield Creak
Biblio_terms - Scholfield Creek
Biblio_terms - Scholfield Creek (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Scholfield Slough
Biblio_terms - School Creek
Biblio_terms - School Fork
Biblio_terms - School Fork Yachats River
Biblio_terms - School Hollow
Biblio_terms - Schoolfield Creek
Biblio_terms - Schooner Creek
Biblio_terms - Schooner Creek (Siletz)
Biblio_terms - Schooner Creek Bridge
Biblio_terms - Schooner Point
Biblio_terms - Schultz Creek
Biblio_terms - Schuttpele Lake
Biblio_terms - scientific instrumentation
Biblio_terms - Scofield Creek
Biblio_terms - Scoloplos armaceps
Biblio_terms - Scotland
Biblio_terms - Scott Creek
Biblio_terms - Scott Creek (Alsea)
Biblio_terms - Scott Mount
Biblio_terms - Scotts Mills Formation
Biblio_terms - Scottsburg
Biblio_terms - Scottsburg (Or.)
Biblio_terms - scuba diving
Biblio_terms - sculpin = Cottus sp.
Biblio_terms - Sculpins = Cottidae spp.
Biblio_terms - sea anemones
Biblio_terms - Sea floor
Biblio_terms - Sea lettuce = Ulva lactuca
Biblio_terms - sea lettuce = Ulva spp.
Biblio_terms - Sea lettuce = Ulva spp. (Enteromorpha spp.)
Biblio_terms - Sea Level
Biblio_terms - sea level
Biblio_terms - Sea level
Biblio_terms - sea levels
Biblio_terms - Sea levels
Biblio_terms - Sea Lion Caves
Biblio_terms - Sea Lion Point: Rocky Knoll
Biblio_terms - Sea milkwort = Glaux maritima
Biblio_terms - Sea otter = Enhydra lutris
Biblio_terms - Sea plantain = Plantago maritima
Biblio_terms - Sea plantain = Plantago maritime
Biblio_terms - sea stars
Biblio_terms - sea vomit = Didemnum vexillum
Biblio_terms - Sea vomit = Didemnum vexillum
Biblio_terms - Seadrift Lagoon
Biblio_terms - seafood processing
Biblio_terms - Seagrass = Zostera marina
Biblio_terms - seagrass = Zostera marina
Biblio_terms - seagulls = Larus spp.
Biblio_terms - Seal Rock
Biblio_terms - Seal Rock (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Seal Rock, Alsea Bay, Yachats River Estuary, ethnography, archeology, geography, Native Americans, sediments, paleosciences, theses
Biblio_terms - Seal Rocks
Biblio_terms - Searlesia dira
Biblio_terms - Searose Beach
Biblio_terms - Seascape photographs
Biblio_terms - Seaside
Biblio_terms - Seaside (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Seaside arrograss = Triglochin maritima
Biblio_terms - Seaside arrowgrass = Triglochin maritima
Biblio_terms - Seaside arrowgrass = Triglochin maritime
Biblio_terms - Seaside Spit
Biblio_terms - Seawall Island
Biblio_terms - Section Creek
Biblio_terms - Sediment
Biblio_terms - sediment
Biblio_terms - sediment data
Biblio_terms - Sediment data
Biblio_terms - Sedimentary
Biblio_terms - Sedimentary basins
Biblio_terms - Sedimentary geology
Biblio_terms - Sedimentary rocks
Biblio_terms - Sedimentary sequence
Biblio_terms - Sedimentary sequences
Biblio_terms - Sedimentary structures
Biblio_terms - Sedimentary terranes
Biblio_terms - sedimentation
Biblio_terms - Sedimentology
Biblio_terms - sediments
Biblio_terms - Sediments
Biblio_terms - Seely Creek
Biblio_terms - segmented worms
Biblio_terms - Seismic
Biblio_terms - Seismic profiles
Biblio_terms - Seismic reflection
Biblio_terms - Seismicity
Biblio_terms - Selenastrum capricornutum
Biblio_terms - selenium
Biblio_terms - Sensors
Biblio_terms - Sequim Bay (Wa.)
Biblio_terms - Seron Formation
Biblio_terms - Serviceberry Creek
Biblio_terms - settlement
Biblio_terms - Settler Point
Biblio_terms - Sevin
Biblio_terms - Sewage
Biblio_terms - sex ratio
Biblio_terms - Shad = Cymatogaster aggregate
Biblio_terms - Shad = Alosa sapidissima
Biblio_terms - shad = Alosa sapidissima
Biblio_terms - Shad = Alosa sapidissima. Striped Bass = Morone saxatilis
Biblio_terms - Shad = Alosa sapidissima. Umpqua River
Biblio_terms - Shad=Alosa sapidissima
Biblio_terms - Shade Creek
Biblio_terms - Sharpnose sculpin = Clinocottus acuticeps
Biblio_terms - sharpnose seaperch=Phanerodon atripes
Biblio_terms - Shasta juga snail = Juga silicula
Biblio_terms - shell middens
Biblio_terms - Shell Point. Yaquina Bay
Biblio_terms - shellfish
Biblio_terms - Shellfish
Biblio_terms - shellfish disease
Biblio_terms - shellfish poisoning
Biblio_terms - Shield limpet=Collisella pelta
Biblio_terms - Shields Creek
Biblio_terms - shiner perch = Cymatogaster aggregata
Biblio_terms - Shiner perch = Cymatogaster aggregate
Biblio_terms - shiner perch = Cymatogaster aggregate
Biblio_terms - Shiner perch = Cymatogaster aggregate Wolf-eel = Amarrhichthys ocellatus
Biblio_terms - shiner perch=Cymatogaster aggregata
Biblio_terms - Shiner perch=Cymatogaster aggregate
Biblio_terms - shipping
Biblio_terms - Shipping
Biblio_terms - Shipyard Channel
Biblio_terms - Shirttail Point
Biblio_terms - Shiveley Creek
Biblio_terms - Shively Creek
Biblio_terms - Shoestring Creek
Biblio_terms - Shoreline
Biblio_terms - shorelines
Biblio_terms - Short Creek
Biblio_terms - Signal crayfish = Pacifastacus leniusculus
Biblio_terms - Signal crayfish = Pacifastacus leniusculus leniusculus
Biblio_terms - Sijota Creek
Biblio_terms - Siletz
Biblio_terms - Siletz (Or.)
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay Estuary
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay National Fish and Wildlife Refuge
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay, Coos Bay, Coquille River estuary, Pacific Coast, mathematical modeling, human impacts, climate, habitats, land use, salinity, sea level, wetlands, wetland vegetation, zonal distribution
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay, human impacts, climate, habitats, land use, salinity, sea level, wetlands, wetland vegetation, zonal distribution
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay, Millport Slough, Coos Bay, South Slough, Bandon Marsh, San Francisco Bay, Southern California, climate, sea level, salt marsh, wetland delineation, remote sensing, Creeping bentgrass = Agrostis stolonifera, Lyngbye’s sedge = Carex lyngbyei,
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay, Millport Slough, Coos Bay, South Slough, Bull Island, Coquille River Estuary, Bandon Marsh, climate change, sea levels, precipitation, wetland delineation, wetland vegetation, salt marsh, remote sensing, phenology, theses
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay, Nisqually, Willapa Bay, Humboldt Bay, San Pablo Bay, Tijuana Slough, climate, natural resource management, habitat conservation, sea levels, environmental education
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay, Schooner Creek, Kernville, Dungeness crab = Metacarcinus magister (Cancer magister), Purple varnish clam = Nuttallia obscurata, recreational fisheries – shellfish
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay, Siuslaw Bay, Purple varnish clam = Nuttallia obscurata, ballast water, introduced species, geographic distribution, Davidson current, zonal distribution
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay, Taft, Cutler City, Salishan Spit, Subtidal Channel, Softshell clam = Mya arenaria, Purple varnish clam = Nuttallia obscurata, , recreational fisheries – shellfish, population count, maps
Biblio_terms - Siletz Bay, Yaquina Bay, Alsea Bay, Yachats River estuary
Biblio_terms - Siletz Estuary
Biblio_terms - Siletz Falls
Biblio_terms - Siletz Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Siletz Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Siletz Indian Reservation
Biblio_terms - Siletz Keys
Biblio_terms - Siletz littoral cell
Biblio_terms - Siletz Marsh
Biblio_terms - Siletz Park
Biblio_terms - Siletz Reservation
Biblio_terms - Siletz Rive
Biblio_terms - Siletz River
Biblio_terms - Siletz River Basin
Biblio_terms - Siletz River Bridge
Biblio_terms - Siletz River Canyon
Biblio_terms - Siletz River estuary
Biblio_terms - Siletz River Estuary, Millport Slough, Petaluma Marsh, Tule Slough, Tufted harigrass = Deschampsia cespitosa, Baltic rush = Juncus balticus, Argentina anserine = silverweed cinquefoil, Creeping bentgrass = Agrostis stolonifera, saltmarsh, wetland vegeta
Biblio_terms - Siletz River Fish Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Siletz River Salmon Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Siletz River Spit
Biblio_terms - Siletz River Volcanics
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Boulder Creek, Warnick Creek, South Fork Siletz River, Beaver Creek (Siletz), Yaquina River, Mary’s River, Luckiamute River, geography, geology, paleosciences, hydrology, sediments
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Chinook salmon = Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, genetics, life history information, population biology,
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, climate, precipitation, streamflow, water temperature, mathematical modeling
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Drift Creek, Fowler Creek, Smith Creek, Sampson Creek, Siletz River Volcanics, Tyee Formation, geology, coastal hazards, erosion, landslides, sediment data, soils, logging, mathematical modeling, water quality
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Fivemile Creek, Tahkenitch Lake, genetics, molecular biology, nematodes, parasites, taxonomy
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Mill Creek, South Fork Mill Creek, Cerine Creek, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, habitats, large woody debris, hydrology, sediments, juvenile fish
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Mill Creek, South Fork Mill Creek, Cerine Creek, Coho salmon = Oncorhynchus kisutch, large woody debris, hydrology, streamflow, juvenile fish, habitat restoration, mathematical modeling
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Mill Creek, South Fork Mill Creek, Cerine Creek, Gunn Creek, geography, habitat restoration, habitats, hydrology, large woody debris, sediment data, Pacific salmonids = Oncorhynchus spp.
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Siletz Bay, Depoe Bay, Yaquina River, Yaquina Bay, Alsea River, Alsea Bay, Siuslaw River, Siuslaw Bay, birds, marbled murrelet = Brachyramphus marmoratus, endangered species, depleted populations, population count, spatial distribution, te
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Siletz Falls, Steelhead trout = Oncorhynchus mykiss, depleted populations, genetics, hatchery salmonids, hatcheries, wild salmonids
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Siuslaw River, statistics, Tillamook Bay, Umpqua River,
Biblio_terms - Siletz River, Siuslaw River, statistics, Tillamook Bay, Umpqua River, Yaquina River
Biblio_terms - Siletz Spit
Biblio_terms - Siletz Spit, Salishan, coastal hazards, erosion, flooding, climate, human impacts
Biblio_terms - Siletz Spit, Siletz Bay, Salishan, coastal hazards, erosion, flooding, climate
Biblio_terms - Siletz Yaquina River
Biblio_terms - silica
Biblio_terms - silicate
Biblio_terms - silicate data
Biblio_terms - Silicate rocks
Biblio_terms - Silicoflagellates
Biblio_terms - silicon
Biblio_terms - Silkweed = Potentilla anserine
Biblio_terms - Sills
Biblio_terms - Siltcoos Creek
Biblio_terms - Siltcoos Creekt
Biblio_terms - Siltcoos Dunes
Biblio_terms - Siltcoos estuary
Biblio_terms - Siltcoos Lake
Biblio_terms - Siltcoos outlet
Biblio_terms - Siltcoos River
Biblio_terms - Siltcoos River estuary
Biblio_terms - Siltez River Hatchery
Biblio_terms - Silurian
Biblio_terms - silver
Biblio_terms - Silver Creek
Biblio_terms - Silver surf perch = Hyperprosopon ellipticum
Biblio_terms - silver surfperch=Hyperprosopon ellipticum
Biblio_terms - Silverspotted sculpin = Belpsias cirrhosus
Biblio_terms - Simpson Creek
Biblio_terms - Simpson Reef
Biblio_terms - Singe Creek
Biblio_terms - Siskiyou Mountains
Biblio_terms - Sisters Rocks Area
Biblio_terms - Sitka Flat
Biblio_terms - Sitka periwinkle = Littorina sitkana
Biblio_terms - Sitka periwinkle=Littorina sitkana Philippi 1846
Biblio_terms - Sitka spruce = Picea sitchensis
Biblio_terms - Sitka willow = Salix sitchensis
Biblio_terms - Sitka willow=Salix sitchensis
Biblio_terms - Sitkalidak Formation
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw Bay
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw Dune
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw estuary
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw Indians
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw National Forest
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw River
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw River Basin
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw River Bridge
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw River estary
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw River estuary
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw River Estuary
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw River Estuary, Umpqua River Estuary, Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, Pacific marten = Martes caurina, territoriality, geographical distribution
Biblio_terms - Siuslaw River, Smith River, North Umpqua River, Myrtle Creek, Coquille River, McKenzie River, Applegate River, terrestrial vegetation, riparian areas, habitats, water quality, water temperature, fishes, ecosystem health, environmental law and policy,
Biblio_terms - Sixes Rive
Biblio_terms - Sixes River
Biblio_terms - Sixes River estuary
Biblio_terms - size composition
Biblio_terms - Skagit River (Wash.)
Biblio_terms - Skamania River
Biblio_terms - Skillet Creek
Biblio_terms - Skokomish River
Biblio_terms - Skonun Formation
Biblio_terms - Skookum Lake
Biblio_terms - Skookum Pond
Biblio_terms - Skull Creek
Biblio_terms - Skunk Creek
Biblio_terms - Slate Creek
Biblio_terms - slender sole = Eopsetta exilis
Biblio_terms - Slick Creek
Biblio_terms - Slick Rock
Biblio_terms - Slick Rock Creek
Biblio_terms - Slick Rock Creek (Salmon)
Biblio_terms - Slide Creek
Biblio_terms - Slide Creek Dam
Biblio_terms - Slide Creek Reservoir
Biblio_terms - Slide Recreation Area
Biblio_terms - Slides
Biblio_terms - Sloop Creek (Yaquina)
Biblio_terms - Slopeland
Biblio_terms - Slotted Pen Creek
Biblio_terms - Smallmouth Bass = Micropterus dolomieu
Biblio_terms - smelt
Biblio_terms - Smelt family = Osmeridae
Biblio_terms - Smith Creek
Biblio_terms - Smith River
Biblio_terms - Smith River (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Smith River Basin
Biblio_terms - Smith River Basin (Umpqua)
Biblio_terms - Smith River Falls
Biblio_terms - Smiths Ferry
Biblio_terms - Smithwick Formation
Biblio_terms - smooth allifgatorfish=Anoplagonus inermis
Biblio_terms - Smooth bay shrimp = Crangon stylirostris
Biblio_terms - Smooth bay shrimp = Lissocrangon stylirostris
Biblio_terms - smooth bay shrimp=Lissocrangon stylirostris
Biblio_terms - Snag Alley
Biblio_terms - Snails
Biblio_terms - Snake prickleback = Lumpenus sagitta
Biblio_terms - snake prickleback=Lumpenus sagitta
Biblio_terms - Snake River
Biblio_terms - Snohomish Estuary (Wash.)
Biblio_terms - Snoqualmie River (Wa.)
Biblio_terms - Snow Creek
Biblio_terms - Snow Cree